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Escape of Yellow Door

Yellow Door Escape is another point and click type escape the room game created by Twinkle, the creator of Cindrella Escape , Escape from Pink Door and Escape of Blue Door games. In this game you are locked in a room and you try to escape from the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. got scissor(used),a bag of sand(used),screwdriver(used)and paper with sand...stuck,cant crack the code

  2. Have 2 gems, screwdriver (used), scissors (used), paper with sand (used). Figured out missing numbers from pyarmid but now sure how it relates to code in back.

  3. I'm where you are Shuchun. I've also turned off the lights and gone around the room, but saw nothing. Of course, that was before I saw the message, "The darkness is dangerous."

  4. I can't seem to use the sandpaper of the coffin

  5. when you do it will say something like "about to come off", then use screwdriver

  6. Okay, I found the gems, and am looking at the pyramid puzzle, but am stuck again.

    Don't know if it makes a difference, but you can put the second gem in and take it out of where you get the first gem.

  7. Got what looks like a mirror from the coffin

  8. me,either.
    and got a flashlight from top of the pyramid and get three hints from the brown box(?) next to the coffin when you turn off the light

  9. Do I need to turn the lights off, I've clicked the coffin a million times with the sandpaper highlighted and nothing is happening

  10. the puzzle is a math puzzle. The top # is 50, below are 30 and 20 which equal 50 when added. The same concept follows on down and you can get the missing numbers that way

  11. nascargurl, use paper on right eye to 'loosen' and use screwdriver to remove.

  12. How did you get the flashlight?

  13. Got the pyramid opened :)

  14. on the code screen(pyramid)--click on the top ---to the top of the pyramid
    and can you explain the code...cant get it still

  15. I'm going to re-load. I've clicked a million times over the eye and am still not getting the message 'about to come off'.

  16. Jennifer, does the code relate to the math puzzle from the front?

  17. Okay, I got the spinx to fart, pardon me, blow wind.......

  18. i can't find the flashlight now grrr

  19. The code breaker must be derived from the math puzzle projected on the pyramid with the lights off.

    HINT- 50
    (17+13) (13+ triangle)

    Hope this helps :)

  20. the flashlight didn't lead to any hints for me either with lights on or off

  21. Jennifer, I got the missing numbers (triange, square and circle) just not sure how that applies to the code. Am I missing something obvious here?

  22. you have to flip over the flashlight to get a dark light(blue light)

  23. ok i got triangle number and i think square but no clue with the circle. jeez math is my worst subject.

  24. For the math puzzle...think of it like your way from bottom up, you have 2 + 6, just above it is a square, that square is equal to 2+6, then you have 6 + circle, and above those two numbers is a 9, in other words, ? added to 6 equals 9? that would be the number for the circle

  25. after you use the sand paper to get the eye, put the blue gem in the sphinx and he'll pass wind, use sand paper at his rear end, it will give you the order for the code on the side of pyramid

  26. Can you take both eyes from the coffin? If not, you don't need the sandpaper to take off the right eye. It just comes right off with the screwdriver.

    Is there another use for the sandpaper?

    Still can't find the flashlight, but I did get the numbers from the pyramid, just don't know where to use them.

  27. i still can't find the flashlight, can someone just spell it out for me lol

  28. Lady D - substitute the numbers (derived from the math puzzle) into the shapes that have appeared on the sandpaper after its been blown by the sphinx's butt.

    BTW, do not touch the treasure once inside the pyramid. I had to re-start.

  29. thanks for explaining it. i would have been here all night trying to figure it out.

  30. mlm, use the screwdriver on the left side towards the top of the pyramid, there is a place to enter numbers

  31. Aha! Thx, nascargurl, now I'm in pyramid.

  32. I don't know how I'd ever get through one of these without y'all. I got into the pyramid, but had a bad end.

    Still don't understand where to find the flashlight.

    Starting over. ;)

  33. im clicking the top of the pyramid and i cant find the

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. ok I got out but its a bad ending... what am I doing wrong...

  36. lvin, on the screen that is asking for the numerical code, click the top of the screen and you should see the flashlight hanging at the top of the back side of the pyramid.

  37. omg, thank you so much lady, I was ready to pull my hair out looking for that dang thing

  38. thank u thank u thank u.

    i was thinking. 8/2 is 4 and a moon thing. quarter of a moon maybe the phases. i dont know.

  39. well dang, i was never much on following directions..i just HAD to touch the gem lol

  40. Once you're in the pyramid, remember that when you found the flashlight, it was hanging.

  41. Three "equation" in the pyramid that I assume relate to the passwords on the three boxes?? I get the other shapes, but what about the crescent?

  42. LOL, nascargurl, as soon as I clicked it, I remembered I wasn't supposed to do it.

  43. ok I got in but nothing yet... ok I got five letter word for yellow.... by placing the flashlight (thanks for the hint) and the green one too... but... the blue???? and what are the words?

  44. did anyone else notive that if you click towards the bottom right side of the blue thing holding the gem, there's a "gap" behind it?

  45. precious, there is a gap behind the gem stand, use mirror

  46. precious, how did u come up with those?

  47. On the back of the portrait, it looks like a calendar, with the crescent at the top. So I'm thinking the crescent is related to the phases of the moon, somehow... quarter moon?

  48. I got 383773 as the code, but once inside the pryamid do you go left, right forwad or back?

  49. I'm totally stuck in the pyramid.

  50. I was thinking they were a math equation somehow? Green: 8 (number from the square) divided by 2, multiplied?? by crescent?? and so on.

  51. Okay, I figured out one of my problems is I can't figure out how to get into the coffin, so I don't have the mirror.

    Hints, anyone?


  53. punch, make sure you have the flashlight turned on before you go in either direction

  54. Uh, never mind. Got the mirror from the coffin. Silly me!

  55. Ivin, how is the calender the hint, i guess i'm totally stupid tonight, i can't figure it out

  56. what calendar? like the 12 month cal?

  57. precious, after you cut the picture down that's hanging on the wall inside the pyramid, click on it again, it will flip over

  58. YEAH. ok im spoiling but dont read if u dont want it.

    look at a number u get that is the month on the calender. like 4 is april

  59. Ivin's brilliant! Ignore the moon; it's not part of the equation. The other numbers (including the ones represented by the shapes) are.

  60. PreciousPreciosa, the thing on the back of the girl's picture in the pyramid.

    I don't get it either, but will keep trying.

  61. ... and away she goes. I got the Good End - wonder how you get the Perfect End?

  62. Ivin, have you figured out what order to place the three objects from the boxes yet? I have tried them in the order the boxes are arranged and in order by month and both give a bad end...

  63. thank you!!!!! ok ok ok lets see here so it in blue.... (triangle)-2(cresent)=|_|_|_| May?

  64. Oh thank you Ivin, i was just thinking numbers lol


    ok ppl, the moon has nothing to do with the password. the cresent shaped thing is a symbol meaning calender. where is the moon located on the calender? where the month should what number u get is the number of a month.

  66. Out. Tks for calender hint.

  67. it goes shoes, earrings, ring

  68. well, placing the items in order that you would put them on from head to toe doesn't work either lol

  69. Thx nascargurl! I thought that I had the flash light on, but it was still on the blue side! duh! lol

  70. ahhh man... now we have to make sure that the treasures are in the right spot... but how??? awww... the order of the boxes maybe???

  71. if u use ur flashing light in the dark flipped over so it shines blue, the treasure box thing will tell u what order

  72. Where did you find blue's equation? I know there is a gap behind the thing the gem is on, but I couldn't get behind it?

  73. I tried closing the pyramid and the coffin, and putting the purple gem back in the coffin's eye, but that didn't get me the Perfect End. Anyone have any other ideas?

  74. flip over the flashlight to get a dark light on the brown box (you turn off the light)---get the order to put the three things...
    thanks for all your hints ---only got good end...should i take the stone in the pyramid

  75. chris do u know if there is a perfect end?

  76. mlm, take the mirror to that room with you, when you get to the side view of the blue thing, place the mirror behind it

  77. turn off room light and you will see order to place treasures.

  78. ooh new game lets go play

  79. HELP!!! I can't find anything aside from the bag and the paper! Where's the scissors?! Where's the screwdriver?! Where's ANYTHING?!

  80. gee thanks ... your awesome....

  81. Ivin, underneath the game, there's a line that reads, "GOODEND、 PERFECT END、BAD END" so I was assuming there is. But maybe there isn't?

    I wonder if you have to go back in the pyramid after you give her the ticket to heaven and do something?

  82. Ahhhhh! Thank you nascargurl.

    Anyone get perfect end, yet? I tried again closing the pyramid and putting the gems back in they eye on the coffin and forehead of sphinx, but still only got good end.

  83. yeah u have to take the gem for a perfect endz

  84. Gonna give it one last try before turning in for the night -- I'm WAAYY past my bedtime!

  85. Again, Ivin, you beat me to it!

    Fun game. Thanks for all the help, everyone!

  86. Ivin, do you get the gem after you give her the ticket to heaven? I tried, after getting all the stuff needed to open the box, but before leaving the pyramid, but then I got bad end. LOL.

  87. yeah, after u give her the ticket and and put the gem in the door, go back and get the gem.

  88. Thanks, Ivin. I was just coming back to say I replayed and got it right this time.

    Nice little game to end my day.

  89. Guys, could you please help me with the moon thing, i don't get it, i'm retarded!!! :(((

  90. what are the words for boxes?

  91. Julia, have you turned over the picture of the girl, in the pyramid? The moon is just to show you that you're dealing with months of the year. Use the numbers you got from the pyramid puzzle and fit them into the equations in the pyramid. The red one is the circle number (3). What month of the year is the the third month? The blue one is the triangle (7), minus 2, that equals 5. The green one is the square (8), divided by 2, that equals 4.

  92. julia, the red box is the word "march" as for the other 2 i haven't a clue, i'm awful with equations, i wish someone would just tell what the codes are

  93. hello all is any one still any one still playing

  94. hi angel gurl, i'm still "trying" to play, not much luck though

  95. you know in the pyramid once u go in if you go left you see the picture wit the calender on the back but if you go right theres a red thing with a hook at the top were i was able to hang the flash light what are you supposed to do with that i have a feeling it has something to do with the game but what

  96. OMG!!
    place 3 item still got bad end?!

  97. i beat the level kinda lol but i have a feeling that there is more to the game sabrina

  98. wildness you need to put the items in the right spot if you do you will get the pass to heaven card which you give to the female on the first seen

  99. i have the ring from red box but can't figure out the codes for the other boxes

  100. sabrina its exactly how said go by the months like january is 1 and december is 12 so the 3 month is the red , 5 month is the blue box and , 4 month is the red box

  101. oh i see, thank you so much angel gurl, think i'm just tired, it's 2:30 in the morning here

  102. oh my you must be tired its only 10 here lol but i still think that there is more then 1 ending so i am going to keep on trying i might just get lucky lol

  103. i put ring shoe then earings on the box, that did't work so well lol, think maybe they should go from head to toe, maybe earings, ring, then shoe, gonna try 1 more time, then i'm off to bed

  104. okay you know your flashlight highlight it and click about item

    when it pops up click the area where the string/rope/handle is it will flip over then put it on

    then turn off the lights in the room ( you know the light switch by the door ) then turn to where that box is it will show you the order if i am not mistaken it is feet ( left ) , ear ( middle ) , and hand ( right ) all you got to do is figure out what goes on your feet , ear , and hand then you got the card

  105. omg never mind i found out what that red thing was for i never got the mirror i never knew they meant a real mirror lol i taught it was the gem they were talking about lol but the mirror can be used on the red thing and when you hang the light it will show a code lol

  106. i give up for tonight, i'm missing something to put in the door, i think is a way to get the jewel from inside the pyrimid...goodnight all

  107. where do you find the mirror?

  108. sleepy the mirror after you get the blue gem put it in the coffins eye and then open the coffin

  109. okay the way to get the perfect ending i figured it out when you open the door do not walk out go back in the pyramid and grab the gem that has a sign above " do not touch treasure" and then go out the door you get perfect ending

  110. Walkthrough:
    1) Pick up bag. Go right.
    2)Click between Sphinx' legs. Get screwdriver. Go right.
    3) Click on left side of pyramid (5th row from bottom). Use screwdriver. In this view click up. Get flashlight.
    4)Click on right side of pyramid (2nd row from bottom). Use screwdriver. Get scissors.
    5)Go right. Use screwdriver on right eye. Get purple gem. Click right of box. Get paper.
    6) Insert purple gem in Sphinx'forehead. Get blue gem.
    7) Go to sarcophagus and insert blue gem in right eye. Click on sarcofhagus and get mirror.
    8) Turn lights off and return to pyramid. Solve math puzzle. 50 = 30 + 20. 30 = 17 + 13, etc. Therefore square=8, triangle=7, circle=3.
    9) Turn lights on. Return to sphinx. Select bag ("about"). Use scissors to open bag. Select paper. Use opened bag with sand on paper. It becomes brown.
    10) Replace purple gem with blue gem. The sphinx starts to make wind. Hold paper above wind and get code sequence.
    11) Return to left side of pyramid and enter code (383773).
    12)Before entering the pyramid, make sure that your flashlight is on. If not you fall into the pit and have to retry.
    13) In pyramid, go left. Use scissors to cut down picture. Click picture to flip it over. It's a calendar. See code. The moon indicates that it has something to do with the calendar but has no other meaning. Square was 8. So 8/2=4. Fourth month is april. Go back and turn right.
    14)Hang flashlight on hook and place mirror on red stool. Click up and see code. The circle was 3. So code= "march".Retrieve your mirror and flashlight and go back.
    15)Go forward, then right. Don't touch the treasure or you have to start over. Click on the bottom right side of the blue box. Place mirror and get next code:may. Go back.
    16)Go left. Enter codes: red= march. Get ring. Blue= may. Get earrings. Green= april. Get shoe.
    17) Go outside the pyramid and select your flashlight ("about"). Click on the right side to flip it over and turn it on. You now get a blue light. Turn light back off and go to box next to sarcophagus. You get the sequence on how to place the items. So after turning the lights back on, on this box place shoe, earrings and ring and click on "OK".
    18) Get card to heaven and give it to girl. You get red gem. Insert red gem in door but don't open door yet. Go back to retrieve treasure (Make sure your flashlight is on and shines normal colour of light instead of blue).
    19) Exit. With traesure= perfect end. without it, good end.

  111. I can't take the treasure off even i put the red gem on the door. can anyone help?

  112. sorry i got it right now
    i thought i should take the shoe/earring/ring
    i should take the blue diamond inside the pyramid =P

  113. Thank you for the walkthrough, gilb.

  114. Wow, this game was hard...Thank you for the hints everybody and thank you for the walkthrough gilb... Thank you Shuchun

  115. i fell down the hole....

    anyone reccomend any other good gamez normaly ok at them.....

  116. wow no thank you to me i was the one who stayed up half the night trying to find the perfect ending and if you look before GLIBS walkthrough i was the one he mentioned the whole go back and grab the gem thing but what ever i see how it is

  117. lol angel-gurl...thank you so much for your hints...congrats on the seascape to..awesome..
    k.. see ya later, Im off to play poker

  118. I'm gonna try this game now, hopefully I don't need to look at too many hints lol

  119. The code was a bit hard, it was a long game, perfect end. Tyvm for the walkthrough Gilb ... its almost midnight now, just 1 more game then sleeping time :D

  120. Nice game, long.First time with hints got good end. Second time try to take treasure before giving the girl the ticket and got bad end. Third time is the charm, got perfect end. Thanks for hints and wt.


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