SSSG 13 - Super Sneaky Spy Guy 13: Super Sneaky Spy Guy to the Rescue is the 13th episode of
SSSG - Super Sneaky Spy Guy point and click adventure game series from
Melting-Mindz. "You were close to finding your wife Stacy when you were knocked unconscious. Now you find yourself in a strange dungeon who knows how long you were knocked out and Stacy could be anywhere by now! Use your skills to escape the dungeon and find Stacy." Have fun!
Play Super Sneaky Spy Guy 13
Anyone out there have spade key bone key impression and now stuck
ReplyDeleteGive the bone to the dog
ReplyDeleteSSSG13 found Tracey have two keys spade jar with firefly cubes and key impress. Instruction to find a way off the island. So close.....
ReplyDeleteSSSG13 knew those fireflys had something to do. Found a submarine! but still need something....
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck at the same part. For those who have got further, is it something to do with the bit where 'there might be a mouse in there'?
ReplyDeleteIt use key on stone and the stone on the fireplace.
ReplyDeleteRedroobar, have you got something from the safe?
ReplyDeleteA few suggestions: water to small swimmingpool, eggs on the candelstick, three fireflys to the jar, the key to hiding-place under the carpet, the pills from bathroom for women.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like to count:
ReplyDeleteHow come?? I found gold key,bone,spade...and push a brick but nothing happen..
ReplyDeleteWhat are the fireflies used for??? I have made it to the submarine and have used the button.....now what???
ReplyDeleteyou are a genious!
I have been clicking around for over an hour and still only have key, shovel, and rock....ughhhh
will be shoveling around in here till someone does walkthrough I'm afraid.
sooooo frustrated..
i´m stuck, only got the shovel and the key....help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCan´t anyone help? Please??
ReplyDeleteI have shove, gold key, stone with keyimpr.
I gave the dog the bone. Dont have a jar to put the dragonfly in.... What do I do next? It seems that I can´t go anywhere! Where does the golden key fit?
Please HELP!
Just sussed the thing eith the key... But now what???
ReplyDeleteBeen down in the wine cellar, got silver key....
ok i have a shovel, gave the bone to the dog, pushed the lever and was able to get the key.. now what???
ReplyDeletealex, do you have the stone with the key impression on it?
ReplyDeleteIf not, u have to push one of the stones with red symbols on it so a brisck falls on the floor. Then use the key with the stone and throw it in the fire. Take the gold key from the stone, and hey presto the "new" gold key fits in the "door" in front of you!
I have been trying to get a brick to fall for over an hour....which one falls????? URGH!
ReplyDeleteHow in the world to I get the stone with the key impression? I've pushed the bricks with symbols over and over, especially the third one down since it seems to flicker when pushed. Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteThe bricks with red symbols on them, think it was the bottom one..The one that changes slightly when you press it. I pressed it for a few seconds and drag the mouse to the floor. Try!
ReplyDeleteIt still isn't working for me :( I must be an idiot.
ReplyDeleteGeez. I still can't get that brick to fall! Nor can I click on the stone and "drag" it away. I think I'm missing something key, here. (No pun intended!)
ReplyDeletelisa, marie, and sparky just keep clicking the same stone till it falls..it WILL eventually fall.
ReplyDeleteThen use key with stone and use them in fire and you will get the key for the gate ahead.
Hope this helps you guys...
I gave up walking around the island and can not figure how to get faucet in tub to work......ugghhhh
good luck
grammy, I've now pressed for 3 1/2 straight minutes without stopping...but my hand's tired! Is there anything special you have to do before clicking the brick to trigger the action? I have the spade, the key, gave the bone to the dog. Now I've worked on the brick, unsuccessfully. Is it the 3rd brick down (that sort of flashes when you push it?) Any other ideas?
ReplyDeletePress it by turns: 1234, 1243, 1324, 1342, 1423, 1432, 2134... I did it just like that and it worked.
ReplyDeleteI have news for you: press 3,4,2,1,3 :)
ReplyDelete@grammyapples: in house2,the rightmost room(garden spa)in the rightmost lower corner you´ll find a bucket-fill the tub with water from fountain
ReplyDeleteanyone knows how to find the submarine? I´m totally stuck(shovel,stone,keys,fireflies,bucket,cubes,pills and no more ideas:(
ReplyDeleteGo to the hut. There is hiding-place under the carpet.
ReplyDeletegorka,thanx a lot :) I must´ve been blind!
ReplyDeletehow do you get into the hut?
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to convert from clicking to removing :) But it is always necessary to remove something in SSSG.
ReplyDeleteHow do you get the key from the wine cellar? This is killing me!
ReplyDeleteWhich key: yellow or grey?
ReplyDeleteto get key from wine cellar I clicked all the circles on that box and hit enter and got key I clicked clockwise.
ReplyDeleteI got the silver one... wow, there's a yellow one there too?!?
ReplyDeleteNevermind I used silver key to get into hut and moved rug and found Staci and gave her pills but now shes gone and I don't know what to do next?
ReplyDeleteIf you have 3 firefly, you can go.
ReplyDeleteThanks I used fireflies and I am now in sub found pin now what?
ReplyDeleteI placed pin/coin in front of chair in sub and it started
ReplyDeleteUse coin on the wires and blocks on squares.
ReplyDeleteI can't get it, I give up. I don't know what I am doing wrong. The brick won't move for me. I have tried and tried.
ReplyDeletePress 3,4,2,1,4.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say: 3,4,2,1,3
ReplyDeleteTHANK you! That worked once I figured out what you were trying to tell me. LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks Gorka I am out and didn't even need the battery.
ReplyDeleteI'm such a doofus - I can't figure out how to get the gold key from the first room! Is there a lever? Where is it? I've given the dog the bone, and have a shovel and the brick.
ReplyDeleteomgosh...in hut but don't have key for the padlock......grrrrrr
ReplyDeletewhere do I find blue egg to put in other candleholder????
btw.. unless Stacy is in the cellar of hut ummmmmm she flew the coup cuz she aint in bed LOL
At first I have tested all combinations by turns, but specially for you I have checked it and I have found this proper one.
ReplyDeleteafter you give dog the bone, pull lever in back of him on wall and when you go back to 1st room you can grab the key then go left pound some rocks and when rock falls, use key with rock then use in fire and you will get a new key for gate ahead....
Thanks Gorka :) I appreciate it.
ReplyDeletefound Stacy and gave her pills NOWWWWWW I just have to mplay another 6 or 7 hours to figure what to do next....
Eventually I'm sure I will use the shovel and fireflies huh? LOL
ok i need the third filefly. got one from area by dog, one from... uh, i dont remember.. crap! but i have two and need one more
ReplyDeleteYou welcome :)
ReplyDeleteWhere do you find the cubes?
ok so i have this green easter egg thing.. maybe that has a firefly IN it?? tried using that with the shovel to break it but nothing.. im stuck
ReplyDeletenevermind got the third
ReplyDeleteThey are behind the picture. The last firefly is in box on the table.
ReplyDeleteThe easter eggs go on special cups, you'll know when you see them. Fireflies are 1 by dog, 2nd in black box on table and third right by jar you use to put them in. Yellow cubes are in safe behind picture in bedroom.
ReplyDeleteomgosh I did it!!!!!! I'm OUT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust learning how much fun these games can be, I am new at this.
Thanks to ALL for the help!
Perhaps somebody will write a walkthrough. My english is not good enough :)
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! I DID IT!!! thank you everyone for your help!!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't seem to find the green egg. (I have the blue one.) Any hints? And thanks to all of you who have offered help. Saves me about 8 days!
ReplyDeleteyou find the green egg on left when you come out of dungeon.
hope this helps
Ok...coin's in place, blocks are in place...where does the battery go? Also, I didn't do anything with the TV. Never saw a remote. Did I miss something important?
ReplyDeleteThanks all for your help.
Oh well, actually I'm off...without ever using the TV or the battery. Don't ask me how it happened in the end! I'm not sure!
ReplyDeleteNavigate with arrows at bottom. Left get bone off wall. Right and work way to dog, picking up spade and giving dog a bone. Pull lever. return to gate and fire picking up key on way. Press bricks with red marks. (3 4 2 1 3) and brick will drop down. Look at brick it will have an impression. Put gold key on brick and put in fire. New key. Exit dungeon to wine cellar. Note box on left. Continue to barrels. Click in order and note times. Back to box and imagine it is a clock. Press buttons in order from youngest wine. Press button on right to get key.
North out of wine cellar and to the town. Explore. House 2 Pick up jar on Patio 2. Using jar catch firefly on Patio and in Dining Room (open centre piece) and bathroom for pills. Work way to other end of house to Garden Spa for bucket. Note vase.
Go to House 1 picking up green egg in garden. House 1 dining room place green egg and get battery. Kitchen read note on microwave and write it down. Guest room 15 on lamp and move picture for puzzle. Using the numbers from the microwave make a magic square using all those numbers (they are in correct order, so try it) even the diagonals must add to 15.
Get cubes.
Make your way north to fountain. Fill bucket. Head south and west to spa. Fill spa with bucket and repeat twice. Get blue egg.
Go to House 2 right to Garden Spa and place blue egg in vase. Get key.
One more long trip back to dungeon and dog......get last firefly in jar.
Return to town and visit Hut and enter with silver key. Your should have ten items.
Move carpet and use other key to enter. Give Stacy some pills. Use fireflies to light the way. Dig up coin in tunnel. Enter submarine.
Place coin between wires. Enter wheel room of sub and place blocks individually in grey squares above wheel. Finished.....
If you know the password (stacy sneaky) on start, you can also use the remote on TV. But first use the battery on it.
ReplyDeleteI put the gold key in the stone. It says it doesn't quite fit and then says now it's stuck. It won't allow me to put it in the fire. What did I do wrong???
ReplyDeleteVery brilliant, I love all the SUper Sneaky Spy Guy games. NOw i have to wait for SSSG14!
ReplyDeleteUnable to find anything to put the fireflies in........
ReplyDeletei just clicked all over the wall cause i was esasperated at the bricks with the symbols and suddenly i got the stone.
ReplyDeletehow do you get the key from the box I don't know how to do it. If anyone knows please tell me
ReplyDeleteYou know, w/ all due respect, redroobar, you need to give better directions how to get around outside of the dungeon & wine cellar and everything. You know there is no map and it is VERY frustrating to me! I DON'T even know how to get to house #1 or #2, or ANYTHING!!!! It's really rough for me, so you really need to explain in better detail to me how to get around!
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ReplyDeleteHelp! I keep trying to fill the bucket in the fountain, but it doesn't work!
ReplyDeleteI don't even know how to put the stupid key into the brick i dont even know which brick can anyone help me????????????????
ReplyDeleteI like tried to put the stupid key into the stupid brick it won't work!! I don't even know which brick could somebody help me??
ReplyDeleteMollie to get the key from the box go to the wine barrels press them from the first one and note the times 3pm etc. and then go to the box and imagine it is a clock and put the times in
ReplyDeleteThanks Gorka for the right wall code it's my 1st time playing this game. I did the previous ones like ( SSSG-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and now 13 ).
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