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Solitude Escape

[REPLAY] 58Works - Solitude Escape is another Japanese point and click escape game developed by 58 Works. You are trapped in an unknown island and you have to escape the island by finding and using items with clues. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. im the first for the first time yay!

  2. Geee... I need help... I think we may need to start a fire and make a torch to enter the cave, right?

  3. awesome.. how I love a good game...

  4. I put the straw in the campsite, maybe I shouldn't have? I need a torch!

  5. i have a fire and looking for a way to make a torch so i can go in cage. oil leaking out of tank after using wrench too

  6. okay Feline I am on this side with far I only have a stick, a rope and a belt...
    where are you up too Feline..?

  7. Chris, how did you make fire?

  8. i am stuck were the water fall is it wont let me go back ah darn

  9. Lol, power of posting! Had forgotten about the sun, he, he.

  10. got a fruit, a line w/ hook, stick, magnifying glass (used), straw (used), and wrench (used)

  11. the oil from my tank is spilling and I don't have anything to fill with it..

  12. Oh, found a mallet or big hammer!

  13. Myrie, neither do I! I thought maybe I could use T-shirt on it, but I can't!

  14. im at the water fall it wont let me back out help o wat to do ☺☻

  15. okay so now the question is how do I light my torch...

  16. Oh, OK. Double click on stick to bring it on screen, then use T-shirt on it, then put it in oil! Lol!

  17. Myrie, come on, light your fire! Lol!

  18. wheres tshirt ???

  19. ooOOoo ok i see no one wants to help me §weet q!rl....

  20. To back up from waterfall click the left arrow.

  21. Where is the hammer? And where do I find the shirt?

  22. Chris, how did you catch your crab?

  23. shirt iz hanging on tree by the birds, use stick to get it down

  24. Hammer is in the scene of river with gate, left bottom side.

  25. I found a white slab of some sort, that fits in any of the slots by cave gate.
    I put my hammer in the hole with sunbeam in cave, but it doesn't seem to have triggered anything...

  26. use torch on bees and get second stone~

  27. i think i got crab when hammer was in hole in cave

  28. Myrie, shirt is in scene before treasure chest, on branch with birds.
    Did anyone find out what we must do? Or I, at least... Stuck, lol!

  29. Chris, my hammer is in hole in cave, but the crab still eludes me...

  30. crab cuts branches blocking chest~

  31. crab cuts wood for treasure box

  32. Did you guys find the rope?

  33. I want a crab, too! Help! Now I have a raddish or something...

  34. My crab ran away!!! where do I find it again?

  35. raddish? where? and where iz rope? somewhere obvious?

  36. Maybe I need to restart? Because my crab has vanished from the game...

  37. Feline the crab is behind the left rock.

  38. Roberta, my crab ran away too!

    For raddish tie the rope where you found the yellow slab and go down.

  39. throw nut across river to move wood and open gate

  40. Christianity, many thanks!!!

  41. The rope is in the first forest scene the one before the birds. It's under one of the rocks on the left side.

  42. @larue, what nut?

    Oh, got red slab!!!

  43. feeling stupid yet again

  44. @larue, oh, you mean the raddish-looking thingie! Lol!

  45. Red tile is under right rock in the same place as radish, you have to break it with the hammer

  46. got red white and yellow slabs where is nut

  47. Oh, many collectable things after the river!

    Code on back of wooden board.

  48. aw, great. puzzle with tiki guys

  49. @lymyinpa, "nut" is the raddish-looking thing you get in the same place as red slab.

    Any hints on how to move the stone heads?

  50. I'm having trouble fishing... Any hints?

  51. put solar screen on roof-found in water

  52. got stick made fishing pole

  53. Oh, OK, got it! Pretty fish!

    Still need help with stone heads, though...

  54. how to get fish??? need bait?

  55. I am having trouble fishing.

  56. @larue, I can't pick up the solar screen and my bird doesn't want the fish... Help, please!

  57. For fishing: get red fruit to the right of river, cut it open with crab and use the white ball as a bait.

  58. Solar panel is floating in the first beach

  59. got answer or tiki heads~ make two on each end face eachother, like the face or vase pic

  60. doreans, go fishing with the white pearl you have

  61. @larue, my fish is on the roof, but the bird doesn't come eat it, even with the whistle.

  62. Thanks feline.

  63. @feline try fishing again for the second "golden" fish :)

  64. what order for stones?? does any1 know

  65. Jase, really? OK! Gone fishing...

  66. fish twice, get orange one~~~

  67. Jase, thanks! Picky bird...

  68. Ahn... Now what? Do I need to figure out the slab code?

  69. yan, what order did u put stones in???

  70. Aw... Slab order, anyone? All I have left is 4 slabs and my torch, plus what's with the hotspot on cave wall after you put staff in hole?

  71. hotspot is another slab~ if u didn't get that, where iz the other one???

  72. Maybe I need something else? Have one space left in invventory...

  73. I think i am missing a slab. I have red, white, and yellow.

  74. I'm stuck yet!!! Think missing one slab, have red, white, yellow and green, torch and hotspot on cave with staff. Help!!

  75. @doreans_call_me_dor I had trouble with the stones the most. There are 5 (thought there was only 4). The colour matches the Element.

  76. @doreans, but I can't get any slab from the hotspot...

  77. hey you all, I'm trying to do the Lab Escape by myself. HEEEEELLLLP!

  78. @ feline. You need your trusty hammer to hit that hotspot.

  79. there is a green slab somewhere in the seen where place the ladder

  80. How do we get the slab from hot spot? My hammer is stuck in cave under stone heads.

  81. i thought so. where is green?
    @feline, u need to use the hammer on it~ dont leave hammer in cave.

  82. JMB, but if I take my hammer back, the door closes me in! My torch doesn't stay in that hole...

  83. take hammer out and use it on stalagmite~

  84. @ feline. Go back to cave and get hammer. You can find something else in there to put in the hole so you can take your hammer. (Look up.)

  85. I left my hammer inside the second cave to get out :S

  86. Okay I got the green but my hammer is stuck too.

  87. You have to use your hammer on the hotspot. Check the trap cave for something "else" to stick in the hole.

  88. @doreans, but if I take hammer back, the door closes...

  89. in the door under the big heads, instead of placing the hammer, hit the stalactite hanging on the ceiling nearest to the entrance and place it in the hole, so u would have the hammer

  90. Ahhh!!! I clicked the wrong button and now have to restart! Ahhh!!!

  91. where did u find green?????

  92. Out. Thanks everyone.

  93. t wont let me back out from the water fall help o,g

  94. *sigh* nvm. why do i have to b so stupid???

  95. Dorean if you are still looking the green is in the screen where you have the ladder. On the left bottom side in some grass.

  96. I'm out!!! Thanks to you all!!!! Loved the game ;)

  97. way to go Roberta! and doreans! who making the

  98. I have been waitn for 58 works to release this 1 it was cute

  99. ผ่านแล้ว สนุกดี เกมส์ดีมากครับ
    เอก วัดมารฯ

  100. I need help please! Where is the stick for the fishingpole? How do I get rid of the snake? Thanks!

  101. stick for fishing pole on roof with solar panel. no need to mess with snake!

  102. I did the heads and nothing has happened....can't find fishing pole, solar panel or even a roof :(

  103. Is there no one here any more?

  104. Terry, i did the heads too, but you need first the bulb to see the hint on the wall, then do the heads and the door will open.

  105. Is that the bulb in the light near the room near the heads? If do I get it? I've tried everything. Am i missing something?

  106. Terry, give the gold fish to the eagle on the roof, then click on the eagle as long as you get the key for the treasure chest. Then you have the bulb. ;-)

  107. but I don't have the fishing pole so I can't catch the fish to give to the eagle :( :(

  108. and I can't even see a roof anywhere :( >>sniff<

  109. did yu find the ladder terryj? its on the right after crossing the bridge

  110. Gee, if I ever end up on a desert island, I truly hope it's as well equipped as this one ;D

  111. Terry, see comments 125 and 70.

  112. Where is the white slab?

  113. Pickup stick
    Go Right
    On the left side of the path, click on the rock until it moves over.
    Pickup rope
    Go forward
    Pickup straw on the right side of the path
    Use the stick to get the T-shirt next to the two birds
    Go right then forward past the tank to a bee’s nest
    Pickup wrench on the right side of the path
    Go back to the tank and use the wrench to take off the nut on the fuel tank
    Double click on the stick then add the T-shirt to it to make a torch
    Then use it on the fuel
    Go left twice then up once
    Put the straw in the fire pit
    Then go forward once to the river
    As you are looking at the bridge, just to the left and next to the shore
    Pickup a hammer in the water
    Go right and you will see something shinny in the water
    Click on it and get a magnifying glass
    Click on the berry bush on the right and get a peace of fruit
    Go left twice and get a fish hook
    Go back to the fire pit
    Use magnifying glass to start the fire and use it to light the torch
    Go back to the bee’s nest
    Use torch on bees
    Go forward and use rope on tree limb
    Go down
    Pickup coconut sprout
    To the right is a light colored flat rock
    Use hammer on it and get a red ruby
    Climb up and to the right of the rope you will see a yellow spot
    Click on it for the yellow ruby
    Go back to the river where you saw the bridge
    Use coconut sprout on bridge
    Cross bridge and get stick ladder next to plant
    Go forward then into building
    Next to the logs, pickup a board
    Double click on it and then click it to turn it over
    You will see a hint
    Click on the barrel and it tips over
    Use hammer on crack on wall and get a bird call
    Back out and put the stick ladder next to the door
    Go up and get a stick
    Double click the stick and add the fish hook to it
    Go down and then to the right
    Note stone heads, We will come back to them
    Go back to where you see the stick ladder and pickup the green ruby
    Its in the plant on the left side of the door
    Go all the way out to the beach where it all started
    You should see something floating in the water
    It’s a solar panel
    Turn left
    Click on crab and he will run into the cave
    Go into the cave
    Use torch then enter cave
    Next to the skull, get a white ruby
    Go left
    There is a rock on the left of the beam of light
    Click on it and get the crab hiding there.
    Go back to where you saw the treasure chest under the tree
    Use the crab to cut the roots and take the chest
    Go forward to the bridge and turn left
    Double click on the fruit
    Use crab to open fruit and take white center
    Double click on the fishing pole and put white center on hook
    Go fishing!
    Keep fishing until you get a gold fish
    When you get one, cross the bridge and climb up the stick ladder
    Put the solar panel on the base and the gold fish on the pedestal
    Use the bird call on the sky and wait for the Eagle to eat the fish
    Get a key from the Eagle’s talon and open the chest with it.
    Take the black light and go into the building
    Screw the black light into the light fixture on the ceiling
    Note the way the stone figures are facing
    Go out and to the right
    Turn the stone heads so they match the pictures on the wall and they will lift
    Go in and take shaft
    The door will close
    Use the hammer on a stalagmite next to the door and put it in the hole to hold the door open
    Go back to the cave where the crab was
    Put the shaft in the hole under the light beam
    Note where the lite hits the wall and use your hammer
    Get blue ruby
    Go back and take the right cave
    Put the ruby’s in there place by element
    Plant - Green
    Sky - White
    Fire - Red
    Water - Blue
    Go in and open door to sub
    Put the yellow ruby in the slot on the right
    Click on yoke
    Your out

  114. silent spectator, its next to the skull...

  115. Merci beaucoup, Georges. It was a nice game !

  116. I'm impressed Shuchun....that was one hell of an escape game. The only thing it needed was maybe someone for me to talk to.... I never felt so alone :( but it was more adventurous than your other ones. Keep it up, the more graphics and longer time, the better the game. It took me a good half hour to get out. I can't wait to see where the adventure takes me. When I escaped I went into a cave. Will it continue underwater or will I find another island??? The mystery awaits....way 2 go!!!!

  117. How can I hit the spot where the light hits after use the shaft if I don´t have the hammer anymore?
    I can´t pick the shaft back to replace the hammer in the other cave. If I get the hammer back the door closes.
    Any help?

  118. Brilliant game, good logic, graphics and ideas. Very fun to play. I wish there were more escape games of this calibre and genre.

  119. I ain't got a hammer anymore cause I used it in te cave wat 2 do now?

  120. oh got it, use hammer on like big... stone icle and put that in hole... Clever!

  121. really good game had but not impossible

  122. i loved it! making my words yours, jenva: brilliant game!

  123. Great game! Thank you game makers for producing a well thought out bug free delightful game to play. Hope you make many more. After the last batch of buggy dumb games it was truly a wonderful thing to play your excellent game.

  124. I'm just curious, does this game work with firefox? Every time I try, the line goes about 2/3 across the screen and stops loading. If I try to refresh, it always starts all over again and the same thing happens.

  125. Bravo! Keep up the good work! It was not hard, but still challenging. Can't wait for the next installment! Great Job :D

  126. Can not start the game red line loads across the screen . but cant get a start button! Does anyone have any idea on how to start this game? Please!

  127. There's a question mark at the end of the game at "To Be Continued?" - I think the author wants an answer! Mine is ABSOLUTELY!!! This game was great. Thanks!

  128. I've tried loading this game for the last 24 hours without success, glad to know it isn't only me that can't get it to load. Too bad, because from the comments it sounds like it was a good game.

  129. One of the best games I've ever played. Thank you

  130. somethings wrong - it won't let me tie the rope around the limb after the bee nest! i'm clicking like crazy!!!

  131. ok my bad - i missed the rope behind the rock - i used the hook rope instead !

  132. that was really fun! great graphics, lots of locations to explore! no violence :0) wish there were lots more of these !

  133. That was the best game I have played for a long long time. Well done to the makers and I look forward to the next installment!

  134. Very good game! I only needed the guy who I was ''playing'' to make comments once in a while, like if I pressed something that I thought made sense, but really didn't, then he could like say something like ''the stone isn't important'' or so..
    I definitly hope to see a continue!

  135. caught this one from a YouTube VWT recently recorded

    what a cool game - thx 58 ☺
    needed to peek 1x or 2x into the WT, so glad that years ago there were WTs made

  136. Great long game!!!
    Hints I needed:
    1) Use the crab on the zoomed red berry to get a white sphere to use for fishing. Fish once, place the fish, then go back and fish again.
    2) There is a white gem next to the skull (total of 5 colored gems)
    3) Outside the cave with the barrel use hammer on wall and use ladder there, too
    4) A solar panel suddenly appears at the beach at some point during the game, I think the same thing happened for t-shirt in parrot scene. Illogical.
    4) Silly pixel hunt using hammer on one tiny spot inside cave under the 4 heads. We should've been able to use torch in that hole instead.

  137. I never played this before...what a great game! Here we are 8 years later and it's still one of the best games I've ever played! Definitely needed the WT that Georges wrote - so glad that he did!!!

  138. These are very well thought out games, excellent


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