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Wogger Mini Chapter 68

Wogger Mini 68 Walkthrough68th episode of point and click Wogger Mini adventure game series from makers of original Wogger game. Again you need to point and click on right places and do right things to help the little spaceman wogger.

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  1. Walkthrough

    1. Click on the plate on the right bottom side of the door to the sea.

    2. Now only click on the right side of the plate to move it closer to the door.

    3. Click the plate to move Yellow and Blue Wogger onto it. (The plate drifts off!)

    4. Now click halfway between the door on the grass ground to make Wogger move there. (The door closes up!)

    5. Click the left side of the plate that Yellow and Blue Wogger are standing on.

    6. Now click the little bit of ground directly in front of them. (Don’t click beside them in the sea as a fish jumps up at them.)

    7. Keep your mouse behind Yellow and Blue Wogger and click the plate. Place it in the sea directly across from them.

    8. Click the plate.

    9. Now we are back where we started! Click the same place as in step 1 again.

    10. Now click the grass behind the barrel Wogger is on.

    11. Click the bottom right corner of the barrel.

    12. Click on top of the barrel to put the family on top of it. Then click the top of the barrel again.

    13. Finally click the left side of the barrel! Done!


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