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Elevator Escape

Elevator Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by In this escape game you are locked in elevator and you try to escape the elevator by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Elevator Escape Video Walkthrough

Elevator Escape Walkthrough by 123bee:

Click the phone and add it to the inventory panel.
To switch off the wall exhaust, click on the switch which is above the phone.
Click on the wall exhaust which is on top grill of the elevator.
Click on the exhaust and take the steel piece from it.
Take the steel piece from inventory panel and unscrew the emergency exit.
Open the emergency exit.
It shows the top view.
Take the battery from corner.
Take the steel piece from inventory panel and cut the red color wire.
The red color wire added to the inventory panel.
Get inside the elevator.
On the Bottom of the elevator, there is a tape near the parcel box.
Take the phone from inventory panel and click to turn it.
Take the battery from inventory panel and insert it into the phone.
Use tape to fix the broken part of the phone.
Go to left side view, click on the three way junction box which is in the corner.
Take the steel piece from inventory panel and cut the green color wire.
The bulb is turned off and it shows a number ‘911’on it.
911 is an emergency number. It can be used to find the solution to the problem.
Take phone from inventory panel and make a call to the number’911’.
Once you made a call to 911; it will respond you by showing up a number’ 5656’.
Go to the controller, and press the number 5656.
Take the phone from inventory panel and type the number 911 again.
It will show the ‘stop’ and ‘open symbol’. Click on those buttons on the controller.
Again, take the phone from inventory panel and call to the number 911.
It responds by showing a hint’ Electrical Problem’.
Go to the left side, click on the three way junction box.
Click into the three way junction box and indentify the disconnected wire.
Take the red color wire from inventory panel and bond the disconnected wire.
Take the phone from inventory panel and call to the number’911’.
It responds by showing ‘stop’ and open symbol.
Come back to controller.
Press the stop and open button on the controller.
The elevator door opens.

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  1. OK then, lets play!

  2. i have a metal piece.. a phone.. red wire.. green tape and battery.
    ive used the metal piece.. put the battery in the phone... taped the phone..
    left with the red wire.. phone and metal piece

  3. Hi , just starting, have a phone and a tape, and opened a box ...

  4. Hi all, just starting!

  5. Wow Sweetie, Im impressed.

  6. ok .. im gonna try to catch sweeti up ;)

  7. Can't figure out how or where to use red wire.

  8. wow a live game woooo! hope its not it sweeti ? :s newayzz gd luck to all but we can do it togetha :)

  9. Sweeti how did you get the metal piece?

  10. i cut the green wire with the metal piece, but don't get red wire hmmm

  11. dialing 911 doesn't work. We must be in New Yorl. :)

  12. There is a number in the light

  13. unfortunately im rely rubbish at finsin things myself...i got the obvious tape and phone can u just give me an incie wincy hint plz?

  14. I can't get the red wire, please help me

  15. look up for metal piece wire and battery keshvi

  16. Ooops yes it does.

  17. well i cut the green wire n now lookin for battery...

  18. use cutter to unscrew panel on the ceiling
    cut red wire

  19. wow well done madhatter and thnx king

  20. was in my inventory and i didn't see it!!

  21. i'm stuck with where to put red wire and a number flashes on the phone..5656 but no idea what to do with it

  22. Thank you Megi, i have it

  23. where is the cutter? look up for it but where please?

  24. Megipoland, could you tell escapegames 24 that their email and submit a link is not working. I just get it returned as undeliverable. thanks

  25. still lost ... dis is 222 hard :(

  26. Justme
    in the middle of the vent

  27. cutter is in the ventilator fan

  28. I called 911 and the phone shows another number???

  29. Still can't figure out redwire or how to use 5656

  30. I tried clicking EVERYWHERE for metal, wire and battery. I got nothing! Gonna restart, hopefully that will help.

  31. did 911 on phone again got some more instructions...i'm out now!

  32. can't cut red wire in fan...magic spot?

  33. which vent megi, the one with the fan?

  34. try 5656 on elevator numbers i think then it tells you what else to push on elevator...then tells you have an electrical problem...

  35. it tells you all this when you put in 911 on phone each time

  36. if you have a red wire - use it near the green one (click near green wire to make another view first)

  37. Got It! out. Yea!!

  38. i called 911 again and the phone shows stop and a sign from the door controller, i tried this combination but nothing

  39. i give up coz am to sleepy... rely sorry people especially megipoland and kingsman hu helpd me but ill cum bak 2 dis tomorrow.... thankuuu nd gd luck

  40. Justme
    on the ceiling (sorry - dont know how to say in english)

  41. i give up coz am to sleepy... rely sorry people especially megipoland and kingsman hu helpd me but ill cum bak 2 dis tomorrow.... thankuuu nd gd luck

  42. Where is the battery?

  43. finally worked...had to use phone first before I could cut red wire..

  44. pixel hunting here :(

  45. I've been all over and looked where you all said but I still only have a phone and tape. Help?

  46. green wire in floor panel

  47. Aha! Flipped the switch and got cutter. Still no battery :(

  48. you need to stop the fan first gayle by flicking the switch above the phone ... then you take the grille of the fan and get the cutter ... remove the screws from the cover and go up to cut the red wire ... battery is in left hand corner

  49. Out, that was one of the easier 123bee games.

  50. Can't find metal piece, cutters, I only have phone and tape, got floor open to see wires. Any help,please??

  51. i cant find floor panel all i see is a box

  52. thanks all...only my second live game

  53. Kingman you are my hero! Now maybe I don't have to be a crybaby quitter, lol!

  54. diana!!! glad to see you live even if it is only briefly !!

  55. Just Starting, try to catch up

    Hi all

  56. up arrow from box...left corner of floor

  57. found panel opened it cant cut wires with medal piece

  58. lol ... im sure you would never be that gayle ... we escapers are a hardheaded bunch and will sit for hours clicking and getting nowhere

    think its like the give 1000 monkeys typwriters and sooner or later they will write all shakespeares works

  59. couldn't cut wires until I used phone...and I had to do red one first

  60. oops...I cut green first.....

  61. LOL Kingman! I need ALL of you. I am often here lurking in the background. I always enjoy this hardheaded bunch!

  62. it took a while before the cutter worked

  63. Walkthrough:

    Click on panel, get phone, flip switch (above phone)
    Move ‘down’ (bottom of screen) twice to look at floor
    Click right hand side of box to see tape. Get tape.
    Move down and up to get back to view of doors
    Up to ceiling. Fan shouldn’t me moving (that was the switch you hit earlier)
    Click on center of fan twice - once to remove grill, once to get ‘metal’
    Use metal on screws for hatch. Click on hatch to remove, and on hole to go to top of elevator.
    Top (or back) left has a silver glint - get it (battery)
    Click on vent for close up
    Use metal on wire to cut it off. Then try it again (it replaces wire and cuts it again oddly enough).
    Click on phone in inventory, then on side of the phone to flip it over.
    Click to remove battery cover (at the bottom)
    Insert battery
    Click battery cover to find it won’t shut.
    Use tape to tape it shut
    Click on the X to close the phone.
    Move down to go back to top of elevator, then on hatch to re-enter.
    Move down to look at doors again
    Move left, notice cover back left of floor.
    Click on it (three way junction box)
    Click on cover to open
    Use metal on it to cut green wire.
    Dial 911 and hit the green button on the phone.
    Press the floor buttons 5 6 5 6 on the elevator panel.
    Dial 911 again.
    Hit the stop and open (<|>) button on the elevator panel.
    Dial 911.
    Go to the wire panel that you opened earlier, and click twice to get an overhead view.
    Use the red bit of wire on the broken wire (not the green one).
    Dial 911.
    Press stop and open (<|>) again.
    You're out!!!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. FINALLY, OUT! Thanks everyone for the hints and the fun as usual!

  66. I actually tried to sub this game but by the time I finished the process MegiPoland had JUST subbed it a moment ago. LOL!
    At least I got to post the walkthrough :)...
    I bet MegiPoland will have posted a warning not to post a walkthrough by the time i finish this post, tho...
    Fingers crossed...

  67. OK, got metal piece only cut green one side only. Can't find red wire or what screws can't find screen now. HELP

  68. THANK YOU FOR THE WALKTHROUGH..I been struck there all day long..

  69. out! not too hard, but the phone 911 thing was a little odd...

  70. And out... Thanks for hints (almost about switch and fan).

  71. not a hard game and thnx for walkthrough.had to click a lot for overhead view to put red wire:)

  72. Help! I am at the point where I have to attach red wire to the 'broken wire' but cannot see any broken wire other than the green one we cut earlier. How and where do I attach the red wire please? Can someone give me detailed information? Thanks in advance!

  73. Yes! I kept myself from looking at the comments and did it myself.

    Good game.

  74. Tanya...Keep clicking the wire box. The solution will present itself.

  75. yeaaay! The first game I manage to finish by myself! great fun :)

  76. Jared, thanks. You wouldn't believe what I was doing... was pressing the close doors button so never got the electrical fault notification and hence I couldn't click to get top view and fix wire. LOL Phew! another game done with a lot of help from others. :)

  77. Out myself.Good game but easy and short.

  78. think the code is 911 bcoz it is written on tubelight

  79. think it is 911 bcoz it is writen on tubelight

  80. the code is written on the tubelight

  81. how did you get all the things 'cuz i just got a phone and a tape how can i open the fan's cover i'm not joking

  82. finished i was frightened when the door opened whew!!

  83. kay how the hell do you get the cover off the fan????


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