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ICHO Chapter 3

[REPLAY] ICHO Chapter 3 is another Japanese point & click adventure type escape game developed by Pixelkobo. It's the sequel of ICHO Chapter 1 & 2. In this game, you find yourself on a bridge and you are blocked at either end. There are 3 sets of entrance towers with two doors. Your aim is now to find and use items and hints for solving puzzles in order to escape from the bridge. There are two different endings. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games.

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  1. another game, but it's 1:30 here.....should i?????

  2. so slowwwww to load and this is a good series...but i think i have to sleep-work tomorrow- good luck janee have fun!

  3. u may b able to nap for a few

  4. very slow load should be good graphics

  5. still loading so definitely must go to sleep! thx for your help with the other game:)

  6. seems to b stuck on 74%.... any1 loaded yet?

  7. its ok just gone 3.30 here in sydney so ive got all night

  8. just noticed remark at top..
    Note: Please be patient while the game is loading.

  9. Hey this is where you went...gonna check this out...brb

  10. maybe if i was a coma patient it would help!

  11. See you Michele.

    Thanks Shuchun! A Dr.KU and a ICHO!!

  12. goodmorning to all,it's 43% here so it's taking time

  13. Got stuck at 44%.....beautiful day here, been shopping for plants!

  14. still @ 74% here.... dont think its ever gonna finish..
    play canasta on club pogo while i wait... c yall n a few..(or longer if it doesnt load)

  15. Hi Martin,
    I am lost in this game already.wait for you to rescue.

  16. Still stuck at's an 86% escape game lol...

  17. Stuck at 76%...soooooo close. The site must be really clogged, got a 504 when I first tried.

    Hi Red!

  18. O Shuchun, I'd like to come and rescue you...if only the game would let me lol

  19. been here close to 30 min still @ 74%... gonna give up till morn... maybe it will be loaded by then... yall have a good night... gl2a

  20. if you right click and forward it will start

  21. Glad you can play today Shuchun, it's a public holiday here so no customers for me. Still stuck at 76% and I really don't want to refresh...any help I'd be looks like awhile yet lol

  22. so far just found lots of letters and numbers

  23. Stange, the page says it has d/l over 13meg now but it still says 76%...I might do what Humungo said...

  24. i refresh it when it was stuck at 59%

  25. I refreshed because I got bored with the 86%...lets see...

  26. 89 and still loading...Shuchun, here I come...I guess lol

  27. Stuck at 94% now...and I can't rightclick cause I don't have a mouse...oh well, I improved my loading score with 8%, right?

    Boohoo!!! :- /

  28. It stopped loading at 94%...I give up...This game has the capacity for one player only...Shuchun, I presume lol

    Well Shuchun...have fun and don't be too lonely! Bye...

  29. What Humungo said works...right click and click play.

    I think it's a good idea to take note of the letters/numbers you find AND note the location.

  30. My browser says the flash file is a 6MB download. And it is definitely slow to load.

  31. I went into the W1 door and found some letters... I wonder if color means anything

  32. W and E are West and East... looks like we need to find a battery for a laptop and move some giant rocks... but I haven't really done anything yet...

  33. hi Shuchun and humungo ...are you still there..
    i only could go into door W1...very upstairs i need a key..couldn't open the other i am just walking around...please help..:)

  34. Letters-

    white M (or W?) under left pylon
    red A under right pylon
    brown R inside W1 door (sacks to left)
    red E on stairs
    red K under poster
    green f upstairs in plant
    Weird-- one sign says "No Smorking"

  35. and Numbers--
    white 3 behind extinguisher and yellow paper with 2 printed on it in black.

  36. oh nice! found the laptop battery. Make sure to look DOWN sometimes...

  37. @Sabine
    i am almost stuck at the same place as yours.try to solve the puzzles.

  38. I'm not far into this, but I think it's worth the wait. The graphics and the navigation are very nice.

  39. ok. let me know when you're ready for the computer password. I can give a hint... about a hint.

  40. @jenny...i just had one down navigation and it was at the cupboards..but i couldn't find the battery...where is it please

  41. check the lockers

    Ok-- now I can get from W1 to W2 and back out... this really is a nicely done little game...

  42. o yess...had to check OPEN lockers...thanks

  43. oops. now I'm stuck in a stairwell. I'm pretty sure I was able to open this door before. Lots of little mysteries here...

  44. Great game so far...just heading into second tower now....

  45. Is Shuchun still here? I wish I knew what some of the selections on the right of the screen were. Like the button under the map... I'm afraid of having to start over!

  46. Hey gous, I'm finally in! Had to Google how to right click on a Mac without mouse, but found it out! And now, where's Shuchun...gotta rescue her lol

  47. Sabine, I might need a hint for the computer. I've seen the paper next to it, pointing to the letters and numbers we've found on the walk up, but I'm not getting the significance of the 6 dots, one of them red, and in different spaces. Following the arrows, the code I'm coming up with (k3R32f) is not working.

  48. R C, check the pylons on the bridge, the ones beside the first tower.

  49. R C. Think of where 2 of the letters were found. I also went case-sensitive, but I don't know if it makes a difference.

    Agh. I'm still stuck in the stairwell... I was out and went back IN to W2. Don't do that, I guess. There's a little cabinet thing, a diagram on the back of a smorking poster (probably of one of the arches), some sort of knob or something under another poster... all very non-responsive...

  50. Is anybody stil SMORKING yet......

  51. And RC, I think one of your 3s should be an E. I'll try to remember the order I used, but I can't get back to that screen now...

  52. Ok, thanks David. I hadn't looked around before I went in the door. That makes sense, and I'll head back down.

    Jenni, thanks for the heads-up on case sensitive.

  53. ok Mr. String.

    I think I have to start over. Got really stuck in the stairwell.

  54. @Jennie
    the golden button is a save function that you can choose the left one to save and leave and right button is to save and continue to play this game.

  55. woo hoo- never mind. KEYS! look closely for hidden compartments...

  56. Hi all, tryin to catch up, still loading :-)

  57. Thank you Jenni, you were right. The 3 on the stairs was actually an E.

  58. トップのfoを見てください階段

  59. :-8 still loading, are the graphics that good??

  60. oh nooo it stopped at 47% arrghh

  61. for future gamers, the computer code is going to be hidden in the parentheses of the next line, that way you won't accidentally see it, unless you're really looking for it.

    a30lkj ldFoe9MP leoWrf 6neD729 kefn((AK3MRE2f)) ;23SloV098nn

  62. My game just I have a page telling me something about Adobe flash player.

  63. awesome game. Try doing the right-click, forward thing and the game will start.

    It really moves forward once you get going.

    HINT: If you feel totally stuck, don't reload and start over. You're not actually stuck.

    There was only one real hidden compartment. The other things all sort of reveal themselves.

    good luck!

  64. thanks, Shuchun-- just saw your comment. I also got brave and clicked the button right under the map, top right. It gives you keyboard shortcuts (in case you don't have a mouse)

  65. Jenni それでも愛しています。 by 中澤裕子

  66. Jenni, I'm stuck in that stairwell. Found the compartment under the poster, but can't do anything with it. Also found the clue under the No Smorking sign, but it's not making sense to me. Noticed that one of the No Smorking signs is backwards (on gnikroms), but can't click that either. Where's the hidden compartment?

  67. oh@RC...sorry but i just came back...couldn't solve the i will try it again with all my notes standing by...but you solve it already..:P..should i cheat..:D

  68. I hope you got out Shuchun because I can't get back on the site or if the page does load there is no game, so help I was lol

  69. does any one need a hand with computer password or the green buttons to get the handle

  70. Went down the iron ladder (coz I couldn't go up)...outside again now, and can't get back anyone?

  71. im stuck in the stairwell also

  72. @martin
    i am lost on the stairs after going down the iron ladders:( and almost my work time so will try it tonight. see you in the next games.

  73. Shuchun, sorry I can't rescue you...I'm outside after going down the iron ladder and can't get back in...

    Someone help please?

  74. help lol stuck in stair case with those 3 traffic dome things

    Bye Shuchun

  75. No problem Sabine. David and Jenni were there to help!

  76. Been exploring the rocks to see if I could move them or go around them, but to get back in the apartments?

  77. go into one of the doors by the rocks

  78. you will found a handle on the railing when you go BACKWARDS down the stairs...well actually you click on the hidden place first,then you get the handle..put this in the place under the the board..get a stuck on second key...:S

  79. ginger, walk over to the next set of doors. Once you go in, you'll be trapped with us! LOL!

  80. Thanx kt and Jeanette, but I can't find a door by the rocks? Been walking around and around...just can't find it

  81. oh sorry you dont need to walk see the hidden place also on the railings when you just go up again...

  82. RC, I'll try that...better to be stuck with y'all than being all by myself lol

  83. Aaaah, thank you Sabine!!!!!

    Hidden compartment on stair railing of first landing up after you pass the obvious cabinet on the wall.

  84. dont go to the rocks you should see an arrow to the left or right

  85. now what with the keys

  86. please help with the keys..could just get one key!!! fits on the door..but how do i get the other one...

  87. Thanks heaps hugssssssssssssss

    Now which key heavens

  88. Welll...don't know how, but finally the door of W2 opened again...wandering around there now...gonna try and find the keys...pfff

  89. try other keys 1 silver and 1gold

  90. if keys are numbered:
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8

    you can kind of tell which will work by the shape of the lock openings. But to save you the trial-and-error hassle, keys 3 (right) and 5 (left) worked for me

  91. oh i accidently put the other one back again...took again any of them..but it doesn't fit..:S..jenny help...please....!!!!

  92. oh thanks worked out

  93. Found handle and first key...been playing around with the others, but no second key yet...or is it a red herring?

  94. now stuck with a pickaxe

  95. Owww...key I found won't fit...hint please?

  96. RC thanx...but I can't get the second'll flip over...and so will I lol

    I'm gonna quit...not having fun at all with this game...boohoo

    Bye all

  97. ginger, for keys see post #103

    kt, for pickaxe, click around the top middle area of the right-most rock

  98. ginger read comment from RC...i got numbers do i combine them...???
    @kt..pick axe?maybe you use it on the please with the code...

  99. oh no, ginger, you can only take the keys up one at a time. Don't give up!

  100. sabine, turn around to the desk, and move the books. They'll show you the order in which to use the numbers from the monitors

  101. RC, I didn't realize that...will try once more...thanx for encouragement...certainly need that in this game...

  102. @RC 531628???? it won't work..:S

  103. start with the middle bottom pic and go around to the left

  104. eyeglasses...

  105. Is there an alternate link? I just got a 503 error.

  106. so, after getting past the rock, you can go under one of the pylon/traffic cones, or go into the door. I went under the cone first, and now I'm out. Did anyone try the door? Did I miss something, or was it just locked anyway?

  107. Right...found the handle to door of W3...and see the iron stairwell again...eeeeeeks! lol

  108. Woohoo! Cut the rocks with my pickaxe, and found the entrance to E3! Finally getting back into a good mood lol

  109. no its not stuck again there...and need again a code..please do not escape under the cone...come to me and help me out ..PLEASE...

  110. so, trying to Replay, I hit the bottom left button, and then the left button after that. I don't know why I hit those, I can't read Japanese, but now I lost the game and clicking the link again says "Service Unavailable" so if anyone else is trying for Replay, don't hit those buttons!

    I'm sorry for you SleepyStudent, it was a good game.

  111. Thank you sabine for letting me know! I'm so sorry I missed out! I'll keep trying to get it to reload.

    In the meantime, if anyone is still playing, don't go under the cone!!! Go into the door!

  112. @ginger...are you stuck too?..found a paper with 2 numbers...

  113. RC help! I'm deep down in the basement, found the drawing on the floor saying first button 3 times, and sixth button 2ce, so entered that as a code, but it won't still around somewhere?

  114. hi ginger...wanna coffee till RC will rescue us...or should we try it of our own

  115. in the basement, the drawing on the floor is telling you how many times to hit each button; one you hit twice, the other 3 times. The trick is that you have to turn around and see where the drawing was originally hanging on the wall. The torn corner is still taped up, so that lets you know how to orient the drawing on the floor.

  116. Yeah Sabine...stuck as well...those dots on the drawing look like dice, don't you think? But pushing the first button 3 times, and the sixth twice won't help...any other ideas?

  117. Aaah RC, where would I be without your help...stuck forever in a basement I guess lol...will try to figure it out now...thanx

  118. Yay! Got it! Sabine, you got it too?

  119. wooo-hooo! It's loading for me now!

    Yay ginger! You got it!

    Sabine, are you still in the game?

  120. Out in swim suit lol...RC, thanx a million times...what a relief pfffffff...chapter 4 is announced, but will take a break now first...

    See ya!

  121. oh my god..thanks a lot RC...i almost i am out but my screen freeze this the end:S??

  122. RC you rock..@ginger my screen freeze at the moment where i was pushed out of the wholeout the waterfall ...can you describe me please how does it ends?...don't really want to restart now:S

  123. sabine, did you do the right-click and hit play trick? If so, maybe the game didn't fully load and that explains why the screen froze (meaning the ending of the game never fully loaded)??

  124. Sweet! I clicked the yellow button with the floppy disc icon, and then hit the left button that popped up, and it reloaded me to the point with the pickaxe! I can check the door without having to do the whole thing again!

  125. i saved the frozen screen...start over by the place where i had the pickaxe...went through over the same frozen screen...maybe this is the end...RC now i gonna escape through the cone...well i restart every time with the pickaxe...:)

  126. so door W3 is blocked by a boulder still, but door E3 won't open for me. The door behind the rocks, you guys got in, right?

  127. @RC...last stupid question:how did you escape through the cone???it won't let me!

  128. @Rc break the line by the cones get there a spot and you go down from there

  129. Right RC, just keep using the got to use it on three different boulders...then they will move and you can get in...

    Sabine, I got out in swim suit, sliding down a tream of water, and that was the end for me...

  130. Guys, there's another game posted...gonna go there now...coming with me lol?

  131. oh thanks ginger..i was sliding down..but then it didn't know that i had to breake other parts of the stones too..i gonna try that also...

  132. Sabine, what I meant by escape from the cone was that once you flip the cone over, and you open the manhole, climb down, and get sucked out with the water, that's how I escaped. I think you did that too, right?

  133. yes i DİD THAT..but found the real escape:don't let you flush out...just click up and go out..hehe

  134. oooh, thanks for the heads-up ginger!

    for this game, I'll wait until tomorrow to see if I can reload and get in that final door.

  135. put the handle not on the place where it push you out with water..take the handle with you up and put it there where it falls down...thank you so much for you helps...

  136. good to know, sabine, I'll try that for next time.

  137. sorry gınger..have to other time with pleasure...

  138. There are 2 ways of escaping.
    Once you escaped, click the left button to start at the final room.
    And this game has "SAVE" function. See comment #63.

  139. Hi!
    Good! A game with save function... so I'll start playing now...

  140. Uff... cannot load it.

  141. Ok got the 2 ends now ;)

  142. At the end this link has worked, too.

  143. I'll have to leave by the time it's loaded :)

  144. Don't try right-click-forward while loading.
    That might cause trouble to finish the game.

  145. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  146. hi I'm stuck in room with computer...nothing battery. I have found only letters...

  147. I'm stuck in the second tower. I can neither enter the top floor which needs 2 keys, nor exit through the door were I came in. :(

  148. How come everybody is in the game? mine always stops between 30% and 60% loading :-(

  149. Do we now have a new, more strict policy concerning hints? I just can't figure out the password for the laptop and I was just wondering...

  150. please own us a walkthrough ...please...

  151. This game takes a while to load, but the graphics are beautiful and the navigation is very fluid. It's a great game, and absolutely worth the wait. However, this alternate link might load a bit quicker:


    You find yourself on a bridge, and you're blocked at either end. There are 3 sets of entrance towers with two doors. Each door is labeled W for West and E for East. To start, you are closest to E1 and W1.
    - The NAVIGATION SCREEN at the top right shows the bridge, and the 3 sets of towers.
    - The WHITE BUTTON below the Navigation Screen shows keyboard shortcuts
    - The GOLD BUTTON at the bottom right is a SAVE feature. You can click that at any point, and 2 white buttons appear. The Left button is for SAVE AND LEAVE and the Right button is for SAVE AND CONTINUE
    - The NAVIGATION WHEEL at the bottom of your screen is for movement. The outer yellow arrows choose where to view and the inner green arrows choose where to move.


    - go forward to inspect the RED TRAFFIC CONES. notice that there are 6 of them
    - your close-up view shows you the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cones. lift 2nd & 4th to reveal letters
    - note the letter and location, but the color of the letters is not important


    - click the doorknob of W1 to enter
    - look left and move all the SANDBAGS to reveal a letter
    - as you head up the stairs, you'll note that there is red on the STEPS. go forward then look back to reveal a letter
    - click the bottom of the purple POSTER to lift it and reveal a letter
    - move the FIRE EXTINGUISHER to reveal a number
    - open RIGHT LOCKER to reveal a number
    - open left locker and look down to pick up BATTERY
    - click back of LAPTOP to insert battery
    - look at PLANT to see letter
    - look closer at PAPERS ON DESK, then move them to reveal a password clue. The 4th cone, poster, fire extinguisher, 2nd cone, sandbags, steps, locker, plant
    - hit power button to turn laptop on, then enter PASSWORD (it IS case sensitive AK3MRE2f)
    - follow computer code to get the order for the RED LIGHTS on the WALL PANEL (numerically: 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 4 3 or directionally: L R R L R R L L)
    - look in cabinet to retrieve DOOR HANDLE
    - attach handle to door, then move through hallway and down ladder to exit through E1 door


    - enter door W2
    - on first landing is WALL CABINET
    - on second landing, click the railing for HANDLE in SECRET COMPARTMENT
    - on third landing, lift poster to reveal HIDDEN COMPARTMENT and notch for handle
    - attach handle and turn, wall cabinet is now unlocked
    - you'll need 2 KEYS to unlock the door at the top of the stairs, but you can only take 1 at a time. You can figure out which keys will work by looking at the shape of the lock openings
    - if the keys are numbered
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8
    3 opens the right lock, 5 opens the left lock
    - under POSTER at top of the stairs is another clue (I honestly don't know what it's a clue for, so if anyone wants to let us know, that would be most appreciated!)
    - enter room and move books on desk to reveal a CLUE for the order of the code
    - look at the MONITORS to reveal the numbers for the code
    - starting from middle bottom and working clockwise, (like seen behind the books) you get 581623
    - enter CODE on numbered WALL PAD to get HANDLE
    - attache handle to door, move through hallway, then move down ladder
    - grab PICKAXE at bottom of ladder


    - use pickaxe on right-most BOULDER to break it
    - door W3 is still blocked, and E3 is locked, so you'll have to find another way out
    - flip a traffic cone, then press orange button to reveal a HATCH
    - go down the ladder, follow the hallway and enter the CONTROL ROOM


    - look on the ground to find DRAWING of squares. Two of the squares have dots on them. this is telling you how many times to hit each of these buttons on the corresponding CONTROL PANEL. The trick is that you have to orient the drawing the proper way. Look around the room to see where the drawing was taped up. The corner piece is still there, so you can match that to the paper on the floor
    - to enter the code, if the numbers were like a keypad, hit #4 twice, then #9 three times
    - pick up the WHEEL
    - attach wheel to pipe opening above gauges

    ENDING #1

    - when water fills the room, look under the poster on the wall and press button to get sucked out with the water
    - at final screen, hit top left button to return to control room and try again

    (WARNING: if you get to the screen with the blue earth below you, and black space in front of you, and only two white buttons, the Left button will take you to a different website and you'll lose the game in your window)

    ENDING #2

    - when water fills the room, take wheel back
    - go up to ceiling, attach wheel and go up hatch

    Thanks to everyone who gave insights, hints and help, to everyone who asked questions (to prompt those answers!) and to Shuchun for posting this and especially pixelkobo for this wonderful game!

  153. Great game. It plays with logical questions and allows you to continue at any time... Good choice!

  154. Anyone around? I have been trying to open the door with 1 gold and 1 silver key. Don't see keyholes and stuck! Help!

  155. R C,

    In the second towert the clue under poster at top of the stairs shows the place where the handle is hidden (it's a drawing of the stairs shown from above and the red sign show the secret compartment of the railing where the handle is hidden).

  156. lol this is the only icho game that didnt have a way to die i noticed. well.. havent tried #4 yet, but 1+2 and 5 both had ways to die.

    i think this one was a tad easier than the part 1+2 game, but mabye thats just cuz i didnt really get stuck this time lol.

    not that it matters, the entire icho series is godly as far as escape games are concerned!

    now, on to part 4!

  157. caught this one for the replay - enjoy!

    thx for all your creatins, Pixelkobo ☺
    & thx R C for the WT


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