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Color Room

Color Room Walkthrough[REPLAY] Colour Room Escape is another point'n'click room escape game. In foreign language but playable. Try to escape by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. hi lisa i am in the end of this game

  2. i am waitning for the 123 bee new game

  3. Hi bibidoula, I don't find the place to use the SD.

  4. i can't understand because it is in chainees

  5. i have all the items baut i did not understande and i have 3 numbers for the code but...

  6. I also have most of the items I need 2 triangle more I think (must be 9 of them?

  7. I've got:

    Yellow "paper"
    Turkish "paper"
    2 keys - one used
    Screw driver - used
    paper with code
    Paper in red, black, green, yellow and blue (something with the olypic rings?).
    5 papers in red with different shapes

  8. now I see that we need 7 triangle. I have now 3 number for the code like you.

  9. dratini where to use Screw driver ?

  10. where is the sd please?

  11. Hi Dratini, were you use the SD?

  12. oh, I find the place for the SD and the pliers and noe one more number for the code.

  13. and out, we need 4 digit number for the code.

  14. lisa the numbers are:4.4.9

  15. Alison, the Sd is in the 3rd drawer. you nffd a key

  16. bibidoula, the code has 4 different numbers

  17. Sorry for keeping you waiting, had to make som food for my little boy ;)

  18. the 1st number you get from the paper with the symboks. the 2nd number you get from the cilor you put in the fram the 3rd number you get from the place you use the SD and the 4th number you get from the triangles

  19. lisa haw to get hte fourthe number plz?

  20. I have 2 numbers from the tangram, 2 numbers from the place where I used the screwdriver and a number from the morse code (FIRST). I have 3 keys but I'm missing one for the bedside table.

  21. There is also a paper with "only four" on one of the shelves.

  22. put all triangles in ther place (in the diamond on the shelf) and you get the 4th number.
    what numbers you already get?

  23. This paper mean that we need only four numbers for the code.

  24. I have the 3rd (1) and the 4th (9) numbers. I don't know what to do with the "only four" paper and "first" in morse code.

  25. Pascale, the two numbers you get from each place are the place in the code and the number. and in the the morse code you get the place of the number now look the other side of the paper for the number.

  26. Sue, you can use the SD on the right side of the shelf ( in the middle we have a diamond right from it).

  27. hm...why does noone help? saw several questions for screwdriver... and what means (quote): the 2nd number you get from the cilor you put in the fram (comment 15:23)

  28. In the chest ther is a fram (maybe a game?) and you can put the color (not cilor - my mistake)squares you have in your inventory. use the hint on the bad for the order.

  29. Thanks a lot, Lisa, but I can't turn the paper over, I can see only one side of it !

  30. I mean in the drawer in the chest - sorry i type slowly and in bad English

  31. in the same side you have 2 column, in the left one you get the ward "first" and in the right one you get the number.

  32. np - got it now. its a bad game, also seems buggy and stupid navigation. but thx lisa.
    @ Pascal...couldnt turn it myself... bruteforce worked... and there are 4 different numbers... so you dont need to start with a 1 :-)

  33. I have also 5 coloured squares and I don't know where to use them.

  34. Pascale, open the drawer in the chest beside the bed whith the key you get from the lamp. and inside the drawer you find a game ther you put the coloured squares

  35. I agree with you, Sue. I had to restart my computer, I won't restart this game.

  36. Must be some bugs in this game. I can't find any number where I used the SD and I can't find anything below the drawer at the bed :(

    Have tried to reload the came, and now I can't take the key on top of the bed either :(

  37. Dratini after you use the Sd you cut the pillar whith the pliers
    the key on top of the bed you take with the hook ot something that look like a hook.

    I'll try to wrote a WT

  38. Pick up keycard from floor
    Turn left. Click each shelf. 2 red triangles and a red square. Note and smiley pic as well.
    Click top of shelf to ceiling. Take red square from light.
    Left and lift pillows. Black square. Key on bedhead. (can't get it)
    Left and red piece from curtain and green square under rug.
    Left and red piece on desk. Paper on desk. 2 columns of morse code. Left gives position right gives number. Close up on books for strange saying. Top drawer for blue and yellow squares and hook - use hook to get key off bedhead. Second drawer for blue and yellow blocks. Under drawers on floor for key. Unlocks bottom drawer get screwdriver.

    Now I'm stuck. I know the red pieces go on the wall but I'm missing 2 pieces. and I don't know where to use the SD

  39. POP. Key from bedhead opens right side drawer in shelf. Get red piece and key. Screwdriver opens a panel in the right inner part of shelf.

  40. ok now missing key for bedside drawers. clicked all over the stupid lamp but not winning :-(

  41. TarantinoFan, you are quick, I'm still type the WT, but you do good job so I stop.

    for the lamp hit first on the head of the lamp to make it wark.

  42. Use tab to find the hotspots.

    Before you turn on the lamp, click the first book on the desk. I couldn't turn it one before I did that.

  43. Thanks Lisa. Still playing with the silly lamp. We are talking about the lamp on the desk next to the books?

  44. you will see the key on the floor.
    if not, maybe you already took it and not remember. it's the below right key in the inventory. you open with it the chest near the bed.

  45. ohhh I just made more books appear by clicking the yellow book while I had the yellow block selected. Still can't get the lamp to work though!

  46. POP. Finally key just appeared when I clicked the lamp switch.

  47. the yellow block is a book. when you put it near the books you read the first letter in all books and turn the lamp. then zoom out and you find a key in the floor.
    i thogh you finish the game.

  48. TarantinoFan, ah thank you, that's how the other books appeared. I did it by accident first time and couldn't do it again.

    What is the blue block for?

    You don't need to click the books to make the lamp work, sorry my mistake.

  49. Key from right drawer opens left drawer. Get pliers and red piece.
    Pliers cut bars in shelf panel.

    Buggy game so spent a long while trying to get key from lamp. Click the yellow block in inventory and click the yellow book. Extra books appear. Click somehow on the lamp and a key will appear on the floor in front of the desk.
    Open bedside and use coloured blocks in the Olympic Rings pattern shown on the bed.

    Enter Code in panel. Insert Keycard. ESCAPE!

    From Morse Code note = first two
    From panel = third one
    From Red Puzzle = fourth nine
    From Bedside Puzzle = second four.
    So 2419.

  50. ok just went back to replay and as lisa said before you click on one of the books in your inventory (either yellow or blue) and click on the books. 2 more books are added and read across the top of the books. TURN ON LAMP. Then click the lamp and you'll get the key! :-)

  51. Colour Room Walkthrough:

    1. pick up a card
    2. from the desk take a morse code - if you check **-* ** *-* *** - you will know that first number of code is 2
    3. from the desk you take red piece
    4. try to switch on the lamp - the key fall down on the floor - take it
    5. check drawers in the desk - in first drawer is hook, blue square, yellow square
    in the second - yellow and blue books
    6. on the desk you put the book yellow and blue
    7. check under the desk - there is a key to the third drawer the third drawer is screwdriver
    9. under the carpet is green square
    10. on the windowsill is red piece
    11.under the pillow is black square
    12. on verge of the bed, above pillow is the key, use the hook to take it
    13.above the bed is red piece
    14. open the shelf near the bed with the new key (look at point 12) and take black thing (it serve as puzzle for colourful square)
    15. go to the wall cupboard - check the sheves - on the left in the middle - two red pieces, on the right , on the top shelf is red square, in the middle shelf is information "only four" this means ony four numbers you need to open the door
    16.use the black square you have in your inventory to open the left drawer - you find one red piece and key to the second drawer
    17. open the right drawer with the key, take the one red piece and pliers
    18. stand in front of wall cupboard and check the wall of the cupboard - you must find grey square with nails - use screwdriver and after that pliers - you know the third number is 1
    19. use the red pieces to rhombus - use the red pieces and put the red sqare, you know that fourth numer of the code is 9
    20. next you check the last number - use the black thing you have, put on it the colourful pieces in the same way like the circles on the bed - you know the second number of the code 4
    21. you know the code, go to the door, put the card and write the code 24 19


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