Electric Box is another intriguing and creative
puzzle game by Candystand. In this game, you have to connect power from the power supply to the set target by dragging the components available in your inventory to the grid. Good luck and have fun!
Play Electric Box 1
I should be working ;-)
ReplyDeleteThis is my speed. Everything is a logical chain of events! Nice escape from escape games.
ReplyDeletehi Martin!!!! i came over here cause i sooooooo frustrated with that "doo-Doo" game arhhh
ReplyDeletethis is not helping my frustration:(
ReplyDeleteHi Guys and Martin get back to work!! Ho ho...beautiful day in Perth and I am having a lunch break..like these games.
ReplyDeleteHi all. Hi Michele, were you still playing that overly complicated game? I gave up completely :-/
ReplyDeleteSorry for the long delay but I was right, I did have to work 0.0 lol
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ReplyDeleteHi Red...yeah, I decided to call it a lunch break to ease my guilt *rolls eyes*
ReplyDeleteLvl 4, even though the steam sensor is 'fixed' a magnet will still move it ;-)
I need help on level 14 =(
ReplyDeleteLevel 4 Place kettle bottom right and magnet 1 far left level with kettle. Other magnet far left level with steam generator
ReplyDeletehi all, hi martin, yes i was still palying that ridiculous game-i still have it up in another tab..
ReplyDeletei did have some joy & success with the grow game though!
Phew well done Nanako....having enough trouble with the early levels!
ReplyDeleteHelp on 13 please
ReplyDeleteok now i am stuck on 12. any help?
ReplyDeleteI'm just starting the DooDoo one... now I'm scared. Maybe I should just stay here and play with you guys :D Hi Martin :D Hi Michele Hi Red Hi Jim-Bob... Uhoh
ReplyDeleteHi lani.. sorry forgot a few.. Hi all! Just starting so it may be awhile ;)
ReplyDeletehey Roxi...the doodoo one wasn't too bad if i recall correctly
ReplyDeleteI love helping, but it will be a while until I can do anything. Just got to 7!
ReplyDeleteLevel 12
Level 13
I;ll have to try it next Lani :)
ReplyDeleteRed you're a lot further then me.. I'm on 3 now, but I feel smart so far ;)
thanks nanako...didn't realize i could drop it on all of them.
ReplyDelete@redroobar level 7 was a fun one
now here's a game to build your logic skills roxi lol
ReplyDeleteYeah level 7, thought the security alarm next door had gone off!!
ReplyDeleteUmmm.. I think I need to lani. 3 is taking me a bit longer, not feeling as smart now lol
ReplyDeleteHi Roxi, don't let me scare you off the doodoo game. It was fun but kinda frustrating for me at that time of the morning AND I hadn't got through my first coffee.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nanako, I might take a quick peek because I will need to do some work soon...bummer, I know...
make sure you turn your kettles roxi
ReplyDeleteGot it... on to 4 :)
ReplyDeleteMartin :D I've noticed I've been shying away from anything over 300 comments. I think my laziness may be beating out my OCD.
nanako how you doing on 14?
ReplyDeleteok giving up and going to bed. good luck everyone!
ReplyDeleteHaving trouble with 8.....
ReplyDeletelani... I think I'm with you. I'll have to try this one in the morning. I'm only capable of mindless clicking this late in the evening. It's soothing, the kind I can happily fall asleep on :D
ReplyDeleteMy brain won't even attempt level 6
See you all a bit later!
Duh... didn't realize I could put the mirrors off the wires
ReplyDeleteFound this method on Jayisgames, never thought of using the bot this way, though I did do the fan parts
Anyone ...could you explain level 8...cant get the battery to work?
ReplyDeleteGive me a moment for the screenshot, Red
ReplyDeleteRed (looks like OCD wins this time) on lvl 8 The steam detector, battery and fan all go on the same wire. let me know if you need more.
ReplyDeleteLevel 08
The battery will get power, then once the connection is broken, it will generate power in the circuit afterwards.
Thank you, hadnt tried it that way. It isnt alway obvious!
ReplyDeleteHere's Level 15 solved.
awww, came back with a coffee and everyone has gone :(
ReplyDeleteLOL Martin I am here. working on 16 now
ReplyDeleteNever mind lvl 15 was the last one
ReplyDeleteboo hoo
Hey Great game ... I'm addicted ;P
ReplyDeleteLevel 12 .. but I have to quit to doing some ceramic. Bye .
Level 14 gave me a lot of trouble but I found this solution which works: http://ringhiser.com/level14.jpg (I still had to play it three times to understand how it worked! LOL)
ReplyDeleteI've tried the solutions provided ( I was close to the same thing on my own) but can't get them to work the ball drops off and knocks off the finish point still???
ReplyDeleteI could really use some help on level 9
ReplyDeletePower of posting. Just got it.
ReplyDeleteIt was a good and funny game... I did aaaalll levels... without help... till 13 .. Hey ! For me it's not too bad.
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ReplyDeletehow do you pass level 7?
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ReplyDeleteHere is my levels code anyone want to try it. Email me if you beat it Redword1314@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteToo easy?
Try this level:
LEVEL 14!! The provided link from ringhiser is broken :( I did all the levels up til here on my own... but this one has me stumped! HELP!!!
ReplyDelete@Kate...made another screenie for ya.
there seems to be a bug. sometimes I was not able to complete the levels. restarting the browser solved the problem.
ReplyDeletehere are solutions for the last levels (screenshots)
How do you get past 13?!
ReplyDeletedidn't get lv4...
ReplyDeleteany help on level six
ReplyDeleteTry this, many parts, but very easy..=D
Hey you guys don't puut on the cheats!!!!! But on the outside it is written Electric Box cheats.... But still you dont put the cheats...... What kind of website is this?
ReplyDeleteTry this one
@Sebastian... Pretty good, but you need to fix the shortcuts.....
I'm done!!!!
ReplyDeleteFinal Score:5664, didn't ask 4 help till level 14!!!
try this
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