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The Visitor

The Visitor WalkthroughZeebarf - The Visitor is. Macabre but brilliant! In this point and click fun adventure game you play a creature assimilating alien intruder. Use tab-cheat in cases you get stuck.

WARNING: Contains some scenes of graphic blood and slightly and may be thought violence. So, it is not suitable for young players.

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The Visitor Escape Walkthrough

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  1. yeah..easy..and pretty darn gory..

  2. dont understand what i have to do in the dark room with the 3knobs and steam ... any hints??

  3. what do you do in the kitchen?

  4. Is there a purpose to this game? Can't get past the worm on shore

  5. How do you catch the fish
    Broke branch - wormed jumped on it - frog ate work, exploded, worm is big - bird moved to hole on tree - broke stump - put fishing pole on stump - drop meteorite - try to catch fish - stuck

  6. Never mind got that part - drop meteorite - then worm - then pole until worm slingshots

  7. reu..
    click the oranges on the fridge..after you open blender..turn blender on..turn faucet knife to your left to make it jump to the drawer..when lady walks back over she falls and stabs herself, then exit through the vent above the fridge..

  8. i'm stuck in the room with the pipes and steam

  9. How do I get passed the cat?

  10. fun but gross game. had to play it twice just for the laughs.

  11. Hi....have the cat jumping on the worm any help appreciated!

  12. In the last scene you can kill the alien if you are quick enough!
    Pretty tough though.

  13. It still kills you though. Ha ha :-p

  14. The last Scene: To do door, waters in the tub, paper in the WC, rinse press, from cupboard him blow-dry take, hairdrier stick on, waters in the rear wash basin open up, the hairdrier there throw purely, gun from the cupboard take, shoot at the alien, gun on alien throw, ENDS

  15. hey people i have no idea wat im meant to be doing in the kitchen a lil help please !!!!

  16. Broke branch - wormed jumped on it - frog ate work, exploded, worm is big - bird moved to hole on tree - broke stump - put fishing pole on stump - shake the meteorite-click on worm/alien-fling fishing rod-arrived at place with a cat-eat the rotten apple below on the floor with the cat- click on door knob nearby-right-click and select 'play'-click the right combo-jump into the cat's butt-open the door again-arrived at the kitchen-press on the bucket of orange-click on the blender's buttons-open the lid- quickly open the first shelf, on the tap and press on the kitchen knife-the granny will slip and fall on the sharp kitchen knife-click on the alien-click on the light bulb and press on the ventilation shaft + click the window-you will appear in a bedroom-jump into the aquarium with a piranha in it-click on the bird's cage-click on the alien and enter the laundry-eat the bird-click on the laundry again- you will become a larger,flying alien-click on the alien-click on the man/boy on the second bed on the top-click on the alien-press on another boys blanket and you will see the alien's hand stabbing through it-click on the shelf if you want a quicker ending

  17. how do you get pass the cat

  18. Seriously, would someone just explain how to get past the cat?

  19. What is the order of things to kill the grandma? I can't seem to get it right?

  20. i can't get through the cat!! HELP, PLEASE!!!

  21. how could I pass to the cat?
    Please, help me!


  22. cat scene:
    click door, cat junp.
    eat apple
    click door again
    click in the wall, where is a hole, the cat look at you (sorry for my english)
    click in the top of the door.
    then click in this order: yellow, blue, red and yellow again.
    then... well, you must click in the cat :P je je
    and click the door.

  23. Was this a fun game or what?
    More of these, please

  24. i cant kill granma...what should i do? im going crazy in here

  25. jocelyn-

    orange in blender, turn on, take off top of blender.

    turn on sink
    click open top drawer
    click knife

  26. Can anybody help me in the room with the four pipes?

  27. you can kill the monster in last the scene: click door, then toilet roll, then bath tap, then toilet, then flush toilet, then cupboard, then hairdryer, then plug it in, then put it in bath. but you still get killed.

  28. A way to survive on the end:

    click door, then toilet roll, then bath tap, then toilet, then flush toilet, then

    cupboard, then hairdryer, then plug it in, then put it NOT IN THE BATH, into the water pike, get the pistol, shot again again again and pwnt! u won!

  29. i have a walkthrough

    start of by cliking the branch on the tree

    click it a secon time when it is in water

    click on frog

    click on hole which is in the tree

    click on stump which bird was on

    click on fishing rod

    click on moon rock then the visitor

    reel in the rod until you get shot

    part 2:

    click on spider web then apple stump

    click on cats tail

    click at the top of the door

    click on all of the knobs until you go back to the cat

    click on its butt

    click on door knob

    open the blender and put orange in it

    quickly turn on tap

    open the drawer click on the knife
    that is in with the plates

    put on the vent controler
    until the vent falls off

    click on the thing

    click on the lightbulb

    click on the vent click on fish

    open bird cage

    click on alien

    hide under clothes

    click on bird to eat bird

    click on clothes

    click on top bunks mouth

    click on alien

    click on bottom bunk

    the end!!!!!

    that was easy

    sorry for any spelling mistakes

  30. first scene(by the lake)

    click the tree limb. it falls.
    click the limb. the worm jumps on it.
    click the frog. he'll eat the worm.
    click the hole in the tree. the bird will fly to the tree.
    click on the post the bird was on. it will bend.
    click on the fishing pole.
    click on the meteor and then the worm.=0A
    click on the fishing pole five times

    second scene(outside the house)

    click the door handle. only to fail but you need to.
    click the apple. the worm will eat it.
    click the door handle again.
    click the hole by the cats tail. once again you will fail but you need to.
    click the shadow of the tree above you. the cat will get distracted and you will automatically run.

    third scene(pipe room)
    in this order click the yellow, blue, red,and then yellow knobs.

    fourth scene(second again)

    click the cats butthole. you gain arms.
    click the door handle

    fifth scene(kitchen)

    click the top of the blender.
    click the pile of oranges.
    click the bottom of the blender.
    click the top of the blender again
    click the top drawer.
    click the knife.
    click the faucet. the lady will slip and die. do the last four things as fast as you can.
    click the worm.
    click the button thing above the worms head until the vent by the oranges opens.
    click the light bulb
    click the opening

    sixth scene(bedroom)

    click the vent
    click the fish
    click the bird cage
    click the worm
    click the clothes pile
    click the bird
    click the clothes pile
    click the guy on the top bunk
    click the worm
    click the guy on the bottom bunk

    seventh scene(bathroom)

    click the door
    click the toilet paper
    click the bath faucet
    click the toilet
    click the toilet handle
    click the right cabinet
    click the hair dryer plug it in the outlet
    click the sink faucet
    click the sink
    click the gun in the left cabinet
    click the gun until it moves and then click the gun till his head slits open.
    The end bloody and gory just like you like it.

  31. someone sed about killing the alien how the hell do you do that

  32. The gamis is well mint so evr1 shuold play it
    Here's a few tips:
    click on the branch to snap it-click on it agen to make ur worm/thing get on it-wen ur at the end click on tha frog-it should eat u-then explode_click on the hole in the tree so that tha bird flys 2 it-click on tha ded tree 2 nock it over-click on tha fishin rod 2 put it on tha ded tree-click on tha meteor-click on tha rods reel 1 time-click on ur worm/thing-keep clickin on tha reel till u fly 2 tha house.

    Outside house:
    click on tha door nob,the cat shud hit ya bak-clik on tha aplle on tha floor,u shud squrt i at a cobweb-the cat will look at tha cobweb-click on tha door nob 2 get 2 tha floor-tha cat will turn around-clik on tha shadow of tha tree-wen tha cat looks at tha tree clik on tha hole that tha cat was gardin-u shud b in a pipe bit-clik the botom weel,then tha 1 abuv it,then tha 1 abuv tha...carri on like tha until u get bak on tha ledge-clik on tha cats but 2 explode im-clik on tha door nob.

    open tha blendas lid-clik on a orange-clik tha lid open agen-clik tha blenda-wen tha granny goes 2 turn it of clik on tha tap 2 flood tha floor-open tha draw n clik on the nife-it wil go thru her hed-clik on tha alien-clik on tha light bulb-clik tha button on tha wal till tha cova of tha air vent falls of-clik tha ait vent 2 get 2 tha next room.

    clik on tha vent-clik on tha pirana in tha fishtank-clik on tha bird-clik on tha floor-wen u get there tha seed wil spil on tha floor-clik on tha pile of cloths-wen tha bird goes 4 tha seed clik on tha bird-clik on tha guy in tha top bed-clik behind tha guy on tha bottom bed-clik on tha guy stomach.

    clik on tha toilet roll.


  33. The Visitor Walkthrough:

    -Scene 1-

    Click on tree branch so that it falls in the water
    Click on it again so the creature jumps onto it
    Wait till it gets to the other end
    Click on the sleeping frog so that he eats the creature.
    Then, click on the hole in the tree so the bird flies into it
    Click the tree stump where the bird was, so it falls
    Then click the fishing rod so that it is now resting on the broken tree stump
    Click the rock, so that it falls back in the water, and a fish swims to the rod
    Click on the creature, so he jumps onto the fishing rod
    Click the fishing reel until the creature gets flung toward the house

    -Scene 2-
    Click on the apple core so the creature eats it, throws it back up, the flies come, and the cat goes over to the flies
    Click on the door knob
    Click on the cat's tail
    Then, click on the shadow of the tree in the top right hand corner
    You go into the pipe area afterwards

    -Scene 3-
    Click the yellow pipe, then the blue, then the red, then the yellow one
    You are back to the cat
    Click on the cat's butt hole
    Then click on the door knob

    -Scene 4-
    Click on the lid of the blender so it opens
    Click on the basket of oranges
    The orange falls into the blender, and click the buttons of the blender to turn it on
    Click on the lid, so that the orange juice goes everywhere
    Quickly then click on the sink so it floods
    Then click on the top drawer, then the knife
    She falls on the floor, and gets stabbed by the knife
    Click on the creature
    Then click on the light bulb, and your on top of the refrigerator
    Click the thermostat near the window until the air vent falls off
    Click on the air vent

    -Scene 5-
    Click the air vent
    Click the fish bowl
    Click the bird, so it flies onto the bed
    Click on the creature
    Then click on the orange article of clothing on the floor, so he'll hide under it.
    The bird flies over to the food on the floor
    Click the bird to eat it
    Click the orange article of clothing again, the creature flies out
    Click the man sleeping on the top bunk
    Click the creature and he'll fly under the bed
    Click the man sleeping on the bottom bunk

    -Scene 6-
    It's just a movie, the creature snacks on the guy's head and flies out the window, and you've won!

  34. Finished whole game. Quite violent............................

  35. How do you open the left cabinet for the gun?

  36. This game was great fun. I needed help with the Kitchen and last sceen. But after a bit of keyboarding i got trough it. Again great fun want more of these games. The key to the boileroom, just push the wheels until you end up back outside again. Poor cat:P

  37. caught the 2nd episode of Reemus & decided to play this one, too

    thx for all your creations, Zeebarf ☺
    but didn't like this one at all - there's so much killing in the world, I don't need violent games...!

    & thx ppl for the WTs


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