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Mouse Room Escape

Mouse Escape WalkthroughMouse Room Escape Game is another Japanese point-and-click escape-the-room game from Sakura. In this game you are in a room and you try to escape the mouse room by searching around to find and use somethings. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Elza]

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  1. I've got the red, grey, blue, green coins, and the 500 coin - can't get the yellow yet.

  2. turn off the lights and look where the mouse behind the ashtray/pot thing is

  3. thanks. can't figure lock....

  4. keep looking at the computer and it'll give you the order

  5. okay i tried the order on the computer & it's not working out for me.

  6. how do u get the yellow coin?

    and, wht do u do wth the 500 coin??

  7. hello, I've got all the coins, and the code from the computer, when I put the coins in the right order, nothing happens, I tried to combine them and neither happens. maybe I should do something with the 50 cents coin firstly. ¿¿???

  8. but how did u get the yellow coin? and wht do u do wth that running mouse?

  9. paroma, you have to swicht off th light, got to the mouse who is behind the ashtry, and there you'll find a tweezers, then go to the stove ans use them to reach yellow coin

  10. thnks Iche.. i got the yellow coin FINALLY!!! also got the code frm the computer.. but nothing happened..
    don't know wht to do with the 500 coin and the running mouse.. !!!

  11. for the code, use the order on the computer but swap blue and red and also swap black/yellow

  12. look at the 3 clocks on the wall. click the middle clock. watch it for a minute and the hand will move, leaving you a black on's the black coin

  13. you dont need the 500 coin in the game, it is only needed to get perfect clear i think

  14. Switching coins does not work tried red black yellow green blue!

  15. lance, the order is the same as the olympic flag, turned on its side.
    left column from top to bottom:red/black/blue; right column: green/yellow

  16. I'm out, perfect clear! Thanks for the help with the coins. Weird, that you switch the order that is given on the computer.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. diana, there is a hint about changing the colors on the poster when you turn off the light, another hint was the symbols on the heater thing.

  19. Finalllllllly OUTTTTTT !!!!

    actually strange.. why do we need to flip the order given by the computer???? i meanhow will we know the pattern in which we need to flip the code??

  20. hi all, im new to posting, not to the games tho...having trouble finding the tweezers, turned off lights still cant find them near mouse, any help

  21. Thanks pew pew out! lol figures diana the genius gets out before me lol

  22. Witchywoman turn of lights go to basket in corner and the mouse should be gone! The tweezers are where he used to be!

  23. can someone please provide a walkthrough for locating the coins? I see the red coin in the ashtray, but I can't get it. I am also not getting an tweezers when i turn off the light.

  24. @witchy-woman

    you'll need to take the red coin in the ashtray first.


    I can't get anything from the computer and I can't find the 500 chip.

  25. and what do you have to do for a percet clear? I mean what do I have to do with the 500 coin ?

  26. thks, how do i get the red coin out the way, diana, love your walkthroughs

  27. red serpent click on the keyboard at the computer till 5 colors show up! Sorry forget where 500 coin is lol

  28. Clicking on red coin but cant take it.........

  29. Maria, fill the cup with water and pour it on the red coin

  30. Cup...?
    MUST be thick, cant see a cup...;)

  31. cup is in the cupboard (as is the 500 coin). you can unlock the cupboard with the key you get after you feed the cheese to the mouse

  32. I must be missing something somewhere because I'm not seeing any cheese or a cup! The cupboard opens, but only the left-middle door and all I could get was the 500 coin. I dont see anything else in it.. The only things I've been able to get is the ladder, mouse with green coin, black & blue coins and the 500 coin. Cant get tweezers, red or yellow coin!! Someone please help me!!

  33. Nevermind, I finally figured it out.. I'm not real good at these games yet lol

  34. Anyone help with color combo I don't get it.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. NVM got it, weird and didn't use the 500 coin

  37. 1. Get ladder
    2. Turn left, and use ladder to reach top clock.
    3. Wait for clock hands to move - get black coin.
    4. Go back, turn left, and grab mouse running right to left.
    5. Zoom in to desk, and place mouse next to cheese - get green coin.
    6. get wrench from under desk.
    7. Click keyboard in different places to make five colored blocks appear - note their positions.
    8. Go back to view with pillows on ground (note the color and shapes of pillows)
    9. Go back to computer - get key from plate.
    10. Go back, turn left, note position of colors on poster.
    11. Use key to unlock top cabinet - get cup
    12. Click left cabinet repeatedly until it opens - get 500 coin.
    13. Turn right and fill cup with water from sink.
    14. Turn left and click on pot in corner.
    15. Pour water onto coals - get red coin.
    16. Go back, turn left, and turn off lights (bottom switch).
    17. Turn right, and note colors on poster (yellow and black are reversed)
    18. Click on pot (mouse has moved now) and grab the tweezers.
    19. Go back, turn left, and turn lights back on.
    20. Turn left, and click on heater. Note colors and shapes on bottom (backward from pillows)
    21. Use tweezers to get yellow coin.
    22. Go back, and click on dehumidifier.
    23. Use wrench to remove cover - get blue coin.
    24. Go back, and turn right.
    25. Click on top panel, and place coins in lock as follows, working from top to bottom: Red, Green, Black, Yellow, Blue (colors from computer, with red-blue and yellow-black reversed).
    26. Click "Lock", which changes to "Open"
    27. Go back, and click on doorknob.

  38. What happens w/ the "500" coin?

  39. my colours for lock..were..

    red black blue =top to bottom
    green yellow-top to bottom

  40. still had 500 coin too when i left with perfect clear..?..i guess nothing happens to it..u keep it..:)

  41. in walkthrough it says use ladders to reach top clock well I am clicking on ladders but they are not doing anything I can click on clock without ladders and it shows half the top of the clock but cannot see it moving and cannot get black coin also turned of lights went to ashtray but cannot see any tweezers?

  42. yes done it thanks to mercedes as my colours worked the same as yours

  43. please im despret help i cant get the twizers even when the lights are off the red coin in the ash tray and the other coin in the heater. :( help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. 1. Get ladder
    2. Turn left, and use ladder to reach top clock.
    3. Wait for clock hands to move - get black coin.
    4. Go back, turn left, and grab mouse running right to left.
    5. Zoom in to desk, and place mouse next to cheese - get green coin.
    6. get wrench from under desk.
    7. Click keyboard in different places to make five colored blocks appear - note their positions.
    8. Go back to view with pillows on ground (note the color and shapes of pillows)
    9. Go back to computer - get key from plate.
    10. Go back, turn left, note position of colors on poster.
    11. Use key to unlock top cabinet - get cup
    12. Click left cabinet repeatedly until it opens - get 500 coin.
    13. Turn right and fill cup with water from sink.
    14. Turn left and click on pot in corner.
    15. Pour water onto coals - get red coin.
    16. Go back, turn left, and turn off lights (bottom switch).
    17. Turn right, and note colors on poster (yellow and black are reversed)
    18. Click on pot (mouse has moved now) and grab the tweezers.
    19. Go back, turn left, and turn lights back on.
    20. Turn left, and click on heater. Note colors and shapes on bottom (backward from pillows)
    21. Use tweezers to get yellow coin.
    22. Go back, and click on dehumidifier.
    23. Use wrench to remove cover - get blue coin.
    24. Go back, and turn right.
    25. Click on top panel, and place coins in lock as follows, working from top to bottom: Red, Green, Black, Yellow, Blue (colors from computer, with red-blue and yellow-black reversed).
    26. Click "Lock", which changes to "Open"
    27. Go back, and click on doorknob.
    the code is....
    red green
    black yellow


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