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Square Rooms

Square Room WalkthroughSquare Room is a kind of room escape game from Gotmail in Japanese. When it awoke, we stayed in the place where you do not recognize. Here there are four rooms at all, it seems. As expected it can escape we, from the room like at this nightmare probably is? It is the life the beginning... Good Luck and have fun! [subbed by Elza]

This game includes weapon and bloody themes, so it is not suitable for children.

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  1. Used one gun :)

    Don't press the red button in room W and don't open the second drawer (counting from top)!

  2. Kinky game ... Typed 3.14 (x = pi) in for the door in room S and got some crazy face (the old style scare effect) and then become red, don't know what to do :p It's crazy :p

  3. All i could do next was take the red key and die :(

  4. okay, so i've died a couple of times. also, there is something in one of the drawers that i cannot seem to get.

  5. also seems to be a grey key above the garbage can. can't get that either.

  6. And something behind the case with the shotgun that I cant reach.

  7. also a thing behind the closet where the gun is get it ether

  8. i've managed to get what seems to be a blue napkin, of yet undetermined use. over the door with all the file extensions written on it.

  9. Look in the blood by door "N"

  10. okay, if you type in 3.14 and get the scary guy and red room, if you click where the grey key was, you'll see some japanese writing and [normal end] in place of the key. i suspect this means that getting that grey key is the good ending.

  11. well..opened the door in the S room and died..wonderful!

  12. Partial Walkthrough :

    Click on knob on W door then take the revolver.
    Enter W door.
    Click on ceiling/wall border at the left side in the view where you see the W door.
    Take blue thing.
    Look at N door, click on blood, take key.
    Open E door (i think)
    Back in the view of W door click on border of the door at the right hand, take crowbar behind door.
    In W room take mousefood behind cabinet (right side)
    Go back to E room, click on mousehole, mouse gives you a key.
    Use key in W room on lowest drawer and get hammer.
    Go back to the first view of W door and click on the relics of the revolver on the bottom.
    Zoom in and click the slit, get watch.

    And here i am stuck.

  13. In the red room, click on one of the walls in the corner close to the ceiling. There are some writing

  14. I think the game is longer then that ;)

  15. the pictures in the drawers seem to be clues.

  16. In the room with the view of the w door, the door with the keypad has all numbers 4. mean anything?

  17. Found a safe in the E room. Has 2 papers inside

  18. pick up the bin in S room and some more writing...

  19. while in the E room, look at the N door, and on the bottom right of your screen youll see it

  20. gotta go.. be back later

  21. i have opened the N door!
    from the room S click several times the handle and it will open.

  22. Thanks all for the help above.

    How do you get the red key from the top drawer please?
    Totally stuck with the crowbar, hammer and watch. Does 8:00 on the watch mean anything?

  23. stuck again. have crowbar, hammer, watch, etc. top drawer shows a picture of the red key and a door in E room (the one with the key hole next to it). assuming this means the red key opens it. or is the red key around it?

  24. @vanronk: it's a picture, you can't take it. i think it means you need to find it next.

  25. i wish i knew..for sure the red key opens the door with the holekey!
    but where excactly is the key...don't know..

  26. Thanks twiffer.

    The pictures in the safe are driving me up the wall! Anyone deciphered them? :)

  27. qkhbfound +629 on picture in N room.

  28. is it 629 or 624?? or smt else? i have already seen that but i don't find somewhere to put it..

  29. Lame game! The maker of this escape game has made this soooo cryptic that nothing really makes sense. That and that fact the language barrier doesn't help much.


  30. I seem to have broken the glass door on the case with the shotgun, at least that is what it sounded like after I used a hammer. There is a blue key inside, but cannot get

  31. Maybe I didn't break it after all. Not sure.....

  32. Still here, but havent figured anything out

  33. have u got new game because i bored

  34. does anyone know what any of the writing means?

  35. hello we play it other place but not found anything i come here maybe you found something

  36. is there anybody knows code of the closet please help mee

  37. Pic on the right in the safe was clear at first, then it becomes bloody.

  38. I can't right click to zoom in remnants for the watch. Any help?

  39. @ kimbly: once you've done something, the pictures turn bloody. don't think you can get the watch till you have the hammer. still don't know what the watch is for.

  40. kim when you do wrintg on the papers be bloody example you when you take blue thing on the wall look at 4. drawer paper with bloody

  41. did u found what it means in the safe on the left wall paper means

  42. Where's watch?? I cannot find one!

  43. Thanks guys. Left paper has to do with the mouse, haven't worked out the colors. I might give up. It's giving me a headache.

  44. Twiffer I had the hammer, now it's gone Still no watch

  45. I cannot speak or read Japanese, which limits my room escape happiness :(

  46. @ Kimbly: how did you lose the hammer? were you able to use it on something?

  47. okay so i had found the hammer, but never put it in my Got it, got the watch. Anyone still working?

  48. ok i have got a headache i am going see you other game bye

  49. is anybody still playing?

  50. shelving this for the time being. stumped.

    to this point i've gotten the key to S-E rooms, crowbar, bloody napkin, hammer, watch. found +629(or 624) on a painting in N room. don't know what to do with the watch. also found you can click on top of the cabinet, but can't find anything useful to do with that knowledge. there seems to be the number 7 scrawled in blood in a triangle on one wall. not sure what all the file extension names mean either. can't get into the cabinet, can't find anything else to click on, don't know if the mouse has further use (might, based on the paper on the left interior wall of the safe).

  51. has anyone else noticed that you can click the cealing above the garbage can after you get the watch and there is a key drawn there.

  52. One thing I did notice...when I picked up the watch the time was 5:50. Now it shows 8:00.

  53. I put myself out of misery and pushed the red button. Good luck.

  54. So there is 624 on picture... and 7 in the triangle shape blood stain. what can 7 be for?

  55. This is a crazy game.. I think we just have to do something with all the numbers. 7 624 pi dont know

  56. code to N room door is 1051 = 427 from the wall in room W (Lzh)+ 624 from picture
    (as usual - thanks Ragtolin!)

  57. @ megipoland: thanks!

    well, that was anti-climatic. there has to be more to it than going out the coded door in N room.

  58. How you get 427 for Lzh?

  59. The formula from the trash can should open the safe to get the key and shotty.. im think...

  60. flip Lzh upsidedown. what is formula on the garbage can? all i could read from it was "Room W".

  61. How do you get the key in the blood at door N?

  62. @ ghcarter7: use the blue rag from over the door covered in file extensions.

  63. I can't even get into the stupid N room :(

    I really must learn japanese.

  64. @ alice: once you have the hammer, click on the handle to N room from E Room (not the one with the pool of blood). after about 3 or 4 clicks it will open.

  65. Oops, wait, got in :) Sorry.

    Dunno if this means anything, but I noticed that your cursor is always a hand, as opposed to an arrow which turns into a hand on clickable items like in the other rooms.

  66. Meh. This game sucked.
    Maybe there's a sequel coming...

  67. noticed that too. figured it for a bug.

  68. if you look in the 3rd drawer you'll see a equation(think its an equation)
    there are 3 and 1 gets scratched out. So we have to find the other 2

  69. when you're in the W room, on the door that is open(w door) You see W N l- or 1 2 3. mean anything? or there for no reason

  70. i wish. these games would be easier if i did.

    if you go out the coded door in N-room, you'll get "Normal End". just seems like there should be a different ending, since so much remains unused or unatainable.

  71. When you go out the N room have you clicked on the Normal End. I think it shows you how the real end is.

  72. To get True end you should open the door in W-room(code 602.), get the red key on the floor, then go to E-room, take the mouse from the mousehole, open the door with the red key and exit.

    Perhaps, there may be another true end with the blue key and the gun from the safe, but I don't know how to open it.

  73. Did you get 602 by multiplying 7x3.14 and then subtracting it from 624?

  74. No, 602. is reversed "jpg"(written on that door). You should type the code after all the figures on the code panel change into fours, otherwise the door won't open.

  75. im stuck with the crowbar, the pistol,bloody napkin,and the s-e key!!! help please :`[

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. im stuck with the hammer!

  78. what i really don`t get is that i want to be a japan person,but it never worked out!it`s moronic!more japan classes here i come!it`s so idiotic!


    ...HES NO ANIMAL...

    ... o.k. he is but give him back to me! my cat is tabby and his name is strighter and also that my dads michine gun so give it BACK!!

  80. and strighter unharmed! humph!



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