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Bloons Players Pack 2

Bloons Players Pack 2 SolutionsBloons Player Pack 2 is the second pack of Bloons Player Pack 1 player-designed levels on Bloons World from Ninja Kiwi. Again you try to pop the balloons by using darts to clear each level and continue for next one. Good luck and have fun for your challenging puzzle! [Subbed by Lorena]

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  1. Oh goodie, I've got a new Bloons for the weekend to drive me mad....its midnight, so I had better go to bed..

  2. i can't believe it - one of my levels got into playerpack2 - i am sooo chuffed - its level 9

    i am totally stuck on level 24 now grrrr

  3. Ho did you do level 20, because it's driving me crazy :\

  4. Nm i got it duh.

    24 is easy. Hit the tack bloon right above your head to light the fuse. While that is happening fire another one to hit the tack bloon above the ice bloon all the way on the left.

    Simple. :)

  5. when someone gets past 44 let me know. 24 is all about timing.

  6. ahhh doh!! i forget you can fire the next dart while its all still a'poppin!


  7. ok

    why kiwi put 41 in is beyond me. the first 2 shots are very doable, but getting the exact arc for the 3rd to drop it between the walls is friggen impossible.

    i'm trying to do it with unlimited dart mode and i still cant hit it...grrrrr

  8. On 41:
    Change your order of shots. (Hardest shot first?)

  9. woohoo got 42 at last - pacman is my achilles heel i hate him!!!!

  10. So I have been playing this all morning and after reading about level 24 in 2 different forums I am still stuck. I don't get how to do it without the pins above/below the ice bloon freezing up. At least one of them freezes...can anyone help me with the sequence here?

  11. Level 20 is easy. Hit the bomb ballon first then hit the spike ballon. Pacman over to the other pacman then past the bomb ballon up to the other spike ballon and you are good to go.

  12. NVM my last post, I just got 24, with unlimited dart mode but I got it. If anyone knows how to do it with only 2 darts please let me know, lol.

  13. iam stuck on level 24 can sum 1 help me plz

  14. 44 is impossible

  15. there's some help for 24 above - it is doable

    i too am stuck on 44 i just can't see how its done... hmm a real stinker!!!

  16. so level 44..........why?

  17. just beat 44 took me awhile and lot of patience. you need to get the pac man(its to hard to explain how to hit it) but once you do you need to hit the 3 lasers with it then come back down and blow the frozen bomb. then you need to shoot the rest of your darts at the wall to your left and bounce it through the hole and hit the laser at the top.(if you havnt hit the bloons with the boomerang then you need to hit a few of those too.) and your done.

  18. Actually 42 its very easy once you understand it.
    You don't need to go in the tunnel (its impossible) hit the mine and the first block. The mine will go than all the way down.
    Now 44 I have no clue I need serious help

  19. I seriously 44 is almost impossible. I was able to get the laser in the top right only once out of over 1000 tries (of course i had to screw another shot up so i didnt beat the level) anyone have a specific spot other hints on how to get the laser on the top right?

  20. ugh i actually beat lvl 44 thanks to everyone for the help. To get the laser on the top right i tried to aim for the top of the third rubber thing pretty hard. now i'm stuck on 47, any hints?

  21. For 44 you need to aim towards the bottom of the 4th rubber block up on the left and use about full power and it should go right through, if not just play around with the power/angle. As for the rest you need to hit the first ice bloon only because if you hit the rest at first it will freeze the pacman bloon. Then bounce on the frozen bloons you just made to get the pac man. Take the pacman up hit the three lasers then hit the frozen bomb. The rest of the bloons are in the alcove with the boomerang that you can easily just bounce into.

    Now to my problems....47 I am having trouble with

  22. 44?? i cant even beat 19! does it really take that great of aim??

  23. 19 you just need to get the two top corjnor lasers, and use the last dart to get the last frozen balloon.

  24. hey, how do you get past 27? i cant figure out how to hit the light-saberey balloon thing on the bottom right..the bomb stops just above it. ?????

  25. with the pac man guy you need to eat the last brick before the mine gets there.

  26. how you get passed level 27??

  27. how do u get passed level 27??

  28. i mean get to the nail balloon to break the last brick before the mine gets all the way down.

  29. Hey Thomas, thanks for the help...have you or anyone else beaten level 47 yet? I cant figure out how to do it.

  30. cant beat level 19.
    i always hit this ice chance to get up without hitting one...
    how do i get pass this level?

  31. i finally got past 19 by shooting to the top of the screen and over the wall to hit the balloons. dont know if theres a better way..

  32. yeh, whoever made 44 just completely sucks... and whoever put it in the game.. i give up.

  33. plz sum1 help iam still stuck on level 24 and tip above dont help

  34. hey iam stuck on level 37 can sum1 plz help

  35. level 47 is impossible. did anybody beat it? and how did u do it?

  36. thanx for the tips on 44 im getting there - i don't want to multidart it but i might have to got its driving me mad - i can just about hit the laser and the boomerang and i can bounce along the frozen ones to get the pacman but i struggle to get him back down to take out the frozen ones - and i really really REALLY struggle to pull off all 4 shots in a row hahaha its brilliant i love the really hard ones

  37. danny - on 37 i aimed my first one gently to try and slip down the middle to take out the first few non icey bloons you should be able to get 7 or 8 before the rest freeze - then its a couple of gentle arcs to take out the ice bloons in an over the top if you have any left over

    if all else fails go multidart to get through




  39. Ok Done It Now No Need To Tell Me Thanks DOne All Levels Woop Woop GO Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Im still trying to beat 47....this level has to be impossible. i can figure any way of beating it. Does anyone know of how to beat it?

  41. hi can sum1 help me iam stuck on level 41

  42. 41 is driving me crazy!!!!!!!

  43. UGH! how do you do number 27 ????

  44. like the other comment said do the hardest shot first. So your first shot should be the mine and with the same dart try to take out the first brick.

  45. here's how to do level 41:

    shoot the first dart at an angle to pop the spike balloon and also land on the first brick breaking it. The second dart needs to be shot at an angle so it will hit the freeze ballon and then bounce off the balloon below it to get the boomerang. Use the boomerang to get the remaining balloons.

  46. level 27 walkthrough:

    shoot dart straight down and pop the pacman. Follow the path to the other pacman and keep going until you have popped both pink balloons on that path.

  47. can I get a tip for level 21 please. I keep getting all but one of the needed amount. Thanks.

  48. 21 Took me ages to get the last balloon - did up the side (full power) the bottom row making sure I got the right side balloons, then the ice balloons...not much help, keep trying

  49. thanks. Thats what i have been doing. i hate these timing

  50. Anyone no how to do level 38? its impossible! PS here i am playing bloons while the power is out, on generatore electricity:P

  51. NEVERMINDi got it! woot woot! :P

  52. 38 a little tip, to save some frustration, go on unlimited darts, saves you waiting in between, you only need one dart/one balloon, so its not cheating

  53. so i made it through each level without unlimited darts except for one level. but know i'm totally stuck on 44. this is wicked tough

  54. I'm still really stuck on level 47!!! SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!

  55. seriously...i have 25 specials so far and i just can't get the pacman to finish the level.

  56. im really stuck in 44 i cant do anything!!!!!!!!

    thanks for the tips in 41

  57. can sum one please tell me how u get the remaining bloons on 41... my boomerang only goes str8 and back.. driving me crazy >:-[

  58. 44 i mean lol 41 is easy peasy japanesey.. lol :]

  59. OK SO 4 IS DONE .... but 47 IS DEFINATELY IMPOSSIBLE... GRRR help any one

  60. please i need help in 44
    please please please.....

  61. hey can sum1 help me iam stuck on level 43

  62. 43 Blow the bombs by bouncing off the sides (not hitting ice balloons) then the pacman to finish off

  63. 43 PS First one point down to bounce up to the top bomb

  64. how do u do 44 its hard HELP!!!!!!!!!!



  66. hi can sum1 plz help me this level 44 is gettin on my nerves

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. aarrggghhhh finally got 44 but surprise surprise cant get more than 29 on 47 hmph!!

  69. how do you 24?? ha i still cant get it and the comment above doesn't help

  70. i cannot get 21 for the life of me ...any tips??? I get the whole left side and the bottom, but dont know where to go from there?

  71. help me with level 8! how do you pass it?

  72. bob..level 8 you shoot the 3 darts balloon. you then have to shoot it so that it breaks both pieces of wood then you shoot through the hole at an angle to pop the rest.

  73. i need a walkthrough for level 47@

  74. Heather,
    level 21 shoot the bottom row of balloons then shoot the left side. After that shoot the bottom row of freeze balloons and you should end up with just the right amount. If not...unlimited darts will definitely get you there! =)

  75. Here is some help with 47

    I might have the power off a little when I took the screenshot, but if you just experiment a little bit with the power you should get it eventually.

    Hope I helped!

  76. thank you SO much sharon..BIG HELP!


    tell me how to beat level 20.....

    i'm so lost, and I know it has to be something easy, i'm just retarded

    LEVEL 20!

    LEVEL 20!

  78. thanks with level 20...

    i knew i was not realizing something simple!!


  80. Can anyone help me with level 8? i stink....

  81. HELP AGAIN WITH 37!!!

    this is awful. haha


  83. any idea on 29??? can't aim up....cant aim towards the black bouncy below... any one??

  84. nvm..apparently you can aim down..oopsies

  85. i still can't see how you get to the bloons on top of the little row of bouncey blocks in 47 - argghhh

    44 is imposible
    i need help please...

  87. finally i pass 44 but 47 is really driving me crazy........
    how can i get the ballons on top of the back blocks?????
    please help

  88. Level 47

    Loop the first arrow so you get all the bloons under the row of bouncy things and the you also hit the bomb to blow up all the icey's.
    Next get as many of the bloons above you as you can and also hit the 3 darts bloon. Now here is the bit everyone is stuck on.........put your cursor between the 2nd a 3rd bouncy block, right in the middle of the row of black bouncers(not just above like has been told). Now for the power, build it up until 3/4 at least of the arrow head is past teh vertical row of bouncy blocks.

    hopefully thats a better description than what has previously been posted

  89. Kevlar - thank you sooo much. I have read every comment about this level that has been written on every site with walkthroughs. Yours is the easiest to read and the only one that worked!!!

  90. well i tried other perople's explanation of how to do level 47 and it never looked like i found out where to aim the 3 darts to get the top row, and then just figured out which order to shoot the bloons

  91. For LEVEL 44:
    its a bit difficult,but those who havent passed,ill tell how i did:
    u hit the 1st bomb
    try to hit the 1 bloon and 1 ice bloon
    aim for the 4th rubber on the inferior row,above the iced bloons,maximum power
    try to hit the pacman
    once u hit,start eating the bloons on the left,not all of then or ull loose too much time
    u eat some, go around,and then go to the 3 laser.
    and theeen, u hit the bloons inside the rubber space(whatever..) and the other 2 ice bloons.


  92. aaarrrggghhhhh i love this game but only because it drives me mad!!

    ok, 47, where does the dart need to bounce to get the ones above the flat row of bouncey blocks? i just can't do it does it come off the bottom and bounce back from the ones in the bottom right hand corner ?? i feel like ive tried every angle but clearly i havent - im doing this with unlimited darts but does it need to be the triple dart to get it right??? hahah i luv it!!

  93. oh my god oh my god oh my god i got it = yeehah thanx for all the tips on this difficult to describe but yeah curser in the middle of the middle and about 3/4 strength (let it peak then come back down again) and somehow the three darter gets the top row

    phew im exhausted!!!

  94. On level 41, are any hints to get those final 4 balloons or is it just luck?

  95. loop a dart so u hit the spikey bloon and the top brown block.......then the spikey bloon with get to the 4 coloured bloons

  96. Hey guys
    Well im new to this but thanx to help on level 44 and 47
    so now i have completed all 4 bloons games now


    does any one want help

  97. Heather- for level 29
    u cant hit up u have to hit the black block
    To get the lazer jst keep trying
    wen u miss let the "TRY AGAIN" sign cum past and move yr mouse very very slowly.
    Believe me it works

  98. Helloooo....who is redrooBEAR? I am flattered you like my name to copy it, but helloooo.....cant you think of your own!!!! By the way my name relates to the vehicle I drive and its unique accessory....

  99. Level 27! HELP!!!!
    Read eveerything that people put down but I still cant do it!!!

  100. are you sure its 27, because thats just a matter of firing down to hit the pacman and then making your way across teh bottomas far you can. you end up hitting the pin bloon to pop the last couple of laser bloons

  101. I´ve tried at least 25 times. I either end up just close to the last pink bloon, or pacman eats it but nothing happens... Is it the bomb falling down or the spike bloon that is supposed to "smack" the others?

  102. AHHH! I´ve done it! Thank you Kevlar!

  103. hi
    is som1 here from israel?

  104. yesssssssssss
    i finish
    thanx u all for the tips

  105. Hmm. Still not having any luck with 47...

  106. can anyone help me on the last level?

  107. 37 plz explain in detail

  108. How do you beat level 15 on regular mode, not unlimited dart mode?

  109. lvl 15
    hit the 5th/6th/7th/8th brown block(starting from you). the angle of you shots should just be below horizontal and not alot of power for any of the shots. Using teh same angle you should be able to get a dart through the gap you made and i usually get about 36-37 bloons. Then its a matter of looping a dart up and down to hit a line of vertical bloons below where the 5th brown block was....hope thats explained well enough :P

    lvl 37
    this is just a matter of getting the correct angle of shot and the correct shot power. get as many of the coloured bloons as you can first because you need most of the icy bloons and once u hit a icy bloon, you cant get any coloured.

    and lvl 47
    i explained this one already.....but i guess the problem shot is the 3 dart shot. it is definetly in the joint between the 2nd and 3rd bouncy block on the horizintal row that u need to aim at......and you cursor should be at least half way up those blocks.
    use the vertical row of bouncy blocks above you to judge the power.....when the head of the arrow is almost past the blocks, let it go.
    this level hinges on that 3 dart shot cos the rest are easy shots to do.

  110. Thank you 47 at last...its tricky..I ended up with the finger of the cursor a fraction left of the white line and the aim is to hit the left side of the horizontal blocks to bounce left and up (thought I would add that because I couldnt work out what I was aiming to do for a looonnng time)

  111. barrj - for level 15 i took out the first 4 brown blocks then fired one arrow diagonally as close to the bottom left as i could, then the final dark fire up to come back down and take out the first mine you can reach - or if you're lucky, take out both mines

  112. and david - on the last level first dart goes up to hit the three dart bloon

    then gently aim the 3 dark down and to your left - medium power and you should fluke one up and left to to take the single bloon and boomerant and one down to take the two below the monkey. this shot is a pig!!!

    then final shot very gently with the boomerang (virtually no power) will scoop up the two blocks of 6

    if all else fails ... unlimited darts mode!!!

  113. I mean wow. 47. Finally got it. Thanks for the help kevlar and redroobar

  114. on 41 do get the bloons in the commal u have to get the mane and the first brick

  115. on 41, loop your first dart up so you hit the spikey bloon and the first brown block......then the spikey will be able to get to the bloons under the brown blocks.
    then you just have to aim at the bottom bloon but make sure you dart hits teh icy bloon first....then your dart will bounce of the coloured bloon and hit teh boomerang.....if you get the power correct.
    then use the boomerang to get the other bloons....aim so it just clears the grey bricks and use almost full power.

    thats how i did it anyways

    i should maybe write a total bloons guide :D LOL

  116. Could someone create a level that is not based on a one in a million lucky shot? A level that actually requires some strategy, rather than pure luck.

  117. I need an REAL way to beat 44. All the ways posted on this page cannot possibly work. I have taken your plans and added up the bloons you say you get and they fall short, way short.

  118. hey... need help with level 47.... can someone please post an image to show how to reach the top bloons?

  119. fiji ... keep trying and read comments just above by Kevlar and me (3/10)..took me days.....and the top row can only be done with the three dart


  121. Level 44- firstly bounce it off the bottom of the 4th rubber up on the left side. this will hit the light saber which will hit the spike balloon and the other bloons, then shoot the FIRST ice baloon and then bounce it off the top of the frozen baloons to get the pacman, now move the packman up very fast then make him go back down and hit the explosive bloon, there you go lvl 44 done. I need help with 47 tho =\

  122. LEVEL 47....what you can't see is the rubber bumper under the monkey. aim between the L is SKILL and the S in SPECIAL. you'll have to move the arrow ever so slightly till you get it.

  123. I need help on 40!!!

    Leanne 33334

  124. 40 get the extra dart (star) and then place the cursor hand on top right black block (wrist resting on bottom of block) and experiment with power to bounce on the spear

  125. ive been up all night trying to do 47. its the hardest muther fucking level i have ever done and i have done alot of freaking levels so. its not even funny how hard that level is. ive seen videos on how to do it. but i still can't figure it out.

  126. Poor Spencer, know how you feel..took me days...when releasing the three dart use a bit of finesse...follow all instructions suddenly one of the darts starts to bounce where it should - right left up right

  127. ok for 44 i got the laser on the right can't get the pac man and where do i shoot the boomarangs hit a bloon! This level is imposible!
    P.S. i am new to this a glad to know i am not the only person to go crazy over this


  129. is there any special way to beat lvl 46?

  130. 46 I presume you mean the two top balloons. Place cursor finger between the fith/sixth black block from either end, so the finger rests at the top in the v..experiment with power

  131. well got passed 46 now how do i do 49?

  132. level 24
    This is a matter of firing your second dart while the bloons are still popping.
    Hit the pin bloon just above you, making sure you only hit that and the dart then hits the silver blocks. As the bloons start popping in a anti-clockwise direction, wait until they start popping along the bottom, then you will be able to fire your 2nd dart at the pin bloon just below the silver blocks(its the highest pin bloon that you will be able to hit).
    Play around with the timing of the 2nd dart and you will pop all the bloons without the icy bloon freezing any coloured ones.

    level 49
    tricky one but heres how i did it.
    hit the top bomb to remove a few icys,....then find the right angle and power to loop a dart over the icys bloons to hit the laser and so that it hits the bottom pin bloon(this will pop some icy bloons and all all thos in that vertical strip of 3).
    Next hit the next bomb bloon down which will also blow up the 3rd bomb, then hit the bottom bomb bloon. Now you should have 3 darts left. Use 1 dart to hit the bottom 2 rows of icy bloons, i use about full power for this. Now you should have 5 horizontal rows of 3 icys and 2 rows of 2. You need to use a dart to hit the bottom 2 rows of 3 icy bloons.
    This should leave you with 3 rows of 3 and 2 rows of 2 icys bloons and only 1 dart left. Use it to get the boomerang. Now aim towards the rows of 3 and use about 1/4 power. If you get the angle and power right it will get the rows of 3 and the 4 bloons lower down.

    I hope that is clear enough.....its hard to describe how its done without pictures.

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. I have follwed the instructions for No.47, (about 1000 times)

    positioned cursor halfway up blocks 2+3 of horozontal blocks where the bloons are sitting,

    but the three arrows bounce off the far right 'L' shape and back down the gaps, they dont hit anywhere near block no.1. is this what it is meant to do?

    i have looked at the screen captures (only one working is the after shot effect)

    Please someone give additional advice.

  135. eyahh can somebodi please help me on level 7 i think its really easy but im just being blonde, no wait i am blonde. x

  136. Hi Zowie ...7 Aim about 45 degrees up and loop thru the gap above the ice (dont hit the bombs)

  137. cheers but ow im stuck on 8 lol

  138. ahh im blomin stuc
    wooh hoo my fringe is straight

  139. i seriously cant do 11!!!!! x

  140. level 11

    you have 4 darts and you can use the 4 in any order you want.
    1 has to hit all the bloons in a vertical line above you. 1 dart has to be shot diagonally up to the bomb. 1 dart is for teh entire horizontal row of bloons(you should hit them all from the first bloon to the bomb bloon) need to aim slightly above horizontal and use about 3/4 power. the last dart is for the ones that are left and there should be 3 of them if you do it this way.

  141. Anyone know how to do level 50? Anyone? Suggestions?

  142. level 50

    hit the 3 dart bloon first. now this is the tricky bit.......put the finger of your cursor on the right bloon of the 2 below you.......the finger wants to be on the top left side arc of that right bloon. You only want to hold the power for about 1/2 a second(so there will be barely any power. You will then hit the 2 bloons below you and one of the 3 darts with loop up to hit the bloon to your left and the boomerang bloon(it sounds wierd but thats what happens)
    Now using the boomerang, aim towards the top 6 bloons and use similar power to the 3 dart shot you just used and it should get all 12 remaining bloons(2 groups of 6)

  143. 45!!!
    i cant get 45 ... i feel like im the only one! whos got a tip?

  144. I'm seriously stuck on level 12... help, anyone? It can't be that the dart must bounce off the right wall and get through the little hole on the left! Can it?!

  145. 45

    1 dart hits all teh bloons in the bottom left corner including the icy.
    1 dart you bounce off teh far right black block with 3/4 power to hit the pacman......get ready to move the pacman quickly to get all teh bloons to your right(if you are quick you get them all)
    You should now have 1 dart left to hit the boomerang.....and with that boomerang you aim down and just click once and the boomerang will get the tall block of bloons below you.

    thats a fairly brief description but you get the idea of where to aim the darts now

  146. level 12

    thats exactly what it is irena

    put the tip of the finger of the cursor on the joint between black blocks 2 and 3(from the top), right in the middle. now just use 3/4 power. If you dont get it straight away then you will probably be close if you aim where i said so just play around with the power

  147. Thank you Kevlar, you are truly an expert Bloonsman. Cheers!!!

  148. omg u gut are weird use unlimted darts mode

  149. omg u guys are weird why dont u use unlimited darts mode at the bottom of level select

  150. Ah James, you dont get the same experience trying to do it with the unlimited lose the challenge of this game. It like reading a walkthru before playing an escape game

  151. HI i've tried some of the tips on level 44 but i cant get it. I can get the pac man, the frozen bomb and the 3 lazer balloons but i dont know what comes next, i didn't understand the whole avalanche bit and how to use the boomerang.

    Can any one help me with a really detailed way to do it?

  152. hey guys pacman can eat frozen ballons one that been frozen

  153. im stuck on level 44 sombody give me some advice plz.

  154. finaly ive passed the pacman bit but now im still stuck because either the pacman runs out of time or the pacman dies plz give me some advice from there.

  155. level 47.....please.....sigh sigh

  156. if i dont get 26 in the next minute im going to explode

  157. if yall wanna play spome fun lvls go to and on users type "13age1" or "Brandon Munoz" plz play i need alot of plays on them plz play all

  158. Ok i need help on lvl 41 how do u get the last 4 ballons in the crack?????

  159. Em done with Level 47. Did not find it so difficult. But certainly it has become my favourite level too. After getting the 3 in 1 arrow keep the direction just in between the upper bouncy bar with power bar outside the vertical bar. It works 8 out of 10 times:).

  160. level 44 is easy is all about calculations i need help on number 45 thats hard

  161. 45 Kevlar on 12/10 has an explanation

  162. go on bloonsworld and where it says usersname type in and if u want a special surprise then u have to play all of the games in order from top to bottem 20 times but if it doesn't work (it probably will though)then play them again but 30 times each tis time if it still dosn't work then keep playing the levels until it does work its the coolest thing ever you have to try it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  163. do what i said about blonsworld above and u will get the walkthroughs to all the bloons games and levels but u have to play each of's games 50 times each !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  164. if you r doin wat i wrote then post somthing saying that u did or r doin it

  165. 1. use ultimate darts mode
    2. use the first dart to hit the top brown block on the top of the brown block pile
    3. hit the spike ball
    4. hit the ice balloon so it freezes the balloon under it
    5. hit the dart on the frozen balloon to hit the boomerang
    6. use the boomerang to hit all of the balloons on the right side of the metal blocks

  166. Can someone help me on level 44? I can't get the pacman!!!!!!!!!!!!

  167. sry i didn't say what level this solution was for, it's for level 41

    1. use ultimate darts mode
    2. use the first dart to hit the top brown block on the top of the brown block pile
    3. hit the spike ball
    4. hit the ice balloon so it freezes the balloon under it
    5. hit the dart on the frozen balloon to hit the boomerang
    6. use the boomerang to hit all of the balloons on the right side of the metal blocks

  168. man im still stuck on 41
    i try like 128731823719237 times what hope says
    i need help from.. god,,

  169. omg guys, u can just use the unlimited dart mode on a level that u cant beat!

  170. I've tried everything and I still can't beat level 24.

  171. I cant this dart down the middle on level 42.. Can anybody help me pleasee? :)

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. I need help with lvl. 38. Where do you put your arrow and how much power.

  174. I can't even get past level 12!

  175. I need help on level 42 as i have been trying for 3 days and no use.

  176. okay I know the biggest looser but I can't get past 6. Please please help me

  177. beat 44 no unlimited darts

  178. I need help with 24 PACK 2 not pack 1 PACK 2 none of the other anwsers work for 24 on PACK 2 but work with PACK 1 plz help

  179. dance kid-for 24 hit the ice balloon , then the pin balloon then go down and hit the balloons at the bottom with the boomerang, then the laser beam thing at the top, then the extra dart balloon to the left, then the bombs you win!

  180. abby-for 6 hit the all helium balloons then a pin needle

  181. i cant get level 24!!!! hhheeeellllllllppppp

  182. i not beat level 47!
    THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! help meeeeeeeeeee!

  183. to get 41,use walkthrough and get level.Hit the block.
    get the ice, and an awesome bounce created to get boomerang.Shoot boomerang,and get mine to destroy blocks and another bloons!

  184. MAN! I can't get past 12! i feel so stewpeed

  185. ok. so i would really appreciate it if someone could give me "detailed" step by step instructions on how to beat level 44. What is this "bottom of the 4th block" WHICH 4th BLOCK?? and so on. thanks!

  186. Need help on lev 9 plze...

  187. @Michael,
    This is how I beat level 9. It takes way too much patience. It's sometimes frustrating; well...

    Click on this link for Level 9


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