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Tres Conquistadores Walkthrough

Tres Conquistadores


Tres Conquistadores is another point and click adventure game created by A10.com. Kill, kill, click, conquer: a conquistador's life is always full of fun. Click items in the environment to navigate your conquistadores safely (and the natives not-so-safely) through their adventure. Good luck and have fun!

Warning: This game may not be suitable for young players.

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whoa! I wasn't expecting the impaled eyeball in this game.

lol... I've only been able to burn and sink the ship or have two of the crew members killed by the savages... LOL, this game makes me laugh, but I am beginning to grow weary of not getting anywhere...

easy game. Surprisingly bloody.

Funny one...out. And foolish me first thought to be friends with the natives.

where are you stuck? I can help if you want

Thanks kitkatfox- I finally made it out. Silly game!

Just in case someone gets stuck

Scene 1
Click the ship’s sail
Click the anchor chain
I don’t think you can die here

Scene 2
Click the end of the telescope
I don’t think you can die here

Scene 3
Click the left front native
Click the cannon to raise it 1 time
Click the man with the fire
Click the large man and watch the native eaten by a shark
Death 1 -- aim the cannon straight up and fire (burn the ship down)
Death 2 -- aim the cannon straight out (leave it like it is) and fire (burn the ship down)

Scene 3
Click the lowest coconut to kill the native
Click the coconut
Click the shovel
Click the axe
Click the large man
Click the skinny man
Click the clouds
Click the little man
Click the little man again and then once again so he cuts down the farther palm
Death 1 --click the small man so he walks up to the native or click the native (impaled through the eyeball)
Death 2 -- after the little man crosses the bridge, click the big man (fall and die by impaling on the spikes)

Scene 4
Click the men to get them across the crocodiles. You can’t have all three men on the same crocodile at the beginning. It doesn’t matter the order as long as you do NOT jump on a crocodile with its mouth open. Instead, just click one of the other men to jump on with you.
Death -- jump on a crocodile with an open mouth (get eaten)

Scene 5
Click the tripwire to cut it
Get captured
Death -- click the men to move them forward without cutting the tripwire (decapitation)

Scene 6
Click the sword in the tree
Click the ropes of the men
Click the bucket
Click the water to fill the bucket
Click the bucket of water to raise it
Click the fire to put it out
No death that I could find here, but you can electrocute the men by clicking the pole

Scene 7
Click the pole that falls
Click the right torch to free the men
Death -- let the ceiling fall (get mashed)

Scene 8
Click the left chain of the skeleton
Click the key
Death -- click the key first (get cut in half)

Scene 9
Click the raised green floor stone
Click the second raised green floor stone
Click the door lock
No death I could find (darn, I was hoping for lasers)

Scene 10
Push the bottom right button on the control panel
No death I could find

To be continued

I can't do it! :o(

I am just off the island in my ship. I have one of the natives in his canoe in the water. I want to light the cannon next and get rid of his friends, but my guy won't light it. The only thing I am able to do is have the fat guy jump in the canoe, which ends with 2 of my people getting killed with spears!

There must be something obvious that I am missing...

Ok, this game is very buggy.

I restarted and got past that bit...my guy would not light the cannon until I reloaded.

Now I have planted a coconut, but nothing has happened, and there don't seem to be any hotspots left to click :o(

I presume that a palm tree is supposed to grow, and the little man can then chop it down with his axe to form a bridge...but even after restarting and again planting the coconut, nothing happens!! There are no hotspots, and nowhere to get any water. I am sick of this stupid game.

You´ll need some rain Kiri...

       Anonymous  12/9/09, 1:12 AM  

Hello all...
It was really nice article about gaming i really like this...
So i will definitely read the whole......

nintendo dsi r4

Whoa! Great game!!

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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