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Detained is another new point and click type room escape game created by Detained.Use your mouse to click on arrows and objects. Once you have found the map you can view your inventory and combine certain objects. Good luck and have fun!

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  2. Can't believe I caught a live game

  3. Turn around by clicking on the arrow below- left drawer of table is the house map- helps a lot!

  4. it's too dark

  5. ok... click on the map to find them

  6. did it take long to load for you guys? i just got a pic of what looks like a table with a candle and other stuff on it but can't click anywhere

  7. items are in your map.which shows up on right top have to pick it from drawer beside door

    i have full inventory unless last two items and stuck
    i have got numbers 7 (in kitchen), 4 (ceiling),NR0 (child room)

  8. tab key works, helps to find things in the dark- like painkillers in bathroom, and flashlight in the first room to the left when you take the left door under the stairs.

  9. wow I'm lost in this house. somewhere in a basement. I picked up a teddybear, a note,and a syringe. but can't view them

  10. Top cupboard in the room behind a secret path and find syringe, PC Info

  11. ok- so we have to mix cocaine with aspirin and eye drops, then put it in the syringe to administer.

  12. use knife on teddy and get #3.

  13. think we need to combine eye drops with aspirin....
    found painkiller witch may be aspirin, but were is the eye drops?

  14. where is the knife?

  15. take the candle from the room with the secret door leading downstairs, go back down to kitchen, use candle with lemon juice on side of counter, and #7 appears

  16. taippy, knife in in kitchen, turn right- it is stuck in a chair leg.

  17. youcef- eye drops are in dresser drawer to the right of the armoire in room with secret passage. top left drawer.

  18. thank you littlegraycat

  19. I'm exactly at the same point as you, Sishyphos !
    I don't know how to combine items.

  20. 'm in a room with a telescope

  21. i've found a telescope, but nothing can do with it

  22. And there is a 8 in the office (first floor).

  23. littlegraycat thnx:
    combine aspirin+ e.d+ seringe and get sharp sight=> #6 in room where we found the torch torch

  24. Found a telescope in the attic, can't use it though.

  25. 6 on wall when you inject yourself (just click on the bottles and syringe)

  26. so got numbers 4-7-3-8-6-0.but still stuck

  27. will be back after a while... good luck

  28. Sisyphos, where did you find number 3, please ?

  29. ok, and seems the tthe colors of the #'s are the order in which we use them to input the door code, but we're missing a #? wonder if it has to do with the over that we can't open?

  30. where is the fire / matchbox?

  31. help anyone found a computer screen telling me to use the aspirin with the eyedrops and to look at the living room wall but cant seem to combine the 2

  32. Out, I guessed the next to last number.

  33. 3 comes from teddy bear by cutting it with knife

  34. sylli- lighter is left door under staircase- look on the windowsill to the left- tab works if the screen is too dark!

  35. the colors on the map correspond to the #'s. the room in which you found the number is colored on the map- this tells us the order in which to put the #'s for the door code.

  36. grateful littlegraycat, to have found!

  37. the lock combination is 4763058. you match where you find the numbers with the map and the note that tells you what color room is first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh

  38. so, by putting in the door code according to the map colors, we get: (spoiler alert)


  39. Still live?

    Too bad I have work soon.. hopefully I can get something done before hand though.

  40. How do you open your inventory>

  41. Okay so it won't let me open the "map" so I can't get items UGH!

  42. @heyjennison turn around in lobby, open drawer and get map, then you can see inventory

  43. heyjennison you have to find the map first, have a better look round the hallway

  44. Where do I find number 5 (grey) ?

  45. @Pascale move your flashlight around in attic

  46. Thank you, therealgodfather. But I did this several time and didn't find anything.

  47. Could someone tell me where the flashlight is exactly? I cant seem to find that item, and I am lost in the dark...thank you.

  48. Jenva, use the tab key !
    The flashlight is in the drawer of the bookcase in the living-room.

  49. Pascale, sorry for that extra "a" in your name...I havent got light remember :-)

  50. am I supposed to see meteors when I enter the code?

  51. Can anybody explain where is the number in attic ?

  52. Pascale:
    # in top right of attic where u find telescope

  53. Meteorites also seen as the code to ... believe was dead ... had to start new game

  54. Wow, bizarre ending....and we never did get our hands on that gun stuck in the oven, I could do with it now, because the room keeps spinning and its all blurry, over and over....aaahh. LOL

  55. near to the right window

  56. Sylli: think its a bad end... there is the gun, fridge & first door to the right in first floor that cant find a use

  57. still a live game? How do you get to the attic? And, nore important, how the **** do you combine or use objects? I found painkillers, eye-drops and syringe, but I can't combine them!

  58. power of posting... I clicked the syringe and now I iniected myself the mixture...

  59. where is the inventory window? I don't have it..

  60. franza
    just click on the map; then click painkiller, eye-drops &syringe.

  61. Karina Echeverría
    click the map top right of the screen

  62. ok, got to the attic, but, as Pascale, I can't find number 5 near the right window. Maybe I have to do something before? I have all the items but the last 2 (top and bottom). Neither I found number 8 in the study (first floor), where is it?

  63. Franza, number 8 is under the oily paper in the globe.
    I never found number 5.

  64. number eight is under globe in the first room, rightside of stairs

  65. franza click & hold the light spot & move it to explore the attic, for #8 take the ink, open the globe & click the paper inside it

  66. tosca nice seeing u again :0
    does this end look like the good one?

  67. Thank you so much! I had already found #8, but never understood it actually was a # 8 (gosh!). As to the attic I do move my torch around, but I really can't see number 5 and it's the last one I need. Anyway, why our inventory isn't full? Anyone found an alternative end?

  68. The sheet of paper with the number/colour combination is your way out. Look at the map and you'll see each room has a colour. These rooms also have numbers in them and you need to put them in the colour order to get out.

    So, for example the attic with the telescope is the sixth number in the sequence (the gray room). There is a number carved on the wood in this room.

    Good luck.

    p.s. the fourth number is in the Teddy

  69. Did I miss the live game, again :(

  70. Yay...don't know if this is still live...but I'm playing it anyway! Muhahaha.

  71. This game is buggy. When I opened the door with the code and got the bad end, it started up again and then jumped to the Start screen! lol

  72. ok not yet started. the room is just spinning around and around, non-stop. how can i stop it to play ? someone please help me.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Cant seem to imput the code into the keypad, red buttons dont seem to do anything.

  75. any one got any ideas please, I'm must missing something obvious :-(

  76. rwood19--To input the code, first click on the number pad to the left, then it should zoom in and give you a white box above the boxes--just type it in with your keyboard.

  77. Is there a better ending?

  78. is it still loading? all i get is the revolving view from teh door to the stairs and it keeps replaying. cant click nothing.

  79. out at last. The ending is a little strange but good graphics and music

  80. The end is simple. sort of. The start menue in the begining has a choice that says exit..when hovered over it says "you do not want to exit". Hint for the game..dont exit the mansion or you die / bad ending. I do not know how to get the good ending tho

  81. My first partial walkthrought, so excuse any confusion you may have following my instructions. I get stuck with the bad ending and haven't figured out the real solution yet. But I'm sure the first parts are ok.

    1. Click dark arrow at bottom of screen, click desk, click draw, take map. Click arrow on left to back out.
    2. Click bottom arrow (back out), return to scene facing stairs. Click right door (purple room on map), click second door on left, click open globe. Click desk/chair combo on right, take ink on desk, back out to hallway.
    3. Enter room at the end of the hall (yellow room on map), click bookcase on left, click bottom draws, open left draw, take flashlight. Back out to stairs scene.
    4. Click left door, take lighter from closest window sill. Click right door, open medicine cabin on left wall, take Painkillers. Back out.
    5. Enter room at the end of the hall (blue room on map), click arrow on right, take knife under chair, click arrow on left to back out. Go back to stairs scene.
    6. Click stairs, note number 4 on ceiling, click arrow on left, click door. Click first door on left (orange room on map), click on blocks fell on ground, note number 0 on block. Take bear from right shelf.
    7. Open inventory (click map), click knife, then click bear to cut open. Note number 3 in bear. Back out to hall way, click arrow at hall end to walk deeper.
    8. Click closest door on left (second door), click toilet, take and read note paper. The code is for the main door on 1st floor, arrange the number you found according to order of the rooms' colors. Insert number 3 from bear for ? mark. Back out to hallway.
    9. Click on last door on left (third door), click draws on right, take left candle. Open top left draw, take eye drop. Back out to room.
    10.Click deep closet, open left closet door, click red button, click new door (will take you down stairs). Click door at the end of the new hall, take sringe at edge of left table. Click bottom middle security screen, click through the log, read if you like, it's funny if you know a bit about medicine. Back out to 2nd floor hall.
    11.Click door on right, click and drag yellow spot (flashlight light) to top middle, click on chain/cord, ladder to attic will drop down, click opening on top.
    12.You're now in the the attic (grey room on map), click and drag flashlight spot to find number 5 on one of the right beams (it's really heard to find cuz the number is only a shade darker then the beam). Back out to main hall.
    13.Go into the blue room, click beside lemons to place candle, click again to light it, note number 7. Back out to main hall.
    14.Go into the purple room, click inside globe to remove oily paper, note number 8 in the globe. Back out to hallway.
    15.Open inventory, click painkillers, then ink, then eyedrops, then the sringe to inject yourself with the mixture.
    16.Go into yellow room, note number 6 on wall beside clock. Back out. Now you have all the numbers for the code panel.
    17.Click code panel beside main door, click on number pad.

    This is wher I get stuck with the bad ending. If you enter the number as it is, you'll exit the house and find it to be a space with flying rocks and you'll die. I still have two empty spaces in the inventory so I definitly missed something.

  82. In the attic with the telescope if you look real close it actually does have the number 5 in the top right on one of the beams


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