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Tiny Escape 2

Tiny Escape 2 is the sequel to Tiny Escape 1 Japanese point and click type room escape game from Henyohenyo1. In this game, you are locked in a room and you need to escape the room by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I repost here what Minirizia found with translator about the clock...

    translator says,

    1 When sleeping becoming quiet
    2 Ox three o'clock
    3When preparing the spear
    4 in dream
    5 At the time of sunrise
    6 When the diamond shining
    7 When awaking,
    8 When going out,
    9 Heart 休 it is round the time
    10 When arriving
    11 When starting
    12 When the new leaves budding

  2. katak... move the desk to the right and magnify the little code at the right of the miror...there you can find how to put switches... black = bottom switch... white = up switch.

    (sorry bad english)

  3. I must leave now too;;; my head had just exploded..

  4. hi guys, where di you find the club card???

  5. I have got only one card for the device (the card with a heart and a red square). Where do you find the others ? I can get nothing from mirror.
    I used the device (with heart card) on the slot under the window, but nothing happened.

  6. @pascale
    didyou put the switches above the door right?

  7. Tosca, I have tried different combinations (especially to switch on the light in the attic). I have also used the combination written near to the mirror. I can have a close up view of the mirror, that's all.

  8. attick for me up up down
    2 batterries needed for remote : 1 from laser pen, from behind big cupboard, 1 from the attick.

  9. @Pascale change the switches according to the mirror clue, than use the device with heart on it on the black spot on the left bottom corner of window (next to the floor). than press the red square and it will open the compartment where you find the club card

  10. Help!! I am stuck with grey key from downstairs, yellow paper/cloth, pen, magnifier, ladder, pliers, wooden stick, 2 card and remote.
    NEED 4 digit code and 2 missing card, and I dont know what to do with clock??!!
    Any1 further??

  11. mine was white white black and switches up up down

  12. and my grey door downstairs gone, i dont get it back....

  13. clock gives you a solution
    see #207

  14. Thanks a lot, Kerenusha... Damn... my browser has just decided to close itself suddenly... I have to restart from the beginning !

  15. @tosca, did u find the other two cards?

  16. @Pascale, you're wellcome, come back soon & help us!!!

  17. No we are all stuck here

  18. I have no diamond card, only club and heart, how comes that some of you have a diamond card ?

  19. @sue, just go back and use the remote again on the door. you'll get the grey door back. dont forget to change the switches again (mine was down down up)

  20. Has anyone got passed the door with the four digits yet?

  21. Sue read my post nr. 200

  22. ok got it :-) thx - but still stuck...where are diamond and spade cards ??

  23. I am stuck in the same place as Sue and it is doing my head in

  24. How do you take the ladder?

  25. Use pliers on the upper two screws.

  26. Did anybody make any progress?

  27. I cannot for the life of me get the key from downstairs. I made the switch above the door like the pattern downstairs and zap the slot at the left over and over again but no key on left or right. Does anyone know what I may be missing?

  28. I tried also google translate for german and i got a different translation than in post #7. For example Nr. 3 is in my translation on position 9. Maybe its different for everyone, like the black&white squares??

  29. Got the pliers and reached the switches. The figure on the wall with mirror is black-black-white, and I tried both up-up-down and down-down-up but the lights in the attic wouldn't turn on.

  30. bill what is your pattern downstairs?

    I got a bad feeling about this game

  31. Key was just in the left room corner where grey door is under the carpet.

    And Sue what translation did you do ??

  32. @Bill my combinations are:

    - attic light: down down up

    - grey door up and down : down up down

    - box left bottom downstairs for key: down up down

    - wardrobe: down down down

    Maybe it helps

  33. Never mind, I tried up-down-up and it worked. This matches the figure in the attic, which wasn't available before the lights were on. I guess the creator's intention was that we had to use the pen light for the figure, but the pen light can't be turned on even with both batteries inserted.

  34. @ Zazie: i used google translater and translated it into german, cause i am german... i got the same answers as post #7, but on different positions...

    must head off...back in an hour good luck all

  35. hello?

    has anyone opened the secret compartment by the grey door?

  36. Yes Minirizla, used heart card on it while levers where down up up (i think this is different for everybody), but compartment was empty.

  37. My pattern downstairs is white black white, so I have the middle switch up above the door. Still no key. I have also tried the middle switch down, also to no avail.

  38. @sue, i am german also :) but i only see white squares instead of text.

  39. @Bill, for the key downstairs, click the left bottom corner of floor to zoom in, then click on the rug to lift it, key is under rug

  40. Hello to everyone!It seems that we have an entertaining game here... I'm starting right now!Hope to catch you soon.

  41. I have a key and have seen a weird thing gap on the left side near the floor, view with the window.

  42. @zazie yes mine too, do you think there should have been a card in it?
    @bill did you try the corner right of the door, thats where I found it first time round

  43. Diamond card is in the hidden safe in the basement.
    There is a spot in the right wall.
    Use club card there.

  44. @Bill, Minirizla is probably right, its been awhile since i found the key so i cant remember if it was the downstairs left or right corners, lol, but either way just zoom in and try lifting the rug. :)

  45. OMG! THANK U Xenon!!!! progress!!! :)

  46. Found battery on laser pen, trap door on the ceiling, kind of yellow paper or cloth, a letter with a heart, opened door with weird circles, closed wardrobe... and I'm kind of stuck now...

  47. Xenon you are a genius :)))) Thxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  48. Xenon, you come to save us again :)

  49. just used the diamond card in bottom left corner downstairs and still empty!

  50. @Xenon, where exectly? i can only lift the carpet on the right side.

  51. @KERENUSHA, dont zoom in on carpet, but in regular view, look ao the right wall by the edge of screen and u can kinda see a light blue mark, then use the diomond card on that.

  52. I have seen the draws with the magnifier glass but I cannot continue..

  53. AHH got the spade card, below window

  54. @Minirizla, how did u find it?

  55. If this game continues like this the batteries of my remote will be empty :(((

  56. use the diamond card on the hiding place under the window, press up twice

  57. As for me the grey door disappeared. But I guess it's a bug. Now I am replaying.

  58. No bug Xenon, it depends on the position of the levers.

  59. Cannot get the spade card Minirizla, where should it be ? In the same compatment under window as the other card ? Doesn´t work for me.

  60. @ Minirizla, did you change your levers first?

  61. I have opened the hatch and got the card on what seems to be a remote control...

  62. yes same compartment as the other card, you have to make sure the power is on and press the up arrow twice.

    Also whoever said it before, the translation for the clock changes from game to game, I was playing earlier and now I have a differnt order.

  63. Got it, put levers up down down and it worked.

  64. With the grey door down put the card with the numbers on in the remote and now you can adjust the four digits

  65. mine was up down up! thank u Zazie! at least that let me know i had to change my levers! lol

  66. Now code downstairs works but what are the right numbers ?

  67. Now I am stuck because all I have in the clock display is white boxes!

  68. OMG! after i found my spade card, i kept pushing up and found what looks like some sort of pink potion!

  69. If you put 4 cards in the correct positions the door light turns blue.

    clue for the card position

    But it seems that I can skip this process....Umm

  70. put the pink potion on the yellow note and you will see the numbers for the pw in the basement

  71. Pink potion - It is the liquid of use obscurity,…

  72. i still cant figure out how to get the number card to work on the door w/4 digit code......

  73. nevermind! haha, i figured it out!

  74. use the spade card on the remote to press the numbers for the door pw

  75. @Sarah
    Use the spade card like a remote.

  76. Thank god finally out, that was so fustrating.
    make sure you turn the power after final code.

  77. bill sometimes the key turn up in compartment,
    sometimes under left corner curpet, sometimes
    under right corner carpet

  78. Thank you Shuchun and Xenon!!!!!!

  79. Almost out and my power went out. Have to start over.

  80. ok, i put my 4 digit code in the door, then i put metal door back up and placed all my cards in door and it turned blue, but does anyone know what to do now? do i have to turn levers again?

  81. I tried all positions of cards in the door but nothing.
    Xenon what you wrote does not work for me. is the doorlight on the grey door or upstairs ?

  82. No problem, Sarah. Thx Xenon and everyone's hints. see you in the next games.

  83. What is the 4 digit code please, and how to find it ?

  84. Zazie, after you find your spade card upstairs by the window in the left compartment, keep pushing up and the compartment will lift up 4 times and there will be the pink potion, then put potion on the yellow cloth and it will give u your code.

  85. you still stuck sarah? the grey door has to be down and then go and turn all the switches off and you can leave by the brown door

  86. Thank You Minirizla!!! it worked but i dont wanna walk out the door yet because i never used all the items in my inventory, and i still have 3 empty spaces at the bottom of my inventory, did u?

  87. In the game
    -the position of power switch (basement,1F,attic)
    -the position of 4 cards
    are different in every game.

  88. Mine is 3558.

    Still stuck, i entered the code, closed the grey door again, put the cards in slots but nothing is turning blue. What power i have to turn on ?

  89. yes, I did and I never used the light pen either... please dont make me go back in there.

    by the way xenon, do you wear a cape? :)

  90. Now i have got the light blue but i still cannot go out !!!! Help i wanna escape of this game, lol

  91. cant find spot for spade card, help please?

  92. I have turned the light blue, put in my code, grey door down, switches all down and still can't get out help please!

  93. @Zazie
    Use heart card to go grey door down and go back 1F.
    Then go to the basement again. Does it work?

  94. Zazie, close the metal door again and go turn the power completely off and you can leave out of downstairs door

  95. What do you mean ? You cannot find card or where to use it ?

  96. spade card exact location please, please?

  97. OMG thank you Sarah, completely forgot the levers :))
    Finally out ! Thanks to everybody for the help, will put my head into cold water now.

  98. At the same place under window where you found the other card, use diamond card to find it and click 4 times on up arrow.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. found spade card, finally

  101. meme same place you got the club card from. remember to turn the power on with the same switches as before.

  102. Minirizla cape??? what?
    combine a light pen and a magnifying glass.
    Only used to see the power code in the attic.

  103. @ Zazie, Minirizla was the one who helped me w/that, but you are very welcome anyways!!! i just wish i knew how to find the rest of the items that we are still missing! lol!

  104. Xenon, you are like superman, fly in and save us so many times

  105. how and where in the attic can i do that Xenon?

  106. Thx Sarah you are welcome also :))
    But not for a million dollar i will go back into this room, lol.

  107. do i have to turn attic light off first?

  108. finally combined light pen and magnifying glass, but where to use it in attic?

  109. @Minirizla
    You are wellcome:)
    I just happened to figure it out:)

    There is a small stain at the left of the entrance of the attic. Use it there.

  110. the cards position: 3-spade, 6-diamond, 9-heart and 12-club didn't work for me:(
    my password was 7954

  111. @ xenon, got it, i thought the code would change or something, haha! thank u!!!

  112. finally out, not really a tiny escape though.

  113. kerenusha, the order changes in every game

    xenon posted;

    心休まる時 -heart
    若葉芽生える時 -club
    槍を準備する時 -spade
    ダイヤ輝く時 -diamond

    if you can recognise them, that should tell you where to put each card

  114. I have read every post carefully and still can't open the mirror. I have the remote with the club card but I don't know where to click to have the mirror open. HELP!!!

  115. Marijo, you need to change the three levers above the door to the position up-down-down, otherwise the remote will not work

  116. Oh, sorry! the position of the switches changes for each game, Marijo, you have to try different positions, I don't remember if it is the same shown on the wall..

  117. carry, I have switches down, down, up for the mirror and it doesn't work. I use the club card, don't I? Keep trying...

  118. Well, this game is really ticking me off. Mostly it makes no sense so I am off to find some better way to waste my time! Good luck all.

  119. Yes, Marijo: club card... But you need to try with different positions of the switches. I am playing again in order to check if the position is the one shown on the wall, but I don't think so.

  120. Got the safe to come out, but I can't open the thing.

  121. What safe, Jen? the one on the basement?
    You need to use the gray key that is under the carpet just under the safe.

  122. so nobody hasn't cracked this yet!? It's been 8 hours since my last visit...

  123. Do I have to do anything special to get that key? 'cause there's nothing under the carpet in that area...

  124. Mauno, I think everyone has finished it :)

  125. Where are u, Jen? What safe are you talking about? I might have missunderstood you.

  126. The one in the basement indeed.

  127. Hi everyone! Still live?

  128. Umm... Wait Jen, I'm writing a walkthrough too.

  129. I'll try to write a walkthrough:
    1- First screen (Window):
    Click on the carpet, in the right corner, get the yellow key.
    Click on the window (right side). It will open.
    Click on the outter side of the opened window, on the left at the lower part, near the

    window frame. You'll get a different view and see a squared paper, click on it. Once it is

    in your inventory, zoom it and you'll see a yellow paper (with nothing written yet).

    2.- Turn right to the table room:
    Click on the middle of the table (on the top) and it will jump to the right side. Clicl on
    the left drawer. It will open. Click on its interior and you'll get a view from the top.
    Take the magnifying glass.
    Click out to return to the frontal view of the table. Click first on the handle, and then at
    the lower part of the drawer. It will fall to the floor. Click on the empty space left on
    the table and get the pole on the right side.
    Now it's possible to open the right drawer. Open it and get the remote control.
    Click out to return to the frontal view of the table. Click first on the handle, and then at
    the lower part of the right drawer. It will fall to the floor. With the magnifying glass
    selected, click in the top right corner of the dropped drawer and it will show a secret

    area. Get the pliers inside it.

    Click out to return to the room view.
    Click in the upper right corner (on the top) of the room. You'll see a hatch. Click on it with the pole selected. It will open. Still with the pole selected click on the ladder and it will be opened.
    Click on the opened attic. You'll see a battery on the floor (left side of the trap door). Take it.
    Click out the attic but don't close the ladder.
    Select the pliers and click on the top screws of the ladder (right and left). You'll get the ladder in your inventory.
    Get down the table, back to the floor.
    3- Turn right to get in the Wardrobe room:
    Click on the left corner of the floor. It'll zoom in.
    Pick up the laser pen behind the wardrobe. Keeping the same zoomed view, click on the left
    corner of the carpet, it is lifted and you'll get a card (Hearts).
    4- Turn right to the main door room:
    Select the yellow key and open it. No way out! There is a silver door.
    Click above the door and you'll see a power box with three switches. We'll have to change them a few times in order to make some items work.

    5- Turn left twice, back to the table room.
    Click on the attic door again. Select the ladder and put it back. Get into the attic.
    Note the small draw a few centrimeters above the upper left side of the ladder or entrance.
    Zoom the laser pen in your inventory and click on its top. It will open. Select the battery you found on the attic and put it in. Close the top and zoom the magnifying glass. With the light pen selected, click on the bottom of the magnifying glass (on the handle). They will combine. With the new combined item selected, click on the small spot above the entrance to the attic. You'll see three squares, in my case, black-white-black... BUT IT MAY CHANGE EACH GAME!

    Go back to the ground floor, taking the ladder with you, turn right two times, to the door room. With the ladder selected, click on the middle one so the position for black = down, white = up, black = down. With this move, you have switched on the light on the attic. Go back there, click on the left side, and you'll see a clock.

    In your inventorey, take the ligth pen out of the magnifying glass, take the two batteries that it has inside and put them in the remote control.

    Put the Hearts card on the top of the remote control. Click on the 12, 3, 6 and 9 spots on the clock using the remote control. Each time you select an hour, a different text should appear on the white box under it. Match the text for the 12, 3, 6 and 9 hour as follows:

    (xenon posted:)

    心休まる時 -heart
    若葉芽生える時 -club
    槍を準備する時 -spade
    ダイヤ輝く時 -diamond

    For me: 12= Hearts, 3 = diamond, 6 = spade, 9= club.

    The position changes every game. Take note of the order as you'll need to use it later.If for any reason you don't remember the card suit position (or need to come back to the attic) you'll need to use the same switch position above the door, otherwise the light will be switch off.

    Leave the attic and take the ladder with you (use pliers).

    Note the spot on the left side of the table. Using the magnifying glass, look at the spot on the front wall. You'll see again three squares. Match the power switches above the main door with the draw on the wall.

    Turn left once, to the window room, and click in the bottom left corner, on the carpet. Use the remote control combined with the card of Hearts and the remote will appear on the screen. Click on the red square of the remote control. A box with a card of clubs will appear.

    And I'll continue...

  131. continuing...
    Before leaving that view, click on the red square again in order to make the yellow box desappear (otherwise you'll get stuck). close the window of the remote control.

    Go back to the room of the table and mirror (on the right). click on the mirror. Select the remote on your inventory and remove card of Hearts. Select the cards and click on the arrow, so the card of Clubs will show up. Select the remote again and put the card of clubs on it. Click on the mirror with the remote on. It will appear in the screen again. Click on the arrows until the mirror opens(left arrow). Take the key and close the mirror.

  132. Playing again I've realised that the key I told you Jen, changes the position each game too!

  133. THIRD PART:

    Turn the power off by putting all the switches down.

    Open the wardrobe with the key you found in the mirror. you'll see the stairs to the basement. Go there.

    click in the corners of the carpet. If you don't find a key... Don't worry!

    Note the spot on the right side of the wall. Match the three switches with it. And with the card of Hearts on the remote control click on the spot on the left side of the basement. A box appears and you'll get the key there.

  134. Fourth part:

    Change Hearts for Clubs on the remote control and click on the righ wall of the room (near the top) where the three admiration signs appear. A safe will appear. Use the last key found to open it, and get the card of diamonds.

    Go upstairs. Match the switches again to the scheme shown beside the mirror. Go back to the window room, and click on the left spot of the wall, with the card of diamonds on the remote control. Click on the top arrow until you get a column of boxes with a card of spades and a jar with a pink liquid. Get both of them and close the boxes using the arrows on the remote c.

    Put the liquid on the yellow paper we had on the inventory, and four numbers will show up (different for each game).

    Change the switches again to match to the scheme of the basement, and go downstairs. Put each card on the place matching with the hours as the clock of the attic has shown. If they are in the right place, a blue light will be turn on.

    Get the cards back to the inventory.

    Put Hearts on the remote control and click on the spot in the middle of the squares on the basement door. clik on the red square of the remote and a new door appears. Change hearts for spades on the remote control and use the keyboard on the card to change the numbers for the code shown on the yellow paper.

    Switch off the power upstairs (all the three switches down).

    Go back to the basement and open the door... OUT!

    Sorry... my English isn't very good and I'm too talkative...

  135. Waaw Carri, I didn't realise this walkthrough was that much work. I dont see a problem with your english, so continue writing. Great job.

  136. My respect too carri. that's a good mate. my english sucks but yours doesn't. see u in the next game.

  137. My grey door downstairs is gone, how do I get it back. I can't use the spade keypad??

  138. I have everything but can't use the keypad or cards?? Help!!

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. i give up! i got as far as the heart card and clock in attic, but when i went to the mirror, removed the heart card from my remote and clicked the mirror no other cards appeared and quit frankly i found it really tedious to keep going up to the attic and down unscrewing the ladder everytime and switching batteries etc,......

  141. "carri said...

    Fourth part:

    Change Hearts for Clubs on the remote control and click on the righ wall of the room (near the top) where the three admiration signs appear. A safe will appear. Use the last key found to open it, and get the card of diamonds. "

    I cant't find this part!!!
    I click everywhere with the control, with the clubs card, but I can't find this safe... Sombody help me please!!!

  142. @Natalia, the spot is near the line between the front and right wall, on the top... Pixel hunting. That isn't the most enjoyable part of the game.

    @Michele with pug: before opening the mirror you need to zoom in the cards on your inventory, click on the arrow that appears on the right side to swap the cards.

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