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Steel Room Escape

Steel Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Niitaka RCC. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. alls i got is 2 keys so far

  2. i got a key (used), a piece of paper, and a crowbar

  3. uh... i think we need to know japanese to play this one...

  4. yea.. i just got the 2nd key and the 2nd piece of paper and i can't translate any of this

  5. geez, i was just about to go to sleep, but......can't resist:)

  6. well, bye to this game. i wonder if anyone found the fifth key in halloween escape yet

  7. @palamar, yes it was the rib of the skeleton

    found crow bar

  8. Found 3rd key on the window

  9. Opened first drawer...and got more confused than I was:)

  10. so many numbers on so many papers...

  11. too sleepy to work on the numbers, hate to stop when it's the beginning but.. good luck all:)

  12. hey, first post. found blue key on bed under covers

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. clicked on poster of the bus...upper left corner..little gray square. something happened, but i have no clue what

  15. @michelle

    that's the 'grade' of the train
    red: super express
    orange: express
    green: fast
    black: normal

    something like that

  16. found a paper in the locked file cabinet with binary code on it
    after translation it is 7066F

  17. hi all just starting found colour code, but when enter into colour panel :( nothing grrr

  18. trying to figure out whats up with the clock

  19. found a paper with 7018F and description on it

    let me translate (but i dunno much, only can guess some meanings)

    0 - it seems like cart with 0 is the front of the whole train.
    if that is 7518 then this cart would be the fifth on that train

    18 - the 18th train built

    F - from the word 'formation'

    no description on the first number 7

  20. okay, im horrible at these number code games. gotta leave this one

  21. on one of paper found turn it over and shows pic of clock at 3:00 ???

  22. the clock is actually moving!!!

  23. has anyone use crowbar? if so where plz

  24. found panel but need screwdriver to open it.. plus on map show looks like clock flashing???

  25. solved the color panel

    it's on the train timetable (that have a clock with 3 o'clock on it)

    then click in order of the color of train grade, like super express, express, fast, normal....

    and then you can get the air con remote

    and then you can get another paper that i'm now stucking at

  26. Paul............huh??????

  27. Hi every body, I'm french, so please be cool with my bad english. Paul what do you mean ?

  28. paul do i have to enter the colour code when the clock reads 3:00?

  29. Diane if thats the case I cant enter the code for another 58 minutes. Its exactly the time on my computer and its currently 2.02pm!!

  30. the new page has a binary value of 7032F

  31. same here cathy...but it shows 3:00 on paper plus map...grr stuck paul help please...cathy u in perth aust?

  32. I certainly am Diane, you Aussie too?

    I can't get anywhere. Have 3 keys (used) 3 pieces of paper that may as well be written in swahili for all I can understand. Looks like we need a screwdriver, a code for the computer, key for middle drawer on desk and probably a fair few gin and tonics.....

    Any idea why the bin goes up and down?

  33. Oh have crowbar too, not used

  34. I have 3 keys (used), 3 papers note ??? and crow bar too ! Oh where is screen grrrr

  35. oup's screw driver not screen sorry

  36. I got 4 papers, and one has something written in Japanese about the PC code. Found it on the floor in front of one of the doors

  37. where do you use the blue key

  38. lol cathy gin and tonic...yes i am in perth still stuck on colour code but paul is on mute...grrr

  39. Did you notice the ceiling, it would seem that it is something hung on(collided) on the neon there?

  40. Blue key on one of 3 drawers of the berueau next to the PC

  41. Richard, where did you find that piece of paper? Ive checked front and around both doors, no luck.

  42. thx,paul's hints.
    check the train time table where you see the 3 o'clock
    check the line 10-17 you will see
    red with square .... red(super express),black(normal),green,black,orange,black
    hope it helps.

  43. color code i think is the following

    then open the color code handle above

  44. TY Shuchun and Richard, now have remote something......

  45. thanks richard...that paper in front of door is code for pc...but unable to translate...brb

  46. Ok used it up on the roof and got another piece of paper that yet again is impossible to understand!

  47. Im giving up, impossible to figure what to do if you can't understand the clues. Nordinho stuck too. Good luck, have fun!

  48. hmm i give up, gonna play halloween

  49. Does anyone know what to do with the crowbar and also a hint for the computer?

  50. meatbun, we are all stuck with the pc code and no idea for the crowbar. I just popped back to see if anything had developed and everyone has given up it seems.

  51. sorry guys i've just been off for a while. back now

    i'm trying to guess (i'm no japanese and i only know a little bit) what the paper found inside the drawer mean

    seems like you need to find out how old the 'train that loves beer' is.

    when you click on the picture of the train drinking with stick man
    it says the train was born in 昭和53年 - that means 1978 - so the train is 30 years old now

  52. pual,
    thans,the pc code is 1978
    get into the other room and get the red box

  53. and the pc code is simply you can open the door next to the red bin

    the left is open
    the right is close

  54. i got the key as well
    can take the screwdriver in the middle drawer and take the cat match box at the bottom of wall

  55. did you see the arrow on the door when the light is off? turn around and check the corners when the light is still off, and then turn on the light, use crowbar on that corner

  56. hi paul,
    have to go..will try it tonight..hope you can save us
    and there are two endings by somebody on Japanese forum

  57. shuchun here? did you solve the code for the red box?

    there's a paper on the thick book you found at the corner

  58. OUT!!!

    checking the other ending now
    see if i can post a walkthrough

  59. Ok, what's code for red lock box?

  60. Stuk with a yellow coffeebox. Don't know the code for the red box and have only one space in my inventory left... any hints?

  61. My inventory space to the right of the yellow coffee box is empty and is there room for another item under the big thick book we found?

  62. And I have seen the projection of the arrow through the door, so there's a clickable spot under the big arrow next to the green cabinet. BUT I don't know what to do with it..?

  63. What's up with the apple box in the room where we used the crowbar? Anything?

  64. what's 1101110011010 base 2 in decimal numbers?

  65. And could it be red box code?

  66. I'm so stuck on this damn code...wish I knew how to convert binary code:(

  67. Who can tell me where the blue key,I can't find it.

  68. walkthrough

    1. go to the bed, blue key under bed duvet, yellow key under bed, red key about window frame

    2. open table drawers with red and yellow keys, get a crowbar and a train timetable. the other paper wrote "would you be able to get out of the room...." something like that, which is nothing special. open the unlocked table drawer to take another paper

    3. blue key for the file cabinet - take a paper with binary code on the top shelf

    4. behind the timetable there's a clock points to 3pm

    5. check the poster of train with 22000 on it. the upper left corner there's a light grey square. clicking it reveals colors for different grade of trains:

    Red: Super Express
    Orange: Express
    Green: Fast
    Black: Normal

    6. check the timetable:
    red with square is super express
    red is express
    green is fast
    black is normal

    what is the sequence of train from 3pm to 4pm?

    that will be the code for the color panel. key in the code, press enter and then open the panel. take the air-con remote

    7. check the ceiling, use remote on the air-con and a paper drop from the frame. go to the file cabinet and take it on the floor.

    it tells you that the pc code would be the age of the train

    8. check the picture with the train drinking with the stick man. at the description it says the train was born in 昭和53年 which is 1978. this will be the code for the pc.

    9. key in the code and you can now open the door besides the color panel

    10. to turn on the door, zoom in the pad on the right and click on the left circle under the red characters.

    11. go inside and take the red box and key at the shelf

    12. open the middle table drawer with the key, take the screwdriver

    13. open the plate at the bottom of the wall btw brown door and file cabinet, take the COFFEE matches

    14. use the matches on the paper with binary code, it reveals a row of 10 squares with one of them colored

    15. convert the binary code into decimal (you can use the window 'calc' program to do so, or by any other means). the code is different every time.

    16. remember the paper found at the unlocked table drawer? it tells you how to check the table found at the lower shelf of the file cabinet.

    check the table

    if you binary code is 7055, the '0' means it's the 1st compartment of the train. '55' means it is the 55th train ever made.

    the colored square indicates which compartment it correspond to. so, if the binary code is 7055 and the colored square is the 4th one, then the code will be 7455

    17. key in the code to the red box, open it with crowbar and take the key with stickman

    18. go out of the brown door to have NORMAL END.

    for GOOD END

    19. go back to the door besides color panel, go inside, turn around, close the door when you facing the big box with an orange logo on.

    20. there will be an arrow on the glass on the door. turn around and you will see the arrow pointing to the corner

    21. turn on the light, dig the corner with crowbar and take the thick book 'Train Timetable of Japan (for the whole country)'

    there's a paper found at the top of the book, take it out

    22. check the back of the paper and you will see a route

    23. open the door and you will be at the destination. GOOD END!!!

  69. Oh,thx tami,I find it.

  70. Stuck at 15 and 16 Paul...I no nothing about binary...plz help:)

  71. For anyone else who is CLUELESS about can use this site...

    I FINALLY got my red box opened!!!

  72. hi temi,I got my decimal is 7066,and what's my code?

  73. And out! TY Paul...I think I am on a ship looking out over the water. There's a sign with Umigawa on it and Kasajima and Kushiranami below. Not sure if it's good end or normal.

  74. If you put the matches to the binary number paper, there are 10 spaces, one of which is filled in. So if it's the 6th spot that darkened, change your zero in your converted number to a 6. In your example, it would go from 7066 to 7666.

  75. Did that work for you Shirely?

  76. Oh, What's wrong with me? I change the number from 1 to 9,but none is the right one.....

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. After using the matches on the paper, which of the 10 spots on that paper is filled in?

  79. Or you can use trial and error:) If your number is 7066, and the filled in space is 2, your # is 7266. If that doesn't work, just change the number in the hundreds place until the box view changes, then use your crowbar to open it.

  80. Ok, 5am here in Ohio. Gotta run..good luck all!

  81. ah i dont like this japanese games where you cant read or understand the signs.... im out...;)

  82. great job,paul...i got good ending,too.

  83. Thank you, Paul for the walkthru and everyone who provided hints!

  84. what is the binary number for mine 7018f seeing as you can only enter four numbers in the safe?

  85. working link:


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