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Mystery Room 2

Mystery Room 2 is the sequel to Mystery Room 1 Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Dorabo. In this game, you are trapped in a room and you need to escape it by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Play This Game

Mystery Room 2 Walkthrough by cricketer9999:

Room 1.

Click right of cupboard near the floor. Pick up cutter.
Back twice.
Go right and click on the plant.
This gives you the code for the cupboard.
If it's root 2, then 1414 works, root 8 then 2828 works, Pi 3141
Go right.
Click on the yellow rectangle on the left cupboard.
Keep clicking the numbers until the correct one appears.
Click push.
It should say ok.
Click on door knob of left cupboard.
Collect coin and go back twice.
Right twice to machine.
Put coin in machine and click red button.
Click on brown and red thing.
Use cutter and collect key.
Back twice and right twice.
Use key on right cupboard and collect coin.
Back twice and Left.
Click bottom right yellow circle on green poster to collect screwdriver.
Select screwdriver and use on poster so it falls and reveals a hole.
Put 100 coin in hole.
"Fit.Open" appears.
Right once.
Click the very centre of the clock.
"Last Open" appears and you'll hear a click.
Click on door knob.

Room 2.

Click on ide and press the letter a.
Press white button to right and hear a click.
Click on door knob.

Room 3.
Click on door knob for Normal end.
Click on Clear to get a "game clear" message and joke end.

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  1. seems like u need to know japanese to play

  2. takes a long time to load

  3. found a knife, and stuck, lol that was quick

  4. Hey guys
    I have what looks like a screwdriver from the bottom right yellow circle on the big green poster wall.

  5. hello juliane

  6. Hi everyone :)
    I'm a bit confused with this game...

  7. I've got the two screwdrivers...or shall we call them nondescript items with yellow handles?

  8. hi elizabeth, me too. thats why im waiting for one of the smart people to figure something out, lol

  9. Left hand cupboard door, click on yellow and then click on the lines that come up. It cycles through a series of pre-set numbers, just keep clicking "push" until it tells you "ok" then you've got an open cupboard!!
    You should get a 10 coin inside

  10. It gets easier once you get the coin :)
    Put the coin in the machine on the view with the star and pacman shapes. You get something else...mytserious. Cut it with your knife-yellow-handled-thingy and you get a black key!!
    Use key on other cupboard door...

  11. i keep clicking but its not saying "ok"

  12. Ack...I opened the other cupboard and got a 100 coin. "Wooo!!!" I thought. But no :( it was not to be!
    I used screwdriver-thingy on the green poster and saw a small hole in wall. I used 100 coin in this hole, went to the door and got into another room where I seem unable to do anything :(

  13. do i click on the numbers until it says ok or do i click on the red push button until it says ok?

  14. Tab works, btw guys. I used it and therefore have no idea how I got out :S

  15. I am in a whole different room now..and I can't get out. It has a door with a lightbulb and the word "key" on the door with two small panels under it. HELP!

  16. onecent, click on the numbers once then click on push once. If it's the right combination, then it'll say OK. If not, click numbers again and then click push again until it works.

  17. im in the next room with yellow door. cant do anything

  18. ImBecky, I got out of there by pressing the small white button in the bottom right of that wall. God knows how that got me out, but it did. Well, it didn't get me much as into ANOTHER room.

  19. thank you elizabeth

  20. I think the code needs to be 2828, which is the square root of 8 (well, 2.828), as seen on the cactus.

  21. Okay, found knife beside cabinet, nail from poster. Found clue to code in plant. Click "push button" until code matches clue in plant. Get 10 yen coin. Put coin in cabinet under stars to get key. Key opens other door on bookcase. Get another coin. Now I am stuck.

  22. Elizabeth, did you have something highlighted first...still can't get out.

  23. im stuck in the room with the light bulb, and suggestions?

  24. ImBecky, I had been randomly clicking around but nothing looked like it had worked...maybe it was invisible progress! But nothing had become highlighted or anything, so I got frustrated and pressed Tab to worked for me!
    In the 3rd room, try the same trick as the 1st room with the numbers.
    My cactus code was find the square root of 2, so I suppose my code was 1717 or something similar.

  25. good...I'm not alone....onecenthdr...welcome to hell.

  26. hi all. still having no luck with 2nd room

  27. well, I'm pressing my little tab key till it's on fire, and still nothing...someone rescue us please!

  28. lol. clicker finger getting raw

  29. In room 2 with door, finish the word and click on the door to get to another room

  30. Becky got it: light bulb = idea, so type the a, press the button & click

  31. thank you hsmt245, phew next room here we come

  32. ahhhh...thank you soooo much dayamayii...and you too Elizabeth, for your I'll be trapped in some other room..

  33. i hit clear and got joker end. im gonna try again to see if theres a different end

  34. wow...out already...with joker end...boooo

  35. sorry, click on small white box then door. In the last room I get joke end.

  36. simple click door knob in third room, for normal end

  37. Still cannot get through 2nd door. Will restart and try again

  38. type a, for 2nd room,
    dont have to click anywhere first
    just type the letter and it will come up

  39. Push "push" and you get the "Joke end" :o))

  40. I pushed "clear" and got a "Joke End" too!

  41. Tried again and got "Normal End".

  42. Hi Asleigh, still there?

  43. this game is taking forever to load...

  44. OUT!!!! woot woot! didnt need anybodys help!!!

  45. lol yeah im here if you need help tell me!

  46. Good for you Ashleigh!
    out with Joke end :-)and even needed some clues, LOL!
    trying for the normal end now

  47. :^)
    I'll try for normal end too

  48. help Im still in the first room. The machine wont take the 10 coin. I tried to zoom in and it wont work.

  49. nvm I finally got it. I always get it after i post it thanks

  50. The first time I played this I had square root of 2 on the plant. 1414 worked on the first cupboard. The second time the plant had root 8, 2828 worked on the cupboard.

  51. In the first room click the clock, it says "Last Open". Then when you get to the third room click on the door handle, that gives a normal end.

    Third time I got Pi on the plant and 3141 worked on the cupboard.

  52. Room 1.

    Click right of cupboard near the floor. Pick up cutter.
    Back twice.
    Go right and click on the plant.
    This gives you the code for the cupboard.
    If it's root 2, then 1414 works, root 8 then 2828 works, Pi 3141
    Go right.
    Click on the yellow rectangle on the left cupboard.
    Keep clicking the numbers until the correct one appears.
    Click push.
    It should say ok.
    Click on door knob of left cupboard.
    Collect coin and go back twice.
    Right twice to machine.
    Put coin in machine and click red button.
    Click on brown and red thing.
    Use cutter and collect key.
    Back twice and right twice.
    Use key on right cupboard and collect coin.
    Back twice and Left.
    Click bottom right yellow circle on green poster to collect screwdriver.
    Select screwdriver and use on poster so it falls and reveals a hole.
    Put 100 coin in hole.
    "Fit.Open" appears.
    Right once.
    Click the very centre of the clock.
    "Last Open" appears and you'll hear a click.
    Click on door knob.

    Room 2.

    Click on ide and press the letter a.
    Press white button to right and hear a click.
    Click on door knob.

    Room 3.
    Click on door knob for Normal end.
    Click on Clear to get a "game clear" message and joke end.

  53. working link:


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