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Wogger Inside - Level 1

Wogger Insider - Level 1 is another new point and click type adventure game game by Bernd Mattiebe, who is also the same creator of Wogger Mini series games. Again you need to point and click on right places and do right things to help the little spaceman wogger. Good luck and have fun!

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Wogger Inside - Level 1 Walkthrough by Joni:

you must put your cursor over the wogger so that you dont hit the rock! breaking the bottle ends the game.

1. click on bottom of the bottle 3 times on the right side.
the first click will send you sailing further into the sea.
the second click you will be beside the whirlpool
the third click will put you in the whirlpool

2. when youre in the whirlpool click on the middle of your bottle to sink

3. now that youre underwater click on your head for a thought bubble to appear; place the metal gear in this bubble and click on it;click on your head again on the bottom left of your bottle to go right

5. you surface next to a river. click on the middle of your bottle to sink a little. click on the middle again to enter cave.

6. in the cave click on bottom of bottle to go up; click on your head; take metal gear from thought bubble and wedge it between the two metal arms.

7. go back down click bottom left of bottle to go right click the bottom of bottle to take the upper path.

8. take green thing place in topmost left box-click circle to close inventory. click on bottle to get back out.

9. when you pause click on your head and place metal gear back in thought bubble

10. now out of the cave you click the bottom of bottle to go right next to the rock; place gear on rock, click on gear twice

YOU WIN-level 1 anyway the games incomplete.

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  1. Yea Wogger!

  2. okay ive made it into a cave and picked up a green thingy but current swept me back out..has anyone gotten further?

  3. i can't can't him to do anything but go around the sea aimlessly HELP!

  4. all i can seem to do is make him go from the starting rock to the white rock on the bottom right?

  5. joni, how did you make it to the cave?

  6. you have to press the middle of the bottle and he sinks a little press again and he goes into cave.

  7. oh no stuck in a whirlpool!

  8. to make to the cave: press the rightside bottom of the bottle and he will sail out into the bottom rightside again and he goes left next to a whirlpool press one more time in same spot he goes into whirlpool then you press the middle of bottle to sink him. pick up the round thingy and put it into his thought bubble and go right

  9. i click the middle, but he wont go underwater?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. thanks joni, i got underwater, moved him toward the cave (with big eel chasing me) then he floated back to the top?

  12. okay i got a hold of the round thingy but i can't get it to stay in any one place. what do you mean by "thought bubble"?

  13. you have to be in the whirlpool when you press the middle of bottle

  14. never mind, figured it out!!!

  15. oops put the round thingy back have to click on his head first..

  16. what thought bubble? where is it?

  17. i moved the rock, and he floated to the end of the screen, and i think i wasnt meant to do that?!!

  18. now i CAN'T put the round thingy down! arhhhh

  19. lol thanks Joni
    made it to the cave

  20. i may have to reload because i can't put down the round thingy!!!!!

  21. just watch your cursor when it turns into a hand you kno where to click

  22. does anyone know how to get passed the two (rocks???!) that keep crushing my glass in the cave?

  23. woot! ive passed level one

  24. joni, you're the best, you totally saved me! i hate to be a pest but made it to the rocks on the right, now what tho????

  25. and now cant go back in the cave?

  26. missah_oz how did you work it out?
    still stuck there : (

  27. ..aww theres only one level

  28. missah, how did you get past the crashing rocks??

  29. ok i tried putting the thingy on the white rock but then i can't go back to the cave and if i let the thingy work i get carried away in the waterfall and lose...

  30. in the cave go up instead of right and put the cog looking thing in the two long thin rock things?! then go back down and right the rocks are jamed open. then i went up again and got the green stone.

  31. but thats where im stuck, i cant get back in the cave, already restarted but no luck?

  32. after you put the cog in the rock, how do you move away from it to go back down? It won't let me go

  33. OK so far I like this better than the last series, it seems much more intuitive,But that said I'm stuck, went in the cave, got spit back out and keep going down the waterfall to nowheresville.

  34. missuh...does this screen sort of thing come down? you have to put green stone thing in first spot on it!

  35. i put the green stone in the first box and pushed the square middle at the bottom tho make it go away, then i get spat out the cave, with no cog and no where else to go

  36. never mind, finally got my cog back

  37. walkthrough:

    you must put your cursor over the wogger so that you dont hit the rock! breaking the bottle ends the game.

    1. click on bottom of the bottle 3 times on the right side.
    the first click will send you sailing further into the sea.
    the second click you will be beside the whirlpool
    the third click will put you in the whirlpool

    2. when youre in the whirlpool click on the middle of your bottle to sink

    3. now that youre underwater click on your head for a thought bubble to appear; place the metal gear in this bubble and click on it;click on your head again on the bottom left of your bottle to go right

    5. you surface next to a river. click on the middle of your bottle to sink a little. click on the middle again to enter cave.

    6. in the cave click on bottom of bottle to go up; click on your head; take metal gear from thought bubble and wedge it between the two metal arms.

    7. go back down click bottom left of bottle to go right click the bottom of bottle to take the upper path.

    8. take green thing place in topmost left box-click circle to close inventory. click on bottle to get back out.

    9. when you pause click on your head and place metal gear back in thought bubble

    10. now out of the cave you click the bottom of bottle to go right next to the rock; place gear on rock, click on gear twice

    YOU WIN-level 1 anyway the games incomplete.

  38. Welcome back Wogger! Back to pixel hunting....Look forward to Level 2

  39. am i putting the cog in the wrong rock?? anybody???

  40. michelle where are you up to?

  41. missah, got out FINALLY.....

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. were it says in the cave to click the bottom of the bottle, well it just brings me back out of cave, is this supposed to happen?

  45. gimme help i always die at the river

  46. Adobe Flash game, so gone forever.

  47. For Floppyears (8/26/21, 8.24 PM) and other Woggerfans.
    You can play Wogger online with Palemoon-browser with installed adobe flasplayer (last one that has no killswitch).
    Where can i get the full-version and the full-mini-version nowadays? (On woggerworld it is not buyable anymore - buyingsite is down)


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