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Sakura - Flowers from Harapeko

Flowers from HARAPEKO WalkthroughFlowers from HARAPEKO aka Big Cherry Trees is another point and click type adventure game created by Minoto, who is also creator of Cupid of the Mouse, Magic and Cat Escape, Escape Game of RPG, Sleeping Princess, The Moon Princess, Turtle Help and The Four Seasons of Castle games. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics! Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Axelle]

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  1. got cherry blossoms----dont know have another ending,too,

  2. I got the cherry blossoms as well. Cute little game. :>

  3. hi,diana
    i played this game first. the last one seems to have more than 3 endings--- i will try it tomorrow.
    cute game--- but i only got one ending if you got another, post it please.

  4. Hmm, cherry blossom ending here too. Will try again.

  5. diana,
    it's my bedtime.i will check this game tomorrow.

    see you next game!bye!

  6. Walkthrough if needed..

    1. Get teapot on rabbit's head.
    2. Go right, get bird. Click teapot and river to fill it.
    3. Go right and get bee.
    4. Go right. Click bird then tomato (?) in tree. Notice the bear crying over the spilled honey. Get the seed that came out of the tomato.
    5. Go left twice. Click the bee then the flower. Click the bee again and it will go to the bee hive and knock it down. Get the bee hive. Give the seed to the crab. Take the rice ball.
    6. Go right twice and give the bear the bee hive. Click the bear and he goes away.
    7. Put rice ball on stand next to the statue and click the statue. It turns into a raccoon. Click the raccoon and he eats the rice ball.
    8. Go left and click the bear. The girl and the bear wrestle. Get the ax.
    9. Go left twice. Click the ax and the stump next to the tree. Get the fire wood.
    10. Go all the way to the right. Give the wood to the raccoon. Click him again and the rabbit comes. Click the rabbit and he starts the raccoon on fire. Click the raccoon and he runs to the hill(?) and starts it on fire. Click the hill and it turns to ash.
    11. Click the teapot and the ash and it puts out the fire. Take the ash.
    12. Go all the way to the left and click the ash. Then click the tree on every branch top and bottom parts. Cherry blossoms appear and you are done!

    This is my first walkthrough so I hope it was ok.

  7. I got Cherry Blossums too...These are the cutest games..

  8. These games are great. fast paced and logical. Always a fast, fun escape.

  9. I look forward to this series of games. Fun, easy, and too cute! =)

  10. Missing piece of the walkthrough...

    after the raccoon eats the rice..
    - go left twice and use bee on flower
    - click bee (he goes up and makes the honey comb drop
    - pick up honeycomb
    - go left twice and give honeycomb to bear

  11. Christine... that part is in the walkthrough. It is part 5 and 6 And you go right twice after getting the bee hive. :)

  12. you can also water the sprout in the scene with the ax and get a carrot to give to the pink rabbit.

  13. hi all, going to give it ago

  14. i have a bird, used, a bee used gave hive to the bear, rice,axe,woodteapot with water in it and the crab has the seed i think thats it but now im stuck :(

  15. kay i just found tha racoon and it ate the rice now.

  16. opps poor thing i set it on fire, but its ok i put it out now

  17. i got cherry blossom endind also cute game

  18. Always cute and fun to play, enjoyed it as usual.

  19. well i got ending with as pink blossom tree...:) looked like good

  20. Is it just me, but when I give the wood to the racoon and click him again, no rabbit comes along and I'm just left with this wide-eyed racoon... anyone else got that same problem?

  21. oh, well guess i'll try this again tomorrow

  22. maysie,
    water the carrot(there is a green plant where you got the ax )(just in front of the bear)
    give the rabbit carrot and it will jump to ----

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I got a different ending by putting the ash on the other tree

  25. yes, i got the crab ending,too.

  26. got also the jumping crab ending ... never known a crab loves tomatoes :D

  27. Nice game. First try i got the crab ending. Second time i got the blossom end.

  28. two endings:
    use the ash on the tree where you began-cherry blossom end

    use the ash on the tree near the crab-crab end


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