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Murphy's Gesetz 8 - Vollgas ins Chaos

Murphys Gesetz 8 - Vollgas ins Chaos is another version of Murphys Gesetz and Kanzler Duell point and click games. The point of game is the same as it was in the previous versions. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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  1. Not sure what to do but in anycase, not sure i'm interested. Hi all !

  2. So far i have
    - put tube between car and tent
    - click on tube so no water will flow
    - fill grill three times with spirit
    - put spirit on banner (on tent)
    - put dog in cool box
    - get screwdriver beneath tent door and unscrew all 4 screws of fence
    - open battery case of radio and put batteries in dust bin
    - open case of pole and use high-power connector with radio

    in second scene take away stone of camper on top of the hill

  3. What to do with bellows or steak of other fan/camper??

  4. I don´t know what to do with stake what is on
    neighbour´s table and that thing what is under that other table??

    Helpp!!! Anybody??

  5. Ok. I got that green thing. But that other stake? Is it only bluff??

  6. meimi - What did you do with that green pump? You can - put ash from grill on the flag and sun tan on Murphy's beer can.

  7. - use sun milk on beer
    - use bellows with grill to make steak go black ;-)

  8. Put steak from neighbor in front of tent before he comes out!


    1.Put tube between tent and car
    2.Put meat of neighbour in front of tent
    3.Put yellow suntan on beer on table
    4.Click watertube
    5.When Murphy looks in watertap, click watertube again to make it splash allover him
    6.Put dog in coolbox
    7.Use screwdriver on lightpole and 4 screws on fence.
    8.Put 3 times spirit on barbecue and 1 time on flag upon tent
    9.Put ashes from bbq also on flag
    10.When the fire of bbq is on, use several times bellow on meat to make it black
    11.Remove batteries from radio click lid on radio, take batteries andput them in the bin) and connect radio with the wires of pole (click lid of pole and take wire)
    12.Second screen : remove stone from wheel of camper on the hill

    I got 181 points and my flag was not burned, only dirty from the ashes.

    Second ending : dont put ashes on flag = flag burnes and also 181 points

  10. whoo... new game..and german..:D
    good evening in europe and midday in america...
    and to everybody else...(=

  11. How do I get to second screen

  12. Anyone else having trouble getting off the title screen?

  13. I am too it keeps replaying over and over again any help i;m using firefox and have the latest updates is it firefox?
    i'm also on a vista


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