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Escape The Elevator

Escape The Elevator is another new point and click type room escape game from Gamershood. You are locked in the elevator and you need to get out like in any other escape game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. thanks jon and yalcin. btw, yalcin, i love the redesigned site!

  2. ok, i'm stuck

  3. what good is an axe and a fire extinguisher if you can't get them???

  4. you can get the fire extinguisher just don't know what to do with him

  5. i'm stuck too, pinkzipper. HAAAALLP!

  6. lol, not often i look in comments for help, now i have there isn't any help!! ha ha

  7. hey jon, you started it, lol

  8. pz, how did you get the fire extinguisher???

  9. hi! i don't understand! what are we supposed to do? i can't do anything!

  10. AHAH! Tab key works! whoohoo!

  11. ?????????????????????????????????????

  12. well, i found a crowbar (left side of elevator door hotspot somewhere), then i got fireextinguisher after pressing button (open cabinet up right to the door) put extinguisher into cables that hold the elevator, and now i'm srtuck

  13. how did you get the extinguisher?

  14. did you get it yet zoz? I can't get it either

  15. i have only been able to pick the tie up so far, anyone able to pick anything else up?

  16. cabinet to the door on top of elevator, not in the elevator :)

  17. where? i can't find crowbar

  18. weird, i found the hot spot for the crowbar using the tab key, got the fire ext. messed with the wires, and now everything is gone from my inventory and the boxes/cabinets are all closed again.

  19. and hotspot for crowbar is to the left of the elevator door in the elevator, lol, sorry i'm having difficulties with language, lol

  20. there's a hot spot to the right of the fire ext. If you click it you have to start over with the crowbar in the wall. Strange... is this 123bug?

  21. after putting extuinguisher in elevator cables i went down and found a coin in the shirt pocket, shish, now what?

  22. I think I'm gonna give up coz mine is buggy! Once I did the wires and put the fire extingusher in the middle og the screen it just re-sets to before I did it :(

  23. I think there is a bug:
    Crowbar (left of door down) used to open panel right of upper door, fire extinguisher used right beneath the axe in the thing that looks like H.
    Then down again collect a coin or something of the shirt, put it in fire extinguisher, click handle of it, collect axe and use it above this all.
    Then i´m down again and can repeat it?!

  24. i've got extinguisher! what now?

  25. hi everyone how did you get fire extringuisher and zipper

  26. in my game i get the ext and can't put it anywhere or get a coin from the shirt. all i can do is click above the crossbar of the H and go backwards.

  27. same happened here Thorsten

  28. Ok, it seems to be a glitch or something.
    There is sometimes a small point to click where the game resets!
    If you get the axe, don´t click anywhere except the axe itself!

  29. shish, i'm out, this game is buggy, after making a hole in the upper elevator door, go back for clothes hanger, presss it in inventory to nmake it into wire, and go up again and use it on hole in the door, this is a buggy game, :D

  30. When I click on the hotspot on top of the fire extinguisher I have to go get the crowbar and do it all again

  31. lol, full of bugs!! fun though!

  32. I clicked on the middle of the ladder and got a red dot. I think it was a fire? Anyway, I clicked above the red dot and the fire extinguisher went back into it's spot on the wall. I haven't found any other hot spots yet.

  33. Take the tennis ball you find in the shirt and put it into the fire extinguishers nozzle. Then you can take the ax and hit the fire ext. causing it to bust a hole in the elevator door. Return down stairs and grab the shirts hanger. click on the hanger making it bend then put the hanger thru the hole upstairs and your out.

  34. hmmm, i was just about to quit when i was able to place the exting. in the H, get the coin, plug the exting, and it started puffing. anybody else past that point? I hate elevators!

  35. After this you can get the shirt hanger (is it so called) and click on it to make it more straight.
    Then use it in the hole of the door and your out!

  36. thanks pz. this was a strange game

  37. have the clothes hanger now

  38. thanks pamela! so much for the security camera, lot of help that was.

  39. lol, has nobody escaped yet?
    sorry...if anyone needs help!

  40. I gave it one more try (used the bug sprayer) and I'm out!

  41. after catching the coin in the pocket of the shirt, it puts in the extinguisher fire(na hose and it presses the trigger), he will begin to loosen the gas. He/she/you catches the axe, he/she clicks in him and in the door the left of the threads, he explodes and he/she makes a hole in the door. Return he/she catches the hanger, click, he sees a thread. It returns in the door and use. Press the botton(qualquer a) and leave! !l Sorry my english...

  42. Click on the axe,
    go downstairs again click on de shirt get de hook click on the hook. Then go back up again and click on the hole you created in de elevator door. Then click on de green up button.. tada YOU ESCAPED!

  43. haha i was a second to late:P to reveal the final moves to espace! Lol.

  44. Hi. I think it was confusing because whenever you picked up an object it automatically used it until you used the ax. Instead of clicking on the fire extin. when the ax is in your inventory, click on the ax in your inventory!!!

  45. crowbar

  46. It's kind of glitch *items reappear when you hit a certain point*, but it's relatively easy.

    Here's a walkthrough:
    1- Turn left, the click on the tie on the shirt to obtain it.
    2- Turn right to first scene again, and you'll see an arrow pointing up; click on it.
    3- You'll see a ceiling door, which opens by clicking on it (the tie is automatically used on it).
    4- Notice a fire extinguisher and an axe (both of which you'll be able to use later).
    5- Go back down (the through the hole, not the arrow), and click on left of elevator to get a crowbar (you couldn't click on the wall until now).
    6- Go up again, and now go down through the arrow.
    7- Click on the panel (opens with crowbar automatically).
    8- Click on the 'red button'.
    9- Turn back to the scene with the fire extinguisher and take it.
    10- Click exactly above the bar of the ladder to put the fire extinguisher.
    11- Now go back to the shirt scene and hit on the pocket to receive a coin.
    12- Turn back to the fire extinguisher and put the coin on its hose end.
    13- Click on the releasing pin of the extinguisher.
    14- Now take the axe and click on it (you'll notice that there's now a hole in the second elevator scene).
    15- Go back to the shirt scene, click on the shirt to make it fall, then take the hanger, and click it again on the inventory to 'straighten' it.
    16- Go to the second elevator scene and click on the hole.
    17- Now click either button, and you've escaped!

  47. games has too many bugs

  48. keeps on repeating....bugs yes

  49. wow havent played for a while missed alot

  50. working link:


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