GameDesign - GD Escape Game is another Japanese point and click escape game developed by Game Design. In this game, you forgot how to get out of your office and you try to escape from your office by searching around to find and use somethings. Good luck and have fun!
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GameDesign Escape Game Walkthrough
first! :)...anyone playing?
ReplyDeletegot balls,cards,keys,and a paper
ReplyDeletek...i think i hav same as u....and i put the balls in the places that the paper sed i was supposed 2...but i dont kno wat to do after that :S
ReplyDeleteand when i put the two cards together i see 631 dont kno wat to do with that either
ReplyDeletei have 6 balls, 2 cards for the code,2 keys, and the paper with the ball´s position (i think) don´t know in what way to put the balls in the diafragma above the sofa
ReplyDeleteI've have 6 wood balls, 2 card, 2 key and 1 paper... and now? (excuse me for my bad english)...
ReplyDeletegot 7 balls 3 keys the paper and 2 cards....stuck :(
ReplyDeletewhere I can find the last ball and the 3rd key?
ReplyDeletehmm, I only have one card!where is the 2nd?
ReplyDeleteok I've found the last ball and the key...
ReplyDeleteclick the right most cupboard under the bobble head bird thing there's another one....click it to shake it and wait a while u get the third key...now use that key to open the cupboard next 2 it
ReplyDeletefor the second card complete the computer screen, all white circles
ReplyDeletehow do you use the items?
ReplyDeleteu jus click watever u are trying to use it for...it will automatically be used
ReplyDeletehaha! This duck must be feeling realy dizzy right now!
ReplyDeletekitty,use the paper on the computer again and then it shows you the position of the ball panel on the wall
ReplyDeleteooh..tnx c:
ReplyDeletehow I can use the paper on computer?
ReplyDeleteafter you get the last key! there is a trick waiting for you!
ReplyDeleteim not getting it :(
ReplyDeletethe computer thing is hard :|i have all but 1 dot....its in the wrong corner
ReplyDeleteand now there's a code for the door.
i havent reached there as yet but i think the code for the door is the number u see wen u drag 1 card on top of the other
ReplyDeletethat's what you meant before! right!
ReplyDelete(stupid me)
what does the key from the duck above the cupboard open?
ReplyDeletesorry! i mean you click the balls position that the paper shows you on the computer and the computer will show you another hints. i hope you can understand what i mean.
ReplyDeletehabe 7 kugeln und papier wo 5 kreise nur sind und 3 schlüssel und 2 karten
ReplyDeletemuß mann an den stellen der 5 kreise die kugeln setzen oder an den anderen freien,aber dnan fehlen ja kugeln?
finde aber keine mehr wie gehts weiter?
still doesnt work...im frustrated :(
ReplyDeleteit looked like I was almost out for a moment, but I probably opened a closet or something 'cause there's nothing behind that white thing that looks like the door
ReplyDeletehabe es hinbekommen aber wo findet mann den code für tür? anhand der schlüssel gehts nicht
ReplyDeleteafter you combine the four keys, you will see the real code for the door.
ReplyDeletemarita! du hast zwei karten, richtig? lege diese über einanader :)
ReplyDeletehelp me!!! :(
ReplyDeletewo bekommt mann den code her für tüt? finde ihn nicht.ds mit dem Zettel und Pc war im nachhinein logisch,helft mal einer bitte,falls einer fertig ist
ReplyDeletewhere does man receive the code for does ago? find it nicht.ds with the note and PC was afterwards logical, help times one please, if one is finished
oops!never noticed it!
ReplyDeletethanks shuchun!I"m out!
on the computer, click the dots that the paper indicates...then look at the where the white dots are. That is the place for the balls in the wall.
ReplyDeletesusanne Danke Dir.Aber Tür auf und nun? komme nicht weiter,soll das das Ende sein?
ReplyDeleteooooooooooo myyyyy gosh....i finally understood wat u were tellin me shuchun!...lmao..im sooo dumb...thanx
ReplyDeletekitty, you just click position of the paper shows you. and then the computer will show you the ball panel clue(just exactly must use 7 balls).
ReplyDeletekittypaw I think I tried it from upper left and then moved to center. I finished it when I noticed that every spot affects it's surounding ones.
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out the sequence though
yea..thanx..i got it already :)
ReplyDeletewhere's the fourth key located? i've got two from the ducks and the 3rd from the plug..
ReplyDeleteyay im out! :)...ill write a walkthrough
ReplyDeleteCan someone PLEASE help me. Sequence to balls on computer from paper? I cant get it.
ReplyDeleteden 4 stecker bekommt mann von wand
ReplyDeletethanks! kittty, I was waiting for your walkthrough.cause i don't think i can describe it clearly. happy holidays,guys. it's 2:00am in asia.
ReplyDeleteTook me a few tried to get the keys in the right order. Thanks for the hints everybody !!!!
ReplyDeletechristine, if all fields on PC white then erhaelste which, and if you apply paper again to PC, thus scores in such a way click erhaelste place where balls wound on must
ReplyDeleteOkay, when you get the paper with the circles you get on the computer and click the spots it shows. The white dots on the screen represent where the balls go in the thing above the couch. Where are all the balls? I only have six, but I need seven. Help me!
ReplyDeleteWhat is the sequence to make the paper match the white balls on the computer? I have already got the paper by turning all balls white on computer. Have been fighting to get the paper to match for 10 min now. Please help.
ReplyDeletecan't find the 7th ball. any help?
ReplyDeleteüberall kucken auch unter sessel schrank usw,wenn schlüssel,alle 3 dann im schrank auch noch eie kugel.frage ist aber wie gehts nach code weiter tür offen aber mann kommt nicht weiter da
ReplyDeleteeverywhere kucken also under armchair cabinet etc., if key ball-asks, all 3 then in the cabinet also still egg is however like gehts to code far door openly however man comes not further there
if paper has christine dnan on PC the indications to click again however like that as on paper is, all the same whether it knows or dark like to end it is on wound in such a way to balls then clean-put
ReplyDeletethere's nothing past the door..what do i do?
ReplyDelete6 balls and 2 keys. any hints for the 7th ball and the 3rd key? please?
ReplyDelete1.Look under the mat and pick up the key
2.pick up the ball under the sofa
3.pick up the ball on the top of the coat rack
4. clcik the face to the left on the wall...the card will be inserted and a key will fall out of the face to the right
5.get the 2nd key by clicking the bobble head bird thing on the counter top
6.get the third ball in the 2nd counter
7. get the third key by clicking th bobble head in the 4th cupboard. you will have to wait a while
8. now open the third cupboard and take the ball and look under the cupboards anf take the ball on the floor
9.go to the right and take the paper and the ball out of the drawers
10.take the ball at 12:00 on the clock
11. click the computer and try to get all the circles on the screen white...u will get another card for this
12. now go back to the computer screen and click the circles according to the paper starting at the top right hand corner. the circles that are now white are the 7 positions of the balls u found on the thing above the sofa.
13. insert the card into the bottom slot of the revealed thing and get the key
14. drag and drop 1 card over the other. it reveals a number...i got 631 use that as the code for the door
15. [gasp!] nothing!
16. put the keys next to each other in the order 1st, 4th, 3rd, 2nd...that revealed 235 for me...now that is the real code for the door....enter it into the keypad and BOOM
hope this helped:)
Third key in monkey in cabinet. hit head and wait. balls i remember are under desk, clock, clothes rack, under sofa, and in cabinet.
ReplyDeletechristine? did u get the computer thing?
ReplyDeletequick correction for my walkthrough....
ReplyDelete1. look under the mat and pick up the card
sorry :(
how did u get the 2nd code?
ReplyDeletejust did thanks was doing it wrong.
ReplyDelete1:25pm here in jamaica :)
ReplyDeleteWalk through:
ReplyDeleteLift lower left corner of rug, Take card
Go right
Look under couch, Take ball
Look at top of coat rack, take ball
Go Right
Look under cabinets Take ball
Click duck, Take key
Click left card slot, take key
Open 4th cabinet, click duck, wait 10 sec. and take key
Open 2nd and 3rd cabinets, take balls.
Go Right
Click clock, take ball from 12 o'clock position
Open both desk drawers, take last ball and piece of paper
Click on computer. First make all the balls white. There are many ways to do this. If you number the balls 1-4 across the top and a-d down the sides, one possibility is A1,C2,A4,C3,D2,D3. Take the card from the drive
back up and click the computer again.
Now, click only on the circles that are shown on the piece of paper you got from the desk drawer. note the pattern it creates.
Recreate this patten above the couch, click card slot, and take key.
Now go open the panel by the door. There are 2 codes you can use. If you stack the 2 cards on top of each other, you get the code 631, which opens a closet. If you rearrange the keys and place them in the following order 1st, fourth, third, second, you will see the actual excape code 235.
Enter 235 on the key pad, and exit stage left :)
How do you get the third key! UH! I'm stuck! :s
ReplyDeletei'hv got 7 balls,2 cards(together is the number 613),3 keys & 1 paper...dunno wad to do with the paper cos when i placed the balls in the position stated in the paper nothing happened.i'm stuck.
ReplyDeletethx mike!!
ReplyDeleteThat was pretty fun, I only needed a little help lol
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! you just wasted 19 minutes! PAAAARRRRTTTTYYYYYYY! with no cheating thank you very much =D
ReplyDeleteI wasted 19 minutes as well. Clever game.
ReplyDeletewhoo im out, took me forever to get all the circles white on the computer! XD
ReplyDeleteNow why can't all room escape be like that?! Logical, not too hard and great design, purrfect! Thankyou whoever made it :0)
ReplyDeleteKittyPaw and Shuchun kick ass!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat job U guys. Thank U very much.
Regreats From Merida Yucatan Mexico.
yeeei... made it in 53 minutes =P
ReplyDeletemike, tnx a lot 4 the walktrough, you saved me waste much more time than i already had.
ReplyDelete..nice game though :)
x O O O
ReplyDeleteO x O O
O O x O
O O O x
one corner to the other
x O O x
O x x O
O x x O
x O O x
opposite corner to corner
x O O x
x x x x
O x x O
x O O x
two on either left+right or top+bottem
x x O x
x x x x
O x x O
x x O x
2 on top+bottem or left+right opposite of what was just done
x x x o
x x o x
x o x x
o x x x
click from one corner to the other, the now unclicked ones
it said i wasted 20 min.
ReplyDeletethe guide 4 the thing ubove couch
x= ball o= no ball
hope it works 4 ya
ReplyDeletea REAL WALK-through.
Opening screen you see two arrows.
Left. Right. and a mat to the right on the loor in front of
now facing green sofa.
Click DOWN ARROW. (to go back to previous screen.)
Click on coat Rack beside Sofa. Obtain 2nd BALL from rear
Go Right.
now facing desk with duck on top, and two locked doors. also
two outlets (useful later if you haven't obtained that card
underneath the mat)
Using the card you found Underneath the MAT at the door, CLICK
on the LEFT OUTLET. A KEY will appear.
Yay, your first key!
Click on the DUCK to face it, Now CLICK again on It's BEAK.
Yay, 2nd Key!
(though ithink the first time i went through this I got a
Click on the cabinet to face the Cabinet.
open the FURTHEST RIGHT DOOR. You see another Duck, similar
to the one on top. Knock it's beak/head/eyes. WAIT. A KEY
will Appear.
And Voila, your 3rd KEY. (ONE MORE to go...)
you are now facing the wall with clock and computer Desk. The
desk has one locked drawer. your key should open it. ALSO
CLICK on THE CLOCK. The POSITION 12 is another ball (see list
Extract PAPER from TOP DRAWER.
On the Computer screen you will see shaded dots. These must
RECOGNIZE the all the dots overturn the dot you click itself,
as well as any dots adjacent to it N,S,E,W or Top, Bottom,
Left, Right. See how the Corners turn an 'L' Shape - all the
center dots make a PLUS SIGN. The middle ones on the outer
edge make a 'T'.
This PAttern is the Grey Spots (N) to turn them ALL WHITE,
CLICK ON THE Corresponding Places marked by #:
or other wise noted:
ROW A: spot 3
ROW B: SPot 1
ROW C: Spot 4
Row D: spot 2
once you do that sequence you will get your 2nd Card!
Click the Down Arrow to 'Restart' Your PC session there.
USING the PAPER, CLICK ON THE DOTS corresponding to the 'o's
on the paper. THis will show you a pattern that is the 7-BALL
PLACEMENT for the grey square on the wall above the sofa. I
have made below a 7-BALL Placement chart.
from the computer screen
Click the DOWN ARROW to step back.
Go RIGHT again
Facing the sofa, click on the blackish grey square. place the
balls as stated below.
7-BALL PLACEMENT for slots on wall:
Row A: 2
ROW B: 1,2,4
ROW C: 1,2
ROW D: 4
Balls Locations:
In NO particular order in case you looked everywhere else:
(and weren't following this walk-through)
1. Under sofa
2. one of the knobs on the coat rack beside the sofa
3. in middle-left cabinet door (locked)
4. in middle-right cabinet door (locked)
5. underneath the same
6. Position number 12 on clock.
7. bottom drawer of Computer Desk
The rectangle on the left will 'open' and turn tan.
CLICK ON IT, it will Automatically use the 2nd card you got
from the "White Dot screen puzzle".
Hoorah! You have gotten your 4th and FINAL KEY!
NOW, Put all your keys together Side-By-Side and a code will
the opening screen.
Another fun thing to do is drag the two cards on top of one
another and onother number will be revealed, which you can
ALSO use on the Door Lock Panel, but reveals a useless
opening. its just to frustrate you, and stump you.
AND THAT's IT. Walk out the opening on the LEFT. THe Hallway
and proceed to the opening at the end of the Hall.
YAAAAAYYY! I've Created a SUCCESSFUL Walk-Through for this
game! (it's how I gt through takagachi's white room, v-Room,
and C-room.)
*NOTE* Feel FREE to TRANSLATE this to YOUR LAnguage. ciao,
au revoir, arrividerce?, Guten Abend!
I just want to say HA! i'm out! and i hope you get angry when you read this. d bags
ReplyDeleteAdobe Flash game, so gone forever.
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