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SSSG3 - Super Sneaky Spy Guy 3: The Search For The Cursed Amulet

SSSG 3 - Super Sneaky Spy Guy 3: The Search For The Cursed Amulet is third part of SSSG - Super Sneaky Spy Guy point'n'click adventure game. You have to search for clues to find the cursed amuled. Use the navigation buttons to move. Pick up items and check your map to find your location.

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  1. How the chuff are you meant to do this?? all i've seen so far as a couple of numbers, a few dodgy notes and a walking ghost....oh and two puzzles asking for codes and one to fill in the blank....any help please?


    1. write down number at front gate
    2. north, north
    3. reading paper gettin the code:
    first number- sitting since
    second number- hour after waiting
    third number- june
    4. write down the number (window)
    5. south, west
    6. enter code, get red key
    7. north, north
    8. read clue => back to entrance hall
    9. "talk" to the ghost an write down number
    10. north, east, east
    11. small door left side, enter code (no capital letters)and get stone
    12. go west and read clue
    13. west, south, east
    14. painting to the right remember the brothers
    15. to the right side of the "brother-painting" you're gettin a note/poem use stone to it
    16. west, north, east
    17. read clue again an fill in the missing word (no capital letters, no spaces)gettin blue key
    18. south, east, east, north, north, west
    19. get and read scroll
    20. west, south, 3 times west,
    21. enter code (you wrote down the numbers- front gate, window, brohers, ghost)
    22. take the sunglasses
    23. 3 times east, 3 times north,
    24. use sunglasses on painting and get golden key
    25. 3 times south, 4 times east => get amulet.

  3. help
    I do not get the code from the note at the window -
    the code I figured out does not help

  4. please write the firsth code I can't get it in any way

  5. @Frosch
    could you please explain me how to get the first code once more - I don´t get it

  6. For those having trouble finding the first number, it is located on the white gate in the arch--it's the same color as the gate, so it may be hard to see, but it is located in the center of the part of the gate that is showing.

    Thanks for a terrific walkthrough!

  7. Clarification for first pass code: all the numbers come from the first paper you read up using frosch's walkthrough.

    The other numbers you collect from gate, window, number of brothers in painting, and talking to ghost are used after reading the clue from the scroll.

    Thanks, again, frosch--I would have gotten lost without the walkthrough :-)

  8. What is the scroll code? I've tried everything but nothing works!

  9. Actually, #18 should be south, WEST, WEST, north, west; and #23 should be 3x West then 3X North. At least, going east didn't work for me at all - that first east mentioned in the walkthrough led me straight to the code that I needed from the scroll, but before I had a chance to get to the scroll.
    Once you have the scroll, though, you can figure out the code pretty easily.

  10. ok i have been trying to do this thing for ever! I'm stuck even after following your walkthrough I can't get the code right for the red key I don't know why. The note says it was six oclock. She waits for 2 your and he dosnt come, soon it will be june. Is there anyway you can help me?

  11. to get the red key enter 686

  12. eh? wheres the golden key supposed to be

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. can someone help!!! I have used every word to fill in the blank and even made up a few but I still can't get it right. Isn't it brother?

  15. hi everyone can sumone help me is any1 there?

  16. hi can any1 give a better walkthrough and explain about the 1st # and the 2nd # and the 3rd # and bout the sitting since waiting for hours and stuff plz help me

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. # 18 is actually south, west , west, north, east if that helps anyone

  19. # 20 is actually west, south , east , east

  20. Thought I would post an updated walkthrough for those still having trouble. Have fun. Love the sneaky guy games!

    1.Notice the number 7 on top of lattice arch.
    2.Move forward into Long Hall. Notice picture on left side
    of Sir Jeffery. It will say that it was Lady Stella's favorite pic.
    3.Move forward again. Read note on table. It says it is 6 oclock and waiting
    for 2 hours and now it is June. (6,6+2,6) Notice number 1 on window.
    4.Go South, west. Enter code (686) and get red key.
    5.Go east twice and click the picture on right of brothers. Note number 3.
    6.North, East. Click on door ahead and enter Stella. Get stone.
    7.West, South. Click on frame to the right of the brothers picture.
    It will open a note. Drag stone to note and line up the X. Note the
    letters BESTMAN.
    8.North. Get note on table and enter code bestman. Get blue key.
    9.South, West, West, North, North to storage room. Read clue on table.
    10.East to Jeffrey's room. Pick up and read scroll on desk.
    11.West, South,south, East. Click on ghost and note 5th aniversary.
    12.East,East. Enter code from scroll. number from front gate 7. Number from
    window facing the sun 1. Brothers picture 3. Ghost aniversary 5.
    Enter 7135 and you will be in Jeffery's room. Pick up sunglasses.
    13.West 3 times and north 3 times. You are now in Stella's room. Put
    on sunglasses and look at painting on wall. Take gold key.
    14.South 3 times and east 4 times.
    There is the amulet!


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