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Escape To The Ground

 Ground to Escape WalkthroughEscape To The Ground is another Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Tesshi-e, who is also creator of Mild Escape, Escape from the Underground Room and Escape from the Forest of the Fairy games. In this game, you are in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Search around to find items and clues. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. first? let's give it a try!

  2. have coffee tins, coffee tin (used), cup (used), apple...stuck!

  3. anyone playing? anyone understand the apple message? counting the trees in the picture presumably but what to do?

  4. OK. So far I've got: coffee tin (used), red key (used), coffee tins (used), coffee cup (used), apple and blue key. Next step: examine blue room...

  5. look closer at the big containt the code for the box on the ground

  6. where did you get the blue key? I only got the red key!

  7. Amandella: blue key is behind box with 4-digit code.

  8. i poured water in the cup and the poured it in the glass thingy in the first room. i can still fill the glass with water, dunno why. put the four coffee cans on the table by the window. stuck now:)

  9. have id card but no code. still need blue key!

  10. behind the code box in the room with the window and trees and sink. got the tape and a what?

  11. yey!!! found yellow key: in the blue room, look up-left

  12. what's with the glass thingy on the table and the blue double door with code?

  13. In blue room you get plastic tape and a blue paper. You can both use those items at your coffee tins on the table. Got dagger and ID card. Now stuck. There is a yellow door in the room with the red door. So where is the yellow key?

  14. I have found what to do with the sheet of plastic stuff and the tape from the blue room... no idea what to do with it though... I think we will need matches to make coffee at some point.

  15. have yellow key and could go out but not convinced this is right. Did you find the ID card for the number pad? I inserted it and just need code for that door.....

  16. Ok. I'm out too. Didn't make any coffee. Strange.

  17. yellow key is high up in the blue room but if you use it you're out...

  18. using the paper and the sticky tape on the coffee cans makes some kind of table......but for what??

  19. and you can put a pool of water onto it....weirder and weirder!!

  20. there has to be 2 endings... I put water onto sheet over coffe tubs but now not a clue what to do... I still don't have the ID card

  21. pourwater on it. you concentrate the light

  22. ID-card is in blue box hanging on the wall. Use dagger on it. Didn't use ID-card and didn't finish making coffee. There has to be more to it then this...

  23. any ide for the code on the double blue door?

  24. code for blue door must have something to do with poster with the coffee/trees/number on it....
    as you say, definitely another ending

  25. I'm guessing you have to put something on fire in the light beam and use this to light the coffeemaker. But what?

  26. is anyone else missing an item - second box down on the left?

  27. Use the green tape to hold the plastic sheet in place on the coffee cans and put some water on the plastic this gives youa focused light source maybe we can light something on fire to boil water in glass in other room.

  28. yep, guess we need a match from the last room or sth...and now i really need coffee:)

  29. need something stronger if I don't find this item soon !!

  30. the note is 7 trees...there's only 5 trees...what are we missing?

  31. Found it! Use dagger (knife) on your apple

  32. There are 7 flowers, 5 trees and 5 coffee jars... but that's only 3 numbers :o(

  33. found match - very bottom left corner of picture w/trees and flowers

  34. just found the yellow key when you first go into the blue door room click top righ and its on a shelf use the knife.

  35. made coffe, have coffee in cup - number shows up on the cup

  36. how to light the match?? Tried all multiples of the code and can't get it to work...

  37. OUT!!! woohoo guess there is two endings to this game.

  38. ok, made coffee, there's a 96 on the cup we have 7 trees(5) 9 and 6...

  39. what's the code???!!!

  40. Look carefully at the note... it give a clue to order of the numbers

  41. for code to blue double doors - take number from paper, put it between the two numbers given on the cup of coffee

  42. please guys....feeling dense here - can't light anything with the match!!!

  43. where is the red stuck in the first room

  44. light match with the beam from the window made by the paper with the water on it, then go back to the main room and light the coffee maker, under the water

  45. Amandella: light match in light beam in front of window with trees and flowers

  46. Red key is in single coffe tin after putting the coffe in the coffee machine

  47. red key is inside the first coffee tin - after you empty the coffee into the coffee maker, look inside the tin for the key

  48. Thank you - finally out! I liked that game - not tooo hard - but couldn't have done it with your help!!

  49. Walkthrough:
    1) Go right. Pick up coffee tin from table. Open it ("about item"). Put some coffee in coffeemachine. Take another look at the tin. Get red key.
    2) Go right twice. Get coffeecup and 4 coffee tins. Use red key on red (purple) door.
    3) Enter room. Click right of box. Get blue key. Turn right. Fill coffe cup with water and take a goog look at the picture. It tells your the code of the box [4381].
    4)Use code on box. Get dagger. Use dagger on apple. Get hint. In same room place 4 coffeetins on table in front of window.
    5)Go to single blue door. Use blue key. Get plastic tape. Click upper left. Get yellow key with dagger. Go back. Get blue plastic.
    6) When looking at blue door, use dagger on blue box. Get ID-card.
    7) Go back to window. Place plastic on coffee tins. Attach with tape. Pour water on plastic. You get a light beam.
    8) Click on the lower left corner of window. Get match. Use match in light beam to light it. Fill your coffee cup again with water.
    9) Go to coffee maker. Fill it with water. Light it. And click on it so that the coffee is in the glass bowl. Fill your cup. Look at your cup to see "96".
    10) Take a look at the hint from the apple: between coffee is 7 and tree. Therefore between 9 and 6 is 7 and the number of trees. The code is [9756].
    11) Use ID-card and put in code. Out.
    Note: You can also escape by using the yellow key.

  50. ne1 want to help me find the yellow key cuz i hav clicked all round the blue door room (high and low) and i cant find it. i no what to do to finish, i just want the alternate ending.

  51. i see the last comment was in May. I just found this game today i've played so many. Anyway i was out in 4 mins all by me own self.
    happy, happy, joy, joy, happy, happy, joy, joy, etc..

  52. this was easy, just the code i needed to think about ... out.

  53. i got cop coffee tin and coffee tins what now

  54. help got cup coffee tin and coffee tins what now

  55. i got both endings! :>) <--- happy face w/ (with) nose lol

  56. Nice game. First time I got out using the yellow key. Then try again and with hints got out thru ide card door. Thanks.


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