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Kapabo's Summer Holidays

Another game from the maker of Hopping Ham's Adventure which we have played before. Help little Kapabo to find his lost parents. For this you have to find and use items and clues.

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  1. very cute little game

  2. great game. im lazy to write a walkthrough but for those who needs help, u can email me :

  3. PC Animal Park:
    1. Click Kapabo's head 3 times until he sits up.
    2. Click his photo album and flip through it. When you're done, click Kapabo to go back to the view of his room.
    3. Click the middle-bottom of the screen to swim up to the surface. Once there, click the tricycle behind the tree. You'll ride off on it.
    4. Go left twice to talk to the man.
    5. Click: the middle-bottom of the screen, the back pack, the man's head, the note.
    6. Where'd he go? Oh! There he is. Click the playground, then Kapabo. (Then Kapabo again.)
    7. Aww... poor little guy. Click him once more so he faces you. Click the paper on the ground behind the sign, and click the top-left picture on it.
    8. Click the red arrow (or the place it's pointing to. All the same thing.) Go right.
    9. Click the bottom-middle (the water).
    10. Click the back pack first, then all the other items: camera, sleeping bag, rain coat, Road Map. Exit: bottom-middle.
    11. When that mouse-and-cheese sign appears in the corner, that means it's time to move on. Click the back pack, then the square it opens until you see the map. Click on Kapabo, and click Ueno. (You start in Okutama.)

    1. Here you need to click around and find items. There's: a hammer (under the sign, top-left), a square of sandpaper (at the bottom of the vertical yellow sign beneath the clock), a tool of some sort (forgive me for not knowing what it is... it's under the clock top-center.), an air pump (to the right of the clock, sitting on a sign with a red border and blue lettering), a... I think it's a patch of rubber or something... (it's in the yellow stripe on the sign around the pole. Can't miss it.), and a tube of some adhesive (on the blue thing above the lady on the far right).
    2. Got all that? Now go left. It's night time. I think that if it's not night, that means you missed something, but it's been a while since I've missed something. Click on the gate that says Closed.
    3. Click the backpack and use the sleeping bag with Kapabo.
    4. Close the backpack and click on the panda. Once he wakes Kapabo, click the lever.
    5. Before bed, use the camera with Kapabo. Then use the sleeping bag with Kapabo again.
    6. Use the map with Kapabo and go to Sendai.

    1. Click the girl with the bunny hat. After the conversation, use the camera with Kapabo.
    2. X3 OMG! Song time! Sing if you can read Japanese!
    3. When Kapabo says "How do you do?", click the mother's head.
    4. Click the right side of the doorway.
    5. Click the trash can, and get the paper. Then click the window, click the girl in the window, then click Kapabo.
    6. Click Kapabo and watch the conversation.
    7. Ok, ready? Click the plug on the TV, click the middle of the two doors, BEFORE THE MOM GOES BACK click the door knob of the left door. Click the fridge. Open the top door and take ONLY the mayo (yellow bottle on the door). Click the edge of the door to close it, then open the bottom drawer. Take the cucumbers, and close the drawer. Click the girl's head, then the little containers on the table. Take ONLY the salt. Click the top-left to return, and click the right edge of the screen to leave the kitchen.
    8. Once they start eating, click the clock. Use the sleeping bag with Kapabo. Close the backpack, click the light, click the window, click Kapabo.
    9. Click Kapabo, click the paper and crayons at the end of the bed. Click the window, then Kapabo to leave.
    10. Pull out the map and head to Kensennuma.

    1. Click the net, and when they have the fish close and popping out of the water a bit, click on the fish. Then use the camera with Kapabo.
    2. Close the backpack and click on the poor little fish... click it again at "What's up?" and once more at "It's cruel..." Itadakimasu! ^.^ Thank you for the meal!
    3. Click anywhere within the glow of the fire to tell them your story. Take the button from the man.
    4. Click the tent to turn off the light and sleep.
    5. Open the map and go to Tohno.

    1. What's that in the water? Click it! Then click the Kappa in the stand. Once he leaves, click the stand.
    2. Click the book and study it. When someone arrives, click the magnifying glass. You must correctly read 3 palms. Enter the info JUST as the book says. IN CAPS, and with the hyphen in SO-SO. Keep in mind that their palms are upside down. (Threw me off at first... XD) I thought you had to do 3, but I'm not sure... it might be 4 or 5. But in any case, you'll get it.
    3. When the Kappa comes back, and you're free, click on the little portal thing.
    4. Click the bed, click the light, click the light, click the portal.
    5. Use camera with Kapabo. Open the map and go to Aomori.

    1. Right in front of Kapabo's face, there's a little thing with 2 green signs. Click it twice.
    2. Click the "Train Only" sign. On the next screen, click the bottom two stairs.
    3. Click the left side of the screen, and a man will take you to his boat. Click the front of the boat, and... OMG! Song time again! ^.^ And this one has a translation!
    4. Aww, the ride's over? Click Kapabo, then use the camera with him.
    5. On the right side of the map, go to Hakodate.

    1. Ok, actually, you're already in Hakodate... Click the tiny grey square on the top of the hill in the distance.
    2. Click left to go to the cable car, and click on the sign on the car. Use the magnifying glass on it! Tree? Ok!
    3. Click the bottom of the screen twice, and go right to go to the tower. If you wish, go up the stairs to see what there is to see. But what we're looking for is the bottom of the middle tree on the left side. Click the button to press it.
    4. Go back to the cable car and use the door on the little building. In the morning, Open up the map and go to Sapporo.

    ...Oh, haha... My internet just messed up. XD Ok, well, here this is. I'll replay to this point in a few minutes...

  4. Oh, cool, I could skip right to it. XD

    1. Use the camera with Kapabo once you get to that point.
    2. Click the door to the ramen restaurant. I love this part. ^.^ Click each of them to see what they want. It's different each time, I believe. Now, first, you put Sio or Miso into the bowls depending on what they want. Then you put soup into each one. The noddles add by themselves. Then grab the Sappro container from the left and add it to each. EACH ONE MUST HAVE Menma, Negi, and Naruto. Then add the rest of whatever they asked for. Give each bowl to the right person, and they eat. If you did it wrong, they'll ask for another. If you did it right, they'll thank you.
    3. Click the right side of the screen.
    4. Open the map and go to Biei.

    1. Ok. I'm SO glad I'm writing this down now, because I never remember it... First, click the bucket to bring it closer to you. Use the Raincoat with the Bucket. Then use the Emergency button with Kapabo. (Amazing, isn't it? XD)
    2. Use that metal tool thing with the tire. Use the Air Pump with the black part hanging out. Close the backpack, and click on the bucket of water.
    3. Use the sandpaper with the little X on the tire. Then use the tube of stuff on it, then use the black circle on it. Now, use the hammer on it.
    4. Use the tool-thing with the tire once more, and use the Air Pump on the tire again. (Took me much longer to figure it all out last time... XD)
    5. Close the backpack and take your raincoat back.
    6. Use the camera with Kapabo once you're finished with the carrots.
    7. In the morning, open the map and head to Nayoro.

    1. Use the magnifying glass with the mouse! ^.^ How cute.
    2. Close the backpack. Click and drag the mouse to your head, and turn left twice. Click the thing that looks like a green mouse in the distance.
    3. Click and drag the mouse to his mother.
    4. Use the camera with Kapabo. Time to find a place to sleep! Click the bottom of the screen.
    5. Click the right side of the screen a few times until you get to the end of the train. Click on the very last door.
    6. Open the map once more and head to... Hamatonbetsu! ^.^

    1. Click the little brown house in the distance. Could it be?
    2. Click the Kappas... and again... It is! Mom! Dad!
    3. Wait a minute or so while they hug, then click Kapabo's stomach.
    4. Click Kapabo's head in the window.
    5. Click the window. When they sit to eat cake, click his Mom's head.
    6. When Dad points, click the left of the screen... A computer! It's a Kapple. o.0
    7. Click the box. Back to cake!
    8. Use the camera with Kapabo one more time.

    PC Animal Park:
    1. Click the door to the photo place to get your pictures printed.
    2. Click the water to go back home!
    3. Click the box in the upper right. Aww, look! Your sleeping bag's back!
    4. Click the label to go back, and then click the photo album.
    5. Flip through it to the end. ^.^ Yay!

    I love all of the little PureColor Animal Park games... They're adorable! This is my favorite though.


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