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Chemistry Lab Escape

Chemistry Lab Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by You are trapped in a chemical have to use the available clues to escape from here. Finding the way out will really test your ingenuity.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oooh, 2nd
    im playing this from 123bee. lol
    stuck though :(

  3. Hey im here at the very beginning yea

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  6. just started.......never been in a live game before:o) lets see what we can do!!

  7. oh, sorry, diana, haha
    I just got really excited, I've only found matches and a cup so far

  8. got gloves, glass rod and beaker. Cant find matches.

  9. actually, it's a book, not matches

  10. now got beaker with blue stuff in it.

  11. This dripping will drive me nuts!

  12. hey at all just starting

  13. chemistry book also now.

  14. Ah, finally figured out how to turn off the sound!

  15. Everybody still playing ? Just getting here

  16. where did you find the matches?

  17. used the gloves with the beaker to put it under a thermometer looking thing and it filled the beaker with a clear liquid

  18. got beaker, glass rod, glove and chemistry book, now stuck

  19. where is the glass rod? i'm really stuck!

  20. found a glass rod and some torn paper

  21. can anyone else move the pieces of the torn up paper in the bin? i can't move them!

  22. ok so got blue liquid in the test tube. (get with gloves) and filled test tube with water along with blue liquid. then poured that into the first round hole of the box with key mold. now still no matches lol

  23. also got red testtube with glove

  24. ive got: Gloves, Book, 3 test tubes (used 2) 2 beakers (1 empty now & 1 with clear stuff in) glass rod and a blue sheet (no idea what to do with it :( )

  25. what blue liquid? also, i got an empty test tube with glove (near the red one)

  26. This is fun, I like it.

  27. How did you get the blue liquid into the test tube?

  28. reminds me of being at school. got two out of three holes in box with key shape filled. Looking for what goes in the third and how we get it. Im guessing due to the glass rod. We will have to mix something.

  29. hmmm. i put some clear stuff from a test tube in the third hole. still don't know what to do with the beaker with clear stuff (from teh burrette) and the beaker with blue stuff.

  30. i'm stuck at the the keys ive got the blue sheet of paper (i think) and i dont know what to do!

  31. power of posting. i figured out how to get blue stuff out of beaker and into test tube and then into key thing. now stuck with red test tube and beaker of clear stuff.

  32. Can anyone telle me how did you get the blue liquid into the test tube?

  33. What did you do with the red test tube??

  34. Liz: how did you do that?

  35. misspepy, i'm at the same place you are. still haven't used the beaker with clear stuff.

  36. I have the blue stuff in the test tube, but how did you get it in the key maker?

  37. when u click on the blue sheet, u can place the beaker with the clear liquid next to the sheet.
    dip the rod into it and click, then click over the blue sheet a few times. then when u go back to normal screen, u'll see the letters 'eo' in ur inventory on the sheet :)

  38. the red tube: hold it with glove over bunsen burner. then it pours into the slot.

    blue stuff in beaker: pour into the test tube thing on the right middle table. it's kind of blueish.

  39. Anyone? the red test tube. What to do with it. Seems like Ive gone round every part of the lab and cant figure it out. I guess we need to add something to it or something. Just need that to get the key.

  40. anyone know what to do with the chemical filler and the petri dishes???

  41. dont know how to get the othergloves though :(

  42. kencoorange: keep it up. it actually says "neon"

  43. What do you do after you put the blue stuff in the test tube??

  44. aidie: Did you hold it over the flame? After you do that you can poor it in the key maker.

  45. i'm totally stuck again. no idea what to do with neon paper. the periodic table says neon is 10, but that doesn't help me at all.

  46. Yea i got it now ty. Got two keys. Used both. Got paper and beaker on the screen. Accidently clicked the book and now stuck on that screen. Having to now restart it.

  47. Yes, but how do you pour the blue stuff from the bottle in the testtube???? I can't pick it up.

  48. andreapmomma: you put some of the dripping water in it, then you can pour it into the slot for the key.

  49. click on blue sheet, puts it on the table, can set beaker with clear liquid next to it??????? i think code for door is on blue sheet????

  50. Thank you liz!

  51. ne-10

    and thanks liz :)

  52. yay! i'm out. thanks to you kencoorange!

  53. YEah, got the key. But doesn't fit the lock on the only cabinet left to open

  54. ginger, you have to use the glove. and make sure you're putting it in the right test tube. the one in the stand on the middle table on the far right.

  55. i didnt use a bunch of stuff to get out :S haha :)
    was fun anyways ^^,

  56. Tanks Liz: I tried with the wrong blue stuff.

  57. blue paper out. Beaker out.. now what.. cant do anything with it

  58. blue sheet on table, beaker next to it, dip rod into beaker and click on blue sheet, keep doing this until you see 4 letters, cooralate letters with chemistry symbols on chalkboard........I'm out!!

  59. every time i click on the beaker with the rod, the beaker goes back into inventory!

  60. I'm out! Thank for all the hints.

  61. I've read about it, but this is the 1st time it has happened to me. THe power of posting! Clicking on the beaker wi the rod has fially worked! And I am out!

  62. Help, cannot find a blue sheet anywhere. Is it from one of the books?

  63. Can anyone tell me how to get clear liquid in third test-tube. I've been trying 4-ever.

  64. Clear liquid comes from test tube on one of the test tube racks (HCL ?). I couldn't grab it until after I had red and blue in the key mold. I think it was 2nd table.

  65. OMG! Thanks May. I had that tube in my inventory already but i thought it was empty. Duh.

  66. No problem, it helped me find out where the infamous blue paper was finally. Good game.

  67. Where o where is the blue sheet??

  68. I'm finally out to! Thanks

  69. Blue sheet is in middle cabinet on last row, Marieke. You can open it with the second key.

  70. Thanks Ginger, just found it a moment ago.. out!:)

  71. OMG! I've been trying to pour the blue liquid from the glass tube into the blue hole for AGES!!! Help??? I have refreshed several times and neither the blue NOR the red is pouring!!! I NEED HELP!!!


  72. I think there is a bug in this game because I have tried for quite some time to put that empty beaker underneath the burette (in order to do the blue sheet thing). I think that 11 year old kid who created Test Escape should work for 123 and make decent working games!

  73. ok cant put test tube next to blue sheet- anyone still here

  74. walkthrough

    1. before you touch ANYTHING in a chemistry laboratory, make sure you have wear protective clothes/goggles/gloves, so first of all you have to go to the back bench and take the gloves in the drawer. from now on, if you are going to get anything, please wear your glove to do so.

    2. at the front bench right drawer, take the basic chemistry book.

    3. read the book and you will see that if you mix CuSO4 + Co(NO3)2 + HCl you will get a key

    4. go to the middle bench, at test tube rack take the clear testtube and red testtube.

    5. go to the right side of the middle bench, in the drawer take the beaker with blue CuSO4 crystals

    6. pour the crystals into the testtube at the blue testtube rack, take the testtube.

    7. annoying with the dipping water? but it is useful - dissolve your blue crystals with tap water

    8. ok now you got the blue , red and colourless tube. in the book you'll find a triangle in the red circle. In Chemistry triangle means heating. so heat your red tube over the bunsen burner until you see a 'smoke' coming out of the tube.

    9. go back to the front bench - fill the 3 holes with the liquids in tube according to the book. you'll get the gold key

    10. unlock the left cupboard in the front bench with the gold key, take the grey key

    11. unlock the left cupboard in the back bench with the grey key, take the blue sheet.

    12. go to the middle bench, in the left drawer take the empty beaker.

    13. go to the bin by the door, take the glass rod under the shredded papers

    14. go to the back bench, zoom into the burette at the left. put the beaker under it and turn on the knob (pointing vertically) and let the liquid drain into the beaker.

    15. click the blue sheet, put the beaker with liquid next to it, dip the glass rod into the beaker and dip it on the blue sheet.

    16. you'll see 4 red alphabets - Ne O N (since the game is called acid test, i suppose the blue sheet is made of litmus blue and it turns red when touching any acids)

    17. check the blackboard. there's a periodic table - check the top left corner of the table, you'll find out that:
    Ne = 10
    O = 8
    N = 7
    (that's the atomic number of the elements)

    18. key into the digital lock and you are out!

    Hurray Chemistry

  75. Nevermind! It goes in that wooden mold. Okay. :) I thought it went in the book. XD Thanks for your help, everyone!!!


  76. Yeahhhhhh, out! good game, but it had a little bug.

  77. grrrr...I can't dip the glass rod into the beaker!!!

  78. anyone can help me?every time I try to dip the glass rod into the beaker,the beaker goes back in my inventory!is there a right place to put it?

  79. nvm...power of posting,I suppose...even if only after thousand times clicking! (lol my english seems BAD)

  80. What a cool game !!!

    Tx for the gr8 walkthrough Paul !

    Just got problems with the blue paper, the first N wouldn't show up.

  81. ADMIN a message for you and you alone SHPX BSS (use Rot13 converter)

  82. Thanks for the walkthrough, paul :)

    This is quite a buggy game, had to restart because at some point I got stuck with the book. Weird.

  83. Anyone how do you get the gloves? and which ones? I've been trying all morning and haven't got it. any ideas?

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  85. Giving up on this its to buggy

  86. done everything but cant get the glass tube into the beaker no matter how hard i try. plus the arrow down keeps sticking to my cursor.

    123bee games are way too buggy. giving up


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