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The Several Journeys of Reemus Prologue

[REPLAY] Zeebarf - The Several Journeys of Reemus Prologue: Lair of the Ant Queen is another point and click adventure escape game developed by Zeebarf. Guide Reemus the exterminator and his sidekick, Liam the purple bear on an epic adventure into the lair of the Ant Queen. There are two possible endings. Good luck and have fun! [Suggested by Peke]

Play The Several Journeys of Reemus Prologue

The Several Journeys of Reemus Prologue Walkthrough

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  1. hello is any one out there?

  2. Did you get through the game? I'm curious as to an alternate ending, not sure if I used brawn or brains.

  3. what a sticky situation

  4. just started, got past the tongues

  5. Made it through the 1st stage

  6. died again doing the same thing when will i learn don't jump

  7. i filled up the empty pool with water tryin to make the fat worm thing suck it up but no luck must have to do something else

  8. got the man down but don't want the plant to eat him again, what to do, what to do?

  9. i keep getting eaten by the bat. Any clues?

  10. i thought it was a flower, no don't know what to do

  11. tlc: pull the vine under the plant that eats you, click on tube behind man so it points at lower crystal on left side of screen, click on fire bee, ball should come out of tube, crush crytal. Click on tube so it points straight up, click on fire bee to crush ceiling crystal. Have leaf of plant pointing down like when the mosquito filled "tub" with water. Fire bee again at broken ceiling crystal, a piece should fall into sponge, catch light and blind eye leaving you safe to walk over plant.

  12. jorge: hit crumbling rock on ceiling to fall on bat as you walk over.

  13. what vine under the plant? I seem to have gone blind as well as dumb!

  14. tlc, the stem/root thing right behind Reemus on the floor.

  15. what do I feed the stupit giant ant in level 3 :(, keeps eating me all the time

  16. tina: what steps did you take to get to the ant, think this is the differnce in endings. I "fed" myself to it to kill her.

  17. is my bug i am riding supposed to fall in the water?

  18. tlc:Yes, the timing issue is about you having to get the rock the ant is bringing into the purple arm. Click the bat, sets it in motion.

  19. killed the ant in the balcony with the torch, took his head and the spear, then there were two ways,1-feed the green head with a berry, or 2- kill the guard with the spear. the first is may be better for then I can take the sponge rock with the spear, after getting it wet, but when I feed the ant with the rock it of course kills me :)))

  20. tina: I went the kill with spear, where did you get the berry from? Whenever I clicked the slug from the mini cave the guard "dog" ran after it and the ant stabs me with his pencil.

  21. got it but took too long and drowned again :(

  22. if you feed the head guy the berry and then kill him the guard runs away and drops something, that you cannot pick :) and then ... got killed again!

  23. nooooo the bat ate me!

  24. gabrielle, before you do anything in level 3 you have to click on the ant that goes through, and it drops some berries, then when you get to the guard you can pick one up :). I am trying to kill the guard and keep the berry to give it to mother ant, but it's not working!

  25. tina: Your version helped me! do what you did initially. Fill sponge with water but don't grab it. Click fire bee two more jumps makes water source explode and soak sponge again. Feed that to the queen.

  26. ok got squished by queen ant

  27. well, I did it that way and the ant still kills me but waits awhile :)))

  28. tina: sorry, give the berry to the dog, the ant guard lets you go through so you keep ant head and spear. When you get to the sponge area you'll still have the spear.

  29. the second time I did it it DIED. Finally. Thank you!

  30. I cannot pass even the first level.

  31. Have as well some problems with the first level.
    The tongues licked the juice of the fruits, but the guy did not move...

  32. you have to set the clock at the winter season and the juice freezes, then the tounges freeze on to the steel poles and make e bridge.

  33. let's try this one, without reading all these comments :)

  34. How do you get past the toungs guys? Are you supposed to jump on them when they lick the juice? Tried it, it doesn't work...


  35. Ok thanks Tina I just saw your post.

  36. Can someone make a walkthroug ???

  37. berries don't juice, well 2 did but not the others. Am I missing something here?

  38. I can't get passed the second level. I click the fire worm and fill the pool. Then I shoot blue balls to break a limb and 2 crystels, but it still says it's not safe to jump. Do I have to do something with the horned worm? If so what?

  39. How do I get past the bat in the second level? he looks dead,but when I pass him and try to climb the cliff he grabs me and eats me.Help!

  40. i am also stuck on the second level. it also says unsafe to jump too. i used all four balls for the ceiling crystal. how do you dislodge the sponge?

  41. im stuck on the first part! ive done the sticking the tongues to the poles bit but he sill wont move everytime i click it just says that the brambles are in the way! how do i get rid of thse??

  42. after you get passed the guard with the "dog" you get to feed the queen. There just click on the sponge on the ground and you will remove it with your spear. The spong will fall in the crack and then just click on the fire beatle some times. In the first place you will release something like water and the second some kind of poison. Then get the sponge-thing and feed it to the queen! The queen is dead, long live the queen :)

  43. im stuck on the first part! ive done the sticking the tongues to the poles bit but he sill wont move everytime i click it just says that the brambles are in the way! how do i get rid of thse??

  44. Room 1:

    Aim: To get into the green carrot at the other side of the room.

    First we need to power the Season dial.
    1) Click the Season Dial to open it.
    2) We need two batteries. Click the small cliff on the wall.
    3) Click the battery-fly (with the season dial open) to put one battery in.
    4) Click the bush of the carrot to find the second battery-fly.
    5) Click the battery fly to put the second battery into the Season dial.
    6) Close the season dial.
    7) Click the small rock near Reemus' foot.
    8) Click Reemus to throw the rock at the rock above the green carrot and start a fire to burn away the bush. Make sure the dial is set at summer.
    9) Scroll through each of the seasons. Realise that when you return back to summer, the berries are ripe, but a whole bunch of flies eat them. Also realise that the catepillar that hatches in summer eats the leftover fly eggs.
    10) Click the dial until you get to spring (click three times)
    11) Click the cocoon to hatch the catepillar and eat the fly eggs.
    12) Click the dial once more so you have ripe, uneaten berries.
    13) Click each berry to ooze some juice.
    14) Set the dial to winter
    15) Click each tongue. Each tongue will freeze to each bar
    16) Click Reemus to cross the bridge of tongues.

    Room 2:

    1) Click the orange fire bug at the bottom right of the screen to hatch the eggs on the ceiling. A bug should come now and suck the eggs.
    2) Click the joint of the left hand stalk.
    3) Click the bug's abdomen to squeeze water into the hole on the bottom left.
    4) Click the small green dot near Reemus (they're actually buds for the furly branch) - the one closest to the horned orange sleeping bug
    5) Click the horned bug.
    6) Click Reemus to scare the bug and hit the sponge rock into the pool of water.
    7) Now Reemus has a soft landing pad. Click him to make him jump.
    8) Click the root near Reemus.
    9) Realise the tip of that root is now next to the fire bug.
    10) Click the bulbous 'cannon' right behind Reemus so that the canon is facing directly upwards. (there are only 3 positions, change it to the highest)
    11) Click the fire bug to launch a blue ball. A crystal should break.
    12) Click the fire bug once again to break a bit of the crystal off.
    13) The beam of light should deflect and hit the eye.
    14) Click Reemus and go to the next room.

    Room 3:

    1) Click Reemus to make him mount the bug.
    2) Click Reemus again to make him ride the bug and fall into the water.
    3) Now the next bit is all about timing. Watch the ant, it places the sugar onto the pile, signals for a pole/rope and then goes up.
    4) Click the green hanging bat just as the ant drops the sugar onto the pile. Realise that the robotic hand comes alive to grab the egg.
    5) When the ant signals for the rope and it comes down, click the cube to make the arm grab the cube rather than the egg.
    6) If things happen too quick or slow, modify the timing slightly.
    7) Click Reemus to make him jump onto the land and go to the next room.
    8) HOWEVER The green bat comes awake, you must quickly click the hanging rock at the top of the screen directly above the bat to drop a piece and knock the bat out.

    Room 4:
    If you want to take the brawns approach for this room, don't worry about this step.
    Click the cake that the ant is holding so it drops crumbs.

    Now for everyone:
    1) Grab the unlit post next to Reemus.
    2) Click on the lit post, to light your own.
    3) Click the rock above you to light it (and spit water into the ant guard)
    4) Click the guard to make him fall through onto his spear.
    5) Pick up the head.
    6) Click the spear.
    7) Click on Reemus to make him go to the guard and blue eaty thingy.

    Now you can choose to take the brains or brawn approach now.
    Click the guard to stab him.
    Go to the next room and jump into the queens mouth (by clicking Reemus)

    8) When the blue thing sticks its tongue out, click the crumb closest to you to feed it to the blue thing and pass.
    9) At the queen, click the sponge rock to lever it with the spear into the crack.
    10) Click the fire bug 4 times so that 2 streams of water make the sponge rock very big.
    11) Click the sponge rock
    12) Click Reemus to throw it in.

  45. nel: you have ti pick up the small rock on the floor next to you, turn the weather to summer and then click the man's face, he will throw the rock and it will burn the top of the carrot

  46. Great walkthrough Ash, just one note on the lastpart, you must click the ant holding the food on the food in order to create crumbs to give to the blue thing. This is the ant at the guard at the beginning.

  47. I don't know what the walkthrough is describing but when you click on the tongues to make a bridge it then says click on remus and he will cross it but he is not crossing it for me?

  48. Great "little" game (it's got large graphics hence the "" ). At the last level one of the ways you get killed had me almost on the floor! (something with the guard but I'm not giving it away)
    -Spoiler Alert-
    It does have a little bug in the last level at the part with the queen. Sometimes when you feed the double-sponge to the queen it chokes a little and then stops and waits for more.
    End of spoiler
    The music is alright most of the time but it's annoying that when you get killed it starts when muted.

  49. THis is fun!Hey,all of you out there,DON'T play...hold on...Ray's Room whatsoever!It is IMPOSSIBLE!!

  50. hera,you need to go to spring,and click the caterpillar cacoon,so the caterpiller will come eat the fly eggs,then go to summer and click the berries.the go to winter and click the tounges.They will freeze up and you can cross.

  51. that tall bitch won't cross the stupid ass tounges.

  52. caught the 2nd chapter from the random section & decided to play all parts - this one first

    thx for all your creations, Zeebarf ☺
    & thx .ash for the WT

  53. Can't even start the game. "Skip ad" does not react on mouse clicks (after nagging time is out). No mouse click works to start game. I am on google chrome on debian linux.


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