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Classroom Escape

Classroom Escape is another Japanese point and click type escape the room games by Cyousenjou. In this game, you are trapped in a room and you need to escape the room by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. scroll down the screen until you see the game

  2. Good a new game. After that last one I am looking forward to this :)

  3. there are two endings in this game

  4. ok Language is a slight problem

  5. found blue key and a card so far

  6. ok have piece of paper, sitting
    layout,diary and pouch.

  7. got another piece of paper and a "book"

  8. found pink diary which
    needs code.

  9. Where did you get the diary and the pouch?

  10. Ok found something on the desk at the front on the left. Not sure what it is or how to get it. also something on the black board, need something to wipe clean

  11. I hope more people come soon.
    I pretty sure the codes will be
    a nightmare.

  12. Shuchun please help with a little translation on the book found in the teachers desk. Please

  13. I agree meme. I am not too good at these games although I love them. I am stuck now.

  14. Guess I will have to wait till someone else comes along to help. See you guys later.

  15. ok jellybaby. read from
    yea later

  16. I need to learn more languages.

  17. hi, everyone..
    Has anyone now where to use the blue key?

  18. Averl, use it on the teacher's desk

  19. Another key (for the closet) is under the teacher's desk.

  20. Yellow key under desk is for long cabinet next to lockers

  21. thks...chiquitanpito ...
    found the teacher diary I guest

  22. sorry,Jelly...concentrate on playing game
    -found a yellow key under the desk in front of the blackboard
    -use yellow key on the cabinet to get a broom
    -use broom clean a black mess under the window [the rightest one and you have to click on the right bottom view]
    -use the small "people" to erase the black board to get the diary code

  23. Thanks guys. I can't seem to get the key from under the teachers desk. I think I am having a blond moment lol

  24. how do u make out diary code
    from blackboard?

  25. for the gray book:
    it said [i only can read a little]
    :the classroom code is my birthday
    [the cover written the owner's name is "近藤"]

  26. You have to click the latch on the diary after you click OK...doh!

  27. my computer doesnt read
    japanese. I cant read the last
    word u typed. please tell me code.

  28. ok thank u, opened diary.

  29. This would be a lot less frustrating if it was bilingual!!

  30. Found candy bag, but can't get it open !! found a bread but can get in to the inventory ...

  31. I feel obligated 2 finish this game
    but not enjoying it...

    time out

  32. I dont ca open the teachers desk. Please help

  33. bread? maybe a turd?

    click on every locker AGAIN and again until someone post some progress

  34. Please help with the key under the teachers desk. Which view and where? I still can't find it

  35. stuck....
    I wonder why the on the diary the month is 6 and on the teacher diary is 4 ?

  36. Let me guess - u need to register there? Cos i couldn't find any Play button, just some ads in japanese. Really, so tired of the language barriers :(
    But i want some good escape games....

  37. jellybaby
    click just in the corner between yellow and grey parts of the desk near floor

  38. Jellybaby001, after u close the desk drawer.. click a little bit lower. the key is there...

  39. Jelly, look behind the teacher's desk. Then click down, on the lower right of the podium.

  40. Hi Jellybaby001

    get teacher's desk view with windows in da background

    then click bottom part of th teacher's desk grey area

  41. MWAH I love you guys Thanks :)

  42. have anyone get a progress!!!
    I just clicking around
    hope found something new

  43. Has anyone figured out what that thing is on the first desk? (top left) I still cant get it. What bread and what candy bag?

  44. i think their talking about
    pouch with blue tie on it.

  45. on the first desk i think is a bread
    on the desk behind the first desk there is a little bag, like a candy bag (or may be something else)!?!?
    don't know where to use them

  46. someone named it candy bag

    it lokks like a sack with a "robot ninja logo" and a clue

    the bread is the thingy in plastic on the first desk (looks like a turd to me)

  47. blue tie? Ok I am really missing something LOL will have to see if I can figure it out.

  48. I can click on another desk, (2nd to last row, 2nd desk from), but can't see why.

  49. Dope!! LOL i have clicked those desks like a million times lol. and now that someone says where it is BOOM it suddenly works!!!

    Power of Posting!

  50. hi. long time player, first time poster. im not getting the thing with the broom and the window. can someone plz plz plz help me???

  51. @chiquitanpito If I am not mistaken that is where the pink diary was.

  52. Man, I forgot. It's been so long. I watched an hour long tv show while playing. Thanks, Jelly

  53. hi jaws

    get teacher's desk view with windows in da background

    click on right hand corner, on the green carpet, where carpet meets the wall

  54. omg thanx milos! i was so lost and clicking like mad!!

  55. I can't stay any longer, hubby says I need to get to bed before 4 a.m. Good luck!!

  56. leaving kids to school c u
    in 20 mins

  57. has anyone gotten anywhere? i opened the diary, and now just have that the teachers planner, the 2 papers, and ninja candy bag, and the bread thing that i cant get. but i really cant find what to do next and im getting the feeling whats next is the escape code. darn language barrier. i really hope thats not the one way to get the code =(

  58. Can't get teacher's desk open. Any certain spot to open with the blue key?

  59. Deb(hey we have the same name!), right on the black dot right there.

  60. ...hmm I m kinda giving up.. for now...

  61. Thanks Jaws (not Deb?), I missed the black dot!

  62. well i go by debbie for the msot part but a lot of my friends call me deb. lol.

    anywho im super tired. 1 am in california and skools just started up last week so i cant stay up like i always did last month. lol. night all and good luck!

  63. Okay, if anyone is still here, I need serious help. You're all mentioning stuff on the desks. HOW DO YOU FIND/GET STUFF FROM THE DESKS? I can't SEE anything on the desks, and no matter where I click, it won't zoom in or put anything in my inventory. I don't get it.

  64. Hi DanManX

    I loved yr walktru on th previous game

    get view with desks and 'black board' and click at the back of chairs

    at least 3 r clickable

  65. Thanks Milos, I was pretty proud of that. :P

    Okay, I just clicked the backs of all the chairs. Multiple times in multiple spots. Nothing happened at all. Is there a certain spot I have to click at? I don't get it...

  66. DanManX, just go down the rows clicking on the largest 'front' of the desk you can see.

  67. Hmmmm...DanManX, clicking the back of the chairs also works for me.

  68. Listen, I've clicked the backs of the chairs, the tops/fronts of the desks, the legs, underneath, EVERYWHERE. Nothing works, and I don't know why. Is it a pixel hunting thing?

  69. Reload time, maybe?...Hang on, maybe you have to get the note from the bulletin board first. I seem to remember it not working for me until I had some stuff in my inventory...sorry I can't be more accurate.

  70. no, it should not b pixel hunting

    try restarting
    change the Internet browser?

  71. or maybe Martin is right

    it may require some sequence

    "it does not open"

  72. You have to get the 'seat arrangement' sheet from the lockers first.

  73. I've already restarted once! And I already had the teacher's book from the desk and the note from the bulletin board the first time. I've cleaned off the blackboard too. I can't do anything else because it requires finding the stuff on the desks.

    I COULD try it in IE, I'm using Firefox now, but it makes absolutely no sense for EVERYTHING else in the game to work just fine, but not this. I don't get it.

  74. lol I was giving up so I decided to go through numbers on the padlock on the door. I got 960 went out of the view to see where to click on the tables for Dan and when I went back to the door the lock was gone and it opened and said Good End.

    Well that is it for me. Cheers guys see you next time.

    @Dan click on left of the chairs at the tables on the small brown oblong part.

    Lol don't know how else to explain.

    Good Luck all

  75. Okay, getting the seat arrangement worked...sorta. I swear I checked every locker on my first playthrough, and that wasn't in there...

    Anyway, I can now zoom in to see the bread. I cannot, however, grab it.

  76. i just cant get the teacher's desk open.. cant find the black spot jaws mentioned :( am looking at the desk with the windows in the background view.. is there any other view? pls help if anyone is here..

  77. if only someone could translate

  78. @radhu: It is slightly to the left of the handle. Consider adjusting the brightness of your screen to be able to see it if all else fails; you can change it back when you're done.

    @meme: Someone earlier gave a translation of the book from the teacher's desk. It said "My birthday is the code." One of the days in the diary is pink, instead of black, indicating a special day. The date for that is 6/3. Suggest starting there?

  79. radhu, it is the view with the windows at the back.

  80. oh ty so much Dan & Martin :).. Love u both lol.. now am stuck for code to lock!

  81. Er...sorry, the date is 6/*7*

    I'm stupid. :P

  82. 6 and 3 is also on the bag.
    maybe something?

  83. Which lock radhu? Door, or diary? Cause someone above us (in the posts) figured it out for the diary: 1224

  84. looking 4 door lock code

  85. the door lock dan.. got the code for diary from above post.. thats how clever i am! lol

  86. meme, I don't think anybody has got that code (except for jellybaby and it probably let them out because they went through 960 combo's lol).

    DanMan, I also don't know if anybody has been able to get the bread from that desk.

  87. Don't feel too bad radhu. I'm relatively certain the person translated it from the stuff you uncover on the blackboard, which you would need to know Japanese for. :P

  88. i've tried combo's from 1234
    to 1690.

  89. Shuchun? Anyone who knows Japanese? Help? *puppy dog eyes*

  90. oh well.. guess i'll leave this for now & go play the next one.. hopefully someone will have uncovered the mystery by then! good luck our good samaritan ;)

  91. This is some bullcrockery! We need someone to translate this. I'll be back tomorrow. If there is not a solution by then, my retribution will be swift but painful. Mark my words, internet...MARK MY WORDS!

  92. hi everybody...can anyone tell me where the diary is?can´t find it....-(

  93. You're lucky I read this Maggie. ;)

    When you have the seating chart--which you NEED to be able to search the desks, as I found out the hard way--count the rows like this:

    left-right, 1234

    top-bottom, ABCD

    Check desk 3C. It should be there, if I'm not mistaken.

  94. Seating Arrangement is in bottom locker row, 3rd from right. Blue key is in top row 2nd from left.

  95. thanks a lot!!!but the language barrier is too big i think:-(and i was so happy that i see this live game...:-(

  96. Also, using DanManX's description of the desks, it's in 3D.

  97. thanks martin i alrady found it...clicking like mad befor danman told me...but after that i had an idea in whitch surroundig i had to search;-)sorry for my english...

  98. No need for apologises Maggie, I can only speak one language so good those that can communicate in more...I'm very jealous.

  99. thanks a lot...(i´m getting red)but this here is a very good chance to proof my english and maybe getting a little bit better but my dicionary is always open;-)

  100. damned :D I can't "THE" screwdriver !!! lol

  101. That's what I like about EG24...Have some fun and, maybe, learn a little along the way.*smile*

  102. and of corse meet some friendly strangers all over the world...:-)

  103. i think we need sizzors to get into the bag and a hammer to break the glass to get the bread / turd but i've clicked everywhere, what we need most is someone to translate for us

  104. yeah.. it's good to feel we're all one here.. :D

  105. trying to crack the locked door ... did 0 to 130 for now ... nothing

  106. Haha, that too Maggie...lots of really great people.

    titenat, I can't even find the damn rubbish bin!

  107. i've tried setting the bag down in different places i thought it might trigger something but no luck

  108. already at 310 ! not going to finish it :D

  109. titnat, it's 4:40 AM here and i'm about to give up too

  110. i speak chinese but can only pick out a few words >.<

  111. Suchun said : :the classroom code is my birthday
    So it is a classroom, this means person si between 10-20 years old.
    This means birthyear 1988-1999. So I was thinking that the last 2 cyphers must be between 88 and 99. From the diary we could presume the birthday is on 6 july.
    I tried 6788 at 6799 as code for the classroom. Nothing or the order is not right.

  112. titntat, you might want to read jellybaby's post @ 10:18 before you go to far.

  113. here it is have the hole day bevor me:-)in your position a would fall asleep in just this moment;-)

  114. i hope someone can come up withing 15 minutes cause after that i'm going to give up lol

  115. i'm so sleepy i can't even type correctly lol

  116. I tried that too tosca...I even went back a few years (decades) before that but nada, nothing, zilch, zip and bugger all :-/

  117. @tosca why do you think that is the birthday?maybe that is only the day he posted in in the teacher book..

  118. martin where are you coming from cause here is also 11:46 ;) (I'm from France)
    Well I read all the post twice but nothing at all and tried all combos on Tosca's theory but nothing more ... my fingers are going to fall and my mouse smokes !!!

  119. what is this on the diary in the inventory?is that a 812 or am i fantasize?

  120. 8 more minutes and counting then i'm out of here lol

  121. maybe the little bag is a birthday present?there is a date on it too...6.3 or 3.6...

  122. I got to go to work myself so not more than in an hour I'll follow !

    tried the "812" code .... nothing

  123. I even tried 6/11/5 = 6 november 1995. What I want to say : d/mo/y.
    Two cyphers for the month and one for the year. NUTS

  124. what about the handwriting note ?

  125. the clock is 4 or 5 if that has anything to do with the code

  126. titenat, you only have to click on my name to find out where I am (Oz to save you the trouble.

  127. Before I go, some things that I noticed that may or may not be relevent.

    Startup screen has the number 62 in it.

    It seems, to me, he is new at school.

    The blackboard has 'formal' or 'permanent' writing on it and underneath it the hand written chalk writing of the name of the person sitting at the desk with the bread, A1(?) in it. Maybe it says, "I'm new, my name is..."?

    Shuchun said @ 8:25 the grey book said "The lock to the room is my birthday" and the name looks like the person that sits at desk B1...I could be completely wrong on this one though.

    The pink diary has a date entry written in pink. A special day?

    The bag found in the desk has 6--1 crossed out and now has 6--3 on it...reused from year 1 and now Form 6, year 3?

    Japan can use dates as yyyy,mm,dd.

    Like I said, I have no idea if this info is relevent but goodnight to all. Good luck escapers!

  128. good night and good luck to everyone...bye bye

  129. goodnight?isn´t it early in the evening in aust?

  130. goodnight sabrina...i will quit too...have to go to university...good luck to everyone...

  131. the numbers on the bag is only just wat clas that person in..... he was in grade 6 class 1, then prob changed class so scretched out and wrote grade 6 class 3 under it

  132. Evening in Oz, but I'm at work and going home to have a feed. :-)

  133. ok clicking like crazy I accidentally clicked the link above ... so I'm definitely out of the game :D
    so you guys good luck / good night or whatever you choose to do ;)
    see ya
    australia hmmm great !

  134. oh ok...have a nice evening :-)see you...

  135. @martin
    in japanese school, everyday there is diff student to clean the blkboard and stuff, the fomal writing is "who is to clean today" and the hand writing under it is the student name

  136. just played this game...
    followed some of the tips from this forum
    seems I can contribute only when there is a language barrier to Japanese, and every one is faster than me when the game is in English

    from the gray book, the teacher says the classroom code is his birthday
    from the pink book, the teacher says his birthday is the same as that of "matchy"
    "matchy" is the nickname of a famous Japanese star called kondou masahiko
    if you try his birthday in the MMDD format, you get good end

  137. hey i´m lucky to be still here.happy to see you fab...where do you come from to undertand these language?and what is his birthday?

  138. his birthdate is 19 july 1964 ;)

  139. fab..have you any idea for perfekt end?what about the locked room or the notes on the blackbord or the little bag?

  140. I have no idea how to get another end, if there is any....
    the bread that is left in the table is from another classmate, the one you see in green shirt at the end of the game, the ending says he come and take the bread
    the bag is actually used for carrying the lunch box
    for the 2 notices on the board, one says most popular programs on TV are those 3. The other says do not feed chicken

  141. shuchun said that at 7:47 but these things aren´t very helpful for i see...anyway thanks fab for helping to get the one end.finally i will go now..see you...

  142. The story:
    you are the new comer to a school, and locked in the classroom.
    See memo on board which says one of the classmate exchange diary with the teacher.
    The pink diary says the diary code is his birthday
    use broom on floor to get a doll looking duster, then use it on blackboard to see student's birthday is 1224
    open pink diary and see teacher's birthday is same as matchy.
    Gray book says classroom code is teacher's birthday.

    anyone has any idea to get another end?

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. @Fab,Thx for your translation ..why i didnt think this famous signer from the gray cover---*sigh*
    there are two endings :
    good ending: out with the food bag[the blue one]
    bad ending: out without the food bag

  145. oh...thanks shuchun...i was thinking about-maybe it has an perfekt end *lol*--good to know...

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Oh no! One of the first things I tried was to cut and paste the characters Shuchun posted into a google search and the first thing it came back with was japanese with the date 1964*7*19.

    After translation, it was the birthday of a Japanese entertainer. I didn't see how it was related so I dropped it...*sobs*.

  148. I still couldn't get this....
    but I have google translate some of the sentences....

    Both notices should be irrelevant: green one says: Best TV favourite first 3; the other one says don't feed the chicken.

    The last line of the left side of the diary syas: Who is your idol? Or Who do you like?

    The first line of the right side of the says: 柏原芳江is my idol.
    The last line on the right says: Bye the way, mr. xxx has the same birthday with me.

    I give up...
    used me two hour to try to type and google translate it..

  149. Wait..... I've found something...
    Mr. ... is Mr. Macchi and his birthday is july 19

    yay, finally

  150. Hi everyone, just starting. Cant find the diary, I clicked all over and cant find it. Can someone help please


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