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Escape from the Apple Room

Escape from the Apple Room WalkthroughEscape from the Apple Room is another Japanese point and click game created by Tesshi-e, who is also creator of Mild Escape, Escape from the Underground Room and Escape from the Forest of the Fairy, Ground Escape, Escape from the Balloon Room, Escape from the Same Rooms games and many more. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I'm not good in these games, but..... I'm first ;)

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  3. There's also a high shelf above the door.

  4. i think that the drawers/numbers are somehow connected with the code on the box....?

  5. There's also colored panels behind the drawers as well as in the garbage can.

  6. Or it could be the order of the books on the shelf.

  7. When you first look to the left of the drawers, you see 254, but that doesn't work and seems too obvious?

  8. i think that if you mix yellow and red colours= green; red + green= blue,but....??

  9. How did you come up with the mixing of those colors?

    Yellow + blue = green, etc.

    But in "real life".

  10. I swear I've clicked every square pixel of every screen and every zoomed in screen!

    Have to have something to knock down the box from the upper shelf, and get the apple out of the table.

  11. The numbers on the drawers are the order in which you have to press the buttons behind the drawers.

  12. Tried that. But couldn't find anything opened or new.

  13. morning all.colored panel behind drawers is to open drawers.push the colors in order as written on drawers,drawers will open.hope it works.sorry for bad english...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Go figure, now it works.

  16. There's an apple beside the drawers too, nautic. And one inside.

  17. HI! Joining in, berfor I go to bed!

  18. Also a purple apple in the safe, so you have to open it twice

  19. I can't get my drawers to work, and only have one green apple

  20. Panel at the bottom of the remote. I can't remember if I just had to press it to get it to work on the TV, or if there is something else in there.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. diana!how do u worked code?

  23. Code you get from the TV. Have to open the drawer and get long pincers. Then use them to get the remote above the door/safe screen.

  24. k, where are you stuck?

  25. how do u find the colored panel!!?

  26. Click left of drawers, then behind it.

  27. I swear I've tried that, but it worked! Thanks!

  28. thanx diana.K when u r on the left of drawer click left to get back view of drawers.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Ah ok.
    For remote, if you click the bottom, it gives you one code. If you click the button, that's just the power button for safe code. That's the difference. Just thinking out loud.

  31. 7 apples total
    have 5
    1 in table
    1 probably inbox=
    need screwdriver and hammed (to break glass)

  32. on the tv.... if you push the bottom of the remote instead of the circle on the remote....

    it says coin with two arrows......


  33. Oh! coin on tv one you fiddle with remote.

  34. Hello and good morning from Norway.

    Anyone found the screwdriver? or a hammer?

  35. God morgen.
    Jeg har ikke fundet dem.

  36. do the chairs do anything?

  37. i have five apples
    1-on tv
    2-beside drawers
    3-inside drawer
    4,5-from code box
    anyone have other two?any help plz...

  38. I've clicked all around everything, and have't come up with anything from the chairs, even in the tabletop view.

    Then again, I could be missing that one pixel.

  39. My god Diana, you speak norwaynese? (I am probably being a compleate idiot, and it's probably french or german and norwaynese dosn't exsist)

  40. Well, I speak Danish, but very poorly!

  41. Danish! I should know that, my uncle lives there. But back to the game!

  42. Good evening all from New Zealand

    you can get the apple out of the coffee table by getting a side view and using the long pincher's

  43. Denmark, not Norway

  44. Ah... thanx Jojo. One more apple to go

  45. There's a side view!

  46. how do you get this 'side view'?
    I only have a front one

  47. I spoke to soon, got it!

  48. Got screwdriver. In side view, click right side of green couch. Yay!

  49. thanx jojo
    now yellow one is missing.
    i think order might be blue,light green,pink,yellow,red,olive green,purple
    any help for yellow?

  50. clicking everywhere...

  51. again spoke to soon

  52. Out! But with an empty bed and one empty spot in inventory. Will try again.

  53. i have got all apples and i think i got the yellow one by going from the side view of the coffee table to a side view of the sofa, maybe. Just working on the code at the moment.

  54. yellows in box

  55. how did you find the second apple from the safe ?

  56. u meant color tab, duh.

  57. Yellow is in box that needs a screwdriver.

  58. Hmm... what order to put the apples?

  59. I think for coin, you put the apples in the reverse way.

  60. perhaps blue next to purple and yellow next to pale pink? (color tabs that were together)

  61. Dk Green, Red, Yellow, Pink, Lt. Green, Blue, Purple = key.

  62. sorry the order is...purple,blue,light green,pink,yellow,red,olive green

    got key

  63. hello everyone! help! how do i get the side view? I'm clicking like crazy on the darn coutch - with no resolt!

  64. When i put the apples in reverse, it says Happy Coin, but I don't get one.

  65. Got the coin and out, again!

  66. got it! don't even know how! :)

  67. Got both ends.

    One with one red apple.
    One with red apple and apple fairy.

    Thanks again for the side view of table, that's all I needed!

  68. out! but didn't need coin, just key.

  69. The coin is for the fairy end, but yes, you can get out without it.

  70. Where did you find the coin Diana?

  71. After you put the apples in reverse and it says happy coin, find it in the top drawer.

  72. Mahalo for all the help. 11:30 here so I'm hitting the sack. Nite!

  73. If i put the appels in the order you have too i get happy coin, but i don't see a coin.
    Where is it?

  74. Thanks Diana and to every one else, I always seem to get to see a kiwi in the mix too ;-)

  75. It's in the top drawer.

  76. Oops nevermind power of posting!

  77. Ciao! I have problem with remote and tv... I've read the previous post but nothing...

  78. Flora what is the problem?

  79. Did you look at the remote to flip it and then push te button.

  80. and for screwdriver, I've clicked the right side (and the left also) of chair in side view but I can't take nothing

  81. flora that is the wrong view you have to try clicking there is another view.

  82. where is the screwdriver?

  83. yeah, where is this screw driver? can geet 2 views of table, clicked every part of couches in those scenes....? where where where???

  84. The screwdriver is in a third view.
    1st veiw = table, chairs, window scene.
    2nd veiw, click around right hand side of tabletop.
    3rd veiw, click on right hand side sofa (about 2/3 up and to the right a little)

  85. 2/3 up the seat line not the back part :-)

  86. I can't get the second apple from the safe. I can't figure out how to get the remote to give me a second code.

  87. couldn't find it either, but for 2nd apple in safe you have to click the upper side of the bottom. (it's a double bottom)

  88. good morning from Alabama! I've clicked literally everywhere on the right hand couch, and in all views. No screwdriver! Can anyone be really, really specific on which view to use and where to click?

  89. and BIG t/y, Lis! I was lost finding the 2nd apple in safe.

  90. How do you find the code for the safe? I have tried every combo and no luck. Any ideas??

  91. suthnspyce - you have to get the remote for the tv from the shelf over the door. do you have the grabbers/pincer yet?

  92. s.spice - pincer/grabber is in one of the drawers.

  93. oops... spyce, not spice. :-)

  94. No not yet. I thought you had to open the box/safe 1st, Then you could get the remote w/pinchers?

  95. AHA!! power of posting! found the screwdriver!

  96. I'm still working on the 3 drawer chest....urrrgggg!!!!

  97. not quite. go to left-side view of drawers, get apple. Still on that view, click back of chest and see three boxes. The numbers on the drawers tell you the order in which to push those buttons. that will open the drawers. Did that make sense?

  98. so you push red box first, because there's a 1 on the red drawer. then push the green box, b/c 2 on drawer, etc.

  99. Yes that makes sense, but the game won't cooperate!!Do you click the #'s or the drawer it self? I have tried the order hitting the number and just the drawer. where is the sweet spot?!? Thanks for your help burd! and everyone else too!

  100. did you find the three colored boxes/squares on the back of the chest? that's what you'll push. click them in the order of the numbers written on the drawers, by color. so you'll push red, green, yellow, yellow, red, green. then go back to the front view of the chest, and they should open.

  101. HAHAHA! I been in the sun too much this summer!!! I thought you had to press the drawers not the buttons on back! Thanks!!

  102. yay, Suthn! and if 'Suthn' means southern U.S., your brain may have fried inside your skull, like mine. it's HOT dah-yun hee-ah, y'all!

  103. South Louisiana, I'm not sure if it's the heat or the humitity!LOL.Below New Orleans.

  104. humidity,(sorry miss spelled)

  105. lol! you're right, the air is drinkable it's so wet. I should have said 'your brain may have mildewed or wilted inside your skull, like mine'. I'm out of the room with both ends, and i'm off to mow the lawn before it's too unbearable. thanks all! have good days or nights!

  106. what order do you put the apples in the gray thing?

  107. Gr8 game !!!

    @ Ruth ...Dark green, red, yellow, pink, light green, blue, purple.
    (Click twice in safe to get it).

    To get perfect end, you need to put the colors in the reverse way.
    It sais happy coin, you can find it in the top drawer.

    To get out, dont forget to put the colors in the good way :D

  108. Is the 2nd view for this the one with the opening in the table? I don't seem to be doing well with pixel hunting today.

    "The screwdriver is in a third view.
    1st veiw = table, chairs, window scene.
    2nd veiw, click around right hand side of tabletop.
    3rd veiw, click on right hand side sofa (about 2/3 up and to the right a little)"

    2/8/08 13:20

  109. After you click the right side of the table, you get a side view with the hole in the side. The green couch in front of you, click the lower right side between the couch and the edge of the screen. You will get a side view of the couch, screwdriver, and color panels.

  110. can anyone help me i have to re register before i can publish a comment? it is great to read all your help with games hanks everyone.

  111. H E L P ...please.. anyone !?

    where is the pink apple !?:(

  112. pff.. Im missing the purple apple..
    Very annoying ;p Im not very good in these games. Always have 2 get a clue from you guys :p

  113. I can't seem to get the side view of the table with the apple inside. I've tried clicking on the right side but with no luck! Help please?

  114. Purple apple is in the coded lockbox also. There are 2 in there: blue and purple.

  115. did you all escape and go to sleep:)
    kinda stuck now, have 5 apples, not sure how to figure out code

  116. okay all, got out, but missed being able to play together. used Diana's order to get key, but would like to know how she figured the apple order out. I thought i had it, but mine was wrong and D's was right!!!
    hope to catch you all in action next game!

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Hammer isn't needed. You just need to get the side view of the coffee table. Right side.

  119. do u have to put something in that square hole ???

  120. You have to get the pincers out of the drawer. Look at the numbers on the colored drawers. Then, look behind the drawers and press the colors in the correct order to unlock the drawers.

  121. Anyone there??? Got six apples OK, but puzzled about the the TV with the two arrows, but what to do next??

  122. Got the 7th apple after fiddling with the safe....


    Practise side view of coffee table by clicking upper right side level with the seat of the sofa. Now click the right side of the back sofa (half way down the seat and just above floor) get screwdriver and note the colours.

    Zoom out and go to bookshelf and open bottom box for first apple.
    Examine bin and note colours.
    Continue on to TV for another apple.
    Click left side of drawers (level with floor/wall line) and another apple.
    Click again level with floor/wall line to get to the back and note buttons. Click them in order of the numbers on the front of the drawers.
    Open drawers for another apple and pincers.
    Over to door and shelf above for a remote.
    Activate remote and note code on TV for the safe by the door. Get two apples (use the pincer to open a secret panel).
    Now coffee side view use pincers to get final apple.

    With the coloured patches and books the colours overlap, so you can work out the order, however I didnt find the dark green and red clue and I didnt find the coin.....I did manage to work out the order of five apples, and knew the dark green/red went at either end and got the key and can someone finish this off.....

  124. if you put th apples backwards on the box and open the green draw you can get the happy coin witch gives you the fairy ending

  125. how to get the safe code?????

  126. Use remote to turn on tv for safe code. It's above the door/safe view.

  127. Walkthrough:

    -Go left and pick up the dark green apple.
    -Note the numbers that correspond to the colored drawers.
    -Click to the left of the drawers and pick up the red apple.
    -In the same view, click behind the drawers and note the order of the colored panels: green, red, yellow.
    -Now press the colored panels in the order of numbers listed on the front drawers. red, green, yellow, yellow, red, green.
    -Go back to the front of the drawers and get the light green apple from the second drawer and the pincers from the bottom.
    -Go left and click the ceiling area above the door. Use the pincers to get the remote control from the shelf.
    -Go right and view the remote. Press the orange button, then click the bottom of the remote and click the panel.
    -Note the clue stating “coin” and 2 arrows pointing in opposite directions. Now press the button on the tv and get the safe code: 5268.
    -Go right and click the right side of the table until you get the side view.
    -Use the pincers in the hole to get the pink apple.
    -Now click the right side of the green couch where the floor meets the ceiling.
    -Get the screwdriver.
    -Note the order of the colored panels blue, purple.
    -Zoom out twice and go right. Click the garbage can and note the order of the panels yellow, pink.
    -Click the grey box at the bottom of the shelves. Use the screwdriver and get the yellow apple.
    -Note the order of the books on the shelf pink, light green, blue
    -Go right and enter the code in the safe box. Get the blue apple. Click the bottom of the opened safe box to reveal the purple apple.
    -Now go left again and click the long grey box on the middle shelf.
    -According to the colored panels you found in the room, the order of apples: dark green, red, yellow, pink, light green, blue, purple. Press the button and get the door key
    -Not done yet! Remove the apples and place them in the reverse order and press the button. It will say “Happy Coin” but where is it?
    -Go left (or right twice) and click the top drawer. Get the *HAPPY COIN.
    -Go left, use the key on the door, and you’re out!

    *You can also leave without the Happy Coin, but then the apple fairy won't be there to meet you at the end.

  128. Why do I bother to do a walkthru, and someone does it again?? I know I dont reveal the solutions, but do give as much info so the gamer can still solve the game and can work out the codes etc and if they need it they can find it in the comments by other gamers. What do you think!!

  129. I can remove it if it's offensive. No prob.

  130. I'm sure everybody was grateful for your walktrough redroobar but I can see problems with trying to append to a partial walkthough, like, where do you start? At which scene or clue?
    For clarity, the only real way is to publish a walkthrough from start to finish...and, mate, you did seem to invite someone to do just that...not a flame just an observation :-)

  131. Diana, it is not offensive, I just made a comment.

  132. It seems like some japanese games say in the description that language might be a problem, and some don't. It would be nice if there was just a "this is in japanese" in the description. I'd still probably play it, but sometimes when I'm feeling flaky I don't want the extra challenge :P

  133. love these about thinking outside the "box"!!!!LOL! Diana...thanks for the tip about the Happy Coin. Most everything I figured out but reversing the apples was a great hint! Saw the msg on the tv re: coin but wasn't certain where/how to find it!

    @redroobar: just wanted to let you know I appreciate your walkthru's and I hope you don't stop posting them!!!! I was (or I thought I was!) pressing the colors in order so I could open the drawers...I peaked at your walkthru and knew I was on the right track and when I tried it again, the drawers opened! So thank you for your help, and all the help you've given in the past. I wanted you to know that your posts are valuable and the power of posting definitely gets many of us out of very frustrating situations!!!! Thanks Redroobar!!!!! Rock on!!!!!

  134. caught this one from the random section

    still can't play Tesshi-e games with FF as link always leads me to the main site & not loading properly instead of the game :-(
    (mayhaps have some new security options on in FF - but it's my favourite browser - had to play in Chrome)

    thx for all your creations, Tesshi-e ☺
    nice to see where you started


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