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Wutting No Door Escape

No Door Escape WalkthroughNo Door Escape is sequel of Wuttig House Escape free downloadable point and click type escape the room game created by Stefan Wuttig (juhuwoorps) for Wuttig Games. In this game, you try to search for items, combine items and try to escape the room. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Juhuwoorps]

Download and Play No Door Escape (Windows, 3.8 MB)

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  1. awesome, i almost thought it wasn't going to download

  2. 3rd ive never been on when other people where playing lol im kinda new at this GL

  3. oh darn you have to download it :( ill be back on later bye bye have fun :D

  4. ok, i have scissor, string, a pencil, a number one, and envelope and some red thing, anybody have anything else?

  5. I have scissors, number 1, cellphone, tool, pliers, metal piece and broomstick...

  6. cut open the envelope, no have 'piece of paper'

  7. where'd you find the cellphone and pliers and all that?

  8. i have a bunch of things...
    i `ant figure out how to get the cord and phone hooked to the PC like the paper says

  9. found broom stick and wrench but still no cellphone, pliers or metal piece

  10. Cellphone was in the couch I think, not sure... pliers was in one of the black drawers, but it's a little tricky to get. Broomstick behind the bookcase. Also found coin between the books.

  11. found coin to, and also found a sim card and a photo, and cut the envelope with the scissors

  12. light the candle with lighter, put piece of metal on plug next to desk

  13. Hi everyone!
    Where is the broomstick?

  14. envelope is in one of the black drawers, i think bottom left

  15. The envelope is in the lower left drawer of the desk...

  16. opened drawer next to the lamp, got bottle, also found safe behind the picture. tools are handy ;p

  17. arg! i found a bug and now i have four lighters

  18. can't see safe behind picture, is there a trick to getting to it?

  19. use one of your tools, pastel...

    where is the lighter?

  20. Lighter i think it was on the sofa, how do u use the tools on the pic? Cant do it.....grrr

  21. tried the tools, there not working for me so far, but i'll keep trying

  22. i cant look in the bottom left drawer when i open it then click on it it shuts.
    the top drawer i can look in the botom right i can look in the other two close.
    i tried the scissors on the pic.. and the wrench . cant get the picture off.

  23. keep clicking in the drawer, eventually you should get into it

  24. power of posting.. i got the envelope and a sheet of blank paper from it.

  25. i moved the plant and got a wire...

  26. oh my... clicking on the couch is getting more and more spastic by the second here haha
    are you sure the lighter is there?

  27. Hi
    I think we have to do something with wall nex to the tv, maybe cut the wallpaper, but my scissors are used and gone, I have nothing to cut t with...
    sorry for my english

  28. a paper in one of thedrawers shows a pic of the tv and it looks like something should be found beside the tv. Anybody have luck with that?

  29. I tried everthing I could think of on that wall...broomstick, pliers, ...but nothing yet.
    Any ideas?

  30. now i found pliers.. used them got into the bottow door under the tv and found something.. it says opener.. so i think its a bottle opener.
    sticll cant get the picture down to see the safe!

  31. diane, I have started again to find the lighter...but i cant find it anymore....!!!!??????????

  32. can't get that picture down...

  33. move the pillows onthe couch... there was someting on one side where the pillow was.. and something the lighter was on the other side.
    both items were red and blended into the couch. blind clicking was how i got them

  34. I have the same problem as Elora...:-(

  35. finaly got the pciture down! found a safe
    moved the picture to the right after it fell and found a splint

  36. thank you so much, got it now!

  37. moove the right pillow u will find a hot spot...

  38. how 2 get the pic down? please

  39. sweeti how did you do that? can't get that picture off and can't open left drawer although I used pliers. Is there a trick?

  40. i'm still stuck, i can't get the picture down, i can't open the drawer, nothings working for me

  41. nuno i just kept clicking all over the pic with the wrench and it the pic fell down

  42. okey, problems with the secret message from the candle... (you get it after doing a few tricks with the bottle and paper), anyone there yet? there is no secret drawer opened?

    sorry for the english ;)

  43. also, my usb cable won't plug in anything...

  44. with you Diane... no help though. I have a tile with a "1", a cellphone, a splint, a USB cable, and a broomstick...

  45. 2nd time around i found ( god knows where ) a sim card for the phone, now i can plug the leed, no luck with pic though

  46. sim card is behind the plant on top of the bookshelf.

  47. after i posted where the card was i managed to put th e sim card in the phone and attach the plug to the phone.. cant figure out how to connect it to the PC though

  48. in the left blue book on the bottom shelf there's a pic with scissor, anyone know what it means?

  49. I haven't found wrench yet. Can someone help me?

  50. where's the broomstick and sim card ? please

  51. sim card is on top shelf of books behind leaves. Coin is on edge of book, lower shelf on left. Three books to the right of that contains "just a photo"...

  52. broom stick.. left side of book shelves

    where is the bottle someone posted about?
    i have the bottle opener but no bottle!

  53. broom stick is behind shelf of books, click just to the side on the left of it

  54. bottle is in the cabinet where the scissors where, how'd you get the bottle opener?

  55. thanks drergo, and sweety

  56. finally moved the picture!! :D

  57. use pliers on wire and open the left bottom drawer

  58. @pastel HOW??????????????

  59. i think i used the tool near the top of the picture to get it down

  60. thanks truhliik! finally have bottle opener

  61. now when you have a open bottle, combine with the piece of paper and then use it one the candle :)

    and then help me with the outcome of that lol

  62. at the secret message, there's a skull button on the computer, but i can push it

  63. 1. sim + phone + usb, then left side of computer
    2. once connected, explore the webpages

  64. got cell phone on computer!

  65. since I have tried to push skull button there is a blue line in the top left desk drawer. I haven't noticed it before but can't do anything with it...
    Where is the usb cable someone posted about?

  66. to use cellphone as modem, take number 1 and use it to select modem on the computer

  67. Where exactly I have to put cell phone with usb on the table?

  68. in internet explorer, you get one of the skulls out of there, use the skull you get on that blue line and get a handle

  69. i looked in the cabinet under the picture and under the tv i cant find the botle.

  70. Sweeti I'm sure it was the drawer under the picture, left side, looked like a pencil.
    how did you manage to get the safe open?

  71. can you open both sides of the cabinet? the scissors are in one side and the bottle is in the other

  72. omg im blind.. i had the bottle.
    still cant hook the phoe to the PC yet

  73. on the internet, you should also be able to get a star and a key.

  74. elora i havent opened the safe yet i got the pic down and found a slpint on the top of the cabinet.. thats it

  75. how did you get star and key? i tried getting the key but it wouldn't let me take it

  76. pastel
    click somewhere right on the screen
    with the key...

  77. stuck with piece of a stick, piece of wood, coin, doorhandle and star...

  78. thanks diane! have key now

  79. i still havent found where to hook the phone to the PC!!

  80. I'm still stuck without a usb. Where is it?

  81. i got a piece of wood out of the safe

  82. sweeti, take the phone with the sim card and use in it and place it on the left side of the computer

  83. got hooked to the pc
    got a skull thing used it.. got the key..usd it..
    made a handle . now i have a paper with the number 1 on it a coin lighter handle and a piece of wood.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. did anyone use the broomstick?

  86. so so stuck now... i tried using the handle on the spot from the paper next to the tv.. no go.

  87. elora i cant remember where the USB was.. sorry!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. i used the broomstick.. but I can't remember where... :( sorry, I'll let you know if I remember something!

  90. I still can't get down the picture :-(

  91. I don't see any blue line inside the drawer. I have the skull button and have clicked the skull icon on the desktop. Any ideas?

  92. ohh got my memory back!

    click left under the couch... you zoom in. Click a couple of times under the couch till it says 'there's something but you can't reach it' than use the broomstick under the couch!

  93. try using the tool near the top of the picture in the center, that where i got t down i think

  94. vkacamdey, the blue line is in the top drawer on the left of the desk, use the skull button there

  95. thanks again diane! now have piece of stick

  96. Pastel, that finally worked! Now how to open safe?

  97. that piece of a stick looks more like metal
    and im stuck agian.. off to click some more

  98. Nope. The drawer is completely black inside.

  99. you need to get the key to the safe from the computer

  100. did you try using the skull button in the drawer anyways?

  101. Thanks Pastel, only I haven't found the USB

  102. AHA! I hadn't done the candle/paper thing yet. THAT'S why it didn't show up. Thanks anyway!

  103. i'm sorry, but i don't know where i got the USB cord from, as far as i know it just randomly showed up in my inventory

  104. Joined splint to metal thingie and made a handle. To something. Window maybe?

  105. is everyone stuck wtih the paper with a 1, coin, lighter, door handle, piece of wood, and piece of stick?

  106. i don't think you need the lighter after you used it on the candle

  107. The usb - I clicked on the folder on the computer and then clicked on the Handy.ico - it showed up!

  108. Hi all 1st time poster. I am stuck at the 1 tile. I have a 1 coin, is that the same? If so how do I use it on the modem?

  109. thanks so much icemaiden...i was close to hang myself with that usb cord, just couldnt find it!

  110. That is where I am stuck. Have been clicking like a madman to no avail.

  111. Icemaiden, how do I get the computer on without the usb connected to the cellphone to turn on the computer?

  112. There has to be something with the lamp that says "nothing happens", since it actually says "nothing happens" but I cannot figure out what.

  113. Hi all! I miss something:

    pastel use cellphone as modem, take number 1 and use it to select modem on the computer

    How do I "take" number 1? Can't select the option "Modem" in the PC. I have a coin with 1, splint and piece of a stick.

  114. jaenelle, you need the paper with the number "1" on it. I am trying to remember where that was obtained.

  115. Aha, thanks Bill, found it. It's under the rug.

  116. LOL, I got my lighter back by clicking the sofa again.

  117. jaenelle, do you have the computer plugged in (left of computer) and do you have the cellphone connected to the computer with the USB cord and the som card in it? once you have that you go into your inventory and drag the square "1" and drop it onto the square next to where it sayd "modem"

  118. I think the number 1 was under the left cornerof the rug.

  119. Geez, now I have five lighters. Little bit of a bug there!

  120. to get rid of the lighters, just use them all on the candle over and over again

  121. made a hammer out of piece of metal and wood from safe - can't get the skull button - how do I do that? Clicked and clicked

  122. power of posting!!LOL

  123. What piece of metal? I had one that I used to make the plug tine.

  124. strange.. i can not open the left door now.. the one under the safe.

  125. icemaiden, where'd you get the piece of metal from? i used mine on the plug and can't get it back

  126. And now a door handle! Where's the door!

  127. Piece of metal I THINK was on the was red...Dang - don't remember

  128. the skull button is in internet explorer, where did you get the metal from???

  129. i used that piece of metal on the plug, i can't get it back

  130. Couldn't be the same metal piece anyway. Too small to make a hammer.

  131. No, not the piece from under the couch - that was for the plug - I think ON the couch? can't use the hammer or door handle though..

  132. pastel
    i remember getting something on top of the cabinet under the safe.
    after the pic fell i moved it to the right and it was there.
    it said it was a splint.. i used it with the thing i got from the secret panel in the drawer.
    i am pretty sure that was the metal i used for the handle!

  133. well i had a piece of metal that was red and i used it on the plug before i found the piece of stick under the couch

  134. OK hammer used on right of TV back wall - got cutter!

  135. i already made the door handle, but i don't know how to make the hammer, i've clicked all over the couch and i haven't found any piece of metal

  136. me too idea where metal could be

  137. i cant make a hammer!
    i have a piece of wood and piece of stick i think it said...
    they wont combine!

  138. I go to sleep. bye . have to finish tomorrow

  139. sorry - can't remember... :-(
    Anyone use the star or the coin?

  140. i dont have a star either....

  141. ower of posting.l got the star!

  142. star is in PC, just look at the browsers and click the star

  143. Have to go weed-whack! I'll be back later..

  144. now to figure out what to do with that star!

  145. I think icemaiden is the only one who got a copy of this game with a hammer head in it. LOL! Oh well. I'm about to call it quits.

  146. i'm completely stuck, i can't make a hammer and can't figure out anything else to do

  147. I replayed and now I'm out. You have to use the silver piece of metal from under the couch on the plug and the red piece of metal to make a hammer.

    Maybe the star is for "perfect end"? Nice game, but a little bit of pixel hunting :)

  148. where is the red piece of metal?

  149. ok, i'm starting over then

  150. is it the piece from the drawer under the television?

  151. ok, started over, have the hammer now :)

  152. ok, used hammer on the wall, now i have the cutter

  153. Out! Yeah, there seems to be a glitch which lets you use the hammer head as a plug tine! Can't blame too much, it's pretty hard to make one of these games.

    I made one but it's really a massive file (lots of sound effects and rooms)

    If anyone wants a copy, email me! vkacademy (at) yahoo dotcom

  154. how did you use the cutters?

  155. Remember the photo in the book?

  156. oh yea!!! i'm out! thanks vkacademy and to everyone who helped!

  157. Walkthrough:

    Open doors, get bottle and scissors.
    Move plant, get wire
    Go left, open right door get metal.
    On book close to far left of bottom shelf get coin. Hidden somewhere in the plant is sim card.
    On left side bookshelf (straight across from tv) is broomstick.
    Go right twice: Behind left pillow get cell phone, behind right pillow get lighter. Use lighter on candle.
    Under upperleft corner of rug get #1
    Zoom in on under bottom left of couch. Get wrench. Near right side is place you can't reach. Use stick, get metal piece.
    Go right. In outlet next to left side of desk, use silver metal piece and plug in.
    Out of drawers get envelope and pliers.
    Go right. Use wire with pliers, then use bent wire with locked door. Get bottle opener from inside and open the bottle.
    Use scissors on envelope, use bottle on paper. Go to candle and use paper on candle.
    Go to computer, open folder and click handy.ico to get usb cord.
    Exit out, use sim card and usb with phone. Connect phone to bottom left of computer (place it so the end of cord is just touching bottom left)
    Go into computer, click on the phone icon, use number 1 on 'Modem'
    Go back to desktop. In firefox click "Downl" on bottom right. In internet explorer click on buttons to get one, and click on star to get that.
    Exit out. In top left drawer put skull button to slight right of thin blue line. Get handle.
    Go to painting on wall. Use wrench so wrenching part is on top bump of painting. Move painting and get splint. Use key on safe. Get wood.
    Use red metal on wood to get hammer. Use hammer on wall to right side of tv.
    Use cutter on right wall (facing tv) about the level of the bottom of the plant, and slightly in. (There's a picture in a book on the bottom shelf that may help)
    Make door handle, use door handle on door, escape.

  158. thanks for the walkthrough!

  159. Yes THX fot this great walkthrough.

  160. Thanks for the hint on where the door was...:-D

  161. Can't find the sim card.

  162. Won't ever download an escape game again. I tried to play it, but there was nowhere on my monitor that I could check for a walkthrough or even go back to any page. Had to turn my computer off and restart it again.

  163. Did you Alt + Tab? Worked for me!

  164. OMG!! seems like a really good game!! juhuwoorps, you should made a really good one, but I can't play it 'cause this computer is broken and doesn't download anything, but gonna try

  165. Before looking at the game comments, then comparing what I did to the comments, I'll just say that I was able to do most of what you people had/have done, except I haven't been able to get the lamp to do anything, "Nothing happens" when you click on the cord, plus I wonder if you're supposed to do anything with the pens or stapler that you find in one of the drawers...I can look at the paper or whatever opening the tablet or whatever that's also in that same drawer...Also I've noticed that you can click on as many lighters you want, 15 of them if you'd like that many. I also opened the one drawer with the string, or wire?, or whatever it was called. Well, going back to second try of the game. Noticed that I needed to allow Firefox to download the file, or it appears to not do anything when trying a download.

  166. For Boater, I don't know if you can view the comments here while doing the game or not, but if you're talking about closing the game, or saving, loading, etc., the game, when the game is running, placing the cursor over the game and right-clicking, you do have some menu choices at the top of the screen. I haven't tried using the "ALT" key, but most of the time when pressing the "ALT" key, that will highlight the first category at the top of the screen, then you can either use your mouse or click the proper letter to drop down menus. Example: In Firefox, "File" is the first category at the top of the screen, and pressing the "Alt" button or key highlights that category, then if you click on "F," the drop down menu for "File" will show up, or if you press "E," then the "Edit" drop down menu appears, etc.

  167. please how do you plug silver metal I can't do it

  168. Thanks Bernard. I'll give it a try

  169. For irine...if you have the piece of metal in your inventory, click on that small "shadow" that you see just to the left of the desk, then when you see the plug that has only one piece of metal, drag the piece of metal down to the plug, it will attach to the plug, then you can click on the plug and it will go into the socket. The part that I'm having a problem with is I can't get the USB cable to plug into the computer.

  170. Sorry about the bugs with the lighter and the red piece of metall which can use with the plug.

    I have fixed this problems.

    The next downloads should be ok.

  171. Oh, ok, thanks, it didn't matter with me, just so long as I can solve the "puzzle." So maybe the way I said to irine was the wrong way to get it plugged in? If so, then my third try, well, actually it will be still on the second try, if I use the "saved" try, but if that was the wrong way to do it, then I'll delete that try and start over a third time, since I can't get the USB cable to plug into the computer for some reason, and I've even seen the tip on where to plug it in.

  172. First you must combine the simcard with cellphone, then combine usb cable with cellphone.after that it would be able to out the phone to the pc

  173. Ok, thanks, I thought I had tried that, but maybe not. If I knew every step, then the "game" wouldn't be fun to play hee hee hee, but it's nice to get a hint if a person is just stumped or stuck.

  174. For irine, I guess that the metal piece was the wrong thing to use on the left hand side of the plug, and was a "bug," and I guess that you're supposed to use the piece of a "stick?" that you retrieve from under the sofa? with the broom you picked up from the left of the bookcase? I think that's what works for me now. I was given the tip for combining the sim card with the cellphone, and the USB cable, but it still doesn't work for me, so I must be doing something wrong.

  175. Ok...finally was able to get the cellphone connected to the computer...That was the only "stumbling block" for far anyway...


  177. For lay,

    The candle is on a table to the right of the sofa, and you use the lighter in your inventory to light it, and you also get a clue by opening the bottle with an opener, and combining the piece of paper with the bottle, the paper gets wet, then you use the wet paper to put the candle out, which gives you a clue. The sim card I found on the top book shelf, just above the shelf and just to the right end of the shelf next to the plant. I clicked around in that area and the sim card showed up.

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. Thakns Bernand,

  180. For lay,

    I at first thought that you'd use the Red piece of metal, as that worked, but it turned out to be a "bug," and was corrected, but what you do is to go to the left side of the bookcase and click there, you'll get the broomstick there, then you go to the sofa, click on the bottom of it, you can get something for your inventory there on the left side, under the sofa, but if you click a little more to the right side of the sofa, still underneath the sofa, it will say that something is there but you can't reach it, or something similar to that, so what you do is drag the broomstick from the inventory down to the right hand side underneath the sofa there, and then release the mouse button. You'll get the piece you need. I sometimes took two or three times of dragging the broomstick down there to find the right spot. You then take that piece, which it says that it's a piece of a stick, but anyway, you go back to the left side of the desk, to where you see that small "shadow" just above the floor, click on that to get to where the plug is, then drag that piece down to the plug, to where the plug has a missing part and release the mouse button and the "piece of stick" I think the game calls it, will stay connected to the plug. You then can click on the plug to plug it in. Hope that helps and hope I didn't confuse you in the way I explained it.

  181. how do u get the handel? CONFUSED

  182. For Lay, Well, that's a bit hard to explain, but I'll try. If you mean the door handle, I'm not sure what all you have for items, as the door handle is made by combining the handle and splint, but if you don't have the handle or the splint, then there are steps you need to do before you can get both items, so maybe I should give one version of a walk-through.

  183. One version of walk-through...
    Open game - Starts in picture view
    Open right door for scissors
    Open left door for bottle of water
    Move plant for wire
    Go right to view sofa
    Lift upper left corner of rug for "White Plate" with the number 1 on it
    Click on left pillow for cell phone
    Click on Right pillow for lighter
    Drag lighter down to light candle to the right of the sofa on the table
    Go right to Desk view
    Open lower left drawer
    Click on the envelope a view times, in different places, to get the envelope
    Take scissors and cut the envelope open (both items are in your inventory when you do this)
    The result after cutting the envelope open is you get a piece of paper
    Click on the paper that's on the desk about three times to see how to use the cellphone as a modem
    Open top right drawer for the pliers
    Open the bottom right drawer, click on the tablet a few times, to see a clue
    Combine the wire with pliers so you can use the wire as a key
    Go right to the TV view
    Click on the top shelf of books, to the right end of the shelf, near the bottom of the last book on the right, which is mostly covered by the plant, to get the sim card
    Click on the 6th or 7th book from the left, on the bottom shelf, to see a clue
    Combine sim card with the cellphone
    Open right door to get the Red piece of metal
    Use the wire in your inventory, which the game shows something like "wire - looks like a key," to open the left door to get the bottle opener
    Use opener to open bottle
    Combine bottle with piece of paper to get the piece of paper wet
    Click on the left side of the bookcase to get the broom stick
    Go left or right to the sofa view
    Click on the lower left of the sofa to get the wrench that the game shows as "tool"
    Staying in that view, which is under the sofa, click to the right hand side of the sofa, to see a message telling you that there's something under the sofa but that it or you can't reach it
    Drag the broomstick, or use the broomstick, to retrieve what the game calls "piece of stick" that's under the right end of the sofa. (I needed to click a round a bit to find just the right spot), so I needed to drag the broomstick down there two or three times before I found the right spot
    Take the wet piece of paper and "snuff out" the candle to see a clue
    Go left to the picture view
    Take the wrench or tool to the top middle of the picture to remove the picture
    Click on the picture, after it has fallen down, to get the splint
    Go left or right, I think twice either direction, to the desk view
    Click just to the left of the desk, where that small shadow is, to see the plug and socket
    Take/drag what the game calls "piece of stick" to the plug, to attach it, to the left side where the plug has a missing pin I'll call it
    Click on the plug to get it to plug into the socket or plug-in
    Go to the desktop and click on the monitor
    Click on the upper Yellow folder
    Click on the file called handy.ico, or something like that, to get the USB cable
    Combine USB cable to cellphone
    Connect cellphone to what the game calls "computer," and in a sense it is the computer, or rather, a part of the computer system, and this was my only major "stumbling block," as I'd call it the monitor, or the computer's monitor, and it took me a while to find the right spot, which is the lower left corner of the monitor, which, if you had taken a look at the one clue, the one telling you how to use the cellphone as a modem, there was an arrow on it to show you basically where to connect the cellphone to
    Click on monitor screen
    Click on cellphone icon
    Drag the paper with the number 1 on it, what the game calls "White Plate," to the Modem choice to "check" the box which will start the connection
    Open the Firefox Browser, which is the top icon I believe, in case you don't use Firefox for a browser
    Click on where it shows "Downl" on the lower right to "download" the key
    Open the Internet Explorer browser, click on the second from the right, on the bottom row, Black skull to get a Black skull to use later
    Open upper right drawer and drag the Black skull to the right of the Blue line, which, depending upon your brightness and/or contrast settings on your monitor, may be a bit hard to see, but look closely and you should see it, this will allow you to get the handle where the Black skull was placed
    Go to the view with the safe in it, use the downloaded key to open the safe, and retrieve the hammer handle
    Combine the Red metal with the hammer handle to make a hammer
    Go to the view with the TV in it
    Hammer a hole in the wall to the right of the TV
    retrieve the cutter(s) from the hole
    Cut a hole in the right-hand wall, almost even with the bottom of the plant I believe, but not on the same wall as the plant, the next wall to the right instead and a little to the right. I did need to try twice to get the right spot, one of my minor stumbling blocks
    If you haven't already done so, combine the handle with the splint to make the door handle, and drag it down to the hole in the door, then the door will open
    Move the cursor to a point in the doorway when the arrow points outward, which is to the upper right, instead of to the right.
    You should be out
    How's that?
    Hope this was ok to post since there has been earlier posts similar to this
    Have a Great Day,

  184. Thanks Bernard,

  185. For lay,

    Ok, sometimes I can't always see the Blue line the first time that I open that drawer either, but I usually will see it the second or third time that I open it, and it's located approximately in the middle of the drawer, both from left to right and from front to back, and is sort of short, but the line is going towards the back and front of the drawer.

    Maybe, if you can't see the line, you need to get other items first, before you can see it, or maybe you need to try and close then open it a second time, or maybe you can just try to drag the Black skull down to the middle of the drawer from front to back, but just slightly to the right of the center of the drawer from left to right, and maybe it will work anyway.

    The line isn't very wide, and it has the dark background, plus it's Blue so it may be hard to see.

    I may not post anymore because I have to enter my password over and over again, plus click on preview, and other things, to get the post posted, so it's a little frustrating...Yesterday it took almost an hour to post a message after trying to log on multiple times.

    I have gotten logged in by signing up multiple times, but maybe I'll try a different method.

    I just needed to sign up again...Oh well...and the text box is now blank, after typing my message, just like yesterday when I did the walk-through, luckily I had Firefox set up to open new window, in a new tab, so I just switched to the other tab to click on copy to paste the text into the empty box, or I'd have to type all of the text in again.

    I keep thinking that I should use the "New File" feature, to open a new file on the desktop, type my message, then save it, so that if the "empty box" happens, I can just reopen the file and use the copy and paste method of entering the text again so I wouldn't have to retype every word again, at least for longer messages anyway.

    I'd recommend to get it to show that "you're currently posting as..." before entering text so that you're signed in first before entering the text, then enter the text afterwards.

    Good luck...Bernard



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