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The Moon Princess

Moon Princess WalkthroughThe Moon Princess is another point and click type game by the author of Cupid of the Mouse, Magic and Cat Escape, Escape Game of RPG and Sleeping Princess games. In this game, you search the around to finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Diana]

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  1. nice one..altho the elixir of life..was a total luck strike..:)

  2. Yup, there are 2 different endings.

  3. i like the sound when you pick something up

  4. Yes, even the sounds are cute. It also makes we want to have a cute little pet cow at home.

  5. i don`t know what to do whit the ring :(

  6. Me too, I don't know what to do with carrot and ring, I see that the ring changes color, blue, yellow and red. i'll try to click everywhere but nothing, I'm stuck. Sorry for my english but I'm french

  7. There are 2 endings, one involves the ring, one doesn't.

    Also, has the Moon Princess stopped crying? Maybe she is hungry......

  8. Thank you Diana, I'll try to feed her.

  9. i did that 2...
    and the seed??

  10. Plant the seed. Don't forget to water it.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Ok...I have carrot. Princess not crying...not sure how I did that. Refilled watering can. Ring that changes so stuck!!

  13. give something to cow (use cutter), and the cow will give you something to give the princess

  14. i have a bunny now... stuck 2 :( feel stupid

  15. Has the princess been changed, fed (bottle), and fed (carrot)?

  16. Has the moon risen? It may be time for her to go home...

  17. I tried using cutter on carrot....tried giving cow everything...I feel so dumb! Help?

  18. Walkthrough:

    -Pick up the ring.
    -Go right into the bamboo grove. Pick up the cutter.
    -Cut down the second from the left bamboo to get the Moon Princess.
    -Go back and click the lake in the middle.
    -Cut down the pasture on the left. View it and get the key.
    -Use the cutter to get the tool bag floating in the water.
    -Go back again and click the house. Use the key on the chest and get the nursing bottle.
    -Click the tea kettle to lower it and then grab it. (It’s called a tea cup, but you know what it is).
    -Go back again and feed the pasture to the cow. Use the nursing bottle on him to fill it with milk.
    -Go back to the lake and fill the tea kettle with water.
    -Back again and look at the tool bag in your inventory. Get the seed.
    -Plant the seed in the garden and then water it with the tea kettle. Get the carrot.
    -View the Moon Princess. She is crying. Click her diaper and notice it is dirty. Click the dirty spot to change her. Feed her the bottle (2 times) until she stops crying. Then feed her the carrot. Yay, she’s happy now!
    -Click the moon. Return the Moon Princess to her home.
    -Go to the bamboo grove and get the Elixir of Immortality.
    -Go to the lake and click the cloud to take you to the crater.
    2 Endings:
    1. Click the ring and notice that there are differences: ring, doubtful ring, ring of rule. Throw the ring in. You made it peaceful and it is no longer dangerous!
    2. Throw in the elixir of immortality and make the mountain immortal!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. thank you so much diana,without u i cant get a happy ending.

  21. Thx Diana for walkthrough
    couldn't do it without you!

  22. These games, are always my favorite, the mouse, capricorn, etc. It is nice to play the new one.

  23. Thanks SO much Diana
    you're very good with walkthroughs!

  24. i kmow ths sounds dome but Im at the lake clicked middle of the lake. I cant find the pasture I clicked to left doesnt move. Is the pasture grass or something else?

  25. where is the moon?


  26. out..and got peaceful ending..the ring was gold when i through it in...not sure whether or not that was

  27. awesome game ... tyvm Diana for the walkthrough ... moon is full and looks like a sun without rays :D


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