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Escape Pink Room

Escape the Pink Room Walkthrough[REPLAY] Escape the Pink Room is another point and click type room escape game from 2keysGames, who is also creater of Escape Library escape the room game. Now, you are locked in a pink room and you need to search there to find objects and clues in order to escape the pink room. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Escape Pink Room Walkthrough

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  1. Help please, I hate sudoku, so now I'm stuck.

  2. I'm the same here I used to play it all the time but the easy stuff this is making me mad. But you have to beat it in order to get the shaft to the gun I beat it once but got stuck under the bed and couldn't get out and reloaded the game :o(

  3. I found something
    go there and put in the numbers of your puzzle and click solve it gets rid of all the hassle :o)

  4. sudoku:
    From left to right
    1.row: 7,4,9,3,1,5,2,6,8
    2.row: 6,1,3,7,2,8,9,4,5
    3.row: 2,8,5,6,9,4,7,3,1
    4.row: 9,7,8,2,5,6,3,1,4
    5.row. 1,3,6,9,4,7,8,5,2
    6.row: 5,2,4,8,3,1,6,9,7
    7.row: 4,6,2,5,8,9,1,7,3
    8.row: 8,5,7,1,6,3,4,2,9
    9.row: 3,9,1,4,7,2,5,8,6

    Stuck with everything else! The only thing I managed to do, was to cut the teddy bear open with scissors! And get the key to open the box. What next!!??

  5. The suduko changes every time so it don't matter what you have I learned that the hard way so the site I posted really helps out a lot. I have three bullets, shaft for bullets, gun, key, bolt, false gems so far

  6. I think the sudoku is different every time

    So far I've got
    * gun in the bin (underneath plate and brush)
    * machine for the gun after finishing sudoku
    * scissors in the first aid box on shelf, to open the belly of the bear (get key)
    * use key on little case on shelf near bed - get out couple of gems to find BULLET (1) (put gems back)
    * BULLET (2) in candywrapper under bed
    * BULLET (3) in first aid box under the pills
    * BULLET (4) under the left pillow

    There's a paperclip underneath the lamp and lipstick behind the safe, but I don't know if I'll need it.

  7. What should we do with all the jewels in the box...there's not enough room in the inventory

  8. The gems are fake, so just put them back - you only want to find the bullet

  9. Found BULLET (5) underneath the lamp behind the paperclip

  10. Found BULLET (6) behind the gem box (click on left side)

  11. A bullet is in the lipstick...have to use the glove to take it

  12. Bullet 8 in jacket pocket, may have to zoom in

  13. CHEERS lettermaster!
    Been waiting for ages for that one;)
    Now its just no 9 left...

  14. Use stethescope from medicine box on safe. Makes a different sound when the number is correct. take out false cash and hey presto! bullet nine. put it into magazine and let the door have it with the gun (no need to lad magazine into gun). And you're done!!

  15. How do you use it on the safe????

  16. just go to the dial on the safe, select the stethescope instead of the hand, then click the numbers till it makes a different sound then move on to next number. the safe will automatically open once all numbers are correct

  17. Putting puzzles in room escape games sucks. I play room games so I don't have to do puzzles. If I wanted puzzles, I would go play puzzle games. Even one puzzle in a room makes my playtime miserable.

  18. does anyone know what to do once you have got all nine bullets.????

  19. Put the bullets in the magazine and just shoot the gun at the door (nine times) - you don't have to attach the magazine to the gun for this.

  20. How do I get the last bullet from the lipstick!? (where do I get the lipstick)

    please help this is driving me crazy :D

  21. It should be behind the safe but i just can't get it! I've tried like a million times, but it won't help!


    Play the sudoko game and get bullet case(dont need screw)

    1st bullet.
    go right look in first aid box, get sissors. Go right again and get teddy. use sissors and get brown key. put sissors and teddy back. Go right twice. put key in red and yellow box. get out all diamonds and get bullet. PUT ALL DIAMONDS BACK.

    2nd bullet.
    Go back to first aid box, look under asprin and get bullet (its very faint)

    3rd bullet.
    Press bottom of lamp get paper clip and then get bullet, put paper clip back.

    4th bullet
    Go to pink safe, press to the righ tof it and get lipstick, open it using glove you get from first aid box (you have to press lipstick a few times)

    5th bullet
    Get stethescope, go to safe and press the numbers. TURN SOUND UP ON COMPUTER. the click will sound different when the number is right. move money, get bullet, put money back.

    6th bullet
    Look at blue coat and zoom in on the right pocket click shaddow and get bullet.

    7th bullet.
    Look under left pillow, get bullet

    8th bullet. Look under bed(click to right of bed) get sweet. open it and get bullet. put wrapper back.

    9th bullet look behind red and yellow nox and get bullet.

    put all the bullets in the bullet case.
    Get gun from bin( under all items)
    Then go to door, just press the bullet case and press the door nine times. Your out

  23. Use the gun to shoot at the door. You don't have to combine the gun and the magazine.

  24. I've clicked all over the pockets in the jacket and I can't get it to zoom in. What am I doing wrong?

  25. OK. I already had the paper clip in my inventory, but I went back under the lamp and there was another paper clip under there. I clicked on it, and it showed a huge paper clip over my "hand" icon. Then I went to the jacket pocket and when I clicked, it gave me that bullet. I don't know if that's a glitch or if it's necessary to get the bullet.

  26. Help! The jacket pockets and around the safe is not clickable! Nothing happens when I click there even though some of you said there were bullets there. Someone said to zoom in. What does that mean? Where do I get the button or whatever to zoom in? :(

  27. The bullet in the jacket pocket is only available when you zoom in (right mouse button) - in my opinion.
    And i think this game is rather buggy concerning this huge paper clip which cannot be removed....

  28. Hi,
    I am deaf and because of that it is difficult for me to open the pink safe. Can someone give me the code for it?

  29. i have no idea how to even use items together... i'm meant to cut the teddy with the scissors right? i have them both in my inventory... yet i can't manage to get it done.
    do i double click something or something else?

  30. how do you get the ninth bullet?? i cant find it?? im going crazy. HELP ME!!

  31. For the 9th bullet click to the left of the box with the gems, as if you were to look behind it. The bullet will be right there.

    To use an object on another object (i.e. scissors on teddy bear), double click on teddy bear to open the "info" window and then use scissors on it, same with the bullets and the magazine.

  32. where is the bin that the gun is in I can't seem to find it

  33. when you look under the bed, you can take the sneaker and squash the spiders. Just in case anyone else hates spiders as much as I do. Oh and is there anyone else that keeps getting interrupted by your window changing to some website, it was encrypt something I think.

  34. Help! I can't get the bullet from the jacket! I am going crazy clicking all over the jacket and nothing is happening!

  35. read the letter on the window...does it bother anybody else that you're helping out an abusive alcoholic?!

  36. jacket zoom in (right click) fuzzy patch bottom right pocket

  37. Although I managed it I think the sound for the safe is really difficult to hear

  38. jgreen! Where is the bin!? This will be difficult. It's next to the safe. Click the inside to look in.

  39. how do i get behind the safe and get that bullet?!?! someone help??!!

  40. I can't get the lipstick.. Is there some fancy schmancy wodoo-thing you have to do on the safe or am I just retarded?
    I clicked top right, top left, right, left, on top, you name it... No lipstick...

  41. There! Got it :P
    I was retarded ^^

  42. i found a gun in the garbage do we have to find another one or something?

  43. This game sucks no doesnt have arrows to like click out of something i went into the first aid box and couldnt get out of it so i just quit the game entirely!!! :(

  44. will someone tell me the code for the safe please?

  45. do you have to get the lipstick before you open the safe?

  46. OMG HELP ME I AM SOOOO STUCK i can not get to the last bullet be hind the safe how do i get to it PLEASE HELP

  47. The code for the safe is random, so the only way to open it is using the sthetoscopy.

  48. ok i have noooo idea how to load the gun! can anyone help me?

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  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. july2005Anyone else having issue putting the gems back in the box? I get down to 2 gems then when i try to put more back I just keep adding more jems. Someone PLEASE help!!!!

  52. Cant get he lipstick please help >.< i got all teh other bullets but cant get the lipstick ...ive cliked the safe a millon times >.< please help ? n.n

  53. ups :P >.< im blind xD got it :P

  54. monkimadness877 you dont have to load the gun just go to the door and press the gun on it

  55. brit... emm its kinda hard its like on the corner.
    right ,bottom

  56. sorry not right bottom its like on the middle of the right side of the box it is where edge of the wall is suposed to be

  57. The code on the safe is 587512 - this is for deaf guy! Enjoy bro.

  58. ive got every thing but i cant figure out what u pplz mean by nox so whats a nox

  59. for those who dont know what a nox is its the chest i just figured it out but thax anyway

  60. Very tricky game. Got me hours to figure out how to get out. To zoom in right click on the image and there you go.

  61. How get I the lipstick?

  62. ( sorry my ennglish but hope you understand)


    Play the sudoko game and get bullet case(dont need screw)YES everyone will love me. no need to spend hours to play this game. just go to: and right down the numbers in the case.

    1st bullet.
    go right look in first aid box, get sissors. Go right again and get teddy. use sissors and get brown key. put sissors and teddy back. Go right twice. put key in red and yellow box. get out all diamonds and get bullet. PUT ALL DIAMONDS BACK.

    2nd bullet.
    Go back to first aid box, look under asprin and get bullet (its very faint)

    3rd bullet.
    Press bottom of lamp get paper clip and then get bullet, put paper clip back.

    4th bullet
    Go to pink safe, press to the righ tof it and get lipstick, open it using glove you get from first aid box (you have to press lipstick a few times) like example: this is the box

    | - | click here
    |___ | <-------

    5th bullet
    Get stethescope, go to safe and press the numbers. TURN SOUND UP ON COMPUTER. the click will sound different when the number is right. move money, get bullet, put money back.

    6th bullet
    Look at blue coat and zoom in on the right pocket click shadow and get bullet.Its dark.

    7th bullet.
    Look under left pillow, get bullet

    8th bullet. Look under bed(click to right of bed) get sweet. open it and get bullet. put wrapper back.

    9th bullet look behind red and yellow nox and get bullet.

    put all the bullets in the bullet case.
    Get gun from bin( under all items)
    Then go to door, just press the bullet case and press the door nine times.

  63. k i need one more bullet man the 9th bullet what the fuck does is the red and yellow nox mean like what the fuck wher is that n whers the magazine for the gun like someone respond quick man

  64. also whats up wit that puzzle thing man can someone tell em about that also please i wanna get this game done already somebody respond quickfast

  65. k man can someone respond quick i got every bullet except for the 9th what does that mean behind the nox what is the red and yellow nox like i just need one more bullet and whers the magazine for the gun

  66. Tnx for the hints!!.. I finish the game so I can now say My HinTs to Everyone who plays it... ^_^

    Play the sudoko game and get bullet case(dont need screw)

    I found something
    go there and put in the numbers of your puzzle and click solve it gets rid of all the hassle ^_^

    1st bullet.
    go right look in first aid box, get sissors. Go right again and get teddy. use sissors and get brown key. put sissors and teddy back. Go right twice. put key in red and yellow box. get out all diamonds and get bullet. PUT ALL DIAMONDS BACK.

    2nd bullet.
    Go back to first aid box, look under asprin and get bullet (its very faint)

    3rd bullet.
    Press bottom of lamp get paper clip and then get bullet, put paper clip back.

    4th bullet
    Go to pink safe, press to the righ tof it and get lipstick, open it using glove you get from first aid box (you have to press lipstick a few times)

    5th bullet
    Get stethescope, go to safe and press the numbers. TURN SOUND UP ON COMPUTER. the click will sound different when the number is right. move money, get bullet, put money back.

    6th bullet
    Look at blue coat and zoom in on the right pocket click shaddow and get bullet.

    7th bullet.
    Look under left pillow, get bullet

    8th bullet. Look under bed(click to right of bed) get sweet. open it and get bullet. put wrapper back.

    9th bullet look behind red and yellow box and get bullet.

    put all the bullets in the bullet case.
    Get gun from bin( under all items)
    Then go to door, just press the bullet case and press the door nine times. Your out

  67. Okay so i have the stethoscope and my volume is up MAX and im clicking to try and open the safe but it isnt working and i dont know what im doing wrong , can anyone help me?

  68. thats hard what am i soppost to do wher do you get the numbers for the stupid little box

  69. how do you zoom in to jacket?how do you get lipstick tube??

  70. yay it worked lettermaster! 1.get the sltelaethiscope* from the medicine box and go to the safe.
    2.then instead of yusing the hand go to the safe and change the numbers
    3.if the numbers make a louder sound when you click them they are the right numbers
    4.when you open it you get something? *fake cash or ? *

  71. what bullet case?
    I'm stuck!
    I can't load the gun!

  72. ok. someone pleez help. im clikin everywhere on the freakin gem box, but i cant get behind it 2 get the stupid bullet! is there a certain place im supposed 2 click 2 get behind it????HELP!!

  73. 2 things lettermaster!!!! how do get the stupid safe open? and how do get to the gem box???!!!

  74. how do you get to the gem box, how do you get through sudoku?

  75. Please help I beg of you, I cant get through the dum safe it wont let me in. And that dum "flyby" is wrong about getting bullet #5

  76. walk throught
    there is ass hole on the floor pick it up and put the finger in

  77. Escape the pink room:

    1. Patrone ist unter dem linken Kissen im Bett
    2. Patrone ist im 3. Raum im Erste Hilfe Kasten…unter den Tablette…bekommt man durch Benutzen der Lupe
    Sudoku lösen (zur Not schaut bei google -> Magazin für Pistole (Titanbolzen unwichtig)
    Pistole ist im Mülleimer (Patronen reintun)
    3. Patrone ist unter der Stehlampe hinter der Büroklammer
    4. Patrone ist unterm Bett im Bonbon
    5. Patrone ist im Lippenstift hinterm Safe…nur mit Handschuhen herausnehmbar
    6. Patrone im Safe: mit Hilfe vom Stetoskop den Safe knacken (auf Geräusch achten)
    Mit Schere den Bauch des Bären aufschneiden -> Schlüssel für die Truhe aus 1. Raum -> Platz machen, denn 8-9 Diamanten raus -> Patrone Nr. 7
    8. Patrone hinter der Kiste im Regal (links klicken)
    9. in der rechten Tasche des Mantels
    Am Schluss noch 9x auf die Tür schießen ->

  78. where is the 9th bullet?...

  79. ok so i have figured out everything else but i can't seem to get the door open with the loaded magazine. I cant find the gun itself...please help! e-mail me at i just want to get out of this room and be done with it!!!!

  80. OMG!!!!!!!!!! alright, i RLLY need to finish this game, and it will annoy me forever if i dont. so, plze PLZE PLZE! can sumone help me out with the bullet BEHIND the yellow and red treasure chest or watever. i already found the one INSIDE of it, but i heard that there is one outside of it, and although it seems to me that ive clicked everywhere, i would like to know where the bullet is behind the chest. plze. like is it on the bottom right, or the top left. or where?

  81. Minir123:

    You need to click just to the left of the box when you're viewing the room. You should notice a small space between the box and the outside part of the shelves.

  82. fuck this i mean how the hell d you get behind the box?

  83. how do i get out of the medicine box thingy thingy i am stuck oooooo please help me i'm just 7 yrs old please help me :(

  84. to put the gems back in the box is hard! I finally got it, u have to click the gems to the closest corner to u. also, WHERE THE HECK IS THE LIPSTICK??

  85. Pick up the paper clip from under the lamp and you'll find a bullet hidden behind the pole. Also, if you go to the first-aid box and look under the little white pill looking things, you will find a bullet. Hope I could help some! (:

  86. I can't get the safe open

  87. I picked up a bunch of random crap around the room, just clicking madly, and now my inventory is too full and I can't pick up the imporatnt stuff, like the bullets and stethescope and what not. Is there a way to get rid of the stuff in your inventory?

  88. I can't get behind the treasure chest or red and yellow box as some of you have called it.

  89. sarasponda if you want to get rid of the items in ur inventory you have to click the places you got them from.

  90. the stethascope is nt working wat do i do

  91. nineth bullet stuck in the brain of creater.

  92. how go i put the bullets in the gun?

  93. I hate this game I got all the bullets and I did it well and then it said that I only had 8 bullets instead of nine >.< *raging!!*

  94. i've finished this game :)
    i just wanna share how i could escape from that room.
    wait for my video !
    i'll share the link here :)


  95. in escape the pink room,, wats the sudoku puzzle.. wats the answers to it??

  96. The sounds with the stethoscope aren't any different from each other or without the hand selected?

  97. @Shazzam
    As far as I can tell, you need to have the stethoscope selected/dragged when turning the dials... turn up your computer volume, since the sound is different only for intensity and not for the sound itself.

  98. Could som1 plz tell me where the freakin magazine is fast before i blow my head offff!and im only10

  99. I zoom into the coat and I still dont see no shadow anywhere D: I only need that bullet!!

  100. LOL, what a coincidence!
    I'm just playing all the creations of 2keysGames - they are a real challenge (also in pixel hunting ;-D), but I like them very much, esp. the limited inventory place, so that you have to choose wisely, what stuff you keep & which one you need to put back (at the same place, where you took it)...!
    Thx, for reposting - I only can recommend 2keysGames!

  101. to solve the sudoku puzzle go to and put in the numbers already there from the game and press solve and the black numbers will be the number that u put in to solve the puzzle.

    this website will help you with the sudoku puzzle
    all you have to do is take the numbers from the game put them into the correct spots then click solve and the numbers that ar in black after you press solve is your numbers you then use to put into the puzzle in the game and you will open the drawer


  104. Good game! a lot of misdirection.

    the stupid first aid kit did not open. I even tried prying it open with the fork -lol

    sometimes the magnifier was required and sometimes not... click away no one spot worked every time :(
    very frustrating
    the very worst is actually the safe,
    3 days and I am still trapped- Yes,
    Happy New Year 2021
    if you are reading this know my body is in the Pink room - I died all I had to eat was an apple core, a hamburger (maggots?)
    nothing to drink but my tears
    I finally quit the safe was too much it all sounds the same with or without the stethoscope.
    the game quit several times so yes I did the sudoku multiple times...


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