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Cover Front 3

Cover Front Episode 3 - Night in Zurich is third episode of Covert Front 1 point and click game by PastelGames, the creator of Submachine games and Daymare Town 1 game. Our top secret agent Kara finds herself in a train station in Zurich with new orders - to apprehend the mysterious scientist Karl von Toten. But who is that watching her from across the station? Kara will have to use all of her cunning to bring in the rogue scientist and avoid meeting a grim end herself. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Xenon]

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  1. my very first 'live' goes and good luck to all...

  2. now that I have my ticket to Vienna, where is the train, how do I take it??

  3. here with you bubkiwi. let's do this

  4. still downloading..been 5 mins so far, long way to australia lol

  5. I have a newspaper, wallet, letter, ticket to Vienna.. and I am stuck

  6. Got a camera and photos from the locker.

  7. Hi Martin.....still trying to find the locker room...having a bit of a brain fade...


  9. Hi Martin!

    was it locker 24? or which locker?
    I am stuck at the lockers

  10. me either...hmm what now..

  11. Hi Red, Myrie...why is Elveron shouting?

    Locker, think roman.

  12. oh. okay.. Roman numerals... ty

  13. Maybe EIV doesnt know etiquette!! Still cant find the locker room!

  14. Locker room is through the lounge.

  15. Thanks Martin...see my comment to you in cbox..

  16. Martin, am I looking at the initials at end of letter or the Field agents id?? or did I miss a clue for the number of the locker or the code.. which is which?

  17. New game by Mateusz Skutnik...yay!

  18. stuck at lockers too..

  19. yes...we are also chatting in cbox

  20. bought swiss army knife and used it to open a window in right toilet cubicle.

  21. So what do I do at the front desk where the clerks ask me how he may help me?

  22. which room do I buy a key for 12 or 14?

  23. click the arrows and take a key i would tell u which one but u can go back to counter to exchange keys so ill let u do on own

  24. I can't figure out locker code thingie...hint please ??

  25. Thanks Martin. I am exploring room 13 now.. that phone call did wonders for room

  26. Mister Jekyl, how'd you figure out that it's locker 102?

  27. Myrie, read the documents in your inventory...once you open them, you can scroll through them with arrows left and right, and up and'll also find the room number then, I think.

  28. Has anyone gotten into the library yet?

  29. at the end of document says CII which in roman num is 102 i dont know how got code and right now im stuck outside damn library and cant get in

  30. Use the newspaper on the left door of the library and break the glass.

  31. Youcef enter room 14 and through that one you get 13

  32. got # in bible in room14, entered it in phone... but nothing happened!!

  33. I'm stuck at the hotel now...checked out room 13, got my alias there and saw a map of the old town and the library, but have nowhere to go outside...when I want to go to the old town, it says: 'no reason to go there', and at the other road back to the railway station it says: 'too risky'. Apparently I still have business to do at the hotel, but what?

  34. hello guys i am a late comer i am in room 14 now

  35. youcef u have to take the phone out off the hook... did anyone help me on the codename thing... :)

  36. hmm Youcef,
    after you put number from bible into phone, dial and so on, you back up and the wardrobe should open up

  37. hey
    i´m new here
    and this is my first livegame

    please help me
    i´m stuck with the knife and the window (which window???)

  38. Angelica, on the chatbox there is more help..
    Someone helped me with the code.. it is on your many, many letters, that are in your inventory..
    look at where it says Field Agent and then look at the letter and numbers that follow.. that is what you click on to the strange box

  39. u go at the 1st left door where the 2 ladies sitting down for a coffee or so , and theres a door there go in and go to the washroom and its 3 door look up calla

  40. Calla, the window in the bathroom stalls.. the one on the right side toilet.. go into toilet stall click up like to flush toilet..

  41. Angelica & Myrie thank you very much :)

  42. Okay now, I used my lever in room 13, and heard a sound of something opening...but where?

  43. same here ginger

  44. where do the rods go?

  45. hint for codename in r#13?

  46. Ebruli, you're stuck in the hotel too?

    Myrie, where are you, in the game I mean lol?

  47. youcef read the top of doc for code m 24 etc

  48. which chips and which number rod goes into the chips in the wall?

  49. Youcef, just pull the levers down, and the codename will reveal itself...don't know if that's right, but it's what I did...

  50. doesnt matter croc put all 4 in back off click the area and cut scene

  51. yes ginger i just went down to the receptionist
    and said i wanted to switch rooms
    and bought the key for 12

    have you tried that?

  52. ginger, I need help to get to the library

  53. left door smash window with newspaper

  54. Angelica??? did you manage with the codebox?

  55. Mister Jekyl, how to leave the hotel? Pleez help...

  56. Ginger, are you here still?

  57. Yes Ebruli, I switched rooms several times lol...but couldn't find a clue in room 12, and no way I overlooking something?

  58. @mister_jekyl said...

    "youcef read the top of doc for code m 24 etc"
    thnx... but dont get it o_O

  59. just exit out i think ging if not tell me where you are anfd what youve done there

  60. youcel what code box are you at

  61. Ginger? do you know how to get to the library?

  62. Yes Myrie, I'm where you are...stuck in the hotel...been asking how to leave for over 15 minutes answers yet though lol

  63. still looking for a way :(

  64. Somebody pleeez: how to get to the library? Myrie and Ebruli and me would like to go educate ourselves lol...and to get the game going...


  65. mister_jekyl: code box in r#13...
    cant figure out the code from the 14 documents I have...
    is there other documents to find?

  66. Misterrr

    How to get to the library, pleez?

  67. when you get out of the hotel and way your head down to the old town it says 'no reason to go there'

    then we lack sth which creates the reason :D

  68. no the docs are the papers not the photos and the code is " m 24 7 69

  69. Youcef, open the bible in room 14, you'll find a note there...

  70. what have u done in hotel ginger

  71. mister_jekyl
    look at the number following Intelligence Agency Headquarters
    Field Agent M-

  72. Misterrrr

  73. mister_jekyl
    I get it now thnx a lot

  74. i know myrie im completed game but thanx

  75. i am stuck in the hotel :(

  76. ill go and have some coffee böhü

  77. ginger roon 14 bible get note go to phone set reciever on counter dial number on note (changes every game) enter wardrobe

  78. Okay Mister Jekyl...found room 13, picked up a key and a lever, entered the alias, tried to open the cement door with my pocket knife lol, checked the paintings and that's it, I guess...but outside both roads are blocked...what did I miss (and the rest of us too...we're cueing up here lol).

    So the question is: what else to do in the hotel before we're allowed to go to the library?

  79. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you that I put in the lever and pulled it...heard a sound of something opening, but can't find what...

  80. ginger
    good question... lol

  81. and there is a logical contradiction

    we wrote this M - 69 thing on that machine
    we heard a door being opened
    i cant find the door

    if there is a door to be opened
    why am i trying to leave here

    if i am going to leave here
    why a door opens

    what is this machine for hehhee

  82. get little key from right drawer and key from box turn enter code into macine turn back to doo put lil key in bottom hole on left of door and lever on top thing then pull lever down right

  83. Ebruli, lol.

    Mister Jekyl, our group has gotten bigger...there's four of us now wanting to go the library...please be our guide lol

  84. turn lil key then turn back to machine u put code in and press button get paper

  85. omg it worked! thanks jekyl:)

  86. then leave hotel and go to town

  87. mister_jekyl
    yes am in chapter 3! thnk u

  88. lets go yihhaaa

  89. code? button, no paper..what lever????

  90. Ahhh Mister Jekyl, now we're getting somewhere maybe...but whih door do you mean? Can't find bottom key hole anywhere?

  91. Hey guys please wait for me! Where's the key hole lol?

  92. ginger, there is sth like a lift in the hotel
    it has three holes (it looks like buttons)
    the hole in the bottom is for the small key like thing

  93. drawer on right looks like a wind up doll key or a vending machine key

  94. ginger
    its not a key at the end.. its a lever!! put it on the triangle in the top

  95. so i put the code into the thing in the secret room, wut i do now?

  96. Yay Ebruli and Mister Jekyl: thanxxx! On to the library...finally lol

  97. mister_jekyl: it seem that I must get a book from the library but dont know how to get the machine working

  98. youcef if you mean the strange machine
    there is sth among your papers that presents a clue about what to enter there

  99. i have a book card with which i dont know what to do :D

  100. bear with me making library walkthru almost done

  101. I'm in the room with the Zurich Zeitungs...Kara doesn't know what to look for...and neither do I lol...

    Pulled the fifth lever, but no hot spot...Ebruli?

  102. Ebruli I mean the other machine that u can see in the center of books stands

  103. where do u find the book card?

  104. LIBRARY
    click door on left
    use newspaper break window
    click window
    enter door
    go right
    use door in front of you
    click to open gate and go in
    click drawer get key
    click desktop enter code from doc
    (mine was 32158)
    press button get paper
    leave room
    go right
    into circular room
    enter middle door
    use key
    read doc about book
    "N" cases
    "NE" for newton click drawer get card
    go back to circular room
    enter left door enter new card into machine
    get book
    flip thru book get picture look at pic
    hover over red writing
    read what it says at top of screen
    enter right room now
    pull lever with same name as photo
    should be third lever from left
    click papers'paper back up click paper on table
    click photo of guy w/ briefcase
    exit room click symbol on floor

  105. finally chapter 4

  106. wow hehe i just do not want to ask sth
    maybe i bother sb playing or so

  107. Mister Jekyll, awesome, thanx! In chapter 4 too now...

    Ebruli, where are you? And Youcef? And Myrie...still around?

  108. yes am out
    thank you mister_jekyl for all the help u gave us

  109. im here ginger, just trying to figure out about these gaps in the prison cell

    there is sth about these gaps

  110. ginger
    after chapter 3 it become to easy... nice game, happy doing it with all of u

  111. I'm gonna take a break...have breakfast and stuff. I just love this game! So much fun to play...could do this forever lol

  112. Youcef, congrats! Or should I say: sorry for you you finished? Coz what to do

  113. yeah congrats youcef! i am also so hungry
    i can go on like this for days

  114. ginger
    take the rods from the bed (4 rods) and put them in holes

  115. after u climb to hide, and just waiting for the guard

  116. yes yes i just saw it

  117. Thanx Youcef...gonna take a small break now...but nice to know what to do after that ;- }

  118. have to go for now, good luck & see u around
    PS: check the wheels before flying ;)

  119. finally out :) good luck for all!

    thanks youcef! i love pastel games really, see you around guys take care

    slide left get newspaper from guy
    get wallet and document from paper
    slide right and exit train
    go left
    enter right door way
    buy ticket
    exit room and go all the way right till you see guard blocking door
    go into right door
    go right
    locker 102
    code 2340
    take stuff from locker
    go back to where bought ticket
    other window is now open
    buy knife
    exit room
    enter room below on left (the 2 women at table)
    enter room on left
    far right stall
    click top of screen use knife on window
    click window
    take key to 14
    get paper from bible
    read it should be 5 digit number (number changes every game)
    go to phone
    set reciever on counter dial 5 digit number \
    secret door in closet opens
    enter secret room (room 13)
    click drawing on wall
    get key from box
    get lil key from right drawer of desk
    go right
    click machine
    enter code M 24 7 69
    turn around place lil key in bottom hole
    of switch on left of door
    twist it
    put other key on top of switch (it actualy a lever
    click lever down to the right
    turn back to machine
    click button
    get paper
    leave hotel
    go down street to library
    click door on left
    use newspaper break window
    click window
    enter door
    go right
    use door in front of you
    click to open gate and go in
    click drawer get key
    click desktop enter code from doc
    (mine was 32158)
    press button get paper
    leave room
    go right
    into circular room
    enter middle door
    use key
    read doc about book
    "N" cases
    "NE" for newton click drawer get card
    go back to circular room
    enter left door enter new card into machine
    get book
    flip thru book get picture look at pic
    hover over red writing
    read what it says at top of screen
    enter right room now
    pull lever with same name as photo
    should be third lever from left
    click papers'paper back up click paper on table
    click photo of guy w/ briefcase
    exit room click symbol on floor
    click guard
    break off four bars of bed
    one by hand the others u need to use bars to get
    get note on window
    stick bed bars into holes in paint on wall
    back up click circleish area above bars
    and on to level 5
    click house
    click door
    (standing in front)
    click right side
    you will enter house
    pull levers
    exit house
    click plane
    click wheels
    remove chaulks (the things under the wheels)
    click cockpit
    slide switch to the right
    click middle of plane spin propeller
    climb back into cockpit pull lever and take off


    walkthru by mister_samson_jekyl

  121. I thank you mister_samson_jekyl for walkth.!

  122. i tried everything in room 14.
    what do you mean with "put the receiver"??? i have not such a thing.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. I have been waiting for part 3 forever! Yay! Hope it won't be years before we see part 4....

  125. Eeee! I loved the first two, can't believe we get more! *stretches* Alright, let's hope I don't suck at it...

  126. Okay, I *really, really* don't get it...I see the CII at the bottom of the page translating to locker 102, but I must be really dense for the code. M-24-7-69...M is 1000 in roman numerals, and subtracting the following numbers just gives 900. So it's probably not subtracting...I just don't see at all how they come together for 2340! Please, somebody spell it out for me--this is going to really bug me!

  127. How did ya'll figure out 2340? I can't see where that is anywhere!

  128. left to the ticket office there is a time table for trains there is wien => vienna and the number 23:40

  129. Nevermind, gotta' love that chat box in the corner, someone told me about the flight departures. Wien is Vienna (German).

  130. I cannot get plane to start! Where on propeller? Should it start spinnning? Please, I want to fly!

  131. eureka! I was clicking the wrong propeller.

  132. finally!!!!ive been waiting for this game,
    ive played both cover front 1 and 2
    anyway hope the continue story is good^_^

  133. Great game, Thanks for the help mister_jekyl (great walkthru) Thanks Shuchun

  134. please! i am really stuck in the room, i do not understand what's wrong! my note said 95164, what i did on the phone but nothing appened !!!???

  135. never mind! i di it, but simply we must put the receiver on the table... i just clicked on it !!!

  136. Help. Where in the wall do I put the bars. Have tried all walls including the one with the crackes.

  137. Watch the intro..
    Train Station:
    1.Get the newspaper,Go to your inventory and click the newspaper.
    2.The newspaper will then open,get the wallet and the document,go to the right and click the handle of door(on the right side).
    3.Go to the left,and then to the door above,click the window with the word saying:"fahrkrarten" and buy a ticket to vienna(the center ticket is the one).
    4.Then go outside and back to the man with 2 bags,go to the door behind him,and then to the lounge.
    5.Go to the door on the right,and then move right again,click the 6th locker on top and press these numbers:2340,and move the button to the right(the one with the line).
    6.When it has opened,get everything in it,then go back to the man with 2 bags.
    7.Go to the leftside,click the door on the top,the go to the other window with a name:Souvenirladen and buy the swiss army knife and a postcard from Zurich.
    8.Go out and the to the door below the other door,its the dining room.
    9.Go the door near the table,and then to the door with a white color,then go to the third door in the bathroom.
    10.Then click above,use the swiss army knife to open those brown colored thingies,when it has opened press the window and watch a little cut video.

  138. Safehouse:
    1.Click the door,go to the guy and click him again to talk to him,She will ask for room 13 but they will only have 12 and 14.
    2.He will show you the keys of room 12 and 14,buy the 14th key,go upstairs then to the 14th room(you will see the 13th room is covered).
    3.Use the key in your inventory to open the 14th room, it will open,click the book and move it until you see a small paper.
    4.Click the telephone behind the cabinet,read the document in your inventory it shows numbers,click the phone(the one on top)and move it the right side then click the numbers in your document.
    5.With this,it will open the third room,go to the cabinet and open the right side.
    6.Now open the box and click it again to go close to it,then you will see a key(lever),get it,then zoom out from the box.
    7.Click the little drawer on the right(the little one on the right),then click it again to zoom in,click the gold thingy and zoom out.
    8.Move to the right,and again,then put the gold thingy on the hole(the one with the buttons,there is a hole there),then put the key(lever) you got from the box to the top of it.
    9.Then click the lever and then the gold thingy and press the lever again,then go to the left side,press the box with the brown color thingy then click these words:m24769.
    10.Zoom out and then press the button seen on the brown color thingy,it will show a paper,click the paper,go out from the cabinet and go out from your room too. 11.Go downstairs and out to the hotel,then click the old town.

  139. Libray: 1.Click the wooden door with a window,click and hold the newspaper to the window,she will smash the window to pieces.
    2.Click the broken window and she will let her hand in,and open the wooden door,now click the handle of the wooden door.
    3.You will then enter the library,go to the right,go to the door in front of you,click that silver thingy on the wooden fence(i think thats what its called).
    4.Open the drawer,zoom out,get the key,click the silver box,read your document and read the numbers where theres a word called I.D.,press those numbers in the silver box then press the big button.
    5.When you pressed the button,it will let a paper go out,get it,click the wall to the right,then move your mouse in front and click it.
    6.Click the 2nd door,then use the key you got from the drawer to open the door,go in,press the drawer with a letter n.
    7.Click the drawer with an "ne" word for newton,it will then open ,move yout mouse to the papers,when a paper goes out,you get it(its a book card).
    8.Now go back with the 3 doors,go to the 1st door,press the silver thingy on the fence again,then zoom to that square thingy.
    9.Then get your book card from your inventory,put the book card in the line thingy,then press the big button,it shows a little cut video(the cut video is about a machine getting the book from the book card). 10.After the cut video,get the newton book,click the pages until you see the picture,go back to the 3 doors,and go to the 3rd door.
    11.Zoom to the silver box with circle levers,click the third circle lever,it will bring down some newspapers, click it to zoom in,click the newspaper with this number:13/86.
    12.Now press the newspaper on the table,click the picture on the right,it shows a picture of von toten(i think thats von toten,i just think,ok),anyway click the bag von toten is holding and watch a cut video,then go out from the room and click the symbol on the floor and watch another cut video.

  140. Trapped:
    1.Talk to the guy,go to the right twice,click the metal thingy from your bed,there's a burnt metal thingy,click it twice,after that someone puts a paper to the window, anyway keep clicking the metal thingy until it breaks,then when it does click it to get it.
    2.Get the paper a guy just put on the window,read that paper,now use the metal thingy to break another metal thingy(the other one that will break is the on above you pillow),and break the other one with metal thingy you just broke,break all of them.
    3.Now go to the broken walls,the red ones,put all the metal thngies in the holes of broken walls,then press circle above the metal thingies and watch a cut video.

  141. The airfield: 1.Click the house to zoom in,click the plane to zoom in to the plane,then click the wheels and remove the 3 wood blocking it,then go back,click the door to zoom in again,then go inside by clicking the black thing at the side of the house. 2.Click the 2 levers in front of you twice,then click the chair to get out,then zoom in the plane,and click the ending of the plane,then turn the turny thing many times,then go to the front,then turn it again,it will then turn and will never stop,then go to the front,and pull the lever,watch the cut video. Then wait again for the cover front 4^_^

  142. Well that was easy wasn't it^^
    anyway if you didnt understand coz of my poor english just go to these websites:
    remember to go to the first website before the second one^^

  143. This game is so awesome.

    Out with only a COUPLE of clues to help me out! hahaha, I'm getting better at this. :)

  144. I can't wait for Covert 4! Thanks Shuchun!!! :) I love the longer adventure...

  145. Out without any help at all! Another great game from Skutnik and Pastelgames.

  146. that was such an amazing game!!!!!! thank so much to skutnik, my most favorite game designer ever!!!!!

  147. hello i m stuck at library chapter i ve got the girl with the introduction chapter 3 the library some criket sounds but nothing else something wrong with the game? i retry three times from the begining and always stuck at the library chapter introduction.


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