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The Ballad of Ketinetto 3

The Ballad of Ketinetto Part 3 is the 3rd episode of The Ballad of Ketinetto point and click adventure game created by Federico Rutenberg, who is also the creator of Esklavos and Doctor Ku game series. In this game, you have to point and click on right places to collect some things and solve puzzles in order to figure out the game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I have found a rotten banana and a fruit. Can't to anything with them.

  2. Same here, there is a dirty sock by the dog but I can´t get it

  3. Somehow I placed the fruit where I have found it. Now I can't pick it naymore.

  4. Place the fruit in front of the older islander and click the stone. The ants will eat it.

  5. it seems my ants are quite lazy... the do not eat the fruit...

  6. what to do with the sock?

  7. Ok, blew up the door and is in the cave

  8. the sock goes in the sugary drink

  9. i think we have to give smth to the dog...but what? unfortunately my fruit and rotten banana were eaten by the ants!!!

  10. there is a bone in the water

  11. opened the door but now have to make something disapear, any idea?

  12. I burnt a plant to impress the coconut-thief but now stuck.

  13. How did you light the dynamite?

  14. with the paper and the monocle

  15. oh right in front of me. must be blind

  16. I think the banana was on the path with the dog.

  17. how do you take the monocle from the man?

  18. have a broken coconut, and stuck!!

  19. friwi, where did you get the plant?

  20. @ ele, how did you get the monocle?

  21. kepp talking to the old guy

  22. talk to the man until u'll get it

  23. anyone stil here? playing catch up

  24. For monocle, speak with old man. Before take up his paper.

  25. Where is broken coconut?

  26. Stuck with broken coconut

  27. a broken coconut and????

  28. so stuck with my coconut!! help!!

  29. @cecepons, you take the coconut from the monster!!! in the cave...

  30. broken coconut: there is a parrot on right tree on beach

  31. how do you become invisible?

  32. The plants are to the left of the cave under the tree and to the right of it. I think you have to combine them to create the smoke, but I can't.

  33. Thank you so much!! missed that one!

  34. just put the plants in the fire one after another

  35. invisible: two plants & 1 mushroom inside forest

  36. @friwi, you take each plant and through it in the fire seperately, then you become invisible...
    @yigi, thanks for the hint about the parrot...
    out and into the sea.....

  37. I burn my plants and nothing and I dont see any parrot!!

  38. you are welcome :) fun game, thanx for posting

  39. cecepons, you must through i think three kind of different plants in the fire...

  40. cecepons, there are 3 plants, one on the left under the tree, one on the rocks and mushroom in bottom right corner of the screen

  41. thank you ff. What do you do with the parrot?

  42. Put parrot in broken coconut and give it at monster.

  43. combine parrot with coconut

  44. Thank you. That was a short one.

  45. i really like this game, I can't wait for the next one!

  46. adamlarla konuştum. sonra bota tıkladım tekrar adamlarla konuştum. tezgahtan meyve aldım. sol taraftan ormana gittim. yerden muz aldım. geri geldim suyun içinden kemik aldım. kemiği köpege verip çorap aldım. meyveleri yerdeki taşlara koydum karıncalar yedi. soldaki adamın bardağına çorabın suyunu sıktım. adam içtikten sonra tükürdü. karşıdaki adamın elinden kağıt düştü. kağıdı ormanda kapının solundaki güneş gelen yere koydum. sonra gelip sağdaki adamla konuştum ve gözlüğünü aldım. sağdaki kutudan dinamit aldım. dimati kapıya koydum. gözlükle kağıdı yakıp dinamiti patlattım. içerdeki yaratıkla konuştum. sonra tekrar sahile döndüm. sağ köşede duman var. dumana tıkladım. sonra ormana döndüm. sağ taraftaki mantarı. ortadaki ağacın yaprağını ve soldaki ağacın altındaki bitkiyi aldım. hepsini mağaradaki ateşe attım. yaratık bi tane hindistan cevizi verdi. hindistan cevizini dışarda kayalarda kırdım. sapilde sağ tarafta tabelanın üstündeki papağanı aldım. h.cevizinin içine koydum (+ işaretiyle). mağaradaki yaratığa verdim . oda bana bi sürü h.cevizi verdi. onları sahildeki soldaki adama verdim. bitti. to be contunied.

  47. Great game - very much like the Monkey Island series which I love!!

  48. anyone still here i cant get the monocle i keep talking to old man but he just keeps sating he has no coconuts

  49. Hi Keldos, I've been here since the beginning, and I am in the same boat as you (pardon the pun), do we have to do things in a specific order or what?

  50. hi jacky i tried talking to him before i took the piece of paper and then after but he just doesnt want to give me his monocle

  51. I even translated the above walkthrough, that didn't give me any clues either, I have restarted it dozens of times and have now given up, I will come back now and again in the hope that someone has written a more detailed walkthrough, bye Keldos.

  52. You must place the paper on the rock near the sun beam then talk to the man to get the moncle.

  53. ive tried this but he still keeps saying he has no coconuts left i dont think he likes me :)

  54. nevermind i eventually got it i forgot to put the dynamite down

  55. Walkthrough:from Andy

    Talk to the guys.
    Look at everything (looking at boat is important).
    Get the fruit.

    Go to other side of island.

    Look at the dog, try to take his sock.
    Get rotten banana.

    Go back to coast.

    There’s an object floating in the water - get it
    The object is a bone. Give it to the dog to get his sock.
    Use the sock on the sugary drink.
    Use banana on left flat stone and other fruit on right flat stone, and you can get the paper and the dynamite while the guy is dancing with ants in his pants.

    Back to inner island.

    Use dynamite on door - but now we have to light it.
    Use paper in sunbeam, then look at it. We need a magnifying glass.

    Talk to the guy with the monocle three times and he’ll give it to you.
    Use the monocle on the sunbeam, then use the burning paper on the dynamite.

    Go in the door.

    Talk to the creature and learn that he wants you to show him a trick.
    Go back to the coast and look at the smoke - to discover that you need some ingredients.

    Back island:

    Get plant by left tree, mushroom, and fern over sharp rocks. Go back into the cave and use all three on the fire.
    Then go back in and you’ll get one coconut.
    Click on the creature and learn that we have to make the coconut look like a parrot’s egg.

    Use the coconut on the sharp stones to crack it open, then head back to the coast to find a parrot (in the smoke standing on one of the signs).
    Combine the parrot and the coconut and give the “egg” to the creature.
    Give the coconuts to one of the islanders (I’m not sure if it matters which one you choose) and you’re done with this chapter.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. working link:


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