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The Four Seasons of Castle

The 4 Seasons of Castle WalkthroughThe 4 Seasons of Castle is another point and click type adventure game by the author of Cupid of the Mouse, Magic and Cat Escape, Escape Game of RPG, Sleeping Princess, The Moon Princess, and Turtle Help games. In this game, you search the around to finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Shuchun]

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The Four Seasons of Castle Walkthrough by hafirox999:

go right twice
get green worm from suns fishing rod
go right twice
get net from behind snowman
go left three times give worm to bird click bird again to pick up bird
go right twice
select bird and click on flower on top of hill
select bird in your items and click about item
click flower from birds mouth
go left twice
put flower in between two other flowers
click flower to make butterfly appear
select net and click butterfly
select butterfly and put it on the left most flower
click butterfly to make it go on tree click butterfly again
get stick
go right three times
select stick and put it in hole left of snowman to make eel appear
click eel to scare bear
click scared bear to knock over snowman
get leaf
go left once
select leaf and put it on bear
click bear again to turn him in to surfer
go left once
put surfer into water and click the end of water being sprayed to create rainbow
click cloud where rainbow ends to get key
go left twice
do not click present
select key then door
you’re out

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  1. Wow, I am actually first, I don't want to, I need help already!

  2. Hi all... I can't pick anything up...

  3. Already played this one. Very easy but cute.

  4. get the worm from the sun

  5. what do i do with the butterfly>

  6. completed another one ... i like this series

  7. also got butterfly, but stuck

  8. put it back on the flower shannon

  9. i like this series too... cute

  10. Hey all! Cute game as usual. I was able to get 2 endings.

  11. cute and easy game..what were the two endings?? i only got one

  12. One you pick up the present at the end. The other one, you don't (better ending).

  13. Thought there might be a way to open the present before you open the door, but think I've tried just about everything. Oh well.

  14. What the heck am I supposed to do here? Somebody please give me a walkthrough! Thanks!

  15. Well, it's not easy for me! Please help me, someone, I have not a clue!

  16. These are the seemingly easiest point n' click games and I'm always stuck. I feel bad.

    Anyway, I got a bird and a net and the bird flew out and picked up a flower and that's where I am.

    I already gave the bird the worm from the sun and all.

  17. Wait...there's another Shannon on to differentiate between us, call me Shannon #2

  18. walkthrough (first time)

    go right twice
    get green worm from suns fishing rod
    go right twice
    get net from behind snowman
    go left three times give worm to bird click bird again to pick up bird
    go right twice
    select bird and click on flower on top of hill
    select bird in your items and click about item
    click flower from birds mouth
    go left twice
    put flower in between two other flowers
    click flower to make butterfly appear
    select net and click butterfly
    select butterfly and put it on the left most flower
    click butterfly to make it go on tree click butterfly again
    get stick
    go right three times
    select stick and put it in hole left of snowman to make eel appear
    click eel to scare bear
    click scared bear to knock over snowman
    get leaf
    go left once
    select leaf and put it on bear
    click bear again to turn him in to surfer
    go left once
    put surfer into water and click the end of water being sprayed to create rainbow
    click cloud where rainbow ends to get key
    go left twice
    do not click present
    select key then door
    you’re out

  19. oooh! i love these type of games! they're so cute!

  20. Why, thank you, hafirox999! Cute game! :)

  21. I like this series. So cute. :>

  22. Thanks for the walkthrough Hafirox!

  23. Aye folks..Shannon where's pic of how I can tell if it's you or not..Unless theyre are three

    Anyone here?

  24. Not supposed to take present...i had to play twice...lo

  25. also my favo games ... lol Mercedes, i also like to open presents and could start over again :D


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