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Escape from Pink Door

Escape from Pink Door WalkthroughEscape from the Pink Door is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Miss Twinkle. In this game, you are in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Never been first before, nice reason to post a comment!!

  2. got an appel, opened all the drawers, made a hammer and broke the vase. But what to do with the teddy bear? And still need the green key... Need to go now, come back and try later.

  3. Look at teddy bear on him nose, there are number. Note this.

  4. Got Apple, green key, knife, magnifier, brown square thing, and 5 different numbers in different colours.
    Whats with the flags on the ceiling?

    Meerjam what did you make a hammer with?

  5. jenva, where did you get the knife and green key from?

  6. use hammer on vase, get note and look at this note. look at flags ( last flag on bottom) note colors from down to up, and last flag on upper (note clors from left to right) this is colors number code for box.

  7. got blue key from behind drawer. Got shovel, and hammer head from drawers. Got red key from soil in pot plant. Smashed pot for clue.

    Goya knife is on top of the drawers, cut apple with it, you will find something useful.

  8. jenva, your answer is to moog68, not for me ;) I end this game, I was do all and i qiut :)

  9. I found the pink key and out!!

  10. code for box is 513803, get pink key and out

  11. Sorry goya, yes that was to moog68.

    where is the 6th number?

  12. oh got it, never mind, power of posting....and out! Nice game!

  13. you need knife ( knife is on drawer)

  14. i have the knife but can't cut the apple

  15. where ist the green number?

  16. clik on apple and clik "about item", then click on knife and on apple

  17. there is not green nubmer

  18. I have white, black, red and yellow numbers, ans need six numbers, whrer do i find the rest

  19. goya, that's what i do but nothing happens

  20. i see, need a blue number...but where is it?

  21. I only have the yellow and black numers where are the others?

  22. - Yellow number (0) is on screen with door in right side under the carpet.
    - Red (3) is on the pot (use magnifying glass).
    - White (1) is on wall on cloud with little black place (use magnifying glass).
    - Black (8) is on teddy bear nose.
    - Blue (5) is under door.

  23. Loiuse:Cut the apple find the key, open green box, find magnifying glass, look with it on little pionts on cloud and plant

  24. still can't cut the apple

  25. I am feeling veru stupid
    is there a special place where i must cut?

  26. No, but if you want you can try cut on center ;)
    Maybe this is bug.
    one more time: you see apple in your inventory, click on it and click "about item" you see now apple on center your screen, then click on knife (in inventory) and click on apple on your screen.

  27. thx goya, i know what to do
    I started over but it is still not working for me
    i think I quit

  28. restart game and try one more time, maybe will be good.

  29. it's not working for me
    I'm leiving now
    its lunchtime here

  30. How do you get to the flags on the ceiling? And where are all the numbers? Walkthru, please!

  31. all nubers:

    - Yellow number (0) is on screen with door in right side under the carpet.
    - Red (3) is on the pot (use magnifying glass).
    - White (1) is on wall on cloud with little black place (use magnifying glass).
    - Black (8) is on teddy bear nose.
    - Blue (5) is under door.

  32. Yes, thanks, Goya, but again, how do I get to the "flags on the ceiling"???

  33. just move the pointer towards the top on any screen and click when it becomes a hand freeway

  34. 1. Look under door, note number. (blue 5)
    2. Look on right side from door under the carpet, note number (yellow 0)
    3.Go left, take apple from tree.
    4.Go left, click on up drawer, take knife.
    5. Use knife on apple, get green key. Go left, click on trunk, use green key, get magnifying glass.
    6.Click on left side on drawer, you see yellow point, click it and open bottom shelf, get wooden.
    7.Click one more time on left side drawer and when you see yellow point, click behind drawer, get blue key.
    8.Use blue key on middle shelf, get shovel.
    9.Go right, click on tree in the pot and use showel on ground, get red key.
    10.Zoom out.
    11.Go left, use red key on upper shelf, get blunt end.
    12. Use wooden on blunt end. get hammer
    13.Go right, use hammer on vase, get note.
    14.Look at teddy bear on him nose, note number (black 8).
    15.Use magnifying glass on cloud with little black point on wall, note number (white 1).
    16.Go two right use magnifying glass on pot, note number (Red 3). Zoom out.
    17.Look at note in your inventory. You see Japanise words and rectangle with arrow to up and rectangle with arrow to left.
    18. close note.
    19.Click on upper your screen and you will se flags.
    20. Note last bottom flag, note colours from downt to up. You see Blue, white, red.
    21. Note last upper flag, note colours from left to right. You see black, yellow, red.
    22. Zoom out
    23.Go right
    24 Click on box and write down numbers. colours numbers = flag colours.
    25.Blue, white, red, black, yellow, red.
    26. Get pink key from box, use on door and you out.

  35. My first walkthrough, i hope this will be help. :)

  36. having completed the game earlier, and reading through your walkthrough it looks very good to me

    well done on your first walkthrough goya !!!

  37. And sorry for my english. I from Poland ;)

  38. nice walkthrough goya! good work!!!

  39. Thx all !!! :)

    Oh and there is little mistake
    in point 17:
    "17.Look at note in your inventory. You see Japanise words and rectangle with arrow to up and rectangle with arrow to left" (this is wrong).

    Must be 17.Look at note in your inventory. You see Japanise words and rectangle with arrow to up and rectangle with arrow to right

    Sorry all for this mistake.

  40. omg..thats a first where i guess a number and it actually be

  41. This game was quite hard lol!! In the end I just cheated and put the code 513803 in, got the pink key and escaped!

    Meerjam, to get the green key cut the apple with the knife on top of the drawers. In the green box you will get a magnifying glass, use this on the teddy's ear and the number 8 will appear.

  42. It was hard at first but then i ended up beating it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  43. Out ... not that hard when i played a second time :D

  44. Nice game, needed a hint to open code box but yay no walkthrough. Im addicted to escape games.

  45. found it here:


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