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Escape from the Room Which is Strawberry

Escape from Strawberry Room WalkthroughEscape from the room which is strawberry is another new point and click room escape type game from Strawberry Cafe, who is also creator of Heart Escape, Escape From Rooftop Sakura Flutters, Rainbow Escape, and Escape From Room of Hesitation games. Find and use items to escape the room! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Ohhh yeahhh FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Funny, I was wondering when they were going to release a new game.

  3. haha!! fourth!!!!! Yeah!!

  4. I love it when I understand the messages the game gives me...even when they are pointless ^^;

  5. "It locks"
    HAHAHA!! rlol! XD

  6. Got key, half strawberry, and a piece of paper. Also saw number lock on side of cabinet.

  7. Oh, now have crayon and 2 numbers of the code.

  8. OK I have three completed strawberries I miss one last piece that should be in the locked cabinet, I think I have the key but it is not working :(. How do you open the middle door in the strawberries cabinet?

  9. Got key that fits nowhere...

  10. hello fellow escapers! looks like a cute little game. ok, good luck to all of you

  11. I haven't used my key either, it says something about an "anxious ditch". Now have 2 pieces of paper.

  12. You can zoom in a part of the carpet

  13. Yes, when you pull a ribbon on the canopy bed, that's where the half strawberry falls.

  14. ok I used the Key that was inside the key ;).
    Now an extra white paper (not the one used for the combination)

  15. thanks Diana ;)

  16. I just got there too, cin.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anyone know how to open the multi door cabinet.. the one in the middle.

    And a poster said that they have three completed strawberries. Do you mean the three halves, or have you found the bottoms? I have three tops, but no bottoms..

  19. diana what to do with the last paper?

  20. anyone figure out the cabinet yet?

  21. the bottom are where the small hole is use the metal bar found by the cage after you open it.

  22. two upper halves of strawberry, key, paper with code, crayon...stuck. I reeeally suck at these games ¬_¬

  23. the bottoms are in the wall

  24. Still working on the 3rd piece of paper and panel on the wall with a hole above it. Keep getting distracted though!

  25. anyone figure out what to do with the third sheet of paper?

  26. How do you open the cage with the strawberry inside?

  27. to open multi door cabinet, look at the pieces of paper and the location of the strawberries ;o)

  28. i was thinking that the third sheet of paper is for tic-tac-toe?

  29. woohoo... out without any help! that's a first for me :)

  30. hmmm, a little stuck now

  31. Taking a break from the crystal hunting... here I go!

  32. found the 3rd upper part of a strawberry in one of the plants

  33. :o( I thought I was going to be first out lol.
    First time poster and I had to register an account before I could post, madly trying to do that after I opened the cabinet so I could share LOL

  34. still very welcome to share :O)

  35. still very welcome to share :O)

  36. I think I've clicked in every pixel...although obviously I didn't... @_@

  37. very very cute game. outtie

  38. I'm still in the "I have 1 paper" stage...any hints?

  39. renoagg, wat else do u have?

  40. reno, have you gotten the crayon and used it on the paper?

  41. Where is the 3rd part of upper strawberry? I've found one in the plant and one on the carpet.

  42. I have 2 strawberry top halves, a key that has an "anxious ditch," a piece of paper with 2 numbers on it (after using crayon), and that's it.

    I found a square on the wall with an empty hole. I can't find anything else, can't free the strawberry that has been "caught," and I'm stuck. help!

  43. Alla, I'm at the same stage. Should I get stg around the cage?

  44. how do you get the key out of the key?

  45. Use the number code on the right side of the cabinet.

  46. I'm at the same stage as alle

  47. There's another piece of paper on the left side of the shelf with the crayons. Combine the code to open the right side of the cabinet. The item in there will help you "free" the strawberry and take care of the "anxious ditch".

  48. Where are the other pieces of paper. I only have the paper with the xx27 code.

  49. Hey, been playing for awhile, but first time posting. I'm pretty sure I've found everything, except how to open that middle drawer, and the last strawberry half must be in there... do we have to open the other drawers to do it? I'm stuck...

  50. the first and second digit are not numbers...??

  51. theller,
    If you have the 3 pieces of paper, the location of the strawberries on them will help you with the 9 drawers in opening the middle one.

  52. OMG, THERE IT IS!!!
    the second paper...
    why is that these things doesn't appear till you specifically look for them?

  53. I'm out. Thx for the help!!

  54. The 2nd paper was all I was missing .. now I'm out.. Thx!

  55. In this game, there are some items you can't get until you have found other ones first.

  56. 1 piece of paper on picture, other piece of paper on upper left side of wall shelf where the crayon was.

  57. Thank you Diana!! I thought I'd clicked everywhere on that shelf with the crayons, but clearly I didn't! Now I'm stuck where everyone else seems to be...getting that middle drawer open!

  58. jasmin,
    You got out without finding the 3rd paper?

  59. the middle drawer out!

  60. Out! Thanks Diana... I've been reading your posts for awhile, you amaze me at these games!

  61. You're welcome :D, but I often rely on you guys as well to help me get out!

  62. where is the 4th strawberry top please? I have the 3rd from the drawer.

  63. Have you gotten the strawberry top by undoing the ribbon on the canopy bed and then finding it on the rug?

  64. i cant read the paper with the 2 strawberries.. i feel kinda stupid right now!! lol.. but how am i supppose to get the middle draw opened! can sb. plz help..

  65. of course!! I heard it drop but couldn't find it! Thank you Diana!

  66. Got 3 strawberry upper halves, 3 papers, pliers, crayon...stuck...again...yeah, I know ><, again...

  67. look at the 3 bits of paper and use them as a grid for the drawers to see which ones need to stick out..

  68. haciko,
    You don't need to read it. Just note the location of the strawberries on it. They related to the 9-drawer dresser along with the other 2 pieces of paper.

  69. Yey and out!! Took me a while to figure out the significance of the third bit of paper and the nine-drawer cupboard ;)

    Amandella - have you had a good look around the bedroom - esp the canopy and the floor?

  70. there is one strawberry in the strawberry plant and the trapped one not sure where the 3rd is! (...already forgot)

  71. Nevermind ;P

  72. out! like that game!! Needed Diana's help as usual though!

  73. right the canopy!! lol... im getting old! ^^

  74. Strawberry halves:
    1. In right potted plant on top of cabinet
    2. Trapped in the cage
    3. Tied up in canopy, drops on the floor.
    4. In the middle drawer

    Don't want to do a formal walkthrough per the author's request.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Thanks everybody (^o^)/

  77. omg now it seem soo logical!! ty diana!!! ^^

  78. three paper, 3 half strawberry, pencil, strwbrrKEY+key and pliers. How do you open the red/white cabinet?

  79. flora,
    Look at the location of the strawberries on the 3 pieces of paper. They relate to which drawers need to opened...

  80. OK I have three completed strawberries I miss one last piece that should be in the locked cabinet, I think I have the key but it is not working :(. How do you open the middle door in the strawberries cabinet?

  81. Could someone tell me where the other pieces of papers are please? i only have the one with the code. I also have two strawberry halves, key that apparently opens up to another key(haven't done that yet), and the crayon (used on the paper.

  82. There is a second piece of paper on the left side of the shelf with the crayons. That will get you the first 2 numbers of the code.

  83. what do you do with the 3 strawberry halves and the hidden panel in the wall?? I cant get out am I missing something?

  84. jossy,
    You clipped a bar off of the trapped strawberry. It could prove to be useful.

  85. k got the cabinet open, got the pliers, freed the strawberry, opened the latch in the wall. Now i need the other paper to get the middle drawer open and get the last strawberry half.

  86. The pliers could help that "anxious ditch" on the strawberry key.

  87. I need the third paper to!
    Where is it?

  88. Third piece of paper is in the left side locked cabinet. Use pliers on strawberry key.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Hmm, I'm pretty sure the key inside the key should work on the left cabinet? Make sure you have it selected when you click the lock.

  91. This was a nice game. Now, I'm hungry for some strawberry shortcake! =)

  92. Hello all...
    Okay, this is what I have. I have found 2 top halves of strawberries, one located on floor, one located in plant on right side of the dresser, also found on the side of the same dresser where it's asking for a 4 nomber code, I have the red crayon which I used on the 1st piece of paper that I retrieved off of the wall on the bottom right hand side, which says "xx24", a key out of the chair which I can't seem to use or open up. Any help would be greatly asppreciated cause I'm kind of stuck, lol.

  93. Hey!! This thing doesn't load!!!


  94. Aww, that was a fun one. And as a first almost did it alone! Cheers for the tips though everyone! :)

  95. Girlz-take a look to the left of the shelf where the crayons are and then look to the right side of the dresser (thingy with the 2 plant pots on top!)

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Never mind... I got out, thanks guys for all of your help. I think that the posts were a little behind so when I posted, I wasn't able to see what everyone had put, Lol. You guys are so clever!! Thanks again!!

  98. wahh...
    all i get is a blank screen and an 'about item' button.
    maybe i'll try later

  99. I can't believe it!!!! I was stuck without opening the middle draw for like an hour!! lol

    I did it!! I'm out!! :D

    (Thanks for the help, everyone!)

  100. game loaded :)
    but i cant find the strawberry bottoms?

  101. Well I'm stuck. lol I have the 4 strawberry halves, the middle drawer pulled out, 3 sheets of paper with 2 colored on with the red crayon. I don't know what to do with the wall panel.

  102. Okay, so I have the panel open, the 3rd piece of paper, three of the four whole strawberries, and I was wondering, to get the middle drawer open, what do I put in the other two?
    I am so confused.

  103. nvm!
    i 'found something usefull'!
    out now :D

  104. @heather
    go back to the cage where the strawberry was in and get the piece you cut off and use that to open the panel

  105. @samo
    you dont need to put anything in.
    just open the bottom left, upper right, middle left, middle right

  106. Oh!
    I got out right after that.

  107. Cute game. Now I Have a taste for strawberries short cake.

  108. how are you guys so good at these games?? lol i suck

  109. Diana: Thanks for the hint about opening the middle drawer. This was the farthest I ever got in one of these games on my own, but was stuck on opening that drawer and would never have figured it out on my own.

  110. @faye. How did you figure out the drawers?

  111. where is the time there was a walkthrough instead of YEAH FIRST

  112. It says : "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /strawb-e.html on this server".

    Is there an alternative link that I can try?

  113. how do you combine the numbers for the code to open the right side of the cabinet? i have the two pieces of paper with codes (after using crayon), the key, and two strawberry halves (from pot and floor from bed). Any help would be appreciated! :)

  114. why the heck can i not go on the site? i have been trying all morning. i get the error message "The specified network name is no longer available."
    is there another link? i need a new game fix

  115. i got this message too:

    You don't have permission to access /strawb-e.html on this server.

  116. try this

    shuld work

    and i need pliers 2

  117. nvr mnd i got happy end there might be 2 endings

  118. walkthrough anyone please?

  119. Oh,wow this was such a cute and fun game.

  120. Ok the designer requested no walkthru, but a few hints to help.
    You need four strawberry halves to complete the game.
    Search for the first strawberry.
    Find two pieces of paper and use the red crayon to get a code to use on the right side of the cupboard
    You will get pliers that you can use to get a strawberry and rod
    You will find a key and use the pliers to get a new key and this will lead to the third paper
    The papers will show which drawers to open on the cabinet to release the middle drawer for another strawberry
    The last strawberry is released when you pull a ribbon on the bed and it rolls on the rug
    Use the rod on the hole in the wall.....

  121. I opened the canopy curtain and didn't get the strawberry half...did i open it too early or something?? Does anybody know a way to fix this or do i have to restart?

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. hmmm..
    i got out hahaha...
    4 halves strawberries:
    *in the 2nd plant above the drawer
    *inside the cage (you should have the pliers that is inside the 3rd drawer which is closed; you have to find the code which you could find it in the 2 papers with the red crayon)
    *in the strawberry floor
    *the middle drawer which is closed also...
    !to open the middle drawer, you should first open the 4 white corners and the 2 red corners which is at the sides between the middle drawer, then when you open the 6 drawers you can now open the middle drawer and then get the 4th strawberry...

  124. Gr8 game ... out with happy end,
    the hard part was to open the little cabinet for me ... thanks for the help.

  125. thanks for your help redroobar

  126. Wow.. it's so depressing that my head hurts after playing that game.. :(

  127. walkthru:
    1.get the strawberry top from the > pot on the cabnet
    2.go to the shelf with the flower in it and get the red crayon the < side to get the paper
    4.go < and get the key from the chair
    5.get the paper in the picture(on same scene)
    6.go < and untie the bow the rug and find the strawberry top
    8.go > 2 times click each paper and click about item,then click the crayon and click the paper
    9.go to the cabnet and click the > side
    10.use the numbers on the paper 4 the code
    11.on the same cabnet click the > door the key and press about item,then click the pliers and use it on the key
    13.use the key on the < door and get the paper
    14.go > once and go to the cabnet,click the bottom left,the top >,and the middle red doors the middle door twice,then zoom out and click the door on the floor
    16. get the strawberry,and go > and click the cage,select the pliers and chop off the bar
    17.get the bar and the strawberry and go <
    18.see the square in the wall?click it and put the bar in the grey circle
    19.put the strawberry tops on the bottoms and push it
    20.get the key nd go < twice and use it for the door

    good luck!!!

  128. yay i'm out thanks everybody ..

  129. what's da other way out?

  130. This was a very cool and nice game. Just needed a couple of hints but got out, yay. Happy End.

  131. i got out with very little help!!!

  132. working link:


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