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Color Adventure

Colour Adventure WalkthroughColour Adventure is a new point and click type adventure game created by Talgoran and drawn in black and white. In this game, you try to use your pint and click skills to figure out the game. Search around to find something useful and use them to solve the puzzles. If you do wrong thing, you can die in this game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. i've somehow managed to get past level one without all your usual help but on level 2 i just end upside somehow and unable to turn back.... strange game...

  2. I don't like games, when we have to die so many times before finish :( Also I can't even read most of this words, so for me this game is little boring, except the music whitch is nice :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. same place as you ... dark beam'd...!

  5. Oh, figured out. Maxine, you gotta click the ward several time really fast. I killed the evil finally! Nice game for a break.

  6. One of the "you can die" games. But not too bad.

  7. Ok, this is kind of annoying. Rabid squirrels, accidental death, hateful sun...

  8. I just wasted 5 chapters of my life. I did notice that the "bad guy" at the end is just Talgoran spelled backwards.

  9. ok 4get it........after reading posts and trying to wait for it to load.......even tho i have DSL. I'm actually just going to skip this game.

    GL to all the ones that try tho.

  10. how do I get off the moon in chapter 4? The comet keeps killing me. All I can do is click one star and it says Twinkle Twinkle littel star how I wonder what you a_e. I tried typiny R but it wont let me. Also thought the missing R ment go right, but that didn't work either.

  11. Try clicking an "r"...Maybe in the word "chapter"...

  12. ...the lulz

    LEVEL 1:
    click ventilation on the right wall of room, obtain key, return to room, and go through the door.
    Go left, click the pond, then click the fish, then click "OK" to answer the three questions:
    1. (C) Cute
    2. (B) Talgoran did not spend much time drawing you
    3. (A) Water
    Obtain magic stone, leave the pond, and go to the left side of the big tree
    Click on the rope, then the lock, then the hole, and there, you finish level 1.

    LEVEL 2:
    click the door on your right, and go to the 3rd floor.
    Click to open the water storage closet door on your left, go back, and go to the 2nd floor.
    The fire should be put out.
    Obtain C4 and return to the 1st floor.
    Click on the door below, and click the button to turn everything upside down.
    Go back and click on the door below (hence the door which was originally on the ceiling),
    throw C4 into that erm...thing's mouth.
    It will explode, and you will find the entrance on the floor.
    Go through it, pick up the drill, click on the floor to use it to go to the third floor.
    Go through the crack on the wall on your right, and click the button on the wall to drain water.
    Then click on the teleport pad and click "SEND" to teleport yourself to level 3.

    LEVEL 3
    Click the left arrow to go to the bridge.
    Click the bridge, the bridgekeeper will show up, just "THROW THE BRIDGEKEEPER OFF THE BRIDGE"
    Moving on, you will see a katana
    Pull it out, and a boulder will come rolling down the slope,
    Click on the boulder to destroy it.
    Moving up the mountain, a dude will show up, ignore him, and he will go off.
    Then jump down the volcano, and you will meet the fire demon.
    Cut him with your katana, it will possess it,
    Quickly discard it into the lava,
    and pick up the staff.
    The volcano will then start erupting, "FLY AWAY".
    And when asked where you want to fly to, click "TO THE MOON" to complete level.

    LEVEL 4
    Now you are on the moon.
    Vanquish the meteor, and you will meet an alien, burn it to acquire Alien Heart
    Go left and get sucked down by the ..crater thing, you have to solve the three questions:
    1. the one on the bottom left
    2. require speed and er..some basic kindergarten math, you are on your own for this one =D
    3. click "eject" (bottom right)
    Once you get ejected out of the crater, click on the arch
    There, you have completed level 4

    LEVEL 5
    Click on the inscription above the door, you will be given three options, choose any to kill yourself
    Once you will find yourself dead, go "HAUNT THE EARTH", and enter the door, click on the spellbook, and you are back to life!
    Go up the stairs to the top of the tower, and you will meet "the boss"
    Dodge his attack by clicking the arrow up
    and when asked to charge your staff
    click the tip of your staff as quickly as you can to blast "the boss"
    and Congrats, you win the game =D

  13. haha, funny game, the sun hates me

  14. Level 4
    Don't forget to click the "star" and see the script "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you a_e".

    Click the "r" in the word "Chapter 4"

  15. Cute not too hard to figure out, at least death does not start from very beginning

  16. Chapter 3 Walk Through
    1. Click on the left hand arrow pointing down
    2. Click on Bridge
    3. Either answer the questions of the gate keeper or throw him off the bridge.
    a. "Certain Death"
    b. "Sword" (it's italic)
    c. The longer answer on the top
    d. "l (as in lizard)" look across the middle row of your keyboard
    4. Click on the arrow going up.
    5. Click repeatedly on the sword in the ground until it comes out (about 25 times)
    6. Quickly slash through the rolling rock coming towards you. Align the plus sign with the target.
    7. Click the upward facing arrow.
    8. There is no need to attack the Michelin man. He will let you pass scott free.
    9. Click on the middle of the volcano.
    10. Choose to "Swing your katana at it"
    11. Aim the plus sign over the fire demon and click quickly. your sword will disappear so Click on the stick quickly.
    12. Three dots will appear in the middle of the screen. Quickly choose to "create a protective shield"
    13. Choose to "Fly Away"
    14. At the question, "What now, with such power?" choose "Fly to the moon"
    15. You are now at Chapter 4. Good Job.

  17. Chapter 4
    1. Click on the letter 'R" of chapter 4 heading.
    2. Click on the option to "vanquish it"
    3. Choose to "Burn him with fire", then select the alien heart.
    4. Click left then into the crater and select "yes"
    5. Choose the triangle in the lower left hand corner.
    6. Quickly click "1, 2, 3, 4" 1 is at the lower right corner, 2 in the upper left corner, 3 in the upper right corner and 4 in the lower left
    5. Choose the eject button in the upper right corner.
    6. Click in the edge of the arch (make sure you have the alien heart, if you forgot it click on the right arrow and pick it up). Choose "Sacrifice the alien heart to the arch"
    7. Click on the swirling circle in the arch.
    You have successfully passed level 4. Good Job

  18. I didn't find this game to be good, I just hate games you can die in like this.
    That's just my opinion.

  19. Yay, one I did without hints ^.^
    I'm just glad that dying took you back to the beginning of that chapter, not the game.
    Pretty cool for such a simple looking thing.

  20. I don't usually like games where you die, but this wasn't too bad. I quiet enjoyed this one- pretty funny too!!

  21. ha ha haaaaa that was good!

  22. in level 2 if u go left u will c the grim reper leave the room before he gets u

  23. i enjoied playin this game very much. had a hard time goin thru the speed challenges though. i find the messages after each challenge witty and funny =D

  24. I loved this. I usually hate "you're dead, start over" games but found this really fun. Nice that it's in 5 stages so you don't have to start ALL the way over. Be sure to keep playing level 5 even after you think you're dead... You must Haunt the earth to restore color!

  25. working link:


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