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Minoto Halloween

[REPLAY] Minoto Halloween is another very cute and funny Japanese point & click adventure type escape game developed by Minoto. In this game, your aim is to find and use items to proceed with every action. There are no puzzles to solve. Enjoy the lovely graphics. There are two different endings. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. hi i am from turkey.. :)

  2. i picked the shovel and the flover..

  3. I love the Halloween themed games !!! Let's play !!

  4. i digged the solid and took paint and brush from the boy and took a witch hat from the tree.. painted the white cat to black.. sorry for bad english by the way.. :)

  5. ok picked up flower picked up "hacke" and took burried man out....

  6. i made a cross with the white woods

  7. every time i click on the bear a creepy old guy pops out of the house ??

  8. Very cute. Happy Halloween everyone !!!

  9. i burried the boy and put flovers and the cross on the grave and the ghost gave me garlic to use with the vampire..:)

  10. finished :) easy and fun game :)

  11. hi all i got candy end...anyone got different ending?

  12. finished too, very nice cute graphics :)

  13. how do I get the second peice of wood?

  14. the dofferent ending ( there are two) is to click on the bear without doing anything and he gets scared by a old guy ....

  15. Anyone got a hint for me? I got pumpkin on bear, frankenstien awake, zombie dug up, dracula out of his coffin and in my inv I have paint, white wood, shovel and flowers.

  16. Read the previous comments. They give good hints as to what to do next!!

  17. i can't make a cross from peice of wood :(

  18. Ok it was a bug, the second piece of wood didn't show up the first time I played.

  19. Davies,

    When you free awaken Frankenstein you will get a chain to use for dracula.

  20. Hello, my first time poster! I hope you excuse my poor english, i´m from Sweden!

  21. Sorry, how do i free frankenstein? Have all 3 switches down but he isn't moving?

  22. This was fun, thanks for the help everybody!

  23. Davies, the one in the middle must point up, the others down...

  24. thanks USB and suspiria, am now out!

  25. davies, you need the chain frankenstein dropps to open the coffin

  26. out
    so cute i like it:)

  27. is someboy there because i need help :)

  28. cmy said she buried the man how do you do that, also how do you make a cross with the white wood?

  29. 2 ends, one is candy end another is mistake end?

  30. i know how to make a croos with the white wood,
    you click on one of the white wood and click the '?' and then click the other piece of wood and click on the piece off wood you've already got got up on the screen and that makes you a cross.
    Then you click on the bot thats in front of the whole, and it burys him and the cross is on the mud,
    then you click the flowers and click on the pile of mud, [ click twice as 2 flowers are layed ]and a ghost appears a drops a garlic.
    click the garlic then click the vampire and it turns into a bat and flys off, click the cape that is left behind. click the cape and click on the bear and click on the pumpkin and then click on the bears face, then click on the door and you will get candy.

    hope i helped someone :) xxx
    good luck x

  31. Cute game. Happy Halloween!!!!!

  32. love these to play

  33. where did you get the other flower? i only layed down one and no ghost.

  34. buggy game. had to restart three times because it didn't give me certain items. one time no second flower. another time no second board. weird. i knew what to do but just couldn't lol

  35. to wake up franknstien you have to pull the 1st and 3rd lever =D

  36. how do you get the hat from the tree?

  37. halloweengirloctober31st click the hat then click the tree's face ;)

  38. Is there another ending besides the candy and the old guy/bear end?

  39. No meatbun66..
    One Method of Two~ Mistake End
    One Method of Two~ Candy End

    I love these games, they're the only ones I don't need a walkthrough for :D

  40. Thanks, Roxi! Yes, I agree! I love Minoto games. They are not only adorable/cute, but easy (you do not need to know theorytical physics, chemistry, applied math!

  41. Yes, another Halloween game...and got here just in time to have a walkthrough!! Yay! Thanks to all of you who worked hard (or not so much) to get it done!

  42. could someone please post a walkthrough? I'm stucking...

  43. Easy and fun playing these Halloween games, i love it !

    Happy Halloween all :D

  44. Walkthrough:

    For Mistake Ending:
    * Click on bear on first screen before doing anything.

    For Candy Ending:
    * Pick up shovel and flower on first screen.
    * Go right two screens. Pick up white block to left of tree. Click on tree, then click again on tree branch and pick up witch's hat. Pick up flower at base of tree.
    * Go right one screen and pick up white block to right of coffin.
    * Go left two screens. Give hat to witch and pick up pumpkin.
    * Use shovel on grave. Pick up paint.
    * Combine two white blocks to make cross. Use cross on grave.
    * Use both flowers on grave. Pick up garlic that ghost drops.
    * Go left one screen and use paint on gray cat. Pick up lever.
    * Go right two screens and insert lever in switchboard. Switch down left and right lever, and leave middle lever up. Pick up chain that Frankenstein drops.
    * Go right one screen. Use chain between dog and coffin. Use garlic on vampire. Pick up cape.
    * Go left three screens. Use pumpkin and cape on bear. Click on bear.
    * Done! :)

  45. (RE)HI all ☺
    Halloween is soon...!
    (just look at the daily games the devs create atm ☻)

    therefore the next time, we will provide also replays with a Halloween topic, continuing with another famous JP crowd puller from the past: Minoto
    a Minoto is always worth a replay - enjoy, mwahahahahah ☻!

    ありがとうfor all your creations, Minoto ☺
    & thx Christa for the WT

  46. Really enjoyed re-playing this Minoto!!! Thanks for re-posting, AlphaOmega!

  47. juhuu! got candy end w/o any help!


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