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Nokosareta Mono

Nokosareta Mono Escape is a new point and click type room escape game from Yamayoga. Gather items, use them in right places and escape the house. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. 4 blocks, pencil, key, penguin and strip

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. use strip on penguin - key

  4. Hi Xenon
    is the tittle of this game right?

  5. Find the inheritance that father left to his daughter

    There are 2 guys.
    You can change guys to click the right bottom bule/green button.

  6. Prism goes in front of plane

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. thanks, I was translated it by babel fish and it was strange translation hi

  9. @megi Your title is Japanese itself.
    the meaning is "something left", in other word "inheritance".

  10. I don't think there is serious language barrier.

  11. put blocks and penguin on table beyond door in first room, then pick them up in second room. assemble blocks on the plaque you get from behind the two pictures. then put one picture on the table beyond the door along with the oval mirror. go back to first room and use pencil on back of picture to get code for safe under goose. get another mirror.

  12. what does penguin key open?

  13. tosca, hang square mirror on hooks where laser points, then go back to first room and hand oval mirror on hooks

  14. Zoz, it opens the drawer behind the desk.

  15. The penguin key opens the black drawer of the desk in room 1. Where is the safe and goose?

  16. olivia, click on the right of metal cat to see goose, safe below goose, how did you find the desk drawer?

  17. How do you get a laserbeam?

  18. Click on the upper edge of the black desk to get another view zoz.

  19. ah, POP, found the last two blocks!

  20. what do yu use the stamp for at the end?

  21. there's a switch at the bottom left of the plane. click on it after placing the prism

  22. ohhh right sorry. ty zoz

  23. put the completed puzzle on the desk in the first room and the chair moves...

  24. what do the words "inverted" and "jenny" on back of the picture and the photo mean? and what do i do after the chair moves?

  25. I can find the switch. Is it the white thing - cos clicking that does nothing for me. Thanks for your help zoz.

  26. i didnt use the words for anything but they probably have a meaning
    but have yu got the card from where the laser points?

  27. no, it's black olivia.
    atinder don't leave us hanging!!!

  28. The puzzle is a map..

  29. im heree what do yu want to knoww??
    yea wat george said find the cardd

  30. ah, POP strikes again; check where the laser hits the map, then go to that place.
    Now I can FINALLY go to sleep

  31. Can someone tell me where to find the prism please

  32. @ Wavey under the tv on the right part of that shelf thingy

  33. @ Wavey sorry i meant left my bad

  34. 2 endings in this game.
    whether you found the "Inverted Jenny" or not.

  35. thanks. I must have been blind!

  36. What do you do with the card?

  37. Thanks to Xenon's translation, I'm getting at least somewhere! I didn't realize there were two guys until I read it here. No wonder this seemed a bit too tough at first... xD

  38. Don't give the penguin away without extracting the key first. You would have to restart like me A small bug

  39. where are the blocks found?

  40. I am also missing one block, i am late here

  41. POP found it, it was in the upper drawer of the black desk where i used the second key to open it.

  42. Still anybody here ?
    I cannot manage to move the completed map into the first room. It won´t let me to put it on the brown cupboard to fetch it from the first room.

  43. hi.. hope this game is better and easier than the lab escape one..

  44. hallo! cant get into second room~

  45. Click the green/blue ball down right to change rooms.

  46. Hi! I cannot seem to find this second room pplz r talking about...

  47. I can't hand the square mirror to the other guy! I can't put it on the green table nor any place else!

    Dor, click on the green/blue button above the "about item", and you can change the rooms

  48. i got that. 4 the square mirror, u need to put it on the brown table behind the door.

  49. colleen select on door, select on object to pass to other guy and if its needed to go then it will place on table.if its not needed nothing will happen

  50. When I read your comments, I can hardly imagine that we are playing the same game !
    I have found a bookmark, a pencil, 3 black and white shapes and a penguin. I put the penguin and the 3 shapes on a table beyond the door. I saw the cat and the goose, and the safe under the goose.
    Now what ?...

  51. um... finally out... still a bit confusing though, I was just clicking all around

  52. where is the key for the blue room cabinet?

  53. Hello Everyone can someone pls tell me where the square mirror is? Also there's a dark guy in front of the door and he wont let me pass anything from blue to green room

  54. power of posting?? guy just disappeared from the doorway!!!

  55. Did everyone leave?
    I can't get the plane to switch on. Is there something I have to do first?

  56. @gcbrochu - key is at the bottom right corner of that same cabinet.

  57. To switch on the plane, there's a dark/blackish bit on the woody base below the plane.

    How does one "find the Inverted Jenny" stamp?

  58. and what does one do with the credit card? I can't get it to the other room.

  59. Thanks Gardiner but I still cannot get the laser. all I know is that suddenly I could turn the plane round and a stamp was underneath. No idea where this credit card is. I'm left with the stamp and cannot get out

  60. @Gardinner, you can use the card to get out

  61. I think the game is buggy. I just opened the cabinet again and found another board. when i open the drawers i get the puzzle pieces showing on it and then disappearing

  62. Can someone please tell me where this credit card is? I only have a stamp that I cannot pass from the blue room and cannot get out the door

  63. seems I'm the only one who didnt get the card for the door

  64. The card is in the trap door on the floor in first room. You need to make the laser work with two mirrors, because the laser will show you the spot where you find the trapdoor.

  65. help!I have the card but I don't know what to do with it...can't put it in the other room!and,in the second room,I have one empty spot in my inventory...what am I missing?

  66. nvm out...turned off the laser and got the stamp from the plane,and then I was able to get out...

  67. thanks a lot Zazie thanks for HELPING Meantime I started all over again

  68. Can someone please tell me where on the plane I have to click ... it's the second time I'm trying and my laser wont switch on. I have the prism and both mirrors in place

  69. Finally it worked!!!!!!!! wohooooooo LOL

  70. Big thankyou to Zazie - I'm finally out!!

  71. You are welcome Koralle

  72. This game is very confusing. I could use a walkthrough...

  73. lots of posts and nothing seems clear or specific except for a few comments which makes it confusing to newcomers. A walkthrough or more specific explanations would be appreciated.

  74. what to do with the penguin thats left after putting
    the pieces together (map) and placing it on the table wasn't explained either. Also it's not clear on how to open the trap door. Oh well, maybe someone will be kind enough to write a walkthrough. Tx.

  75. How do you turn he plane around for the stamp??

  76. I still can't find the last black and white block (

    (I already have the one from the desk drawer)

  77. It's the square just to the left of centre in the middle of the 'picture' if that helps anyone tell me where it is )

  78. Plane wont turn until you click on the 24 cents on the penquin. And the switch for the lazer is not on the plane itself, its on the stand that the plane is on and is fairly hard to see a dark square on the lower left - took me ages to find it!

  79. Two in desk drawer, I think. One in the locked draw. Key in penquin, you must open and get this before passing to 2nd room. If you haven't you will have to start again.

  80. i think you need to explore every item you get to get the plane to turn. i hadn't seen the jenny onthe back of the photo. and after i did the plane turned easily.

  81. Thanks Gamesraider...I had missed one in one of the desk drawers on the left...can't see the drawers, so was just guessing where they might be to open them and must have missed one the first couple of times!

  82. I know it sounds silly but just go thru every thing in your inventory and tunr it around to make sure

  83. And out! Got End 1 and that's good enough for me )

  84. Walkthrough - "first ending"

    the green/blue button above the "about items" box changes rooms. Knowing this will save you lots of anguish!
    there are separate inventories for the two rooms; you can transfer things from one room to another by placing them on a desk on either side of the door.

    1. take penguin from bookshelf
    2. go left and take the block from the second middle shelf, the pencil from the glass on the table, and click on the blue book that is sticking out on the right shelf, third row from top. Take the bookmark from the book.
    3. view penguin and turn him around. insert bookmark into slot on back of head and take the "blue heart" key.
    4. go left and click behind the desk for a new view. Use the key on the top right drawer and take the block. Also take the block from the left middle drawer.
    5. go left and click on the right cabinet door of the green desk. Take the block. back up and click the open space in the doorway. Place the four blocks and the penguin on the desk.
    6. click green button to change rooms. take prism and fifth block from below tv.
    7. go left. Pay no attention to that man in the doorway! take the blocks and the penguin off the desk. take wooden board from lower left cabinet.
    8. click to see the right side of desk. take the "red heart" key and use it to open the first drawer of the desk. take the block.
    9. go left and click twice on the airplane on the table to get a closeup view. place the prism on the square.
    10. back up once and notice there is now a black switch on the left side of the stand the plane is on. flip the switch to activate the laser.
    11. open the cabinet doors and take the photo (it says "jenny" on the back) and the oval mirror.
    12. back up and see that the laser points to a spot by some hooks on the ceiling. leave them for now and go left.
    13. click the child's drawing on the wall and note that "Inverted" is written on the back. click the next child's drawing (back is blank).
    14. go left twice. the man won't let you click through the door, so use the blue button, then use it to click back to the second room. Now you can click the opening in the doorway to get access to the green table on the other side. Place the "cat" drawing and the oval mirror there and go back to the first room using the button.
    15.retrieve the mirror and the cat drawing from the green table. Look at the back of the cat drawing and use the pencil to reveal a four digit number.
    16. back up and go right. click on the metal cat sculpture, then click on its tail just to the right/center to see that the other side of the sculpture is a goose. below the goose the outline of the top of a door is visible
    17. click on the door and enter the code from the cat picture into the keypad. take the square mirror and place it on the wooden table in the second room, then use the button to go back to the second room.
    18. take the square mirror and hang it on the ceiling hooks, where the laser beam is pointing.
    19. go back to the first room and hang the oval mirror on the hooks above the desk.
    20. go back to the second room and highlight the wooden board and assemble the blocks on it. you now have a map of the first room. Place this map on the green table through the doorway, then go back to the first room.
    21. take the assembled map and place it on the desk where the square indicates. Note where the laser beam hits the map and go there (it is a spot in the middle of the floor).
    22. open the trap door and take the credit card. you can now go back to the second room and leave through the door for "first ending"

  85. Walkthrough for "second ending"

    1. go to second ending and look at the plane.
    click on the photo of the girl in your inventory and turn it over so "Jenny" is visible. also make sure the picture with "inverted" is turned over AND that the penguin is turned over.
    2. turn the laser off and click on the plane to see the underside. take the stamp off the wing. Now we see the meaning of "24 cents" on the penguin! you can now exit through the door or go back to the first room and go through the door between the two rooms.
    3. exit the room. there may be more, but I never could use the stamp or transfer it or the credit card from one room to another. The card looked like it was missing half. if anyone finds another end, please share!

  86. and now for an editorial comment:
    it was almost 4am when I first played this, so my comments weren't especially clear. Even so, I am surprised at the number of comments that followed complaining that the previous writings were hard to follow and that there was no walkthrough. I know it's frustrating when someone else's comments are unclear or even misleading, because I've been there. But it's ultimately your game to figure out. Please don't blame others who are trying to help, even if their comments aren't helpful at all! It's just a game, after all.


  87. How do you get the Stamp? No one's saying how...

    I turned off the laser. I got the card. But where on the plane do you get the Stamp?

  88. Thanks for the walkthrough Zoz. Well done! As far as any comments or complaints made, & although I usually try to figure things out on my own before reading other's posts, I'm always thankful for any clues other's post that I've not been able to catch on to myself. I think it's also sometimes just a matter of understanding what other's are trying to give clues on, which isn't always easy. Not everyone thinks alike anyway! lol Yep, you're right too in that it's just a game & should be taken as such. Anyway, thanks again for the walkthrough, it's helped me finally finish the last part which I was a bit confused about. Cheers!

  89. The shadow 'person' that you see in the door form time to time, is the shadow of the guy in that room. When you click on the open door to transfer items and forget to click away from the door before you switch rooms, you will not be able to click on the open door from the next room because the guy in that room is still standing in the doorway. You need to switch rooms, click away from the doorway, switch back and then you'll be able to click on the open door again.

  90. good game but a little confusing because of the language barrier.. got stamp in book at end when i used credit card and then code a 4 digit code in the closing screen, but don't know what it means...

  91. LOL stamp is called an inverted jenny and is worth an absolute fortune!!! Take it over the creditcard anyday
    ps I know this old game...

  92. working link:

  93. caught this one, 'cause it was recently posted on Sniffmouse site

    thx for creating this game, Yama ☺

    & thx for the WT, zoz
    although had to restart, because I tried to place stamp in penguin & then the animal was greyed out in inventory, hence couldn't choose it anymore for placing bookmark - & the dude was standing in the way at door, couldn't pass...

  94. ok, didn't read WT properly, but it's still a bit confusing for me...

  95. 2nd time playing, couldn't reach side view of cat statue anymore for putting in the 4#code...

  96. (hence I can't exit...!)

  97. ok, replayed once more - when I got the stamp, cat statue can't be seen anymore in side view

  98. oh, the chair was in the way...!


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