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Escape the Room

[REPLAY] Escape: The Room is another point and click escape the room game. In this game, you try to search to find items and clues in order to escape from the room. You can use an item by clicking and dragging anywhere. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Escape: The Room Walkthrough

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  1. Hi Chelsey! Joining in! :D

  2. I'm stuck with 2 notes, knife, radio and 8 numbers

  3. use knife at the bottom of the trash to read webdings symbol.

  4. reading backwards (mirror), it looks like 1509?. The last symbol doesn't look like anything in wingdings

  5. I think it's numbers. But still missing the 9. Stuck.

  6. I have the 9 - did you get the ones under the bed and night table?

  7. there are 2 under the bed views

  8. I don't have the 9 either.

  9. yes I ve got all numbers except 9. I think code is 15093 or 39051. but not sure.

  10. Oops. Accidentally hit a side banner. Restarting...

  11. Weird. I wrote numbers 0-9 in wordpad to see the symbols and none of them look like these. Still need the 9 and hoping popset29 is right on the code :)

  12. strange - I have all the numbers escept 8

  13. Hi all! the last number is 3...where is number 0?

  14. @mgkanda - are you using wingdings or webdings? The note says wingdings and they match up except for 1

  15. @Chiara - is it 15093? because that's not working for me

  16. oh...sorry, I was using webdings. woops :s

  17. I'm using wingdings starting with zero (0123456789)

  18. okay, thanks @annaby. Makes sense now lol. I got same as popset. Still need the 9 though.

  19. duh - just realized I started with one, Recalculating

  20. @annaby: I've just found 0 and the paper with wingdings and mirror, so code is 39051, but key doesn't let me escape :(

  21. @mgkanda: if I remember right, 9 is under bed, click on the right

  22. the 9 is under bad in the right.

  23. 6 behind the curtains
    5 and 7 in the trash
    1 in the drawer open
    2 under the pillow
    4 under the bed
    3 in the trash (after using the knife)
    8 in the closed drawer

    I do not remember where the zero.

    He still missing the nine

  24. (semi-spoiler)

    Oh, and had to reinstall Wingdings...

  25. Chiara, I just started the game and am looking at the trash can, but I think the code is 16093.
    Missing the number 9 though.

  26. for number 9. click under bad and click right.

  27. 39051 worked for me, but still can't get out the door

  28. Thx lisa! Yes 9 is under the bed.

  29. sorry, the 0 is under chest

  30. Ah I see, you have to rotate and mirror it.
    Anyone able to tell me where to find the number 0?

  31. @Cool: for me the chest open with 39051...I try to restart

  32. 39051 works. Get a key from the chest but seems to oesn't work for the door.

  33. Cool, the ziro is under the chest near the bad.

  34. Struggling with the door key too now.

  35. it says it's a false key so I"m stuck

  36. I found 0 under night table...

  37. What to do with the radio?

  38. I think the only use for the radio was to turn it off

  39. tried to lock the radio in the chest to create "total silence", but the chest will not have it.

  40. got it - open the chest again and use the knife

  41. I still don't understand the symbols. how you can see a number on that?

  42. radio is a mistery for me

  43. I also noticed that the two pieces of ripped paper do not really fit to each other. Looks like there's another piece missing?

  44. the small left button on the radio turns it off

  45. @Cool - the 2 pieces are all you need

  46. Lol, there WAS something missing. Just not a piece of paper.

  47. I restart and code doesn't work anymore

  48. @lisa: you still need help with the symbols or figured it out now?

  49. if you need help: open microsoft word and select as font "wingdings", then write with this font the numbers 0-9 and you have the appendant symbols... mirrored it will be the code

  50. what am I missing? key doesn't work on door...

  51. Sabine, I didn't figured it out I use the code like it wrote hear. I try to use Wingdings but whith no success. Thanks for all your help.

  52. OH, now it's work. I forgot change my computer to English.

  53. @Chiara: you don't have to open door with key

  54. YW lisa... but... i thought, numbers are the same in every language? i also didn't change language to english, it's still italian... hmmm... but nvm... in the end the code works for you ;-)

  55. Sabine, maybe it because the letters in English and the letter in Italian are same, but in Hebrew the are totally different letters.

  56. oh wow... yes... now i understand... i never thought about this, sorry

  57. Well, thanks again for your help, Sabine. hope see you in the other games.

  58. The chest has a false bottom. Use the knife on the bottom of the chest just like you did with the trashcan/bin.

  59. Thanks a lot, Eeeek ! The key was a red herring, we escape with an axe !

  60. Escape the Room Walkthrough:

    1. Click left until you're facing the bed.
    2. Click on the pillow and take the items.
    3. Click between the bed and the drawer and take number.
    4. Click left of the very bottem left inventory box in the game screen. You should switch the other side of the bed. Take the number.
    5. Click back until you're facing the drawer.
    6. Open the bottem drawer and take number and knife.
    7. Click until you're facing the trash can.
    8. Look down into the trash can and take numbers.
    9. Click the "Click Here" box above your inventory until it says "Use Item".
    10. Drag the knife and use it in the bottem of the trash can.
    11. Take the number and key. Don't worry about the symbols.
    12. Click until you're facing the curtain.
    13. Click curtain and take the radio and number.
    14. Go back to the drawer.
    15. Make sure the box says "Use Item".
    16. Use the key you just found on the drawer.
    17. Take all the items inside.
    18.Click at the bottem of the drawer until you look underneath.
    19. Grab the remaining numbers.
    20. Go to the chest now.
    21. Change the box to "About Items".
    22. Click on the radio.
    23. Click the small grey button at the very bottem left of the radio. (Left of the 3 large ones).
    24. The music should be off now and you can use the numbers.
    25.Change the box to "Use Items".
    26. Drag each following numbers to the empty boxes starting from the left: 3 9 0 5 1 .
    27. Drag the key you got from the drawer onto the key hole.
    28. Take the fake key.
    29. Use the knife the same way you used it on the trash can on the bottem of the chest.
    30. Take the axe.
    31. Go to the door.
    32. Use the axe on the door.
    33. Watch the cheesy ending.
    34. You've beat the game! Have a nice day.

  61. k, this is what you do:
    face the bed
    click the tiny beige part to the left corner under it
    get the 4
    click to the right side
    get the 9
    look in the bottom nightstand drawer to get the knife and the 1
    click under the nightstand
    get the zero and the note
    look in the garbage can to get the five and seven
    use the knife with the bottom of the can
    get the key and the 3
    the note says something about wingdings and a mirror, and is says 15093 in wingdings, reverse that to get the code 39051
    go to the window and get the radio
    (you dont really need the 6)
    use the key to unlock the top nightstand drawer
    get the key and note (you dont need the 8)
    clik "use items" to swich to about items mode
    press the small button to turn off the radio
    put the numbers in the order: 39051
    use the key
    get the key from inside the chest, but ignore it, its fake
    use the knife on the bottom of the chest to get the axe
    use the axe on the door
    you're free! hope that helps

  62. i know how to open the door!!!!!! right click and then press play. it really works


    bring a mirror from ur bath.....and look at the code in the trash withe the mirror.....u will see the numbers 3 9 0 5 1 in the font "wingdings"......go to word and type wingdings.....then write 39051........those are the same symbols....

  64. this driving me nuts i turned of radio placed numbers key wont go in,i dont understand wat u mean go to word type wingdings

  65. i have never used word pad so can some one give me clear easy instructions,personaly i prefer games not where u have to do some thing like this we not all comp geeks to understand stuff like this

  66. @shaz - you can use word - type the numbers 0 to 9, highlight and change font to wingdings


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