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Kapabo's Magical Tour

Kapabos Magical Tour Chapter 1 WalkthroughKabapo's Magical Tour is another great click and point type adventure game with really cool graphics from PureColorAnimalPark. Again, you need to help Kapabo for its adventures on a tour. There are 5 chapters to play and you have to start from the first one. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Good luck guys I can't get past chapter 2 cause I don't know how to drive a freakin bus without hitting the cars ha ha

  2. Hahaha! same here, i suck at driving xP

  3. Wow!!! I cannot believe that I finally finished one without any help and I am first!!! YES!!

  4. well I got past the parking part destroyed the bus now I'm stuck in chapter 3 can anybody help me plz!

  5. Stuck? Tab will show the way..Just starting chapt 4

  6. stuck on level 3. any hints?

  7. now i'm stuck on part 5 instead. just walking around in circles...

  8. best game ever...
    i played it without lots of trouble. just use the tab.
    capture 5: don't walk circles
    but put the thing you got from
    the girl in the green field.
    then a hole will disappear.
    put the bear for the hole en
    climble up to the bear.
    very nice!
    in capture 4 you need to use the items in the hole!!!

  9. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp im in the plant place i just got past the bus thingo i dunno at all wat to do!!!!!

    p.s HELP

  10. ok can sum1 plz tell me wat the hall a tab is and oh yh I DUNNO HOW TO SELECT ITEMS PLZPLZPLZ help me just tell me oh and sum1 post a walkthrough

  11. ok all the stuff i just wrote about i worked my way out of but i cant figure out wat to do wen im in the cave i cant get out to get the plants

  12. Okay TAB key is the tab button on your keyboard when you push it a highlighted area will pop up on the screen chp. 4 is still loading :o( takes a long time

  13. how ! do u use items plz plz!!!!!

    I have no idea wat to do

  14. how du hek is the tab button supposed to help I NEED HELP!


  15. TAB KEY shows you hot spots that you can click well looks like everyone is having some kind of problem so I'll post the walkthrough for this game

  16. I apoligize for it being so long but it is a adventure game so it kinda had to be :o)

    Chapter 1 click tour guide then again, grab bookbag, zuccini, coat, thermos, cookie on desk, towel on floor, and tour guide.
    When you get to the classroom click the teacher then the classmates when she calls their names, then click the left screen after the teachers leave.
    Click the hammie with the stripes on his head, you'll see a car at the back of the bus when it shows click the car watch the scene, then its song time.
    Chapter 2 Click the park sign to park the bus it doesn't have to be perfect so run over the cars and trees if need be.
    Click each sign for the plants you have to click them all in the first scene you can click 5, then go left and click the next four. You will then proceed to the museum.
    Click the stand, then the doorway on the right, click the stand again when Kapabo gets there take the blue thing on the left then click the right screen. You will got through some pictures now just click the left side of the screen for the class and Kapabo until you get to the one where a notebook is on the floor take it.
    The picture will talk to you. When it goes to the scene with the class click the righ side of the screen watch the scene.
    Chapter 3Go to the right and get the hay on the ground, go back to the left twice and get the rock, go down.
    Go all the way to the right until you get to a rich house click the doors, exit out of that then go to the left to the castle with the gaurds click the doorway area watch scene,
    click poster click it again to exit out
    Go to the left and till you see an alley click the right window of the red house, then click the alley.
    Click near the bricks or on the brown sack area you find a girl.
    Exit out and grab the wagon in front of the house on your right,
    click the girl then the blanket go to the left and get stopped by the gaurd.
    Click the door a man comes out click his head when he is standing in front of the gaurd.
    Talk to the man when the gaurd pops up click the mans head again then the road to run away.
    Chapter 4 Click each animal that is hiding the squirrel is up top,
    Then click the squirrel he has an idea click him again so they can hear it.
    Click on the girl the bear picks her up then click behind the bear and they walk off, click the right side of the screen so the rabbit and squirrel can put the wagon off on the side.
    Drag the squirrel on to the wagon.
    When the gaurd gets there click the wagon.
    Now its dark and you need light, open your bookbag and click through the items untill you get to the hay click in the area behind the bear up above his left ear until the hay dissappears then click through the bag to the blue thing with the sheild on it, their matches.
    Click on kapabo he will make fire.
    Now close out the bookbag
    Click on the girl twice...she needs medicine.
    Get the red flower, in the far back to the right of the screen,
    go left get the spiral plant, leaves, and octopus plant.
    Click the water in the back of the screen, open bag find red thermos click on kapabo then the water to retrive some water.
    Close the bag out and go to the right two screens then into the cave.
    Click on the rock in the cave, open bag put leaf and red flower on rock then use the rock from your bag to smash them together. Close your bag get the liquid off the rock. Open your bag again put the spiral plant and octo plant on rock smash that. Close bag and grab liquid. (you can use the manual from the teacher to see which plants to use together and what their for)
    Click the right of the screen then the girl open bag and use the light green one on her face and the dark green for all her cuts.
    Give the thermos to the rabbit and the blue towel to Kapabo
    You go to sleep. Click on the girl then to the right of the screen. They talk then their hungry.
    Open bag get zuccini give it to kap he shares it, get the cookie in the bag they share it too. Close the bag and click on Kapabo the eat breakfest.
    Click Kapabo's belly it growls, click to the right of the screen the friends come in with more food. Click the food when its on the ground. Song time again
    She then tells a sad story click next on the screen when it pops up as she's telling the story they go to sleep.
    Click on the road a gaurd pops up, click the owl when the screen shows him.
    He flies into the cave click the girl he tells them whats happening.
    Click the squirrel he has another idea
    Drag a peice of the girls skirt to the bear, her shirt to the rabbit and hat to the squirrel
    Click the left side of the screen by the water Kapabo and the girl leave
    Drag the squirrel to the back tree behind the red plant, bear to the middle tree it may take a few times, then the rabbit to the second tree behind the blue plant
    The gaurd comes click on each animal he gets angry then the scene goes back to Kapabo and the girl.
    Click the water twice when he goes swimming click the bubbled area
    When you get to the cave drag the rock behind the girl.
    Click the girl then drag kapabo on top of her head and click the vine.
    Click the hole when he gets out click the vine so he can adjust it for her.
    When their sitting on the ledge click the girl, then kapabo after her question.
    When it shows the scene of the town click the castle building KABOOM
    When it shows the donkey click on him they say their goodbye's, click her or near her necklace, then take the necklace from her hand.
    Drag her to the donkey click the left side of the screen they leave he cries.
    Chapter 5Go right click the tree then the vine to take it.
    Click the ledge he walks down to it click the ledge again now you have to do this quickly, when the screen in going down click the second ledge with the dead branch/ root on it he jumps down.
    Put the vine on the branch and go down.
    Click him he falls to the wagon.
    Click the vegetable and get caught
    Click the owl when it shows him
    Now your tied up click Kapabo then click the far right tree click on the left side of it his friends pop out
    Click the bottom on the screen to see a key
    click the animals then the squirrel he has another brillent idea
    Now this is tricky you have to keep your eye on the owl and your arrow on the tree.
    Green flag go click the tree, yellow flag stop by clicking the tree again be careful don't get caught. Do this until you get all the way to the gaurd
    Use the key to unloack Kapabo
    They get revenge!!!
    Click the left of the screen when there done
    Go down then to the right
    get necklace click the hill towards the right of the screen it opens a wormhole
    They say goodbye drag the bear under the hole on the road then kapabo on top his head then click Kapabo as he's waving goodbye
    Open your bookbag and get the matches again close it and click on the matches in his hand use them all
    Now its to the screen with the class click the picture
    then the black hole three times I think
    then the teacher they scream his name then click to the right side of the screen when he's all sad you should she yellow marks.
    song time
    He jumps out when it shows him laying on the ground click his head a few times untill he wakes up
    When he's standing with the class click his tummy it growls then click the rest off the classmates make sure you click all of them.
    Time to eat click the teacher
    Then drag your bag to him uh oh no food
    click the monkey they lookaround for their lunch click them again
    then click the left side of the screen everyone shares.
    Now click on Kapabo and he has found memories of his new friends from the past

  17. they r so cute and i remenber watchin that hamster before in another gameeee!!!!

  18. Chapter 2 is to hard, my god. I guess it took me 25min to park the coach!!!


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