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Smart Escape - Hana's Koala

Kashikoko Escape WalkthroughSmart Escape - Hana Koala aka Kashikoko Escape is a new Japanese point and click escape the room game from Gotmail with really nice graphics and sounds. In Hana Koala, you have to search the room for items to find the way of escape. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. first! can't figure out this website link stuff... just more sites.

  2. wow this game just loves puzzles... keep clicking on the top corners of the painting to move it and open the safe with the key from the curtains to get a puzzle

  3. i think i opened the garage door with code from dvd not sure though. was it closed to begin with?

  4. not sure with the directions code. might have to do with the dance the koalas keep doing

  5. anyone find batteries for the tv remote?

  6. Batteries are to the left of the hutch on the floor beside the white cabinet.

  7. afim,what do you get?
    i'm out! but i don't have too much time to discuss with you about the game!

  8. Loading game right now. I'll check back if I need some help.

  9. Hutch is where the dishes and plates are kept:)

  10. Got binoculars from shelf above bed...stuck

  11. hm....still don't understand... is it around the brown cabinet and the tv display?

  12. I also cannot find the batteries.

    Anyways, I found a piece of paper, used the pencil with it. Anyone know what the sonpaz4 on the back of the koala sticker is for?

  13. i think i got the batteries using a code on the thing with dishes. yeah its in a mug. haven't used the cell phone yet and the dvd is confusing because it goes in the laptop.

  14. Got batteries(used), scraper(used) pencil(used), sticker, cell phone, remote(used but is still available), key(used), puzzle(completed), DVD(used), piece of paper(used but still available) and binoculars...need code for white filing cabinet in kitchen and code for garage door. One space open in inventory...stuck.

  15. go to table, look up, see blimp, use binoculars to get arrow code.

  16. couldnt zoom in on blimp. just see a blurry thing on wood

  17. Used code from use of binoculars on white filing cabinet in kitchen, got key. Still need funky shape code my garage...where to look...

  18. oops nvm you have to use binoculars again

  19. Use binoculars when looking up to clarify the blur.

  20. to use the binocular and get the code for the directional password... position your view where you see the dinning table and the window... click on the right side of the wall above the curtains... it'll then bring you to the view of the sky with a bar-like design... point your binoculars at the bar where you can see a little bit of black writing

    PS... still can't find the batteries...please help

  21. Also, I can't get into'd you open the garage door?

  22. ellelexi: face the piece of furniture with plates and dishes in it and click the floor on the lower right between that and the white cabinet.

  23. I still can't find the batteries. I clicked everywhere possible near the dishes, still no luck

  24. there are some tips :
    code1 use binoculars on blimp which is over the ceiling above the table
    code2 do a puzzle
    code3 watch tv two times (再生)(put the dvd in the dvd player)
    the last step is computer:
    use the computer in the game. click on the paper,and then the pc, picture from under the bed,and the pc again and you will go to another website
    click the left side of the pc and then roll down(when you get to another screen) click on the black words with red arrow
    and right now your cell phone can write a letter to this insurance company.
    and then you use key to out!
    hope these tips help! i must go!

  25. find the number code... almost positive it was 0459. use it on hutch between tv and kitchen. in a mug u get batteries, use in remote. use remote on tv, watch movie (there are a few) not sure if they mean anything, but click the tv afterwards to get shapes code for garage.

  26. Batteries are in the dish cabinet. You have to complete the puzzle in the safe to get the code. Did you find the key hiding in the curtain first?

  27. I'm guessing the "sonpoz4" on the back of Koala sticker has something to do with garage code? Maybe?

  28. tami, would you please see my post at 21:48 there is an answer that you want

  29. i used the sticker and paper to get to website, but not sure what sunshun was talking about. i've been looking around that site forever!

  30. afime, don't use your browser but the computer in this game

  31. i did... still not sure what to click on that screen though. used your instructions from before, but it's not linking to anything different.

  32. Same here, can't scroll on the computer in the game...I get to the other site(on the puter in the game) then nothing...

  33. and why can the dvd go in the laptop if it doesn't let me open it?

  34. still don't know where the batteries i have to find the code for the dishes cabinet first? are the batteries in there? if so does anyone know what the code is?

  35. I'm out. Thanks everybody

    In the in-game browser, click paper, then the address bar. Then click sticker then address bar again. To scroll, use the scroll bar to find what you need

  36. ellelexi i wrote down how before a few times. someone said you need to solve the puzzle in the safe first. just read above and you should find them.

  37. elle, I think the dishes codes are different for each player. To get code, make sure you complete the puzzle completely, meaning every piece is locked tight

  38. You said click "left side of pc"? where abouts?

  39. FINALLY! thanks a ton nanako and sunchun!

  40. lol...nm...i'm such an idiot... i completed the puzzle..or atleast I thought I did... i randomly went clicking at the puzzle and found that one of them was i finally matched it up better and the password popped up..LOL finally

  41. Out! Yippee! Have to go out then back into cell to get last info...unless I just didn't wait long enough the first time:) Thanks all for the help:)

  42. tami-
    If the paper and sticker are "used" in your inventory after you use the PC in the game, you've gone to the site you need to.

    I didn't realize I'd already scrolled and clicked what I needed to.

  43. i'm OUTTT... thanks everyone

  44. Help done everything...only thing left is the pink do I get out?

  45. anyone here...alright gotmail

  46. does this game load on the page link given or do u have to hit another link?..

  47. why wont gotmail games load for me anymore...any suggestions..?..i know theyre long..but still they used too..

  48. Hey Mercedes, goodmorning.
    Just start playing, it´s 09.50 am where i live
    Could you load the game?

  49. Just need to find paper - any hints please?

  50. Never Mind, idiot that i am, i got it!

  51. Do I need to so sth with the key?
    I solved everything and ordered something via mobile. My inventory is full, too.
    But the door doesn't open.

  52. sorry, i know is a stupid question, but, where is the safe?, i cant find int¡¡¡¡

  53. nevermind, i am the stupid¡¡¡, i found the safe¡¡

  54. The safe is behind the picture of the koalas.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Where is the remote? I thought I've looked everywhere possible..:/

  57. I can't find the cell phone. And does anyone know what this purple key goes to?

  58. I believe I found the remote on the ground between the fridge looking thing and the china cabnet. click on the space between the two on the ground

  59. nvm. I found the cell phone.

  60. That was it! Thanks a bunch! I thought I tried there too. Ha! :P

  61. The 'sonpoz4' is actually sonpo24, it seems. If you use it as the URL domain ( it takes you to a koala site, but it's all Japanese...

  62. I have everything but the paper where do you find it?? please help...

  63. I couldn't click on the blimp when it went by. Any clues on the arrow code??

  64. Walkthru.....we need these when no one else is playing and we get stuck.....

    Thank you to above contributors

    Opening scene wait until it is in focus and you can start

    Check books by TV for paper
    Check kitchen drawers for scraper
    Check bin for pencil
    Pull curtain for key that drops to floor by table (move chair and click window sill)
    Click painting at top to reveal safe and use key to reveal puzzle
    Solve puzzle and click when finished to reveal code
    Click under bed and get sticker with scraper and examine to see code on back
    Click pillow to get cell phone
    Check shelf above bed to get binoculars
    Examine paper and use pencil to get web address
    Get DVD under sofa
    Use puzzle code to open large cabinet and get batteries
    Get remote between cabinet and fridge and examine to put in batteries
    With screen of table look up and use binoculars to focus on beam (click twice) to get arrow code
    Go to kitchen and enter code on pad near window for a key
    Place DVD in player and using remote watch TV and click to get garage code and open garage door with pad on wall near car
    Go to lap top and press on button. Select internet. Using the paper with the web address click the web address space, do the same with the sticker (if it doesnt work, you havent examined the pieces) press the go arrow and you get a new screen. Click the car and get a new screen and click the black words with red arrow.
    Something happens so examine cell phone and click a couple of times until OK and then use key to get out

  65. I am stuck.
    Can't get it with the laptop and the cellphone in the ending.

    What black words with red arrow? There are four of these in the right upper corner but that wont work.

    Or what to do with the cell? click a few times? :S Where or how!?


  66. johan, roll down and you will see the black words with a red arrow

  67. I got out, but boy would this be so much easier if I spoke Japanese. haha

  68. wow, finally. tough one thx for the tips, couldn't do it without 'em.

  69. i had the same problem being stuck w/the pink key.

    if you think you're done, but still have the phone, you need to check your mail before you can go.

    maybe you have to do it at the door or after trying to open it. that's where i realized.

  70. Can't figure out how to get the remote between cabinet and fridge

  71. got all the way thru, hit ok on cell phone. no pink key and phone not in my inventory. only thing left if binoculars??? Help!!!!

  72. Same problem.. No key, no cell phone. I must suck at these games.



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