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Dog Room Escape

Dog Escape WalkthroughDog Room Escape is a new Japanese point and click type room escape game from creator of Mouse Room Escape, Frog Room Escape, and White Cat Escape games. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Full]

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  1. yay first! lol thought id join the growing trend!

  2. I'm stuck, found two slides, 4 valentine chocolate packs, dog biscuits, cutter, some liquid and a piece of paper, I've used all of em and now I have nothing in the inventory and I can't go anywhere. Help please.

  3. Quite easy and short, yes, allthough i guess there must be a different ending.....

  4. very easy game any one needs help i'll be ready it took me 4 minutes to finishhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,

  5. Red serpent, if you used the dogfood you should be able to get the pliers where the dog was before

  6. Got "Game clear", anyone had a different ending ?

  7. can't find any more slides, must be more than two

  8. I have 5 chocolates, biscuits (used) paper with ink, 2 slides (1 in projector) and hedge clippers. Stuck!!

  9. 3 slides to be found ryedaddyo

  10. got the number on the wall from projector - but what to do with clock and hedge clippers?

  11. In the view with the blue chair, click above white board on the right.

  12. The first time it said: game clear,to be continued,perfect. but now i played again and i lost the 5 presents on the way (don´t no where) and i got out with only; game clear,to be continued, but not the word perfect ??

  13. where is the third slide, I found the one above the board and the one under the extinguisher. Where is the third its driving me nuts.

  14. I just got a perfect on my end. I think it has to do with the number of chocolates you have in the end.

  15. Don't put the chocolates (or whatever the presents are) on the thing on the table (projector ?) otherwise you lose them and it's only "game clear".

  16. ok - think i've done everything. nothing left in inventory - but how do I get out??!! I have 5 boxes of chocolate! clock is set to 9:12

  17. slides : under extinguisher, above white board, and one found when light is off and projector is on.

  18. lol thank you nanako! I must be losing it playing all these games! game clear perfect!

  19. It's a stove, not a projector

  20. let's say it's a stove then, but why on earth would you see the slide when stove is on ? At least it accounts for the chocolate melting.

  21. third slide is on the window. u have to turn light off, turn stove on(be sure that chocolates r not selected) and then will slide apear on window

  22. Walkthrough

    1 Click the wall left of table pick up chocolates
    2 turn right, pick up chocolates and dog cookies from plate on the table
    3 turn right, pick upo chocolates from dog, zoom copying machine, take paper,and chocolates behind machine, zoom out, zoom in the fire extiguisher take glue, click extinguisher and take slide
    4 turn right, zoom plate on floor and put dog cookies in it, zoom out take shears,use glue on blank paper and put it on dog picture
    5 turn 2 screens left, click on wall above right corner of screen, select shears and take secons slide
    6 turn left turn lights off, turn right and turn the stove on, the final slide will appear on window, take it
    7 turn left and turn lights on, turn once more left, click on projector, pick up chocolates, put all slides on projector and look at the wall
    8 notice 9:12, turn right, zoom clock, and keep clicking yellow button until u get 9:12 on clock, then push red button, u will get a pass card, use it under light switch, open door and ur out

  23. Hi, boys and girls! As from now, you will see me more often here.
    I follow the escape games quiet some time now, but never bothered to post a comment.

    Hope te hear from you soon in a next game! This one was too easy :p

  24. I'm out! Thanks for the hint on the third slide above the whiteboard. Even though I thought I could figure out the time. The clock wouldn't show it.

  25. @mofok...clock doesnt work...have the clue what?

  26. Until this point it was pretty easy, we will see the next part...

  27. Game clear with 5 choclates. Yeha.

  28. I've played about 20 of these games over the last few days and this is the first one I solved with no help! YAY!

  29. will someone please tell me wat to do with the cocolate boxs i fond 2 (im stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


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