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Wogger Mini Chapter 82

Wogger Mini 82 Walkthrough82nd episode of point and click Wogger Mini adventure game series from makers of original Wogger game. Again you need to point and click on right places and do right things to help the little spaceman wogger. Have fun!

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  1. what do I do when I get to the four green bubbles, anyone know?

  2. Well, I clicked on Wogger and a bubble came up, then on the bright yellow ball and dragged it into that bubble. THen I clicked on the raft and it made me start over again!

  3. click near the right front of the raft on the logs (don't click on the red button)

    then when you are under the ship don't click on the bubbles.
    click on a blue star that comes by the bottom of the raft

    then click on the red button on the raft, that's it.

  4. When capturing the sun in the thought bubble, bring it up without touching the green areas, then you can move the raft

  5. Walkthrough:

    1. Click Tippiti's head.
    2. Take the bright light and put it in her 'mind'. Don't touch the green bubbles.
    3. Click forward area of raft; it begins to fly left and up, you'll have to nudge it once.
    4. Greenish-blue bubbles are floating by the raft. Without touching the green bubbles, click them until one flies over and frees Woti (that's the baby's name)
    5. Click button on raft to rescue Woti and end #82!


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