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Sealed Room

Sealed Room is another new point and click type room escape game by Zomayor and created for Escape Games 24 visitors. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I'm here right on time. All right! Hello everyone

  2. Hi people. Well I got the 3 blue things for the door, but I still am trying to work out the codes for the 2 boxes. Maths is not my forte, so I am stuck, methinks.

  3. i found the numbers for A,B,C,D. But do not know what is the combination for the blue box on the floor.

  4. found it
    use the knife on the panel where u put the 3 blue sticks

  5. Does "C/3" mean C divided by 3?

  6. where is the third stick?

  7. code for blue box on the floor: 81244...^_^ i love math...^_^

  8. yes
    C/3 means C divided by 3
    2B means 2 times B

  9. there's one stick in the 3 drawer cabinet where the vase is, where u need a key to open it. it's the 1st drawer

  10. one blue stick hanging in yellow square thing on book in second drawer...and third, I think was in the sofa?

  11. a=2 x b
    d= 15
    b= c / 3
    c= d - 3 .....

  12. well, opened 3rd drawer..found a grey box..opened with cutter and now have another code

  13. I still have one more spot in my inventory to fill. Not that I'm getting anywhere, but my inventory is full.

  14. done opening the green ball...dont know where to use the key???

  15. Oh wow im farther than you all... im already at this computer thinga ma jig that has a beeping red light. And I thought i needed help from you guys since you played these type of games longer than me.

  16. I've got two pieces of paper for the code for the globe

  17. Scrapppy...where'd you find the 3rd code?

  18. I am still missing the third piece of code for the green ball....anyone?....please.

  19. under the blue box on the floor, when you're done with the computer thingy beeping red light..

  20. can't find third piece for globe code. any hints?
    I also have blinking light box, oops. should I have pushed that?

  21. i'v got all item...last item is a part of a key. Dont know what to do with!

  22. third code next to that blue box.. right side

  23. also stuck with part of a key

  24. ahhhh only part of a key!!! Why wasnt it the trusty screw driver that is in all these games...LOL

  25. Now i'm stuck at the computer code with the weird letter and blinking light :(

  26. use cutter on the floor by the blue box and there is another code for you

  27. oops I meant letters. It's my first time posting. I've never been on when a game was just put up.

  28. the letters and the computer, the clue is the small box where you found that weird item

  29. serran go back to the blue box on the floor and use the strange looking key in the slot. It will open and give you something.

  30. oh, are you serious? another code? hmm, going to take a cigarette break. brb

  31. the letters will appear as "a light shining from the heavens", The first pair is at the 2 couches, the second one, go to the drawers, and open and close and open and close the below drawers, open the top one, and open the middle one. It has to be in order. The last pair of letters, you must make the balls combination, ALL OF IT WHITE TRIANGLES.

  32. i'm stuck...what's the code?

  33. the metal box where you found the weird metal handle thing can be REALLY HELPFUL

  34. and the code, you have to assemble ACBB in order. To find out whats ACBB you have to check out the room for numbers like D=15.

  35. Aha thanks. I couldn't figure out that last set of letters.

  36. Right now I really want to slash this floor thingy with my knife. I just dont understand the codes.

  37. zaku...i'v opened the drawers according to the order..but no codes..

  38. LOL, I felt better when I changed the middle code to WTF, but it didnt open anything....ggrrrr

  39. candy, check out the metal box where you found the weird metal handle. It'll show you the combination

  40. give hint about the third code,PLS! i mean about the weird sphere

  41. the code for all 3 pairs make up a word. The hint is, god ____ us.

  42. the ball thing, if you have all 3 pieces of paper, you will see the pink triangle is not in its shape, meaning its upside down. Also, look at how the pieces of paper are arranged

  43. the last code: look the letters like numbers

  44. any hint for the 7 digit number code?

  45. spoke too soon lol. thanks!

  46. I am going to give up, none of it makes any sense to me, I will leave it to the smart people....have fun!

  47. Somebody PLEASE post a walkthru. I'm stuck with the green ball. I have white triangle, blue box and white triangle. I've tried many combinations and can't get that darn thing to open.

  48. me too...i'm quiting! only manage to get 1st word on the sofa.

  49. meat: have you found the 3 papers?

  50. one of parts of green code is upside down :)

  51. I am stuck after i opened green ball where i found a part of a key.
    Where is the other part of the key please ?

  52. how to make the code for the green sphere for second time.I mnow that the second part is upside down; i;he tried to enter dne symbols not like the first time(fr up to down) but to make them fr left to right... and still no result HELP

  53. to get this code go to the dresser open botton 4 times top 1 time middle 1 time

  54. ok i figured it out only white triangles :)))) but why?!

  55. HELP, how to do green orb with the wrong pointing pink triangle ?

  56. I don't understand how you know to open the drawers that way. it is not working for me. I'll try again tomorrow

  57. sabrina
    try to type figures upside down

  58. after you have the 'part of key', go back to the Panel on the floor next to the blue box. Use your knife on the floor, it will cut up and click to get inside. You'll see a floorplan which is the room you are in. Put the 'part of key' in the box which says INSERT. The floorplan then shows you a blinking red light. Go to the redlight (which is the panel where u put 3 blue sticks). it will tell u that the Sofa has a letters. After u saw the letters on the sofa, go back to the floorplan and input them. Press button below the letters. Then go back and see the clue for the drawer, then the green ball

  59. go to the flashing red light box it has pic of the item to get code

  60. nm figured it out, thanks

  61. sheesh now stuck on blue box thing with letters LOL, got bl from chair but can't get the light to in order to get next letters

  62. actually got the image to change what i meant is can't understand the next image looks like 3 pillows stacked on top of each other...thanks megipoland

  63. Thank you dr3amingdead !!!!! I have got it :-)

  64. why won't the drawers show letters code ?

  65. i've tried the 7 number code(finel) the following code: 6195595 and.....NOTHING :(

  66. Sabrina, did you go back to the door panel ?? The drawes only will show the letters when you looked at the door hint first.

  67. Nautic, the numbers are to put in from the last to first and they are upside down.

  68. sabrina
    you need to open the billow drawer 4 times that s mean open and close open and close than you open the top drawer and the second one too

  69. yep i looked at the panel after putting in the ess, there's what looks like 3 cubes stacked sort like the same thing on green orb but i can't find the last letters for blue box

  70. I'm back to playing this game again. Thanks everyone for your tips! Sometimes I think I just think too hard when I play these games!

  71. it's not working for me, i feel silly lol

  72. Sabrina, put only white triangles on the orb.

  73. woo hoo, i'm done thank you everyone

  74. and the last code please

  75. Sorry I feel like a dick. I cant open the drawers... to give me the next letters.

  76. Far out, power of posting, the dam thing worked...

  77. scrappy coco87, i don't mind maths but your code doesn't work for me.. where on the floor did you find the clue to turning a = 8 b = 4 c = 12 and d =15 into 81244?

    And in general, why do you all like to post what you've done rather than how you've done it?

  78. Maxi have you found the first piece of paper for the green orb box yet? If so, turn the paper over, there are some letters to help you.

  79. dr3amingdead: where is the stick in the top draw? must be a minute pixel hunt or it's not in my first draw. is first top or bottom?

  80. oh, blue fuse "stick". sorry

  81. Maxi have you found the key in the bookcase yet? You need it to open the top drawer for the blue stick.

  82. becks: how did you open the 3rd draw? and where oh where do you all find the other two pieces for the green ball code?

  83. zaku, it maybe time for your first walkthrough?????

  84. hi phillipa, i'm hunting for the 3rd paper for the code at mo

  85. Have you moved the blue box yet? If so, use the cutter on it. Im quite sure thats where the third piece of paper was.

  86. yes miss pip, code was there on rear of code paper! still can't find 3rd piece, have opened blue box, but no idea what the computer the posts mention refer to???? I swear i'm getting dumber the longer i escape rooms...

  87. i've been cutting and cutting the blue box, but i think i need to do something or find something else cause i'm not "making a mark" on that box!

  88. Right, sounds like you havent moved the box yet. Go to the panel where you put the fuses in. The little square at the top of the panel is 'locked' - so unlock it..... then click the red button. This will move the blue box, so you can use the funny key on it and open it. Take the paper, but then use the cutter on the bottom of the box.

  89. i cheated, the middle strip was pink green blue, tried every combo... now to move this blue box???

  90. hoolie doolie! it's worked phillipa, but now i'm scared.... those sqares are surly designed to freak you out..... hang on, "floor plan" right?

  91. Thats very right maxi. There are some really good posts above that explain about the floor plan and how to use the door.

  92. well dr3amingdead s post has found me the "bl" from the preposed "bl ess es" post. but I just don't understand?

  93. phillipa, do you know how zazie came up with the 'final code'?

  94. oh blesses upside down... argh

  95. Just read the letters as numbers, but upside down and start at the last one.

  96. I cant find the final code of the blue box.. the one with 7 numbers. Can someone help me? Please!!

  97. Sabrina, noticed that the 3 pieces of code has a blue colour border? put them in the correct order.

    Noticed the wrong pointing pink triangle? just rotate it upside down

  98. I cant find the final code for the blue box.. the one with 7 numbers. Can someone help me? Please!!

  99. How do I open the panel to move the blue box??
    I can´t find any "littel square"

  100. Why 5655619? I dont understand. Can someone tell me?

  101. how do i unlock the button in the hatch?

  102. michi, as i said earlier :
    Just read the letters as numbers, but upside down and start at the last one.

  103. What do I do after opening the panel??

  104. Sorry i don't understand witch letters.. what is the word? Thanks anyway!

  105. That was a hard one!!
    As always...can´t do it without your help!

  106. jane, you have to use your cutter in it to reveal another panel.

    michi, i don´t know where you are right now, did you already have the second bottom panel ?

  107. Hi, anyone still playing??

  108. Had to close the game for 2 hours, but now im OUT!

  109. yes, the word is blameless, but it doesn't correspond to that numbers. Sorry for my english: I'm italian.

  110. sorry the word is blesses

  111. blesses ==> sesselb ==> 5655619

    try to see it opposite way

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. AAAAAHHHHHHHHH grazie!! Thank youuu!

  114. Can someone help me find the cutter? I have searched everywhere and feel like an idiot!

  115. nevermind i finally got it

  116. Sooze where did you find the cutter?

  117. Good morning all! This is my 1st time commenting, I love to play these games, but always need the walkthroughs. like dr3amingdead said, let's roll.

  118. what do i put in the green orb????

  119. That was a nice & fun game...

  120. i have the values for a,b,c and d. how do you figure out where to put them, and in what order?

  121. @ Sweeti, only white triangles that should do the trick.

    @ Kevin you need to put the code into the blue box 81244

    A = 2B means, 2 times B
    D = 15
    B = c divided by 3
    C = d minus 3

    Gr8 game !!!
    Didn't know i had to be a locksmid :D


    Click on sofa.
    Click in middle of 4 cushions for cutter, note C=D-3.
    Back out, go right.
    Click yellow box, get key.
    Highlight cutter, click blue hanging 'stick', get it, note D=15.
    Go right, cick door, get blue stick, back out.
    Click dresser, highlight key, click top drawera twice, get stick, click green ball, note B=C/3
    Back out twice, go right ,click chairs, note A=2xB, back out.
    Go right twice, click big panel left of shelves.
    Highlight sticks, click each blue rectangle, click panel it will open.
    Get weird key and paper. Back out.
    Go right twice, click blue box.
    Input code: (D=15, so C=12, so B=4, and A=8). Hightlight paper, click middle 'eye' button on inventory bar. Click paper, code is ACBB=81244! Click lid get keys.
    Back out, go left, click dresser.
    Highlight keys, click bottom drawer,get box. Keep box zoomed in, highlight cutter, cut box, get paper.
    Back out, go left, click big panel.
    Highlight keys, click small grey square, click red button, blue box moved!
    Back out, go right twice.
    Click blue box, highlight weird key, click slot, click key twice, get paper.
    Back out, go left, click dresser, click green ball.
    Open papers, note code, left side top to bottom-yellow triangle, green square, pink triangle.
    Right side top to bottom-white triangle, blue square, white triangle. The middle paper is upside down because the pink triangle is positioned wrong. So, middle top to bottom-pink triangle, green square, blue square.
    Click lid, get part of a key.
    Back out twice, go right.
    Click blue box, highlight cutter.
    Click blue 'floor' area-it opens to a code box.
    'Insert' part of key, back out twice.
    Go left twice, click big panel, it now shows a chair!
    Go to chairs and click them.
    Note bl, back out.
    Click blue box, click into code box, change the letters, first two boxes are b l,click line underneath the letters. Back out, go to panel, it shows the drawers.
    Now, back out, go to dresser, bottom drawer first-open,close,open,close-top open, middle open, vase shows ess.
    Go back to code box. Input ess, e is backward, click line beneath, back out. Go to big panel, it now shows the nine square grid from the green ball and it is all white. Go to green ball and put in all white triangles. Aha, we have es. Go put these letters in the code box, and click bottom line.
    Now we need to put a number code in, look at the letters we just put in and flip them in your mind, as if you took your computer moniter and put it on its top.
    Click arrow, take whole key, back out twice.
    Go left, click door.
    Highlight whole key, click door twice. TA-DA OUT!

  123. That was such a good one.....difficult but intuitive.....

  124. What a lovely game! Cute, funny, just suitably difficult. Very nice!

  125. Canny game that. Not too tricksy but it made you think.
    Thanks to those of you whose hints I followed...

  126. First time post...Wow! that was difficult!..Canny maybe! Manage to get out thanks to all postings.

  127. Found no other box at blue box. Clicked on everything and everywhere. Stuck.

  128. Too bad...decent graphics made this one look promising. I hate puzzles that require you to do things with no rhyme nor reason...because it usually amounts to nothing more than a frustrating waste of time.

  129. Maddie, I suggest you pm the game maker and ask for a full refund.
    I personally appreciate the skill and decency of these people who give their skills and time freely to entertain us all.

  130. Holy Crap, never again! I finally did it with a ton of help from everyone! thanks guys! good luck! :)

  131. working link:

  132. Non-Russian working link -


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