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Escape From Kilmainham Gaol Part 1 - The Cell

In the Footsteps of Simeon Meade - Escape From Kilmainham Goal Part One: The Cell is another new point and click type room escape game from Skeptic Tank Games. In this game, you are locked in a cell and you have to use your cunning to solve the puzzles and escape the cell. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Any good?? Lets find out!!

  2. Good luck all, let's play!

  3. All I can see is some lines (usually days locked up)on the bench, a peephole, and a note...

  4. Yay! Something to keep me awake.

  5. Just looked, double posted by Yalcin and megipoland

  6. Also, a couple posters (that do nothing, I think) and a panel that I can't seem to open yet.

  7. I just can moved the bulb from its place, but cant find nothing yet =/

  8. Found a note and fuse box for lite, door and alarm

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. tab key works

  11. hello all first live game, sooo excited but may need a little help as very novice at them!

  12. I set the alarm off but doesn't seem to do anything...

  13. Use up/down to focus the image through the peep-hole. There are some numbers if you go all the way to the left....


  15. Can move door panel, need right sequence on the buttons

  16. Almost gunna give up...there's nothing left to do...

  17. got panel off box by door

  18. I openned the box next to door, but a code is needed =/

  19. Hello everyone....

    I'll try to catch up...

  20. Got it, number game now, bet it has something to do with lines on wall, need a math wiz

  21. Hey everybody, seem to be stuck where yall are..Couldnt get the door open by replacing fuse with the light fuse..

  22. I believe what I clicked to open the box was 6 8 6 if you number them
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 9

  23. Good to cya playing vbranam1 can use the help

  24. Hey everyone!!! My first live game woot woot

  25. have removed cover off box and have found numbers 8 and 9 so far.

  26. actually it is:
    1 5 8
    2 3 4
    6 7 9

    the bench is the clue

  27. got the panel off, now to match the numbers with the ones from the bench

  28. is this live now? Yay.

    Working on the combo for the door pad.

  29. is the code to do with the numbers on the bench?

  30. now need number of the cell... anyone???

  31. Good job Christina, now for some astrological fun

  32. Good to c ya to tangoboy..We can all help each other..

  33. There seems to be backwards letters behind the bottom piece...

  34. OMG! I can't get these stupid pieces to move right!

  35. looks like 9-3 or something through peep hole

  36. we need a 4 digits code... so says the letter... the number of the cell... I can see 4 - 7... and maybe 9 - 3 through the door, but it's not clear...

  37. I think it's got something to do with the numbers you can see outside the door but I don't know.

  38. Christina - I was talking about the screws - not the numbers inside. I got the same as you for the numbers inside

  39. Any ideas on symbols in the number box? What am I missing

  40. When you see window door its 8 on the corner

  41. Yeah, looks like a 9 6 and 3 to me..

  42. note says 3 hours but didnt see a timer so i think we have unlimited time. lol good for me

  43. i just moved these pieces so that there is another code to put in... there must be a clue for it somewhere

  44. I see the 4-7 now to Christina

  45. have put the numbers in and the a second panel fell off leaving blocks and cylinders that need to be put in some kinda order has anyone worked it out yet?

  46. the letters there are a-d and numbers from 1 to 0

  47. Drop the switch, go back to the fuse thing and set it on door, the got back to switch and prees on it, an get out xD

  48. out! 9 - 3 - 4 - 8 in reverse

  49. ugh - I can't get the pieces to move right either

  50. Same place as you mrsbenny,,moved some and found 2 numbers spots...

  51. duh - I was clicking the wrong spots

  52. hav just found the same annerrr, hav you found the code yet?

  53. out! ha had trouble with the peep hole

  54. I think I had numbers right zoomed out then it reset to zero, what do I do after numbers are right?

  55. Out!

    I don't think you need a second set of numbers, just switch the fuses around.

  56. People...Which is the number/letter code???? i'm stuck!!

  57. your not the only one, i cant work out backward code thing at all.

  58. Im out..Thank you Paul and all..was fun looks like a part 2..

  59. Thank you Yalcin for posting...Long time no see..Good to c ya

  60. Should I be free after the 9348 code?

  61. H3||0 @|| im gonna give it a try

  62. escape games...escape games....doesnt bored me...its fun!!!

  63. what should I do after the 9348 code??heellpp

  64. well...i'm out... bye everyone..see you!

  65. Out, a bit confusing at first though, but adventurist!!!

  66. Thanks Paul,
    Had to stop for dinner, but finally out, should have realized they were backwards

  67. Earlier they had the other part posted but they took it down. Did anyone play it?

  68. Sort of a walkthrough:

    All right, the combination lock for your door is hidden according to Simeon's note. The combination itself is simply your cell number.

    The fusebox has one fuse that you can switch around to alarm, which doesn't do anything useful, light, self-explanatory, and door, which will power the combination lock and actually open your door once you get the right code.

    Oh wait - the alarm does do something useful. Look out the peephole; you can swing right or left, and if you move your mouse up or down you can focus the view somewhat. For some reason, in normal light, the right set of numbers is 9-3, and the left set is 4-7. (Don't over think this.) In "alarm" mode, when you look out, you can see the right set of number is 9-3-4... hmmm, so the number for the cell must be something like 9347. You're right next to that cell, so you're either 9346 or 9348, got it?

    Okay, the lock had to be hidden from the prison guards, so it's behind the panel bolted to the wall next to the door. Trial and error will get you the sequence you need to remove the panel, but if you're in a hurry, it's right-middle, bottom-middle, and right-middle.

    The good news is, the panel is off, the bad news is, you have a number grid in front of you. Hmmm, a grid, maybe like a tic-tac-toe board?

    Looking at the bench, you can see your friends have given you several pieces of grid. They're not math problems, they're simply segments to attach to one another. The gray area on the door, (where you'd receive food if you were here that long), has a number 8 in the top right corner. So we have
    x x 8
    2 x x
    x x x

    We know that 1 and 5 are in the top row, so it's a question of whether the top row reads 518, or 158.

    We know that 6 has to be on the left edge of the grid, because it shows up in two sections. If you put them together you get

    x 3 4
    6 x x

    That number 6 obviously isn't in the top row because it's UNDER a row, and it can't be the second row since we know that the 2 is in that spot, so the 6 is in the third row. So now we have

    x x 8
    2 3 4
    6 x x

    Those are either going to be 518 or 158, and 697 or 679. Test them out and see... or if you're in a hurry, it's 158, 234, 679.

    Progress, the panel comes off! Only now there's something else here. We have metal rods that slide left and righ, and wood blocks that move up and down. Poking around shows us little number wheel hiding under the bottom row, and when we work to move the rest of the pieces out of the way, we get a partial view of four little wheels.

    At first the symbols on here look like gibberish, but after a moment you realize that the letters are simply upside down, and the numbers are reversed -- mirror images.

    We already looked out the window and figured out that our room has to be either 9346 or 9348; since the numbers are backwards, let's enter those numbers from right to left, and see what happens.

    If you're in a hurry, it's 9348; enter it 8439.

    Hey, a lever pops up - that's cool. We pull on it and... hmm.

    Oh, right, the door needs power to operate the lock. Okay, we go switch the fuse from Light to Door, and we've made our escape.

    Thanks Simeon; thanks, Talos Society; now I just have to go steal the evidence linking you guys to those incidents - nice job leaving a trail for people to follow you, ya dorks - but I can wait to do that until Part 2 comes along.

  69. hello every1- has any1 escsape from this game yet just read the walkthrough and i'm already confused didn't even start the game lol

  70. Thanks a lot for walkthrough, Heather.
    I can't see the cell number : the image blurs almost immediately (even faster in alarm mode than in normal light). How could you see the numbers ?

  71. Pascale when you move cursor up and down the image blurs keep the cursor in the vertical center and move the view horizontally only

  72. I'm stuck after getting the lever to pop out! I can't even move the fuses at all after that!

  73. Oh never mind I got out. I got confused between fuses and the metal rods thingy puzzle.

  74. Short & easy game,
    end of episode 1, hoping episode 2 gets here soon :D

  75. - Look at the panel in the door
    - You see an '8' embossed in the metal

    - Look through peephole
    - Get used to focus feature
    - - When the cursor is centered vertically, the image is clear. Moving the mouse up or down makes it blurry
    - - Moving the mouse left and right pans the view of the wall on the other side of the corridor
    - - Notice the numbers on the wall
    - - - "...7" and "93.."
    - - - They seem to correspond to the numbers of the cells on the other side of the corridor

    - Back up and click the panel in the upper right
    - You need to open the panel by pushing some of the rivets holding it in place
    - - There are only 3 you need to push
    - - Thinking of the directions on a compass, the order is East, South, East
    - The panel opens and you see a 3x3 grid of numbers
    - Click them to see that the numbers go from 1 through 9

    - Back up and turn around
    - Look at the bench
    - - It is carved with numbers, all in pairs, all inside of simple grids
    - - - This must be the clue to the number/grid puzzle next to the door
    - - The numbers are all between 1 and 9 inclusive.
    - - Vertical strokes mean 1, 4 strokes with a diagonal line through them mean 5
    - - The numbers in the 2x3 grids show you where those numbers appear in the final 3x3 grid, with 2 possibilities
    - - - eg. The first pair of numbers looks like:


    Which could mean either:



    | |7

    By looking at all the pairs you should be able to come up with the final answer:


    - Turn around and enter the numbers
    - The panel drops a bit and a handle appears, pull the handle
    - Now you see some metal pins and wooden blocks. They all slide, the pins horizontally and the blocks vertically
    - Move them around and you see they are concealing the backside of the combination lock

    - Back up and turn around
    - Click the little black doohicky in the lower left
    - It conceals a 2-page note from Simeon Meade.
    - Click the lower right corner of the note to get to page 2
    - - The only part of the note that has bearing on the game play is the part that says "the combination for the lock is the cell number"
    - - - So you know you are looking for the number of your cell
    - - - The combination lock takes 4 digits
    - - You saw some numbers in the hallway
    - - Assuming the cells are numbered in order, the cel across from you is #...7 and your cell is #...8
    - - The cell nearby begins with #93..
    - - - So you just need one other digit

    - Click the black box near the ceiling
    - Open it
    - It is a fusebox with three settings: light, door, and alarm
    - - Pulling the fuse out of the 'light' socket makes everything dark
    - - The 'door' socket doesn't seem to do anything
    - - The 'alarm' switch causes a pulsing yellow glow
    - - - Maybe this is enough extra light to see the other numbers in the hallway?

    - Turn around and look through the peephole
    - - You can see both numbers better now: '..47' and '934.'
    - - - So your cell number must be #9348
    - Enter the cell number into the combination lock
    (- You may want to first return the fuse to the 'light' socket)
    - - But, you're looking at it backward, so you have to enter the digits in reverse order
    - - A handle appears, but it doesn't do anything

    - Return to the fusebox and put the fuse in the 'door' socket

    - Go back to the panel and click the handle

    The door is now open

  76. working link:

  77. caught the 2nd part from the random section & decided to play the 1st part as first

    thx for creating this game, Skeptic ☺
    thx just1 for working link
    & thx for the WTs, Heather & a_a


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