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The Life Ark

The Life Ark CheatsThe Life Ark is another funny game from FreeWorldGroup. In there beginning there was nothing, just dust and empty space. In time, over millions of years this dust joined to form celestial objects in the vast darkness. But something was missing... life. Beings from another dimension found this dead universe and brought life with them to one lonely planet. You're objective is to continue the work of the aliens and build an inter-dimensional ark to spread life in this world. Solve puzzles, click click click and see where that gets you. Good luck!

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  1. anybody playing? I'm stuck...

  2. I just started and i fried my little guy, uncoved the plug looking thing under the stone and moved the cloud but im stuck from there.

  3. yeah, I did all that, and I can plug in the cloud and set it on fire, too. But I don't understand the two spinning wheels with the symbols.

  4. cracked the rock on top of volcano with charged cloud!! now stuck.....

  5. I opened the door on the mountain on the right but nothing happened and I'm not quite sure how I did it in the first place.

    I think I spun the wheel so that the fire emblem came up and then I clicked the fire that started after I cracked the rock with the lightening.

  6. how do you crack the rock? My cloud always self-destructs when I plug it in, and I can't get it to unplug.

  7. keep clicking the plug when the cloud goes black

  8. opened door now thanks paul!

  9. happy to help, but now totally stumped.

  10. how do you open the door, i got the pot on top the moutain and the fire burnt down the trees and now the two spin wheels are stuck on fire.

  11. the only things I can click on now is the little green plant, the man in the cave, the pool of water and the cloud. I bet we have to get the water in the tea pot, heat it up and then cause it to spew out on to the green plant. thus causing it to grow and provide shade for the little man.

    Or it could be something totally less convoluted. Either way I'm stuck!

  12. me 2 i havent clicked the fire his time round....see if that makes a difference

  13. RE: Leahrose21

    you should get the two wheels stuck on fire before you click on the actual fire.

  14. make fire after busting rock and keep cliking wheels untill you get 2 fire, then click fire and then click water.

  15. woohoo now heating teapot! thanks leahrose21!!!

  16. I'm stuck in the same place... what bothers me is that you have to click in a certain order....

  17. click cloud over steam and let cloud fill up then put cloud over water hole and click water.

  18. ok, i figured out some stuff and it was a little less convoluted than I thought.


    -open door with matching fire symbols
    -wait for door to open THEN click fire
    -position cloud over hot tea pot = cloud gets full of water
    -put cloud over pool of water and let the rain fall.
    -Everything turns green
    -click on man in cave

    -i did a few other things after that but I don't know if it's right or now.

  19. click tree and then click man in cave then click apple

  20. recharged cloud and set bare trees on fire. dunno if it does anything yet.

  21. Done and Done actually pretty easy for a grow type game

  22. done too. the beginning is hard but the rest is pretty easy

  23. still waiting on cloud filling up with water. does it change colour like it does with the lightning?

  24. you have to click the spout of the teapot to actually make it fill with water not just position it over it.

    I got a score of 7374 and finished it in about 9 minutes. is there anything I missed?

  25. Any hints as to what to do after you get the second little guy?

  26. I'm confused. After I beat the game I posted my score (11725) to the high scores board but it never showed up...

    Cute game though

  27. When you get the second guy you have to click on the water in a certain spot.

  28. whats with the little green plant by the hill then? any1 figure that out?

  29. BTW if your first guy ate the little plant by the cave you will have to start over.

  30. Not sure how many endings it has but I got a Noah's Ark ending.

  31. you have to click the water bubble thingies to fill up the cloud :O)...duh only took me like 20minutes to figure it out lol

  32. so i got the water going and i got everything green then clicked on the tree and out came a apple. the dude ate the apple broadcasted itself and a spaceship came took him away and dropped a blue crystal and an imprint of the spaceship. dont let your dude pull out the plant by the cave on the left because you can water it from the spring

  33. So I made the island green and beamed up the alien and my caveman grew the beanstalk. But when I had him climb it, he ate the space debris and now he won't climb back down. Did I miss a step, or what do I have to do next?

  34. Here's a walkthrough for anybody still having trouble:
    -click on stone tablet on ground and solve puzzle
    -a socket will appear
    -pull cord on cloud to make it move and pull again to stop it above the socket
    -click on the socket and the cloud will plug in
    -when cloud turns black, click on plug to remove it
    -move cloud to above the rock on the volcano
    -click the rock, and lightning with split the rock
    -click on the door to the volcano
    -keep selecting the center button until both symbols point to fire
    -wait for the door to open, and then click the small fire created by the lightning
    -the fire will enter the volcano and cause the teapot to start boiling
    -position the cloud over the teapot, then click on the smoke rings to fill it with water
    -when the cloud changes color, move it to above the small lake
    -click the lake
    -once the water has caused everything to grow on the island, click the trees near the second lake and an apple will fall
    -click the cave opening and an alien comes out
    -click the apple and the alien will eat it
    -after the alien sprouts an antenna, click him and the UFO will come for him
    -now click the cave again and a caveman comes out
    -click at a place along the spring near the cave opening (watch for your cursor to change)
    -the caveman will reroute some water to the small plant by the cave entrance, which will grow into a tall plant
    -click the plant to climb to the top
    -after the caveman takes the space debris, click on the fire in the volcano
    -the caveman will throw the debris in the fire, and the smoke will turn the teapot into a ufo
    -click the ufo symbol
    -another teapot will appear and pour golden liquid on the hill
    -click the mist where the golden liquid is falling and it will turn into an ark
    -click on the door on the ark and solve the puzzle

    You're done!

  35. How do you solve the ark puzzle? I'm stuck at the very end!

  36. ive done everything perfect but only got 8000 points how do i get more points??!!

  37. how do you get matching fire symbols?

  38. I get the first place , top rank, iuahiauhaiuhaiuh
    12525 points =)
    thx to you guys =)

  39. Oh!i get it thank you wery much.

  40. i did it its a very good game

    you just have to do this
    -get the plate broken
    -get the clout over it and get it full of tunder
    -get the cloud distroing the block on the mounten
    then make the doors get 2 fires up
    click the fire
    get the cloud over the mounten
    let the cloud splas in the lake
    then everything is green
    click on the trees
    click on the guy in the cave
    it will eat a apple
    then click the guy until there is a space ship
    then click the cave
    an ather guy comes out
    click the water
    then click the plant
    click the vire in the mounten
    then you must click the thing on the other mount
    it turns into a ship
    click on the ship and complete the riddle
    then you have completed the game
    its a funny ending movie
    just watch it

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