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The Desert Seed

The Desert Seed is a really funny and little point and click type interative art created by RoseDragon. "There once a desert, so empty, no animals no plants. One seed tell its tale. Find six twisted endings on this Interactive Art!" Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tosca]

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  1. wow at the end we all died...damn haha

  2. lets try this one. hi everybody!

  3. I don't really understand what I'm doing! LOL. I have sheep and trees and grass...there's a bird flying but nothing else is

  4. hi from Argentina! i don't understand this game

  5. ah i see. we have to create life!!

  6. I've read the instructions, but they have shed no light! What are we supposed to do next? I have tried watering the grass, placing more sheep....nope! What are you guys talking about when you say "we died" and "that's sad" at the moment, I just have a happy tree and contented sheep and a blue bird LOL!

  7. are we supposed to catch the bird?

  8. 6 endings!?? I cant get 1 lol.

  9. please!! can somebody help?

  10. I got a "people" finally. had to wait a week lol

  11. People built houses.

    I waited and day after day, then a stick figure just showed up and built houses

  12. got a "people" ??? How?? LOL...did you just wait like I am? It's a tad slow....understatement!!!

  13. Tangoboy...did you do anything to make the days go faster? I have been here for ages on the same scene?!

  14. It was day, then nite... quite few times, like 7. Then just showed up. I did click on other icons a few times. Maybe a glitch?

  15. I clicked the seeds at the birds too. But clueless how it happened

  16. Trying for different ending

  17. well I am going to restart and try once more...I am so fed up with just sitting watching a bird fly past grazing sheep. Hopefully I have better luck this time round.

  18. I watered some more, but so far, going same way.

    Not too fun, oh well

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi,

    I'm sorry if the game hard to understand.

    There are 7 areas in the game which you can interact, you just need to plant / water / put things on those areas. When somehow you make right combination of placing things, it will open a new option. You don't have to wait for anything, not even the animation itself.

    For example:
    1st steps: Pick the water and water the main plant until it grow large (and smiling).
    2nd steps: Pick the seed, from 7 areas, there are 5 areas that you can click to grow seeds.
    3rd steps: Pick the animal, from 7 areas, there are 6 areas that you can click to throw sheeps / birds.
    4th steps: Pick the human to build houses.

    There are six possible endings for this 'game'. :)

  21. ok...up to where I was before but this time no bird! LOL....lets hope for the people soon!

  22. Thanks RoseDragon, I'm not having much luck.1st go around had more than one bird. Just got to human, and then city for 1 ending. Trying for 2 now.

  23. ups, I mean there are 9 selectable areas.

    Here is hint-through for the endings:

  24. Ok, I got like 2 different endings, not very nice ones, and I have a question, do you have to have people to get the for let's say more nicer endings? Cause it always leads me to this two endings, and I've tried a lot of combinations... But it's a nice game stil.

  25. Is the trick to place less trees or sheep or something? I have followed the same pattern each time and get stuck. I plant seed, water it, get happy tree, plant more seeds and water and have lush grass and trees everywhere, I place sheep on all grassy areas and have several birds flying around...and that's it. Music is still playing and it is going from night to day....but I simply can't find any other options. Is that the end?

  26. I got ending 6 now. Game still hesitates between sheep and human.

  27. pikzibner: use the ending icons to think around what kind of scenario it could means. Afterward, after one step (ie: plant everything with trees), try to use previous item. 5 of 6 endings accomplished from this route.

    OzTiff: you should have sheeps on grass from clicking on the grassess. (you got birds from clicking on the stones)

  28. Rose, thank you, I got them all!

  29. OK...I have the ending where everything turns into black city and is bombed. I simply can't figure out how to achieve any alternative ending as when you place seed, water, sheep, birds..then person comes...nothing seems to happen if say, you just build one or 2 apears that you have to keep building houses for another thing to happen...I tried planting more seeds, placing more birds or sheep...but nothing happens unless I keep building more houses and then eventually the high rise icon appears....I am so bad at these things....but how can you find a different ending when you appear to need to follow the same route every time. how is there a choice? AAArgh....I am getting frustrated as I want to do something other than just make a black city!!

  30. OzTiff: use the ending icons to think around what kind of scenario it could means. Afterward, after one step (ie: plant everything with trees), try to use previous item. 5 of 6 endings accomplished from this route.

    Or use the hint-through for the endings:

  31. Rose Dragon...thank you for the beautiful game...I am just hopeless at these types of things. I have been to your hint page and I managed to get ending 1 and ending 6 but I just can't work our how to get the others..perhaps I will try another day.
    Thanks for your help :)

  32. Walkthrough [By Everyone]:

    Ending 1:

    1. Seed The Three
    2. Water The Three To Make It Grow
    3. Seed Everything Else
    4. Release Sheeps Everywhere
    5. Release Humans Everywhere
    6. Use Technology On Everything
    7. Nuke Everything!

    Ending 2:

    1. Seed The Three
    2. Water The Three To Make It Grow
    3. Seed Everything Else
    4. Release Sheeps Everywhere
    5. Seed Everything Again!

    Ending 3:

    1. Seed The Three
    2. Water The Three To Make It Grow
    3. Seed Everything Else
    4. Release Sheeps Everywhere
    5. Release Humans Everywhere
    6. Use Technology On Everything
    7. Use Sheep On The Factory Where The Smoke Comes From
    8. Once A "Box" with Something White On it appears, Use Nuke!

    Ending 4:

    1. Seed The Three
    2. Water The Three To Make It Grow
    3. Seed Everything Else
    4. Release Sheeps Everywhere
    5. Release Humans Everywhere
    6. Use Technology On Everything Except The Right Mountain Behind Everything
    7. Use Seed On The Right Mountain Behind Everything!
    8. Then, Use Technology On Everything Else

    Ending 5:

    1. Seed The Three
    2. Water The Three To Make It Grow
    3. Seed Everything Else
    4. Release Sheeps Everywhere
    5. Release Humans Everywhere
    6. Use Technology On Everything
    7. Use Sheep On The Factory Where The Smoke Comes From
    8. Once A "Box" with Something White On it appears, An UFO also appears
    9. Use Technology button and use it everywhere!

    Ending 6:

    1. Seed The Three
    2. Water The Three To Make It Grow
    3. Seed Everything Else
    4. Release Sheeps Everywhere
    5. Release Humans Everywhere
    6. Use Seed On The House Where The Tree You First Seeded Was!
    7. Use Technology On Everything
    8. Water The Area Where You Planted The Seed
    9. Seed Everything Else!

    Thanks For Everyone Who Wrote The Walkthroughs For The Endings ;)

    People Who Wrote The Endings:

    Ending 1: Xoke
    Ending 2: vincent_darkwood
    Ending 3: Prid
    Ending 4: Xoke
    Ending 5: vincent_darkwood
    Ending 6: Alexa Karuda & vincent_darkwood

    [These People Are From]

    These People Only Wrote Some Lines, how to do the endings, but I made this walkthrough with my own words and with Step-By-Step method to help people :D


  33. i enjoyed this game... just clicked the blue outlined areas to interact with environment, then used item obtained to create new scenario and so the nuke end! a bit of a hunt to locate some areas to interact with, but had fun! Sort of reminded me of those games that let you build things...*mind freeze*...can't remember name at the! Anyway... thank you Yalcin! and thank you RoseDragon :D

  34. lol...just remembered game....Grow....that was a fun series!

  35. working link:


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