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Wogger Mini Chapter 84

Wogger Mini 84 Walkthrough84th episode of point and click Wogger Mini adventure game series from makers of original Wogger game. Again you need to point and click on right places and do right things to help the little spaceman wogger. Have fun!

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  1. link doesnt work. says we have to log on first

  2. Yes, right! A few minutes later it will be opened.

  3. 1. click the green ribbon which will float up to the heart.

    2. click ribbon again and it will float away.

    3. click wogger and then heart and heart will float into thought bubble.

    4. click wogger again and then hatch of submarine . wogger will climb in.

    5. click back of submarine and it will float down towards a crab. click on rink ribbon floating above crab and drag it towards crab which will move out of the way.

    6. click back of sub to move forward then click hatch to open. click on heart to pull into thought bubble.

    7. click on sub marine and it will float backwards and then up. click on hatch.

    the end

  4. First of all, you do not need to click the ribbon for it to fly up. Second everytime I click the ribbon, it starts over again.

  5. You must hold the ribbon by clicking and dragging the ribbon off.

  6. I just clicked the green ribbon/tapeworm thing and held the mouse button down until the ribbon/tapeworm went away and the heart turned red again.


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